Both Dems AND Repubs baffled by Trumps firing of Top Cop

To get to the bottom of all this Russia stuff, we need a special prosecutor to interview these important witnesses....

Its almost as if they were waiting for a reason, ANY reason, no matter how small to let him go.

I think. Comey was too good at his job and THAT'S why he was fired. He was getting too close to Russiagate

Too good at his job? It is still the shouldn't drink yourself into a stupor until after dinner.....
Its almost as if they were waiting for a reason, ANY reason, no matter how small to let him go.

I think. Comey was too good at his job and THAT'S why he was fired. He was getting too close to Russiagate

About every rabid regressive in congress and on this board was screaming for his head last July and again in Oct for mishandling the bitches investigation and not following DOJ protocol. Now the new Asst. AG investigates those allegations and finds them to be true, suddenly he's Saint Comey. I just can't believe the flagrant hypocrisy. :dunno::dunno::dunno: :fu::fu::fu:


The problem with your statement is you don't fire the Lead Investigator when you're the SUBJECT of that investigation--LOL

He didn't fire the lead investigator asswipe.......that guy is still on the fucking job.......he fired comey....the guy the lead investigator reports to....
The Trump admin seems oblivious to "optics". Whether his termination was warranted or not, the timing couldn't have been worse.
A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing

I'm returning your gift of a persecution complex about the media. It's time to not care what they say, which can only be effective if we do everything we can to discredit them and put them out of business. After all, many famous magazines went bankrupt when the public was no longer interested in what they had to offer. Even lately, the print media have been decimated; it's time we quit criticizing and start critically injuring. Sean Spicer shows no fear, why should we?
The posse may be gettin’ close…

I'll bet the posse already had the Comrade in their grasp. Comey under testimony 1-1/2 months ago stated something very interesting: "It's like they didn't even care if they got caught." Comey was headed into a closed door hearing with Senate intelligence tomorrow, on Thursday and they fired him yesterday.

Why would you fire and piss off the guy who is going to testify in two days? Does that make sense to you? What would Trump gain by firing him? What would Trump lose by firing him?
Comey, Go Homey

Trump gains an FBI Director who is not out to get him for partisan reasons. We need an FBI that can bring RICO charges against LULAC, La Raza, CAIR, and BLM's criminal conspiracies. We need experienced agents in charge of that team, not politically appointed lawyers.

But who is he thinking of nominating? Rogers an ex congressman that is now a radio talk host. Yep, gotta get those career agents in charge.
Sheriff David Clarke

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