Boston Marathon Bombing

time for another world tour ???


^Right wing talking point circulating today.

No doubt, you much prefer he bow to the king of Saudi Arabia.
[ame=]Obama Bows to King of Saudi Arabia - YouTube[/ame]
The first city settled in the America's was not st Augustine either.
We are talking symbolically here. Islamic radicals are obsessed with symbolism.

In their thinking, Boston is the birthplace of the USA as we know it.
Much as Mecca is the birthplace of islam( symbolically), the ral birthplace of Islam is medina, but there you go.

Rightwing domestic terrorists like symbolism, too. Other people have pointed out how many rightwing symbols surround this event in Boston.

For another thing, Boston is FULL of leftists and near the massacre in Newtown and generally in favor of gun control.

It is very possible this is a rightwing gun-nut attack, so don't assume prematurely that it's the usual Muslims. Remember Timothy McVeigh. People thought it was Muslims then, too, but it wasn't. If this country starts to split, and you all know it is RIGHT on the edge of splitting, we are deeply disunited, terrorism will be part of that as it always is in revolutions.

You retard!!
Boston is hundreds of miles from newtown.

You will make this about guns because you want it to be about guns because it suits your dogma.

There is no evidence to suggest it was any group as of yet.

There is plenty to suggest that you are a retard who would use a child's death to push an agenda.

FYI yesterday's run was dedicated to the Newtown victims. There were runners there from Newtown raising money for the victims. This area of the country is small,its only about a three hour drive with traffic to Boston. It's not that far away.

As far as gun control we now need to address the elephant in the room. What the right was saying about the recent push to ban assualt weapons has been proven in the last week with the Texas stabbing and the Boston bombing. Banning assault weapons and large capacity magazines isn't going to do squat. . Criminals,nutjobs,and terrorists don't follow the law and will use whatever they can get their hands on to carry out their agenda. The real problem is our society that seems to be breeding these fruit loops faster than ever before. We need to ask ourselves what about our society is causing this change.
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Ahhhhhhh, such wonderful rep this thread is garnering:

Article 15 said:
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welcome back, racist scum! i thought you were about to kick the bucket?! WTF

Article 15

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Somebody said graphic photos should not be shown here.

You people need to see what happened so you will remember.

And you can keep this in mind while you're thinking of this......our troops have been going through this same BS since Somalia. Very few come back that haven't seen somebody blown apart similar to yesterday. The people of Iraq have seen this, the last attack only last weekend. And Israel has been dealing with this for over 20 years.

We all need to see the effect of these attacks so we won't begin once again to slide back into complacency.

Btw, Ft Campbell isn't even on alert. What is the POTUS waiting for, another attack?

I agree, mud. The news is so antiseptic these days people don't understand what they want to do to us.
I'm impressed how bad the reporting is.

Used to be the news media tried to get it right --- now they just try to get people locked into their feed and click-farming.

They said the JFK Library at Harvard was bombed: nope, just a small fire about the same time.

They said a Saudi national was arrested and under guard at a Boston hospital: nope, no suspects at all, they say this morning.

They said FIVE more devices had been found: nope, none of that was true.

My rule is three days before they get it sorted out what's true and what's just fear-mongering, after any major news story.

The media has figured out we want excitement more than truth, so they give us excitement and don't bother with truth.

All this info you list & say the media got wrong came straight from the Boston police commissioner & police officers. The police put out the disinformation & the media reported what the police said.
Ok - what is it that terrorists want? They want everyone to live in fear in the hopes that fear will motivate people to appease them.

What is accomplished by distributing graphic and disturbing photos? It incites more fear, doesn't it? Not to mention how disrespectful it is to the deceased.

The practice actually supports the terrorists in their efforts. Do you really want to be a part of that?
I agree, mud. The news is so antiseptic these days people don't understand what they want to do to us.

If that were you or your loved one lying on the ground with their leg missing, you wouldn't have a problem with someone posting that photograph in order to score cheap political points? How do you know the person in the photograph is a right winger and would want their picture to be used to spew vitriol about the President?
Rightwing domestic terrorists like symbolism, too. Other people have pointed out how many rightwing symbols surround this event in Boston.

For another thing, Boston is FULL of leftists and near the massacre in Newtown and generally in favor of gun control.

It is very possible this is a rightwing gun-nut attack, so don't assume prematurely that it's the usual Muslims. Remember Timothy McVeigh. People thought it was Muslims then, too, but it wasn't. If this country starts to split, and you all know it is RIGHT on the edge of splitting, we are deeply disunited, terrorism will be part of that as it always is in revolutions.

You retard!!
Boston is hundreds of miles from newtown.

You will make this about guns because you want it to be about guns because it suits your dogma.

There is no evidence to suggest it was any group as of yet.

There is plenty to suggest that you are a retard who would use a child's death to push an agenda.
FYI yesterday's run was dedicated to the Newtown victims. Their were runners there from Newtown raising money for the victims. This area of the country is small,its only about a three hour drive with traffic to Boston.

As far as gun control we now need to address the elephant in the room. What the right was saying about the recent push to ban assualt weapons has been proven in the last week with the Texas stabbing and the Boston bombing. Banning assault weapons and large capacity magazines isn't going to do squat. . Criminals,nutjobs,and terrorists don't follow the law and will use whatever they can get their hands on to carry out their agenda. The real problem is our society that seems to be breeding these fruit loops faster than ever before. We need to ask ourselves what about our society is causing this change.

Well, for a about we actually get back to proper rule of law.

Let's get rid of the tons of inane laws that micromanage private behavior, and simply for proper issues that involve national security and domestic tranquility (enhance not limit civil society).

And then let's stop brainwashing children in schools into thinking The Constitution is a Living Document founded on moral relativism and begin holding individuals accountable for their actions, including our elected representatives.
I'm impressed how bad the reporting is.

Used to be the news media tried to get it right --- now they just try to get people locked into their feed and click-farming.

They said the JFK Library at Harvard was bombed: nope, just a small fire about the same time.

They said a Saudi national was arrested and under guard at a Boston hospital: nope, no suspects at all, they say this morning.

They said FIVE more devices had been found: nope, none of that was true.

My rule is three days before they get it sorted out what's true and what's just fear-mongering, after any major news story.

The media has figured out we want excitement more than truth, so they give us excitement and don't bother with truth.

All this info you list & say the media got wrong came straight from the Boston police commissioner & police officers. The police put out the disinformation & the media reported what the police said.

Welcome to the 24-hour news cycle. These things used to get sorted out before they made it to the airwaves. Now it is sorted out before our eyes.
Somebody said graphic photos should not be shown here.

You people need to see what happened so you will remember.

You don't use photographs of victims without their permission in order to score political points. It's wrong on all levels. What kind of deviant to you have to be not to see that?
Exactly. If that was my family member I'd fucking sue namvet back into his cave.
This is Boston Massachusettes. A democrat and very liberal stronghold. They could very well dummy up some kind of scapegoat who had nothing to do with the bombing but fits whatever narrative the democrats want to create. After what they did after Benghazi, throwing Nakula Nakula in prison, and blaming him for the violence in the middle east, democrats are capable of anything.

After the media created frenzy against white supremacists over the District Attorney deaths in Texas, they will tell any lie if they can use it to political advantage.

No. I don't trust them. I just saw an FBI spokesman on television lying his ass off.
yes sir mr Obozo its a real tragedy !!!

You dumb fucking piece of shit. how DARE you use this tragedy and photographs of the victims to score cheap political points. I've been on forums like these for a long time and I have to say that that is one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen. something is seriously wrong with you, asshole.

You are morally reprehensible and completely devoid of any sense of propriety.

that was taken off the national media. don't like it??? tuff shit. stick your eyeballs up your ass and ignore the truth. asshole
that was taken off the national media. don't like it??? tuff shit. stick your eyeballs up your ass and ignore the truth. asshole

It's unfortunate that is was taken off the national media, but at least they only did that to report the "news" - YOU reposted it in an effort to show Obama (who had nothing to do with this, btw) in a bad light. I realize that knuckle dragging neanderthals like yourself don't do nuance, but there is a difference. Neither are right, btw. It's just that your posting of the picture was reprehensible and unforgivable.
I'm impressed how bad the reporting is.

Used to be the news media tried to get it right --- now they just try to get people locked into their feed and click-farming.

They said the JFK Library at Harvard was bombed: nope, just a small fire about the same time.

They said a Saudi national was arrested and under guard at a Boston hospital: nope, no suspects at all, they say this morning.

They said FIVE more devices had been found: nope, none of that was true.

My rule is three days before they get it sorted out what's true and what's just fear-mongering, after any major news story.

The media has figured out we want excitement more than truth, so they give us excitement and don't bother with truth.

All this info you list & say the media got wrong came straight from the Boston police commissioner & police officers. The police put out the disinformation & the media reported what the police said.

Welcome to the 24-hour news cycle. These things used to get sorted out before they made it to the airwaves. Now it is sorted out before our eyes.

I like seeing the news as it is developed. I have been listening to police & fire scanners & reading post & tweets from people who were there. The info comes fast & straight foreword from the people & early reports. It takes days & years to wade through the abundance of caution, I cant say that legalese & CYA dis-info from the public officials.
Ahhhhhhh, such wonderful rep this thread is garnering:

Article 15 said:
Hi, you have received -1341 reputation points from Article 15.
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welcome back, racist scum! i thought you were about to kick the bucket?! WTF

Article 15

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fArticle 15 is always so considerate.

I'm sure he meant well.........
that was taken off the national media. don't like it??? tuff shit. stick your eyeballs up your ass and ignore the truth. asshole

It's unfortunate that is was taken off the national media, but at least they only did that to report the "news" - YOU reposted it in an effort to show Obama (who had nothing to do with this, btw) in a bad light. I realize that knuckle dragging neanderthals like yourself don't do nuance, but there is a difference. Neither are right, btw. It's just that your posting of the picture was reprehensible and unforgivable.

I reposted the news. wanna see more?? and who's in charge of national security???
I'm impressed how bad the reporting is.

Used to be the news media tried to get it right --- now they just try to get people locked into their feed and click-farming.

They said the JFK Library at Harvard was bombed: nope, just a small fire about the same time.

They said a Saudi national was arrested and under guard at a Boston hospital: nope, no suspects at all, they say this morning.

They said FIVE more devices had been found: nope, none of that was true.

My rule is three days before they get it sorted out what's true and what's just fear-mongering, after any major news story.

The media has figured out we want excitement more than truth, so they give us excitement and don't bother with truth.

All this info you list & say the media got wrong came straight from the Boston police commissioner & police officers. The police put out the disinformation & the media reported what the police said.

The police might have got it right, since they were right there on the scene and what we are hearing now is only what the government wants us to hear.

After the bombing, interviews on the scene were that people were hearing small explosions, the police said they were exploding small bombs that were found. The police said their bomb squad was dismantling two larger bombs. Now, sanitized through the FBI there were no other bombs at all. The JFK Library was reported as an additional bomb, then a fire, then the Commissioner of the Boston police confirmed that it was a bomb. Now washed by the FBI into something they prefer that we hear. There was never a report that anyone had been arrested. That was something that even the media didn't invent. The closest report that I heard, was that a person of interest was under guard.

There's the truth, and then there's the truth according to what this evil regime wants to be the truth.
Ahhhhhhh, such wonderful rep this thread is garnering:

Article 15 said:
Hi, you have received -1341 reputation points from Article 15.
Reputation was given for this post.

welcome back, racist scum! i thought you were about to kick the bucket?! WTF

Article 15

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fArticle 15 is always so considerate.

I'm sure he meant well.........

yeah i got some to. looks like its gonna be a reputable day

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