Boston Judge Unblocks Trump Travel Ban, Asks "Where Does It Say Muslim Countries?"

Boston Judge Unblocks Trump Travel Ban, Asks "Where Does It Say Muslim Countries?"
Thus demonstrating there are retards in every profession.

I guess it's just a fantastic coincidence the guy who opened his campaign by calling for a Muslim ban just happened to enact a Muslim ban which only includes Muslim countries.
Link to Muslim ban?
It doesn't say "Muslim ban" because of that nasty inconvenience for Trump in the First Amendment, but everyone, even a retard judge and a retard like you, knows what it is.
Yes, I, and every educated American, know what it is....

It's just strange you think it's a Muslim ban.....
Boston Judge Unblocks Trump Travel Ban, Asks "Where Does It Say Muslim Countries?"
Thus demonstrating there are retards in every profession.

I guess it's just a fantastic coincidence the guy who opened his campaign by calling for a Muslim ban just happened to enact a Muslim ban which only includes Muslim countries.
Link to Muslim ban?
It doesn't say "Muslim ban" because of that nasty inconvenience for Trump in the First Amendment, but everyone, even a retard judge and a retard like you, knows what it is.
Yes, I, and every educated American, know what it is....

It's just strange you think it's a Muslim ban.....
"Muslim ban."

"Death panel."
Biker? What are the top five countries with the largest populations of Muslims?

Doesn't matter, it's what Giuliani said. He said that Trump came to him and asked him how to legally do a Muslim ban, and the solution they came up with was to call it a terrorist ban, even though Trump originally said Muslim ban and wanted to know how to do it.

Okay, if that is true...if one wished to legally ban Muslims, wouldn't it be a given that they would write an order that included at least ONE of the most Muslim populated countries? Logic would dictate that, would it not?

Yeah, logic would dictate that, but his business interests won't. And, post number 6 has a video link where you can actually watch him saying that Trump asked for him to legally figure out how to do a Muslim ban.
Boston Judge Unblocks Trump Travel Ban, Asks "Where Does It Say Muslim Countries?"
Thus demonstrating there are retards in every profession.

I guess it's just a fantastic coincidence the guy who opened his campaign by calling for a Muslim ban just happened to enact a Muslim ban which only includes Muslim countries.
Link to Muslim ban?
It doesn't say "Muslim ban" because of that nasty inconvenience for Trump in the First Amendment, but everyone, even a retard judge and a retard like you, knows what it is.
Yes, I, and every educated American, know what it is....

It's just strange you think it's a Muslim ban.....
"Muslim ban."

"Death panel."
Almost as if you were uneducated.....
Perhaps President Trump could make an exception for liberals who wish to invite Muslim families to share their homes. Or, if that's too generous, to allow it only for families with daughters.
Yeah, logic would dictate that, but his business interests won't. And, post number 6 has a video link where you can actually watch him saying that Trump asked for him to legally figure out how to do a Muslim ban.

So, he never wanted a Muslim ban at all. That was my point.

He took his list of countries directly from the Obama Administrations Homeland Security Report of countries where visas and refugees required extra scrutiny. Was Obama anti-Muslim?
Yeah, logic would dictate that, but his business interests won't. And, post number 6 has a video link where you can actually watch him saying that Trump asked for him to legally figure out how to do a Muslim ban.

So, he never wanted a Muslim ban at all. That was my point.

He took his list of countries directly from the Obama Administrations Homeland Security Report of countries where visas and refugees required extra scrutiny. Was Obama anti-Muslim?

But, like I said, in post number 6, there is a VIDEO LINK showing an interview with Giuliani, where he states that Trump came to him looking for a legal way to do a Muslim ban, and the idea they came up with was the 7 countries deal. But, Trump ORIGINALLY asked for a legal way to do a Muslim ban.
Hey, Giuliani in an interview even said that Trump was looking for a legal way to enforce a ban on Muslims, so they got together and decided that instead of calling it a Muslim ban, they would call it a ban on dangerous countries (even though Trump was originally looking for a Muslim ban).

Trump asked for a ‘Muslim ban,’ Giuliani says — and ordered a commission to do it ‘legally’

This link is a video of him saying it.

Trump says the media is wrong about the Muslim ban. One of his closest advisers says that's exactly what it is

Here's even more links about the story.

Giuliani: Trump asked me how to do a Muslim ban 'legally'

Rudy Giuliani says Donald Trump wanted a Muslin ban | Daily Mail Online

And, I gave you all these links so that you won't claim it's fake news. One of the reasons why I provided the video link so you could hear him say it.

Yea, so? Everyone knows the danger comes from Islamic countries. You know, Muslim terrorists, the actual threat to Western countries. The religion and the violence come hand in hand. Everyone knows it, but progressive turds don't care. They want to see the destruction of Western society, their hatred of capitalism forces them to defend Islamic fascism at all costs.

I've stated many times, progressives are all in with Islamists. Every attack that happens, you will see the left pile more support on Muslims.
Sunni Man ...which is most acceptable in your opinion? Muslim, or Moslem? I see and hear it both ways.
Muslim is the correct pronunciation and spelling. Arabic for "one who submits himself to God".

Moslem (the "s" is pronounced as a "z") is a derogatory arabic word meaning, "one who is evil and unjust", and mainly used by anti-Islamic people who know its offensive. .... :cool:
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Yeah, logic would dictate that, but his business interests won't. And, post number 6 has a video link where you can actually watch him saying that Trump asked for him to legally figure out how to do a Muslim ban.

So, he never wanted a Muslim ban at all. That was my point.

He took his list of countries directly from the Obama Administrations Homeland Security Report of countries where visas and refugees required extra scrutiny. Was Obama anti-Muslim?

But, like I said, in post number 6, there is a VIDEO LINK showing an interview with Giuliani, where he states that Trump came to him looking for a legal way to do a Muslim ban, and the idea they came up with was the 7 countries deal. But, Trump ORIGINALLY asked for a legal way to do a Muslim ban.

And he didn't get one. What we have instead, is a 90-day freeze on citizens (Christian, Jew, Hindu & Muslim alike) from 7 countries. What he asked for was likely illegal or unconstitutional, which I am sure he was told by legal counsel. So, we have this INSTEAD of what he asked for. The two are not the same. This is clearly as legal and constitutional as when Obama froze Iraquis, even ones who sacrificed for our servicemen and were in danger if they remained.
Boston Judge Unblocks Trump Travel Ban, Asks "Where Does It Say Muslim Countries?"
Thus demonstrating there are retards in every profession.

I guess it's just a fantastic coincidence the guy who opened his campaign by calling for a Muslim ban just happened to enact a Muslim ban which only includes Muslim countries.

and of the 50 muslim countries in the many are covered by the 90 day temporaray freeze? 7...out of 50 muslim stupid do you have to be to say that 7 countries out of 50......that means for you lefties out there that 43 muslim countries do not have even a temporary hold on you understand what that fucking means morons?

So how is it a fucking ban when it is 90 days long, and doesn't include 43 muslim countries, countries with the highest populations of muslims on the planet....?

The 7 countries listed.....have known terrorism problems....problems like training camps, isis, al queda, strong support groups for terrorist activities morons......

Why do you assholes have to keep it part of your DNA?
Boston Judge Unblocks Trump Travel Ban, Asks "Where Does It Say Muslim Countries?"
Thus demonstrating there are retards in every profession.

I guess it's just a fantastic coincidence the guy who opened his campaign by calling for a Muslim ban just happened to enact a Muslim ban which only includes Muslim countries.
Link to Muslim ban?
It doesn't say "Muslim ban" because of that nasty inconvenience for Trump in the First Amendment, but everyone, even a retard judge and a retard like you, knows what it is.

Foriegn immigrants are not covered by the 1st Amendment one has a right to come to this country.....and if he wanted he could simply ban muslims from entering the country....
But, like I said, in post number 6, there is a VIDEO LINK showing an interview with Giuliani, where he states that Trump came to him looking for a legal way to do a Muslim ban, and the idea they came up with was the 7 countries deal. But, Trump ORIGINALLY asked for a legal way to do a Muslim ban.

I'm afraid that you have been duped by clever editing...what Giuliani actually says is that the EO has nothing to do with religion. It is not in any way shape or form a Muslim...which is also the reason the top countries with the largest populations of Muslims are not impacted...nor is Saudi Arabia...for reasons Giuliani lays out in the very interview you quoted.

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For the are the top Muslim population countries in world (red bracket)...and the ONE on the list impacted by Trumps EO.


Islam by country - Wikipedia
Not surprising. Nothing illegal about the restrictions
THIS is the origin of the seven countries, in it's entirety... from Obama's Department of Homeland Security
18 FEB 2016

Yes, this is a large quote, but as it is a government produced document direct from DHS's website it is not subject to copyright.

DHS Announces Further Travel Restrictions for the Visa Waiver Program

Release Date:
February 18, 2016

For Immediate Release
DHS Press Office
Contact: 202-282-8010

WASHINGTON—The Department of Homeland Security today announced that it is continuing its implementation of the Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015 with the addition of Libya, Somalia, and Yemen as three countries of concern, limiting Visa Waiver Program travel for certain individuals who have traveled to these countries.

Pursuant to the Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security had sixty days to determine whether additional countries or areas of concern should be subject to the travel or dual nationality restrictions under the Act. After careful consideration, and in consultation with the Director of National Intelligence and the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Homeland Security has determined that Libya, Somalia, and Yemen be included as countries of concern, specifically for individuals who have traveled to these countries since March 1, 2011. At this time, the restriction on Visa Waiver Program travel will not apply to dual nationals of these three countries. DHS continues to consult with the Department of State and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to develop further criteria to determine whether other countries would be added to this list.

Last month, the United States began implementing changes under the Act. The three additional countries designated today join Iran, Iraq, Sudan and Syria as countries subject to restrictions for Visa Waiver Program travel for certain individuals. Under the new law, the Secretary of Homeland Security may waive these restrictions if he determines that such a waiver is in the law enforcement or national security interests of the United States. Such waivers will be granted only on a case-by-case basis. As a general matter, categories of travelers who may be eligible for a waiver include individuals who traveled to these countries on behalf of international organizations, regional organizations, and sub-national governments on official duty; on behalf of a humanitarian NGO on official duty; or as a journalist for reporting purposes.

The addition of these three countries is indicative of the Department’s continued focus on the threat of foreign fighters. DHS continues to review the security of the Visa Waiver Program, the threat environment, and potential vulnerabilities. This is the latest step in a series of actions over the past 15 months to strengthen the security of the Visa Waiver Program and ensure the Program’s requirements are commensurate with the growing threat from foreign terrorist fighters, many of whom are nationals of Visa Waiver Program countries.

DHS Announces Further Travel Restrictions for the Visa Waiver Program | Homeland Security

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