'Botched': Arizona GOP's ballot count ends, troubles persist

Considering the fact that Trump started this whole "I wuz robbed" bullshit it's time for officials to demand that he put his money where his big mouth is & start coming up with cash to start paying for these audits. Then watch that fucking lowlife run back to the rock he lives under.

Trump & his co conspirators should get the Saddam treatment.
As we say to voter fraud cheaters, "go fuck yourself", we're auditing the votes.
We'll see what the audit finds, if nothing, fine.

Yeah, never saw that in politics before Trump.
Please give me a few examples. The only one I can think of is calling Dubya "chimp".
I don't recall BO getting skewered by the RW press.
When the MSM went after Trump, that opened Pandora's Box, so enjoy.
From the democrat playbook, make the opposition look totally UNACCEPTABLE.
Trump did not collude with Russia, just ask the Mueller Commission.
The voter fraud audits are still in-progress.

We can make democrats look worse than the MSM can make Republicans look, so we win more voters, you'll see in 2022 and 2024. This is not even looking at "Heels up" Kamala, who will be their nominee in 2024.

Call Xiden Putin's Whore (for giving him a cash cow in Nord Stream 2)
Call democrats lawless criminals (who want to defund the police)
Call Xiden a criminal for his open borders policies, (he needs to be impeached)
Call Xiden for his violation of the emoluments clause (for Hunter's "art" sales)
Call Xiden ineffective for his mismanagement of covid and the delta variant
Call Xiden a senile POS for his frequent gaffes
Call Xiden failing, for his falling up the stairs (remember when the MSM made fun of Trump for walking down a slippery ramp too slowly?)

"Trump did not collude with Russia, just ask the Mueller Commission."

But you said he was either a RINO or DEEP STATE??

Thanks for admitting you were full of shit again.
Please give me a few examples. The only one I can think of is calling Dubya "chimp".
I don't recall BO getting skewered by the RW press.
When the MSM went after Trump, that opened Pandora's Box, so enjoy.

Oh, for fuck's sake.

Republicans went after the Clinton's for a 20 year old land deal. They got a lawyer associated with the Paula Jones' case installed as an Independent Counsel to investigate it. When that failed to nail the Clinton's, he switched to FileGate. When that failed to nail the Clinton's, he switched to TravelGate. When that failed to nail the Clinton's, he switched to CattleGate. When that failed to nail the Clinton's, he switched to VinceFosterGate. When that failed to nail the Clinton's, he switched to MonicaGate. Then they finally got Bill. Then when Hillary took over, they gave us 4 years of BenghaziGate, SeizureGate, PizzaGate. With Obama, they gave us BirthCertificateGate, MuslimGate, Obama'sPornStarMotherGate, SpyGate.

You're fucked in the head, con. Time for you to put your big boy pants on and suck it up.
Trump did not collude with Russia, just ask the Mueller Commission.
Read the Mueller Report. He said nothing of the sort
The voter fraud audits are still in-progress.
For ever and ever.
As we say to voter fraud cheaters, "go fuck yourself", we're auditing the votes.
We'll see what the audit finds, if nothing, fine.
You just admitted it's totally politically motivated
"Trump did not collude with Russia, just ask the Mueller Commission."

But you said he was either a RINO or DEEP STATE??

Thanks for admitting you were full of shit again.
Mueller had no clue who FusionGPS was when questioned, he was just a front man like Xiden is for a team of democrats looking to hurt Trump, or Mueller would have tracked down where the Steele Dossier came from.

I think you have me confused with another poster's quotes??
Mueller had no clue who FusionGPS was when questioned, he was just a front man like Xiden is for a team of democrats looking to hurt Trump, or Mueller would have tracked down where the Steele Dossier came from.

Now you're trying to frame it as though Democrats were trying to hurt Trump -- but again YOU posted ... "Trump did not collude with Russia, just ask the Mueller Commission."

^^^ That's your idea of Mueller and/or Democrats trying to hurt Trump, is it?

Nah, that's just you talking out of both sides of your mouth.

I think you have me confused with another poster's quotes??

Nope, it was you...

Rosenstein is no Republican, he's either "deep state" or a Never-Trumper, either way it was the DOJ/FBI that setup Operations Crossfire & Razor to illegally spy on Trump. Also remember it was Rosenstein that offered to wear a wire to 25th Trump's ass. Some kinda "Republican", huh?

Mueller was also no "Republican", he and his team of democrats only looked into Trump and totally ignored Hillary's obvious collusion with Russia for the Steele Dossier. He didn't even know who FusionGPS was. Some "investigation".
Oh, for fuck's sake.

Republicans went after the Clinton's for a 20 year old land deal. They got a lawyer associated with the Paula Jones' case installed as an Independent Counsel to investigate it. When that failed to nail the Clinton's, he switched to FileGate. When that failed to nail the Clinton's, he switched to TravelGate. When that failed to nail the Clinton's, he switched to CattleGate. When that failed to nail the Clinton's, he switched to VinceFosterGate. When that failed to nail the Clinton's, he switched to MonicaGate. Then they finally got Bill. Then when Hillary took over, they gave us 4 years of BenghaziGate, SeizureGate, PizzaGate. With Obama, they gave us BirthCertificateGate, MuslimGate, Obama'sPornStarMotherGate, SpyGate.

You're fucked in the head, con. Time for you to put your big boy pants on and suck it up.
The difference is that the GOP nailed Bill Clinton, he was guilty as fuck. He was impeached for perjury, lost his law license, but the dems circled the senate wagons, and kept him in office. That was a mistake, I still think that Al Gore would have been elected if he was president after Clinton resigned.
Anyway, The MSM shielded Obama from any serious dirt, I don't remember MotherGate, or SpyGate.
Hillary had BathroomServerGate that should have landed her in prison, but Comey said she had no "intent", which wasn't even his call. So she got off easy.
What do the dems have on Trump? Nothing, its all bullshit, so enjoy Putin's Whore on the stairway to heaven...
Read the Mueller Report. He said nothing of the sort

For ever and ever.

You just admitted it's totally politically motivated
1. A special counsel either indicts or he does not indict. Mueller did NOT indict = innocent, period.
2. Everything is political.
3. Elections have consequences.
The difference is that the GOP nailed Bill Clinton, he was guilty as fuck. He was impeached for perjury, lost his law license, but the dems circled the senate wagons, and kept him in office. That was a mistake, I still think that Al Gore would have been elected if he was president after Clinton resigned.
Anyway, The MSM shielded Obama from any serious dirt, I don't remember MotherGate, or SpyGate.
Hillary had BathroomServerGate that should have landed her in prison, but Comey said she had no "intent", which wasn't even his call. So she got off easy.
What do the dems have on Trump? Nothing, its all bullshit, so enjoy Putin's Whore on the stairway to heaven...

They nailed him after many failed attempts. They never nailed Hillary. They never nailed Obama.

So while you cry Democrats have nothing on Trump, which is not yet done, you cry like a baby over it despite Republicans doing it for the last ¼ century. I do find it amusing how you never noticed it though when it was your side doing it.

Now you're trying to frame it as though Democrats were trying to hurt Trump -- but again YOU posted ... "Trump did not collude with Russia, just ask the Mueller Commission."

^^^ That's your idea of Mueller and/or Democrats trying to hurt Trump, is it?

Nah, that's just you talking out of both sides of your mouth.

Nope, it was you...

Not talking out of both sides of my mouth, there never should have been a Mueller Investigation in the first place, there was zero evidence of collusion, even AFTER the FBI illegally spied on Trump.
1. I listed all of the dirty scummy tricks the democrats and deep state used to hurt Trump, from operations crossfire-hurricane, and razor, to the FBI falsifying FISA evidence to illegally spy on Trump, to democrats colluding with Russia for the Steele Dossier, to the faux Muller Investigation, to leakers and whistleblowers, to two bullshit impeachments, to a 95% negative press and their fake news. That democrats hated Trump and always tried to hurt him is a fact.

2. We were discussing Mueller, and you put up a quote about Rosenstein, WTF?
They nailed him after many failed attempts. They never nailed Hillary. They never nailed Obama.

So while you cry Democrats have nothing on Trump, which is not yet done, you cry like a baby over it despite Republicans doing it for the last ¼ century. I do find it amusing how you never noticed it though when it was your side doing it.
1. The LAW nailed Bill for perjury.
2. The LAW nailed Hillary for her illegal bathroom server, but Comey and the DOJ gave her a pass.
3. There is a difference between misusing the LAW to persecute/entrap members of the opposition for no reason, and misusing the LAW to protect guilty democrats.
Not talking out of both sides of my mouth, there never should have been a Mueller Investigation in the first place, there was zero evidence of collusion, even AFTER the FBI illegally spied on Trump.
Again, there was an investigation because a Republican appointed a Republican to investigate. Stop blaming Democrats.

1. I listed all of the dirty scummy tricks the democrats and deep state used to hurt Trump, from operations crossfire-hurricane, and razor, to the FBI falsifying FISA evidence to illegally spy on Trump, to democrats colluding with Russia for the Steele Dossier, to the faux Muller Investigation, to leakers and whistleblowers, to two bullshit impeachments, to a 95% negative press and their fake news. That democrats hated Trump and always tried to hurt him is a fact.

And I listed all kinds of shit Republicans did to Democrats for many years before that.

Again, and I can't stress this enough -- put your big boy pants on and suck it up.

2. We were discussing Mueller, and you put up a quote about Rosenstein, WTF?
I didn't quote Rosenstein -- I quoted you.
1. The LAW nailed Bill for perjury.
2. The LAW nailed Hillary for her illegal bathroom server, but Comey and the DOJ gave her a pass.
3. There is a difference between misusing the LAW to persecute/entrap members of the opposition for no reason, and misusing the LAW to protect guilty democrats.
Now you're lying. The law never nailed Hillary. And again, Republicans nailed Clinton on perjury after years and many other failed attempts at everything from Whitewater to CattleGate. Since it appears you're ok going after politicians from one alleged scandal to the next until they nail their opposition, you should have no problem with Democrats doing it now to Trump. Like Republicans, Democrats will just keep going after him until they get him.
Again, there was an investigation because a Republican appointed a Republican to investigate. Stop blaming Democrats.

And I listed all kinds of shit Republicans did to Democrats for many years before that.

Again, and I can't stress this enough -- put your big boy pants on and suck it up.

I didn't quote Rosenstein -- I quoted you.
1. Again, that "Republican" offered to wear a wire to entrap a Republican president. Doesn't sound like Rosenstein is very loyal, but that's what Trump gets for not installing a real AG to start with. Jeff Sessions should never have recused himself, but as we say no crying over spilled milk. You know the democrats were screaming for a Special Counsel investigation, Schiff said he saw the evidence. Total bullshit from start to empty finish.

2. Suck what up? I'm busy slinging shit at Putin's Whore, the one who falls up stairs and is a senile POS.
1. Again, that "Republican" offered to wear a wire to entrap a Republican president. Doesn't sound like Rosenstein is very loyal, but that's what Trump gets for not installing a real AG to start with. Jeff Sessions should never have recused himself, but as we say no crying over spilled milk. You know the democrats were screaming for a Special Counsel investigation, Schiff said he saw the evidence. Total bullshit from start to empty finish.
Maybe he wasn't "loyal" to Trump. Nor should any Attorney General or in his case, acting Attorney General, be "loyal" to a president. They should be loyal to the United States. But even if he wasn't loyal, he was still a Republican, not a Democrat. So stop blaming Democrats. He still appointed a Republican, not a Democrat. So stop blaming Democrats. And even though Mueller hired a lot of Democrats to investigate, they still found Trump did not collude with Russia. So stop blaming Democrats.

2. Suck what up? I'm busy slinging shit at Putin's Whore, the one who falls up stairs and is a senile POS.
Good for you. I agree with you, Biden sucks as president. What you need to suck up is Democrats going after Republicans as Republicans go after Democrats. You don't like it? Tough shit. That's how it is. Suck it up.
Now you're lying. The law never nailed Hillary. And again, Republicans nailed Clinton on perjury after years and many other failed attempts at everything from Whitewater to CattleGate. Since it appears you're ok going after politicians from one alleged scandal to the next until they nail their opposition, you should have no problem with Democrats doing it now to Trump. Like Republicans, Democrats will just keep going after him until they get him.
1. True, the LAW didn't nail Hillary, but it should have. Specifically 18 U.S. Code § 1924, regarding the unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents. Also, it was NOT Comey's call to say she lacked "criminal intent". That should have been investigated by the DOJ.

2. I have no problem truly hunting crimes, my problem is with the double standard. Like Hunter's laptop, his "paintings", his no show Burisma job, his $1.5b from China to "invest", etc.
Some people are apparently more equal than others. If you step into the political ring, you better have really good lawyers. Trump does.
Slinging shit at the political opposition is the "new normal", thanks to the democrats' raw hatred for Trump.
Vast amounts of voter fraud might be true, who knows.
After all of the shit the dems threw at Trump the last 4-years, whining about a few audits sounds infantile.

What everyone should expect is a audit run by people who are qualified to do a audit and it be done by a unbiased fir, None of that is true in Arizona.

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