Boston Marathon Bombing

his home has been searched

a list of those who live at that address

364 Ocean Ave, Revere, MA | Name, Phone Number, Email -

Sounds like Mecca North, all right. Why do we let these awful people into this country? It's so stupid, just like the French are doing.

However, "person of interest" doesn't mean he dunnit. Of course they are going to investigate any Muslims seen in the area, and so they should.

But the news tends to be so wrong, so much. Three days till they begin to get it right.

Did you even look at the link, maybe 10-15% of the names there appear to be Muslim names.
You want to stop this kind of thing... you want to REALLY stop this kind of thing? Then you need to say FUCK POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, FUCK WORRYING ABOUT OFFENDING SOMEONE, and PROFILE the FUCK otta these mother fucking MUSLIMS, PERIOD.

Time to quit worrying and all the touchy, feely, can't offend anyone BULL SHIT.

I have to agree. And if they dont like it FUCK EM !!! They can stay in whatever hellhole they call home.
This PC crap is going to be our downfall.
We can speculate and naturally right wingers and foreign terrorists are the first guesses.

But suppose it was some commuter who just hates the Marathon because it screws up traffic for the entire region?

Come on now, kids, we all know there are some truly demented people out there -- peoplewho commit mass killing on a whim for the flimsiest reasons.

At least consider the possibility that the motive of the perp (s) was something NONE of us can or will EVER understand.

Like the insane gun-nut killings, only he used bombs?

Could be, you are right, of course.

And really, the gun-nut shootings often kill far more people than this bomber did. Yes, insanity is a valid possibility. There HAS been a lot of that lately. Good to keep an open mind when we simply don't know.
Did you even look at the link, maybe 10-15% of the names there appear to be Muslim names.

Half. You grossly miscounted, probably for PC reasons.

I see you want to defend Muslims.

They do a whole lot of bombing and violence, however.
Did you even look at the link, maybe 10-15% of the names there appear to be Muslim names.

Half. You grossly miscounted, probably for PC reasons.

I see you want to defend Muslims.

True. And no one has answered my questions yet:

How many Christian bombings have there been to date.

How many gun owner bombings there have been to date.

How many tobacco user bombings have there been to date

How many Tea Part bombings have there been to date

How many AQ bombings have there been to date.
Did you even look at the link, maybe 10-15% of the names there appear to be Muslim names.

Half. You grossly miscounted, probably for PC reasons.

I see you want to defend Muslims.

They do a whole lot of bombing and violence, however.

Half, maybe if you are looking at the first page only. However if you look at all 10 pages, you will find a handful beyond the first page. Again, maybe 10-15%. Why do you feel the need to lie? I have no interest in defending Muslims, I only have an interest in exposing blatant liars.
his home has been searched

a list of those who live at that address

364 Ocean Ave, Revere, MA | Name, Phone Number, Email -

Sounds like Mecca North, all right. Why do we let these awful people into this country? It's so stupid, just like the French are doing.

However, "person of interest" doesn't mean he dunnit. Of course they are going to investigate any Muslims seen in the area, and so they should.

But the news tends to be so wrong, so much. Three days till they begin to get it right.

Did you even look at the link, maybe 10-15% of the names there appear to be Muslim names.

maybe it was someone from the occupy wall street group
If this attack did nothing else it absolutely shined a very bright light on the extent of division in the country and answer the question of whether or not it will survive intact.

You are correct.

When we were attacked on 9/11, nearly the entire country was behind Bush. When we are attacked now, many righties attack Obama instead of supporting him. Most of the righties are showing their true colors.

Well considering how Benghazi went down.......
I think we have every right to be skeptical.
Progressives are far and away the biggest mass murderers

It will turn out to be a jihadist behind the bombing and by this time next week it will be verboten to discuss this. It will join Obama fast and furious and 911 Benghazi attack down the memory hole

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
We can speculate and naturally right wingers and foreign terrorists are the first guesses.

But suppose it was some commuter who just hates the Marathon because it screws up traffic for the entire region?

Come on now, kids, we all know there are some truly demented people out there -- peoplewho commit mass killing on a whim for the flimsiest reasons.

At least consider the possibility that the motive of the perp (s) was something NONE of us can or will EVER understand.

I tend to think it was a fairly unsophisticated group of fewer than five people; perhaps as few as one given the proximity of the devices.

The devices themselves are reportedly black powder which is old technology and not the more lethal plastic explosives.

I believe--nothing to base this on except what would have been more devastating--the timing was off. Why have the 2nd device to go off detonate only twelve seconds later? It is my belief that the devices were "swapped" meaning that the device further from the finish line should have went off first followed by the device closer to the finish line. This is how you would maximize death and destruction.

The inability of not using or choice not to use a car with it's concealment and transport capabilities speaks to an inmature, cowardly, and ultimately bush-league plot. Certainly a car could have been introduced into the equation but it needs a driver of course so this guy didn't want to get caught (coward). So he either didn't need a car--his bomb capability wasn't such that he could build a large device; bush league. Or, maybe something didn't occur to him to do such a thing....inmaturity.

So what you're looking for is a guy on the level of the boob who tried to detonate a bomb in times square on 5/1/10. At least that's my reading. He's not skilled, a loner, obviously a coward, and likely to be caught doing something that would pronounce his ignorance of counter-terrorism capabilities. Either that or he's killed himself already which would be the ultimate act of cowardice.
Sounds like Mecca North, all right. Why do we let these awful people into this country? It's so stupid, just like the French are doing.

However, "person of interest" doesn't mean he dunnit. Of course they are going to investigate any Muslims seen in the area, and so they should.

But the news tends to be so wrong, so much. Three days till they begin to get it right.

Did you even look at the link, maybe 10-15% of the names there appear to be Muslim names.

maybe it was someone from the occupy wall street group

It could have been just about anyone. It could have been 10 Muslims, 20 OWS crazies or 1 nutter who doesn't like paying taxes. We'll find out over the next few days, I'm sure.
*posted on another thread*

This simple fact should become apparent to anyone who has been paying attention. It seems that terrorists don't care who's side you are on politically. Everyone is a target. Being a liberal doesn't shield you from it. I don't think they took a survey before they set those bombs off to see who the victims voted for, what their stand is on same-sex marriage, what they feel about private gun ownership, or whom they support in the Middle East.

Regardless of the PC arguments against it, profiling is the single most important tool Israel has to fight terrorism. Discarding any effective means of prevention because we have to consider the politics of it has historically proved to be folly.

We began using tools after 9/11 that prevented these attacks and last year the FBI began a purge of any reference of Islamic-fundamental terrorists. They rewrote all of the anti-terrorist FMs concerning in an attempt not to insult the dignity of Muslims. This is just food for thought.
You want to stop this kind of thing... you want to REALLY stop this kind of thing? Then you need to say FUCK POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, FUCK WORRYING ABOUT OFFENDING SOMEONE, and PROFILE the FUCK otta these mother fucking MUSLIMS, PERIOD.

Time to quit worrying and all the touchy, feely, can't offend anyone BULL SHIT.

I have to agree. And if they dont like it FUCK EM !!! They can stay in whatever hellhole they call home.
This PC crap is going to be our downfall.

absolutely right, already our moron president is refusing to call it terrorism. WTF does the idiot think it is if not terrorism?

He promised to unleash the US justice system on them--------LOL. Right asshole, give them lawyers, a trial, and a forum to spout anti american rhetoric. Our enemies laugh every time this fool of a president speaks.
Why do you feel the need to lie? I have no interest in defending Muslims, I only have an interest in exposing blatant liars.

PC city. AND a name-caller.

I have no interest in defending Muslim-defenders, I only have an interest in getting rid of name-callers who are too stupid to be civil. You're gone ----
Why do you feel the need to lie? I have no interest in defending Muslims, I only have an interest in exposing blatant liars.

PC city. AND a name-caller.

I have no interest in defending Muslim-defenders, I only have an interest in getting rid of name-callers who are too stupid to be civil. You're gone ----

There are 2 possibilities based on your previous posts.

1. You are lying about how many people were on the provided link whose names were Muslim.
2. You are too stupid to realize how to use the website that was linked and that there were 10 pages of names, the vast majority of which were not Muslims.

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