Both Dems AND Repubs baffled by Trumps firing of Top Cop

The posse may be gettin’ close…

I'll bet the posse already had the Comrade in their grasp. Comey under testimony 1-1/2 months ago stated something very interesting: "It's like they didn't even care if they got caught." Comey was headed into a closed door hearing with Senate intelligence tomorrow, on Thursday and they fired him yesterday.

Why would you fire and piss off the guy that is going to testify in two days?
To discredit him; if you think the testimony is going to be unfavorable.

Does that make sense to you?
As far as the dis-creditation theory goes; yes. You’ll be able to tell what the strategy is when the surrogates start spinning. I’m sure the words “holdover from the Obama administration” will be on the lips of all of the President’s people…

What would Trump gain by firing him?
Delays the overall investigation if you buy into the “posse was getting close” narrative.

What would Trump lose by firing him?

Very little except it fires up the speculation.
Who cares. They have demonstrated a complete lack of credibility on any subject. Were they to claim that the Moon was full, I would check other sources.
and Trump's credibility ? how is that in your Critical Thinking domain Einstein...what are you kidding me .... Trump lies like a Zen Master breathes

No Journalist Should Believe Anything The White House Says

So far, every promise that the trumpster made on the campaign he has attempted to follow through upon. His other "lies" are nothing more than him poking the MSM and getting them to follow the other hand while his right hand is doing work. And fools such as yourself fall for it every time. Compared to every other politician in DC the trumpster is a freaking boyscout. And, his lies don't hurt any of us. obummers certainly did. pelosi's too, and chucky's etc. etc. etc.

He said he would declare China a currency manipulator. When did that happen?
He said we would pull out of NAFTA. Are we still there?

So are you now just happy to excuse lies from the President?
Its almost as if they were waiting for a reason, ANY reason, no matter how small to let him go.

I think. Comey was too good at his job and THAT'S why he was fired. He was getting too close to Russiagate

I think he should have resigned after the election. He no longer inspired impartial confidence in the system.
Who cares. They have demonstrated a complete lack of credibility on any subject. Were they to claim that the Moon was full, I would check other sources.
and Trump's credibility ? how is that in your Critical Thinking domain Einstein...what are you kidding me .... Trump lies like a Zen Master breathes

No Journalist Should Believe Anything The White House Says

So far, every promise that the trumpster made on the campaign he has attempted to follow through upon. His other "lies" are nothing more than him poking the MSM and getting them to follow the other hand while his right hand is doing work. And fools such as yourself fall for it every time. Compared to every other politician in DC the trumpster is a freaking boyscout. And, his lies don't hurt any of us. obummers certainly did. pelosi's too, and chucky's etc. etc. etc.

He said he would declare China a currency manipulator. When did that happen?
He said we would pull out of NAFTA. Are we still there?

So are you now just happy to excuse lies from the President?

And China is now actually DOING something about N korea. And, he has said he would pull us out of NAFTA if it can't be renegotiated. You progs are pretty damned amusing! You demand he do things immediately, as if it were an episode of CSI. The reality is this is the real world. In the real world it takes time to get people to do what you want. If China continues to do his bidding without having to resort to declaring them a CM is that not a good thing?

Negotiation. Something you clearly have not the slightest idea how it works.

What a farcical claim. If there were evidence of that the whole of Congress would be after his ass. There is NOTHING that the trumpster could do that would prevent his ouster and criminal prosecution had he resorted to such a course of action. Claiming that the investigation dies because comey was fired is simply ridiculous and relies on the incredible stupidity of the morons, like you, who have no capability to think critically.
It is astounding that there are adults that gullible.

The internet era has ushered in a new generation of stupidity
He said he would declare China a currency manipulator. When did that happen?
He said we would pull out of NAFTA. Are we still there?

Dude! We're trying to rally China to help fix North Korea! It is called leverage! We have offered an olive branch for their cooperation. As to NAFTA, that too he has threatened to close unless it is reworked more to our favor! Again, art of the deal! You really ought to try to at least pick up a newspaper or something.
He said he would declare China a currency manipulator. When did that happen?
He said we would pull out of NAFTA. Are we still there?

Dude! We're trying to rally China to help fix North Korea! It is called leverage! We have offered an olive branch for their cooperation. As to NAFTA, that too he has threatened to close unless it is reworked more to our favor! Again, art of the deal! You really ought to try to at least pick up a newspaper or something.

That thought process is evidently too complex for the corn.
Who cares. They have demonstrated a complete lack of credibility on any subject. Were they to claim that the Moon was full, I would check other sources.
and Trump's credibility ? how is that in your Critical Thinking domain Einstein...what are you kidding me .... Trump lies like a Zen Master breathes

No Journalist Should Believe Anything The White House Says

So far, every promise that the trumpster made on the campaign he has attempted to follow through upon. His other "lies" are nothing more than him poking the MSM and getting them to follow the other hand while his right hand is doing work. And fools such as yourself fall for it every time. Compared to every other politician in DC the trumpster is a freaking boyscout. And, his lies don't hurt any of us. obummers certainly did. pelosi's too, and chucky's etc. etc. etc.

He said he would declare China a currency manipulator. When did that happen?
He said we would pull out of NAFTA. Are we still there?

So are you now just happy to excuse lies from the President?
Did he rip up that Iran deal on the 1st day ? the 2nd? EVER??
Just a couple of Repubs scratching their heads
AP Analysis: Trump thrusts US presidency into perilous area
Sen. Richard Burr, the North Carolina Republican who is overseeing one of the congressional investigations into Russia's election interference, said: "I am troubled by the timing and reasoning of Comey's termination."

Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., said he'd spent hours trying to find "an acceptable rationale" for Trump's decision. "I just can't do it," he said.
Who cares. They have demonstrated a complete lack of credibility on any subject. Were they to claim that the Moon was full, I would check other sources.
and Trump's credibility ? how is that in your Critical Thinking domain Einstein...what are you kidding me .... Trump lies like a Zen Master breathes

No Journalist Should Believe Anything The White House Says

So far, every promise that the trumpster made on the campaign he has attempted to follow through upon. His other "lies" are nothing more than him poking the MSM and getting them to follow the other hand while his right hand is doing work. And fools such as yourself fall for it every time. Compared to every other politician in DC the trumpster is a freaking boyscout. And, his lies don't hurt any of us. obummers certainly did. pelosi's too, and chucky's etc. etc. etc.

He said he would declare China a currency manipulator. When did that happen?
He said we would pull out of NAFTA. Are we still there?

So are you now just happy to excuse lies from the President?

And China is now actually DOING something about N korea.
They are watching them test missiles. Or did you miss that? I'm sure you'll tell us what concrete steps China is taking on our behalf...go!

And, he has said he would pull us out of NAFTA if it can't be renegotiated.
And what specifically is he going to re-negotiate? I'm sure you'll tell us...go!

You progs are pretty damned amusing! You demand he do things immediately, as if it were an episode of CSI. The reality is this is the real world. In the real world it takes time to get people to do what you want. If China continues to do his bidding without having to resort to declaring them a CM is that not a good thing?
Saying you're going to do A then not doing it either means you didn't know what you're talking about when you said "A", or you were lying. Whether they do anything with NK or not means little to the pocketbook of Americans. China's currency manipulation matters much, much more economically. Why not do both? Oh, yeah, because he's all talk. So far China hasn't done shit for us and Trump has backed down from his stances. That is called lying.
Negotiation. Something you clearly have not the slightest idea how it works.

I liked the negotiation he did with the budget, leaving CPB in tact, PP funding in tact. How about that healthcare plan that will still require many of the same tenants of Obamacare? I thought he was going to replace it with something different--because that is what he said he was going to do.

You cons sure are hilarious...the guy lies right to your face and you beg for more.
He said he would declare China a currency manipulator. When did that happen?
He said we would pull out of NAFTA. Are we still there?

Dude! We're trying to rally China to help fix North Korea! It is called leverage! We have offered an olive branch for their cooperation. As to NAFTA, that too he has threatened to close unless it is reworked more to our favor! Again, art of the deal! You really ought to try to at least pick up a newspaper or something.

So they can still screw us over on trading if they "fix" North Korea? NK costs you nothing. If you believe the jibberish about our trade agreements and the deficit with China is hurting our economy, their dumping of product, counterfeiting our brands, and unfair trading practices are much more crucial to the average American.

I know you probably won't do it--but tell us what does a "fixed" North Korea look like? How will we know when China has "fixed" them? You trust the NK's to adhere to anything they sign? Perhaps YOU should pick up a news paper from time to time.
Its almost as if they were waiting for a reason, ANY reason, no matter how small to let him go.

I think. Comey was too good at his job and THAT'S why he was fired. He was getting too close to Russiagate

He was good at his job. When he asked the Justice dept for more resources to get this done faster in infuriated $T, that's when he was fired.
He said he would declare China a currency manipulator. When did that happen?
He said we would pull out of NAFTA. Are we still there?

Dude! We're trying to rally China to help fix North Korea! It is called leverage! We have offered an olive branch for their cooperation. As to NAFTA, that too he has threatened to close unless it is reworked more to our favor! Again, art of the deal! You really ought to try to at least pick up a newspaper or something.

So they can still screw us over on trading if they "fix" North Korea? NK costs you nothing. If you believe the jibberish about our trade agreements and the deficit with China is hurting our economy, their dumping of product, counterfeiting our brands, and unfair trading practices are much more crucial to the average American.

I know you probably won't do it--but tell us what does a "fixed" North Korea look like? How will we know when China has "fixed" them? You trust the NK's to adhere to anything they sign? Perhaps YOU should pick up a news paper from time to time.

I don't know that I have your answers, but the issue with trade will wait till later if the Chinese help us, but be eventually addressed. It has to be. But a nuclear threat takes precedence. And gibberish is spelled with as 'g'. What does a fixed NK look like? I don't know--- I suppose one that steps down its hostilities at the very least, surrenders to a better regime change for the better, and ideally, becomes a non-hostile and productive member of the world community at best. We shall see. A lot depends on China. A guy who is waving missiles at S. Korea, Japan and threatening to decimate the American mainland has to be dealt with somehow. The jackass is likely not going down easy and wants his day in the Sun.
Anybody who still supports $T has got to be sick. If he could appoint Jared Kushner to FBI Director he would, then end of problems. What about Ivanka as director of IRS, that would also relieve some problems. Then we're going to purge all the Mexican judges our of here and hand pick the one to judge his fake university case. That's why he admires Kim Jong Un who has total control over everybody and everything at the flick of a finger. Tell me you don't see this.

Who cares. They have demonstrated a complete lack of credibility on any subject. Were they to claim that the Moon was full, I would check other sources.
and Trump's credibility ? how is that in your Critical Thinking domain Einstein...what are you kidding me .... Trump lies like a Zen Master breathes

No Journalist Should Believe Anything The White House Says

So far, every promise that the trumpster made on the campaign he has attempted to follow through upon. His other "lies" are nothing more than him poking the MSM and getting them to follow the other hand while his right hand is doing work. And fools such as yourself fall for it every time. Compared to every other politician in DC the trumpster is a freaking boyscout. And, his lies don't hurt any of us. obummers certainly did. pelosi's too, and chucky's etc. etc. etc.

He said he would declare China a currency manipulator. When did that happen?
He said we would pull out of NAFTA. Are we still there?

So are you now just happy to excuse lies from the President?

And China is now actually DOING something about N korea.
They are watching them test missiles. Or did you miss that? I'm sure you'll tell us what concrete steps China is taking on our behalf...go!

And, he has said he would pull us out of NAFTA if it can't be renegotiated.
And what specifically is he going to re-negotiate? I'm sure you'll tell us...go!

You progs are pretty damned amusing! You demand he do things immediately, as if it were an episode of CSI. The reality is this is the real world. In the real world it takes time to get people to do what you want. If China continues to do his bidding without having to resort to declaring them a CM is that not a good thing?
Saying you're going to do A then not doing it either means you didn't know what you're talking about when you said "A", or you were lying. Whether they do anything with NK or not means little to the pocketbook of Americans. China's currency manipulation matters much, much more economically. Why not do both? Oh, yeah, because he's all talk. So far China hasn't done shit for us and Trump has backed down from his stances. That is called lying.
Negotiation. Something you clearly have not the slightest idea how it works.

I liked the negotiation he did with the budget, leaving CPB in tact, PP funding in tact. How about that healthcare plan that will still require many of the same tenants of Obamacare? I thought he was going to replace it with something different--because that is what he said he was going to do.

You cons sure are hilarious...the guy lies right to your face and you beg for more.
Who cares. They have demonstrated a complete lack of credibility on any subject. Were they to claim that the Moon was full, I would check other sources.
and Trump's credibility ? how is that in your Critical Thinking domain Einstein...what are you kidding me .... Trump lies like a Zen Master breathes

No Journalist Should Believe Anything The White House Says

So far, every promise that the trumpster made on the campaign he has attempted to follow through upon. His other "lies" are nothing more than him poking the MSM and getting them to follow the other hand while his right hand is doing work. And fools such as yourself fall for it every time. Compared to every other politician in DC the trumpster is a freaking boyscout. And, his lies don't hurt any of us. obummers certainly did. pelosi's too, and chucky's etc. etc. etc.

He said he would declare China a currency manipulator. When did that happen?
He said we would pull out of NAFTA. Are we still there?

So are you now just happy to excuse lies from the President?

And China is now actually DOING something about N korea.
They are watching them test missiles. Or did you miss that? I'm sure you'll tell us what concrete steps China is taking on our behalf...go!

And, he has said he would pull us out of NAFTA if it can't be renegotiated.
And what specifically is he going to re-negotiate? I'm sure you'll tell us...go!

You progs are pretty damned amusing! You demand he do things immediately, as if it were an episode of CSI. The reality is this is the real world. In the real world it takes time to get people to do what you want. If China continues to do his bidding without having to resort to declaring them a CM is that not a good thing?
Saying you're going to do A then not doing it either means you didn't know what you're talking about when you said "A", or you were lying. Whether they do anything with NK or not means little to the pocketbook of Americans. China's currency manipulation matters much, much more economically. Why not do both? Oh, yeah, because he's all talk. So far China hasn't done shit for us and Trump has backed down from his stances. That is called lying.
Negotiation. Something you clearly have not the slightest idea how it works.

I liked the negotiation he did with the budget, leaving CPB in tact, PP funding in tact. How about that healthcare plan that will still require many of the same tenants of Obamacare? I thought he was going to replace it with something different--because that is what he said he was going to do.

You cons sure are hilarious...the guy lies right to your face and you beg for more.
Westy is funny We demand he do things immediately?? How much time did you %^$%^&^%^ give Obama recovering from our greatest recession ever?
He said he would declare China a currency manipulator. When did that happen?
He said we would pull out of NAFTA. Are we still there?

Dude! We're trying to rally China to help fix North Korea! It is called leverage! We have offered an olive branch for their cooperation. As to NAFTA, that too he has threatened to close unless it is reworked more to our favor! Again, art of the deal! You really ought to try to at least pick up a newspaper or something.

So they can still screw us over on trading if they "fix" North Korea? NK costs you nothing. If you believe the jibberish about our trade agreements and the deficit with China is hurting our economy, their dumping of product, counterfeiting our brands, and unfair trading practices are much more crucial to the average American.

I know you probably won't do it--but tell us what does a "fixed" North Korea look like? How will we know when China has "fixed" them? You trust the NK's to adhere to anything they sign? Perhaps YOU should pick up a news paper from time to time.

I don't know that I have your answers, but the issue with trade will wait till later if the Chinese help us, but be eventually addressed. It has to be. But a nuclear threat takes precedence.
Nearly every missile they test mal-functions. Iran is developing a bomb too. Russia has something like 14,000 warheads pointed at you right now. Are you losing a minute of sleep over any of it? No.

And gibberish is spelled with as 'g'.
Loser is spelled with a toobfreak

What does a fixed NK look like? I don't know--- I suppose one that steps down its hostilities at the very least, surrenders to a better regime change for the better, and ideally, becomes a non-hostile and productive member of the world community at best. We shall see. A lot depends on China. A guy who is waving missiles at S. Korea, Japan and threatening to decimate the American mainland has to be dealt with somehow. The jackass is likely not going down easy and wants his day in the Sun.

And of course, this is the standard Trump ploy that he and his enablers always do. Never give specifics. So he could claim victory tomorrow and we would have zero objective criteria on which to claim victory. It's much like Obamacare. If you're keeping the PEC mandate, and keeping children on their parent's plan until they turn 26, and keeping the contraceptive coverage in place, and closing the old Medicare "donut"...can you really say you've repealed it? That was what he said he was going to do...
The posse may be gettin’ close…

I'll bet the posse already had the Comrade in their grasp. Comey under testimony 1-1/2 months ago stated something very interesting: "It's like they didn't even care if they got caught." Comey was headed into a closed door hearing with Senate intelligence tomorrow, on Thursday and they fired him yesterday.

Why would you fire and piss off the guy who is going to testify in two days? Does that make sense to you? What would Trump gain by firing him? What would Trump lose by firing him?
Comey, Go Homey

Trump gains an FBI Director who is not out to get him for partisan reasons. We need an FBI that can bring RICO charges against LULAC, La Raza, CAIR, and BLM's criminal conspiracies. We need experienced agents in charge of that team, not politically appointed lawyers.
The Trump admin seems oblivious to "optics". Whether his termination was warranted or not, the timing couldn't have been worse.
The posse may be gettin’ close…

I'll bet the posse already had the Comrade in their grasp. Comey under testimony 1-1/2 months ago stated something very interesting: "It's like they didn't even care if they got caught." Comey was headed into a closed door hearing with Senate intelligence tomorrow, on Thursday and they fired him yesterday.

Why would you fire and piss off the guy who is going to testify in two days? Does that make sense to you? What would Trump gain by firing him? What would Trump lose by firing him?
Comey, Go Homey

Trump gains an FBI Director who is not out to get him for partisan reasons. We need an FBI that can bring RICO charges against LULAC, La Raza, CAIR, and BLM's criminal conspiracies. We need experienced agents in charge of that team, not politically appointed lawyers.

But who is he thinking of nominating? Rogers an ex congressman that is now a radio talk host. Yep, gotta get those career agents in charge.
He said he would declare China a currency manipulator. When did that happen?
He said we would pull out of NAFTA. Are we still there?

Dude! We're trying to rally China to help fix North Korea! It is called leverage! We have offered an olive branch for their cooperation. As to NAFTA, that too he has threatened to close unless it is reworked more to our favor! Again, art of the deal! You really ought to try to at least pick up a newspaper or something.

So they can still screw us over on trading if they "fix" North Korea? NK costs you nothing. If you believe the jibberish about our trade agreements and the deficit with China is hurting our economy, their dumping of product, counterfeiting our brands, and unfair trading practices are much more crucial to the average American.

I know you probably won't do it--but tell us what does a "fixed" North Korea look like? How will we know when China has "fixed" them? You trust the NK's to adhere to anything they sign? Perhaps YOU should pick up a news paper from time to time.

Its' simple, Jared Kushner for Director FBI. No more problems.

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