Boston Marathon Bombing

Two brothers from Chechnya, recent immigrants to the US. Seem to have done this on their own as they had no money to leave the area. Two crazy individuals working on their own? They reflect the terrorism in/against Russia. Why do it in the US?
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Two brothers from Chechnya, recent immagrants to the US. Seem to have done this on their own as they had no money to leave the area. Two crazy individuals working on their own? They reflect the terrorism in/against Russia. Why do it in the US?
They're radicalized muslims who came here to kill, period....They attended a terrorist training camp in Afghanistan.....They are no different than Al qaeda or Muslim Brotherhood types.
Two brothers from Chechnya, recent immagrants to the US. Seem to have done this on their own as they had no money to leave the area. Two crazy individuals working on their own? They reflect the terrorism in/against Russia. Why do it in the US?
They're radicalized muslims who came here to kill, period....They attended a terrorist training camp in Afghanistan.....They are no different than Al qaeda or Muslim Brotherhood types.

Young people are very malleable and susceptible to bad ideas. Young men are more likely than anyone to commit crimes and violence, has to do with the heavy amount of testosterone they carry around. They grew up in a very violent society if they grew up in Chechnya. Not making excuses for anyone, but trying to infuse some reason into things rather than just blindness, ignorance and the desire to hate. When you do that, you are no better than they are. If you want to stop things like this from happening, you need to look at the source of the problem because, as much as you want to, you cannot just erase every Muslim from the face of the Earth. Even if you could, there would still be people who are violent killers, people who attack innocent people.
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What part of killing children do you endorse?

Those people in Boston didn't deserve it.

This is the main point. Irregardless of everything a lot of our innocent countrymen were killed for no reason other than they were in the wrong place and the wrong time. I agree with your sentiments about a lot of this country's activities being disgusting and needing to be stopped. However those sentiments have nothing to do with the innocent people who had their lives destroyed and it's the wrong place and time to bring it up. It's also stupid to somehow think that could be a justification for the bombings.
Justification isn't the point I was trying to make.
Revenge is coming after the millions of innocent Muslim lives the US has mangled since August of '91.
And the icing on the cake will probably include a loss of civil liberties for innocent Americans.
Wouldn't it be easier to FLUSH hundreds of incumbents from DC in a single news cycle and just start over?
What he and I are saying is it very well might be the provocation for it. Provocation is quite a different thing from justification.

No, it isn't. You are justifying the bombing by saying we provoked it in Iraq.

There is no reason at all to suppose these guys have anything to do with Iraq or anything political. They are probably just crazies doing some thrill killing, trying to get a high kill count and compete with all the other thrill killers. It's an epidemic.

There are so many homocidal maniacs acting out in America today that it's a stretch to say it could be political or terrorism: the commonest thing is simply another pyscho mass murder incident.
You're conflating "justify" with "provoke"


"To provide an acceptable explanation for...

"Nothing can justify your rude behaviour last night."

Have you noticed any rude behavior displayed by the US GOVERNMENT toward Muslim civilians in Iraq, Palestine, or (Chechnya) since '91? Just as nothing justifies the terror visited upon Boston last Monday, nothing justifies the much greater terror visited upon Muslims half-a-world away over the past twenty years.


"... to cause someone to become annoyed or angry.
Don't provoke the dog, it may try to bite you.

The US-led War on Terror is deliberately sowing the seeds of terror among millions of innocent Muslims from Kosovo to Khandahar, and it's only a matter of time before the US homeland reaps the whirlwind.

The solution is to stop "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.
Police officer killed, MBTA cop injured on MIT campus.
Police chase into Watertown, explosives thrown out of carjacked vehicle.
"Black hat bomber" dead from multiple (too many to count) gunshot injurys and a blast injury.

Sorry liberals.

They are not white.

You are so goog at being wrong.

You can go back to blaming the USA for the actions of terrorists !!

Liberals are traitors.
Can conservatives connect these dots?

"Insurgents in Iraq deployed a series of car bombs as part of highly co-ordinated attacks that cut across a wide swath of the country today, killing at least 55 on the deadliest day in nearly a month.

"The assault bore the hallmarks of a resurgent al-Qaeda in Iraq and appeared aimed at sowing fear days before the first elections since U.S. troops withdrew. There was no immediate claim of responsibility, but coordinated attacks are a favourite tactic of al-Qaeda's Iraq branch."

Multiple cities in Iraq saw terror in the same way Boston did last Monday.
Think such a series of assaults might liven up next year's mid-terms?
The US could well be on the verge of reaping what it has sown in the Muslim world over the last 22 years.
Conservatives and Liberals will blame each other while their civil liberties evaporate.
Who wins that one?

Iraq bombing wave kills dozens days before vote - World - CBC News
Revenge is coming after the millions of innocent Muslim lives the US has mangled since August of '91.

FUCK YOU, idiotic scum.

It's very much clear, American foreign policy has murdered a lot of people every year, for many years.
However, that just isn't justification enough for murdering even more innocents as they have no responsibility.

Normally I would reject Unkotare's comment as that of a mindless moron but, in this case, I can see where he's coming from.

Revenge isn't something to be carried out against people enjoying a sporting event or anywhere else.
A military strike against US forces or politicians in retaliation for murderous drone attacks, invasions and so on, is acceptable but only if that is intended to disrupt the actions of that force or give them reason to remove themselves from invaded countries.
For instance, if there was an attack on Holloman Air Force Base, that would be acceptable, regardless of the numbers dead.
This also applies to the Boeing plant that manufactures the drones as destroying weapons plants is a legitimate military aim.
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Listening to the Boston police scanner and they just put out an all units bulletin alerting officers to a car which the suspect may be driving.

Has he slipped the noose?
Listening to the Boston police scanner and they just put out an all units bulletin alerting officers to a car which the suspect may be driving.

Has he slipped the noose?

hope not

he will mostly likely try to

go out with a a bang in a crowd
Listening to the Boston police scanner and they just put out an all units bulletin alerting officers to a car which the suspect may be driving.

Has he slipped the noose?

It's amazing that a 19 year old kid with no background in crime could evade such an extensive manhunt for so many hours. Amazing.

Also, CNN is now reporting about the background of this kid. He was a kid who never was in trouble, who was a school athlete, who, according to friends from high school was a nice guy, a regular guy. The older brother too, he was a golden globe boxer who could have gone pro. They were both in university. So, their going bad like this, it just doesn't make any sense.

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