Boston Marathon Bombing

The 26th mile of the race had been dedicated to the Newtown NRA victims .More and more It's pointing to home grown Right wing terrorists.

'You can't go anywhere': Newtown runner's wife speaks - U.S. News

You are assuming a lot there, friend. I don't think we can come to any conclusion yet. Just be patient and see where the facts go. I do not agree with that assumption. There are facts pointing to both foreign and also to domestic terror. The only thing we know now, it was terror and it was a crude, yet well planned explosion.
The 26th mile of the race had been dedicated to the Newtown NRA victims .More and more It's pointing to home grown Right wing terrorists.

'You can't go anywhere': Newtown runner's wife speaks - U.S. News

You are assuming a lot there, friend. I don't think we can come to any conclusion yet. Just be patient and see where the facts go. I do not agree with that assumption. There are facts pointing to both foreign and also to domestic terror. The only thing we know now, it was terror and it was a crude, yet well planned explosion.

Some of these liberals think the NRA is like al Qaeda.
Tobacco users
The Tea Party
al Qaeda

They're all the same to Liberals.

Extremist on either the left or right would best serve themselves by being silent at moments like this. Let the authorities do their job.
Fox news is reporting that the apartment seached belongs to the "person of interest" in the hospital that authorities had been questioning. I thought someone may have said he was a Saudi National.
I'm impressed how bad the reporting is.

Used to be the news media tried to get it right --- now they just try to get people locked into their feed and click-farming.

They said the JFK Library at Harvard was bombed: nope, just a small fire about the same time.

They said a Saudi national was arrested and under guard at a Boston hospital: nope, no suspects at all, they say this morning.

They said FIVE more devices had been found: nope, none of that was true.

My rule is three days before they get it sorted out what's true and what's just fear-mongering, after any major news story.

The media has figured out we want excitement more than truth, so they give us excitement and don't bother with truth.
According to CNN Obama won't even say the word 'terror.'

Personally, I'm tired of the antiseptic way these things are reported. We saw the WTC fall, but none of the carnage. Only when we are allowed to see just what they are doing to Americans will anyone feel the outrage enough to do anything about it. Of course, there is no end of what they claim to be carnage that America is supposedly inflicting.
The first city settled in the America's was not st Augustine either.
We are talking symbolically here. Islamic radicals are obsessed with symbolism.

In their thinking, Boston is the birthplace of the USA as we know it.
Much as Mecca is the birthplace of islam( symbolically), the ral birthplace of Islam is medina, but there you go.

Rightwing domestic terrorists like symbolism, too. Other people have pointed out how many rightwing symbols surround this event in Boston.

For another thing, Boston is FULL of leftists and near the massacre in Newtown and generally in favor of gun control.

It is very possible this is a rightwing gun-nut attack, so don't assume prematurely that it's the usual Muslims. Remember Timothy McVeigh. People thought it was Muslims then, too, but it wasn't. If this country starts to split, and you all know it is RIGHT on the edge of splitting, we are deeply disunited, terrorism will be part of that as it always is in revolutions.
The first city settled in the America's was not st Augustine either.
We are talking symbolically here. Islamic radicals are obsessed with symbolism.

In their thinking, Boston is the birthplace of the USA as we know it.
Much as Mecca is the birthplace of islam( symbolically), the ral birthplace of Islam is medina, but there you go.

Rightwing domestic terrorists like symbolism, too. Other people have pointed out how many rightwing symbols surround this event in Boston.

For another thing, Boston is FULL of leftists and near the massacre in Newtown and generally in favor of gun control.

It is very possible this is a rightwing gun-nut attack, so don't assume prematurely that it's the usual Muslims. Remember Timothy McVeigh. People thought it was Muslims then, too, but it wasn't. If this country starts to split, and you all know it is RIGHT on the edge of splitting, we are deeply disunited, terrorism will be part of that as it always is in revolutions.

the person of interest held at the hospital

his home has been searched

a list of those who live at that address

364 Ocean Ave, Revere, MA | Name, Phone Number, Email -
his home has been searched

a list of those who live at that address

364 Ocean Ave, Revere, MA | Name, Phone Number, Email -

Sounds like Mecca North, all right. Why do we let these awful people into this country? It's so stupid, just like the French are doing.

However, "person of interest" doesn't mean he dunnit. Of course they are going to investigate any Muslims seen in the area, and so they should.

But the news tends to be so wrong, so much. Three days till they begin to get it right.
his home has been searched

a list of those who live at that address

364 Ocean Ave, Revere, MA | Name, Phone Number, Email -

Sounds like Mecca North, all right. Why do we let these awful people into this country? It's so stupid, just like the French are doing.

However, "person of interest" doesn't mean he dunnit. Of course they are going to investigate any Muslims seen in the area, and so they should.

But the news tends to be so wrong, so much. Three days till they begin to get it right.

yes it takes some time to figure out what happened
Revere, MA. has a large Italian community. .:cool:

So what?

The likelihood is it's going to be Muslim terrorists, Sunni Man. Because that's what they do. And it was fairly ineffective, relatively speaking. Muslims are generally fairly ineffective with their small bombs.

The next likely is gun-nut rightist domestic terrorists. But they usually do it bigger -- see McVeigh and the Oklahoma Federal Building.

If you think you can push this off on some ethnic group that has no history of doing this or reason to do it, nobody is going to give that attempt to divert from Muslims any attention.
We can speculate and naturally right wingers and foreign terrorists are the first guesses.

But suppose it was some commuter who just hates the Marathon because it screws up traffic for the entire region?

Come on now, kids, we all know there are some truly demented people out there -- peoplewho commit mass killing on a whim for the flimsiest reasons.

At least consider the possibility that the motive of the perp (s) was something NONE of us can or will EVER understand.
We can speculate and naturally right wingers and foreign terrorists are the first guesses.

But suppose it was some commuter who just hates the Marathon because it screws up traffic for the entire region?

Come on now, kids, we all know there are some truly demented people out there -- peoplewho commit mass killing on a whim for the flimsiest reasons.

At least consider the possibility that the motive of the perp (s) was something NONE of us can or will EVER understand.

How many 'right wing' bombings have there been to date?
Tobacco users
The Tea Party
al Qaeda

They're all the same to Liberals.


I'd like to know:

How many Christian bombings have there been to date.

How many gun owner bombings there have been to date.

How many tobacco user bombings have there been to date

How many Tea Part bombings have there been to date

How many AQ bombings have there been to date.
We can speculate and naturally right wingers and foreign terrorists are the first guesses.

But suppose it was some commuter who just hates the Marathon because it screws up traffic for the entire region?

Come on now, kids, we all know there are some truly demented people out there -- peoplewho commit mass killing on a whim for the flimsiest reasons.

At least consider the possibility that the motive of the perp (s) was something NONE of us can or will EVER understand.

If I were a rightwinger and it was a rightwinger terrorist(s), I'd want their nuts boiled in oil.

If I were a leftwinger and it was a leftwinger terrorist(s), I'd want their nuts boiled in oil.

If it were athiest(s) or anarchist(s) or a theist(s) [Christian, muslim, buddhist or whirling dervish] or foreigner(s), I'd want their nuts boiled in oil.

Thank you and have a nice day.

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