Boston Marathon Bombing

*posted on another thread*

This simple fact should become apparent to anyone who has been paying attention. It seems that terrorists don't care who's side you are on politically. Everyone is a target. Being a liberal doesn't shield you from it. I don't think they took a survey before they set those bombs off to see who the victims voted for, what their stand is on same-sex marriage, what they feel about private gun ownership, or whom they support in the Middle East.

Regardless of the PC arguments against it, profiling is the single most important tool Israel has to fight terrorism. Discarding any effective means of prevention because we have to consider the politics of it has historically proved to be folly.

We began using tools after 9/11 that prevented these attacks and last year the FBI began a purge of any reference of Islamic-fundamental terrorists. They rewrote all of the anti-terrorist FMs concerning in an attempt not to insult the dignity of Muslims. This is just food for thought.

Well said.

The PC that goes on is just CRAZY. I heard a newscaster on CNN early in the bombing coverage yesterday going ON and on about how there were probably lots of Muslims in the race and no doubt they were just as shocked, etc., etc., etc. ----- she already knew it was most likely Muslim bombers and just had to go all PC on us.

I think the Constitution IS a suicide pact.

Rome fell because their famous religious tolerance to all religions could not stand against a religion that insisted theirs must be the only religion anyone could have. PC was Rome's doom.

And that's what the Muslims have now, an insistence with violence that their religion be the ONLY one available. And watch us cooperate with their demands, just like Rome did.
If this attack did nothing else it absolutely shined a very bright light on the extent of division in the country and answer the question of whether or not it will survive intact.

You are correct.

When we were attacked on 9/11, nearly the entire country was behind Bush. When we are attacked now, many righties attack Obama instead of supporting him. Most of the righties are showing their true colors.

Well considering how Benghazi went down.......
I think we have every right to be skeptical.
Benghazi was a molehill, made into a mountain by the recalcitrant right.
These bombs were designed not only to kill but maim. The design is similar to those used against out troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is intended to leave a lasting impression on any survivors. It causes victims to suffer in a wheel chair the rest of their lives. This is why the bomb blew bits of shrapnel through soft tissue at waist level. This makes me believe this was designed by a bomb maker experienced in anti-personnel IEDs.
yes sir mr Obozo its a real tragedy !!!

You dumb fucking piece of shit. how DARE you use this tragedy and photographs of the victims to score cheap political points. I've been on forums like these for a long time and I have to say that that is one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen. something is seriously wrong with you, asshole.

You are morally reprehensible and completely devoid of any sense of propriety.
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*posted on another thread*

This simple fact should become apparent to anyone who has been paying attention. It seems that terrorists don't care who's side you are on politically. Everyone is a target. Being a liberal doesn't shield you from it. I don't think they took a survey before they set those bombs off to see who the victims voted for, what their stand is on same-sex marriage, what they feel about private gun ownership, or whom they support in the Middle East.

Regardless of the PC arguments against it, profiling is the single most important tool Israel has to fight terrorism. Discarding any effective means of prevention because we have to consider the politics of it has historically proved to be folly.

We began using tools after 9/11 that prevented these attacks and last year the FBI began a purge of any reference of Islamic-fundamental terrorists. They rewrote all of the anti-terrorist FMs concerning in an attempt not to insult the dignity of Muslims. This is just food for thought.

Well said.

The PC that goes on is just CRAZY. I heard a newscaster on CNN early in the bombing coverage yesterday going ON and on about how there were probably lots of Muslims in the race and no doubt they were just as shocked, etc., etc., etc. ----- she already knew it was most likely Muslim bombers and just had to go all PC on us.

I think the Constitution IS a suicide pact.

Rome fell because their famous religious tolerance to all religions could not stand against a religion that insisted theirs must be the only religion anyone could have. PC was Rome's doom.

And that's what the Muslims have now, an insistence with violence that their religion be the ONLY one available. And watch us cooperate with their demands, just like Rome did.

Well said. Islam is not a religion. It is a way of life. Islam moves into a country and is quiet unil their numbers are in the majority, then they take over. They are currently under a fatwah to have no less than 5 children per family.

I personally think the only part of the world that will be saved is the part that still lives under the old European feudalism. In the UK, the queen can abolish parliament and take over the government and handle the problem if need be. In the Netherlands they have already told muslims that if the Netherlands is a permissive society. If they don't want to live in a permissive society leave and if they are not already there, don't come. We could never do anything like this. I thought I would never have any grandchildren, but mother nature had other ideas. My daughter is married to a subejct of the crown and for me that holds a measure of comfort. I have told her and her husband this. Who would have thought that feudalism would be the only hope. But it honestly is. Our system will fall, and for the reasons you have stated.
You are correct.

When we were attacked on 9/11, nearly the entire country was behind Bush. When we are attacked now, many righties attack Obama instead of supporting him. Most of the righties are showing their true colors.

Well considering how Benghazi went down.......
I think we have every right to be skeptical.
Benghazi was a molehill, made into a mountain by the recalcitrant right.

Tell that to the people who died. I'd be willing to bet it was pretty important to them.
time for another world tour ???

Since 9/11, in NYC on New Years Eve, every trashcan is taken off the street, every manhole cover is welded shut and every piece of litter on the ground is scrutinized.

So now i ask the questions: Where was the Boston PD? Why didn't they secure this event? Aren't they given millions of dollars annually to prevent this sort of thing?

I was in Boston about five years ago. We were on our way to Quincy Market when I noticed a suitcase by itself. Now here in the CT/NYC area we are told if you see something (suspicious)say something,so I found a cop and told him. He looked at me like I was nuts and just said OK and went back to what he was doing. In NYC the cop would have said show me now. I don't think they are as vigilant in Boston as they are in NYC. After today they will be I'm sure.

That I have seen, hay market station, abandoned backpack, reported to a federal ICE officer who shrugged and went back to chatting to the cute Spanish girl who was waiting for the 111 bus.
We have the same see something say something nonsense in Boston, but the plods ignore it.

I'm thinking they won't ignore it any more. It's not really nonsense,the best way to prevent stuff like this is to have a thousand eyes and ears familiar with their surroundings watching for suspicious stuff. Makes it harder for these jackwits to plant bombs and its free. Next years marathon will be different. Probably more like Time Square New Year's Eve,no trash cans,manhole covers welded shut,baggage either not allowed or searched. It's sad but necessary.
I was in Boston about five years ago. We were on our way to Quincy Market when I noticed a suitcase by itself. Now here in the CT/NYC area we are told if you see something (suspicious)say something,so I found a cop and told him. He looked at me like I was nuts and just said OK and went back to what he was doing. In NYC the cop would have said show me now. I don't think they are as vigilant in Boston as they are in NYC. After today they will be I'm sure.

That I have seen, hay market station, abandoned backpack, reported to a federal ICE officer who shrugged and went back to chatting to the cute Spanish girl who was waiting for the 111 bus.
We have the same see something say something nonsense in Boston, but the plods ignore it.

I'm thinking they won't ignore it any more. It's not really nonsense,the best way to prevent stuff like this is to have a thousand eyes and ears familiar with their surroundings watching for suspicious stuff. Makes it harder for these jackwits to plant bombs and its free. Next years marathon will be different. Probably more like Time Square New Year's Eve,no trash cans,manhole covers welded shut,baggage either not allowed or searched. It's sad but necessary.

With all the video, phone photos, etc. I'm hoping they have seen something....but I'm sure it will take a while to sift thru it all.
Half. You grossly miscounted, probably for PC reasons.

I see you want to defend Muslims.

They do a whole lot of bombing and violence, however.

So did Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols. So did David Koresh. I'm jus' sayin'.
Mc veigh did one bombing.

Koresh comitted violence to defend his home.

Koresh murdered two federal agents who showed up to serve a proper and legal subpoena.

But to the real topic - IMHO: It is foolish to speculate on who may be responsible in order to push a political point of view.
Somebody said graphic photos should not be shown here.

You people need to see what happened so you will remember.

And you can keep this in mind while you're thinking of this......our troops have been going through this same BS since Somalia. Very few come back that haven't seen somebody blown apart similar to yesterday. The people of Iraq have seen this, the last attack only last weekend. And Israel has been dealing with this for over 20 years.

We all need to see the effect of these attacks so we won't begin once again to slide back into complacency.

Btw, Ft Campbell isn't even on alert. What is the POTUS waiting for, another attack?
yes sir mr Obozo its a real tragedy !!!

You dumb fucking piece of shit. how DARE you use this tragedy and photographs of the victims to score cheap political points. I've been on forums like these for a long time and I have to say that that is one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen. something is seriously wrong with you, asshole.

You are morally reprehensible and completely devoid of any sense of propriety.

Information wants to be free. I had a hard time looking at it but I think it's best we know what is really happening. Well, at least best that I know.

I know this sort of picture is deeply shocking to younger people, however.

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