Both Dems AND Repubs baffled by Trumps firing of Top Cop

Its almost as if they were waiting for a reason, ANY reason, no matter how small to let him go.

I think. Comey was too good at his job and THAT'S why he was fired. He was getting too close to Russiagate

There's nothing baffeling about it. Comey was due to testify during the Senate hearings in two days. Sally Yates testified yesterday and was repeatedly asked about the Russian investigation, which she refused to answer citing classified information that could best be answered by James Comey and other intelligence sources and Comey was suddenly, without warning fired today.

About 1-1/2 months ago Comey testified and this was his statement without mentioning any names: He stated: "It's like they didn't even care if they got caught." That can only mean one thing--They've been caught--and now they know it and are trying to bury it.

But it didn't work for Richard Nixon--and it's certainly not going to work now. This administration is clearly in full blown panic mode.

So, he still can't testify?
Its almost as if they were waiting for a reason, ANY reason, no matter how small to let him go.

I think. Comey was too good at his job and THAT'S why he was fired. He was getting too close to Russiagate

About every rabid regressive in congress and on this board was screaming for his head last July and again in Oct for mishandling the bitches investigation and not following DOJ protocol. Now the new Asst. AG investigates those allegations and finds them to be true, suddenly he's Saint Comey. I just can't believe the flagrant hypocrisy. :dunno::dunno::dunno: :fu::fu::fu:


The problem with your statement is you don't fire the Lead Investigator when you're the SUBJECT of that investigation--LOL
There is no investigation, maybe Hillary. But not Trump.
Its almost as if they were waiting for a reason, ANY reason, no matter how small to let him go.

I think. Comey was too good at his job and THAT'S why he was fired. He was getting too close to Russiagate

About every rabid regressive in congress and on this board was screaming for his head last July and again in Oct for mishandling the bitches investigation and not following DOJ protocol. Now the new Asst. AG investigates those allegations and finds them to be true, suddenly he's Saint Comey. I just can't believe the flagrant hypocrisy. :dunno::dunno::dunno: :fu::fu::fu:


The problem with your statement is you don't fire the Lead Investigator when you're the SUBJECT of that investigation--LOL
There is no investigation, maybe Hillary. But not Trump.

I don't know what media hole you've crawled out of, (probably Trump's tweeter feed,) but you are wholly uniformed as to what is going on.

"FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Monday that his agency has been investigating possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian officials since last July.

The newly revealed timeline — which Comey detailed in a much-anticipated House Intelligence Committee hearing — means the FBI probe was occurring during the peak of an alleged Russian campaign to destabilize the presidential race and eventually help elect President Donald Trump."
Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July


Cleveland July 2016--RNC convention:

"Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today.
Gordon told CNN that along with national security advisers Carter Page and Walid Phares, Gordon stressed to the Russian envoy that he would like to improve relations with Russia.

Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful.
But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine."
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -

This action set off a tornado warning siren to every single intelligence agency in this country including abroad.

In my old age I cannot think of any surrogates of any Presidential nominee in the history of this nation, that would have sat across the table from a foreign adversary to write foreign policy--3 months prior to an election--that they weren't even close to winning.

Since then we've had nothing but lie after lie.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is

So Republicans have two choices:
1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018-2020 and beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction and Lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education on what that Emoluments clause in the Constitution means.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution
Last edited:
Its almost as if they were waiting for a reason, ANY reason, no matter how small to let him go.

I think. Comey was too good at his job and THAT'S why he was fired. He was getting too close to Russiagate

About every rabid regressive in congress and on this board was screaming for his head last July and again in Oct for mishandling the bitches investigation and not following DOJ protocol. Now the new Asst. AG investigates those allegations and finds them to be true, suddenly he's Saint Comey. I just can't believe the flagrant hypocrisy. :dunno::dunno::dunno: :fu::fu::fu:


The problem with your statement is you don't fire the Lead Investigator when you're the SUBJECT of that investigation--LOL
There is no investigation, maybe Hillary. But not Trump.

I don't know what media hole you've crawled out of, (probably Trump's tweeter feed,) but you are wholly uniformed as to what is going on.

"FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Monday that his agency has been investigating possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian officials since last July.

The newly revealed timeline — which Comey detailed in a much-anticipated House Intelligence Committee hearing — means the FBI probe was occurring during the peak of an alleged Russian campaign to destabilize the presidential race and eventually help elect President Donald Trump."
Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July


Cleveland July 2016--RNC convention:

"Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today.
Gordon told CNN that along with national security advisers Carter Page and Walid Phares, Gordon stressed to the Russian envoy that he would like to improve relations with Russia.

Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful.
But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine."
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -

This action set off a tornado warning siren to every single intelligence agency in this country including abroad.

In my old age I cannot think of any surrogates of any Presidential nominee in the history of this nation, that would have sat across the table from a foreign adversary to write foreign policy--3 months prior to an election--that they weren't even close to winning.

Since then we've had nothing but lie after lie.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is

So Republicans have two choices:
1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018-2020 and beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction and Lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education on what that Emoluments clause in the Constitution means.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

Fake alt left news.
Its almost as if they were waiting for a reason, ANY reason, no matter how small to let him go.

I think. Comey was too good at his job and THAT'S why he was fired. He was getting too close to Russiagate

About every rabid regressive in congress and on this board was screaming for his head last July and again in Oct for mishandling the bitches investigation and not following DOJ protocol. Now the new Asst. AG investigates those allegations and finds them to be true, suddenly he's Saint Comey. I just can't believe the flagrant hypocrisy. :dunno::dunno::dunno: :fu::fu::fu:


The problem with your statement is you don't fire the Lead Investigator when you're the SUBJECT of that investigation--LOL
There is no investigation, maybe Hillary. But not Trump.

I don't know what media hole you've crawled out of, (probably Trump's tweeter feed,) but you are wholly uniformed as to what is going on.

"FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Monday that his agency has been investigating possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian officials since last July.

The newly revealed timeline — which Comey detailed in a much-anticipated House Intelligence Committee hearing — means the FBI probe was occurring during the peak of an alleged Russian campaign to destabilize the presidential race and eventually help elect President Donald Trump."
Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July


Cleveland July 2016--RNC convention:

"Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today.
Gordon told CNN that along with national security advisers Carter Page and Walid Phares, Gordon stressed to the Russian envoy that he would like to improve relations with Russia.

Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful.
But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine."
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -

This action set off a tornado warning siren to every single intelligence agency in this country including abroad.

In my old age I cannot think of any surrogates of any Presidential nominee in the history of this nation, that would have sat across the table from a foreign adversary to write foreign policy--3 months prior to an election--that they weren't even close to winning.

Since then we've had nothing but lie after lie.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is

So Republicans have two choices:
1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018-2020 and beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction and Lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education on what that Emoluments clause in the Constitution means.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

Fake alt left news.

Well the on-going hearings in the Senate are not FAKE. Trump is done--he knows it and he can call it fake news all he wants to and you can believe him all you want too--but we're going to see an impeachment of Donald Trump with possible criminal charges against General Flynn--and several of his other campaign surrogates, and possibly Trump himself.

General Flynn is now subpeoned and he will be headed to a grand jury.

May 10, 2017 3:03 PM EDT

"Federal prosecutors probing Russian interference in last year's presidential election have issued grand jury subpoenas for business records of associates of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, CBS News has confirmed.

Sources tell CBS News investigators have been using all tools at their disposal. The probe has been going forward aggressively and showing no signs of slowing down, and subpoenas are part of an investigation, the CBS News sources point out.

Flynn's attorney has not responded to CBS News requests for comment.

The FBI began its investigation in July into possible ties between Trump campaign associates and Moscow.

CNN cites people familiar with the investigation as saying the subpoenas "issued in recent weeks by the U.S. Attorney's Office in Alexandria, Virginia, were received by associates who worked with Flynn on contracts after he was forced out as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014."

Sources say investigators have been looking into Flynn's past dealings with clients tied to foreign governments, including Russia's and Turkey's.
Michael Flynn targeted by grand jury subpoenas, sources confirm
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy
Flynn was paid to lobby for Turkey while attending Trump intel briefings: report
Senate Republicans demand answers on Flynn
Flynn seeks immunity for testimony -

Flynn is the first one up to bat--he has asked for immunity against prosecution and they didn't give it to him. His lawyers stated he's got a real story to tell--and I imagine he will be the first little birdy that starts chirping to save his own ass, and then the rest will start singing like canaries.

Treason is a very serious charge. Today it is a mandatory life sentence in a Federal Prison.

Last edited:
About every rabid regressive in congress and on this board was screaming for his head last July and again in Oct for mishandling the bitches investigation and not following DOJ protocol. Now the new Asst. AG investigates those allegations and finds them to be true, suddenly he's Saint Comey. I just can't believe the flagrant hypocrisy. :dunno::dunno::dunno: :fu::fu::fu:


The problem with your statement is you don't fire the Lead Investigator when you're the SUBJECT of that investigation--LOL
There is no investigation, maybe Hillary. But not Trump.

I don't know what media hole you've crawled out of, (probably Trump's tweeter feed,) but you are wholly uniformed as to what is going on.

"FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Monday that his agency has been investigating possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian officials since last July.

The newly revealed timeline — which Comey detailed in a much-anticipated House Intelligence Committee hearing — means the FBI probe was occurring during the peak of an alleged Russian campaign to destabilize the presidential race and eventually help elect President Donald Trump."
Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July


Cleveland July 2016--RNC convention:

"Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today.
Gordon told CNN that along with national security advisers Carter Page and Walid Phares, Gordon stressed to the Russian envoy that he would like to improve relations with Russia.

Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful.
But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine."
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -

This action set off a tornado warning siren to every single intelligence agency in this country including abroad.

In my old age I cannot think of any surrogates of any Presidential nominee in the history of this nation, that would have sat across the table from a foreign adversary to write foreign policy--3 months prior to an election--that they weren't even close to winning.

Since then we've had nothing but lie after lie.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is

So Republicans have two choices:
1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018-2020 and beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction and Lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education on what that Emoluments clause in the Constitution means.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

Fake alt left news.

Well the on-going hearings in the Senate are not FAKE. Trump is done--he knows it and he can call it fake news all he wants to and you can believe him all you want too--but we're going to see an impeachment of Donald Trump with possible criminal charges against General Flynn--and several of his other campaign surrogates, and possibly Trump himself.

General Flynn is now subpeoned and he will be headed to a grand jury.

May 10, 2017 3:03 PM EDT

"Federal prosecutors probing Russian interference in last year's presidential election have issued grand jury subpoenas for business records of associates of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, CBS News has confirmed.

Sources tell CBS News investigators have been using all tools at their disposal. The probe has been going forward aggressively and showing no signs of slowing down, and subpoenas are part of an investigation, the CBS News sources point out.

Flynn's attorney has not responded to CBS News requests for comment.

The FBI began its investigation in July into possible ties between Trump campaign associates and Moscow.

CNN cites people familiar with the investigation as saying the subpoenas "issued in recent weeks by the U.S. Attorney's Office in Alexandria, Virginia, were received by associates who worked with Flynn on contracts after he was forced out as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014."

Sources say investigators have been looking into Flynn's past dealings with clients tied to foreign governments, including Russia's and Turkey's.
Michael Flynn targeted by grand jury subpoenas, sources confirm
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy
Flynn was paid to lobby for Turkey while attending Trump intel briefings: report
Senate Republicans demand answers on Flynn
Flynn seeks immunity for testimony -

Flynn is the first one up to bat--he has asked for immunity against prosecution and they didn't give it to him. His lawyers stated he's got a real story to tell--and I imagine he will be the first little birdy that starts chirping to save his own ass, and then the rest will start singing like canaries.

Treason is a very serious charge. Today it is a mandatory life sentence in a Federal Prison.


The same as Hillary?
The problem with your statement is you don't fire the Lead Investigator when you're the SUBJECT of that investigation--LOL
There is no investigation, maybe Hillary. But not Trump.

I don't know what media hole you've crawled out of, (probably Trump's tweeter feed,) but you are wholly uniformed as to what is going on.

"FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Monday that his agency has been investigating possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian officials since last July.

The newly revealed timeline — which Comey detailed in a much-anticipated House Intelligence Committee hearing — means the FBI probe was occurring during the peak of an alleged Russian campaign to destabilize the presidential race and eventually help elect President Donald Trump."
Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July


Cleveland July 2016--RNC convention:

"Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today.
Gordon told CNN that along with national security advisers Carter Page and Walid Phares, Gordon stressed to the Russian envoy that he would like to improve relations with Russia.

Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful.
But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine."
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -

This action set off a tornado warning siren to every single intelligence agency in this country including abroad.

In my old age I cannot think of any surrogates of any Presidential nominee in the history of this nation, that would have sat across the table from a foreign adversary to write foreign policy--3 months prior to an election--that they weren't even close to winning.

Since then we've had nothing but lie after lie.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is

So Republicans have two choices:
1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018-2020 and beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction and Lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education on what that Emoluments clause in the Constitution means.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

Fake alt left news.

Well the on-going hearings in the Senate are not FAKE. Trump is done--he knows it and he can call it fake news all he wants to and you can believe him all you want too--but we're going to see an impeachment of Donald Trump with possible criminal charges against General Flynn--and several of his other campaign surrogates, and possibly Trump himself.

General Flynn is now subpeoned and he will be headed to a grand jury.

May 10, 2017 3:03 PM EDT

"Federal prosecutors probing Russian interference in last year's presidential election have issued grand jury subpoenas for business records of associates of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, CBS News has confirmed.

Sources tell CBS News investigators have been using all tools at their disposal. The probe has been going forward aggressively and showing no signs of slowing down, and subpoenas are part of an investigation, the CBS News sources point out.

Flynn's attorney has not responded to CBS News requests for comment.

The FBI began its investigation in July into possible ties between Trump campaign associates and Moscow.

CNN cites people familiar with the investigation as saying the subpoenas "issued in recent weeks by the U.S. Attorney's Office in Alexandria, Virginia, were received by associates who worked with Flynn on contracts after he was forced out as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014."

Sources say investigators have been looking into Flynn's past dealings with clients tied to foreign governments, including Russia's and Turkey's.
Michael Flynn targeted by grand jury subpoenas, sources confirm
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy
Flynn was paid to lobby for Turkey while attending Trump intel briefings: report
Senate Republicans demand answers on Flynn
Flynn seeks immunity for testimony -

Flynn is the first one up to bat--he has asked for immunity against prosecution and they didn't give it to him. His lawyers stated he's got a real story to tell--and I imagine he will be the first little birdy that starts chirping to save his own ass, and then the rest will start singing like canaries.

Treason is a very serious charge. Today it is a mandatory life sentence in a Federal Prison.


The same as Hillary?

Hillary's investigations are over-- all eyeballs are focused on Trump and these on-going investigations and Senate hearings--that seem to be progressing quite well--even with Comey gone.

You really couldn't have given Democrats a more powerful weapon than electing Donald Trump. They are going to ride this one to hell and back.
Its almost as if they were waiting for a reason, ANY reason, no matter how small to let him go.

I think. Comey was too good at his job and THAT'S why he was fired. He was getting too close to Russiagate

He was fired because he was incompetent, he refused to recommend pressing charges against Clinton due to being threatened by the Dem hacks, he refused to investigate the unmasking crimes, yet wasted resources chasing baseless "collusion" charges of which there was never any evidence of.
Its almost as if they were waiting for a reason, ANY reason, no matter how small to let him go.

I think. Comey was too good at his job and THAT'S why he was fired. He was getting too close to Russiagate

He was fired because he was incompetent, he refused to recommend pressing charges against Clinton due to being threatened by the Dem hacks, he refused to investigate the unmasking crimes, yet wasted resources chasing baseless "collusion" charges of which there was never any evidence of.

You can't fire someone like the FBI director for disagreeing with a call he made on a case. Basically what they're saying is they didn't like the way Hillary Clinton was treated. Because every bit of it was against DOJ protocol.

1. Comey coming in front of congress to do a question and answer session as to explain why there were no charges set off the arm chair quarterbacks on FOX news--and it was not his legal authority to make such comments--and against DOJ policy.

2. Sending a letter to congress 11 days before the election was strickly against DOJ long standing protocol--and everyone believed that was wrong.

In fact James Comey is under current investigation for his interference into this election.
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

From Rod Rosenstein;--accused of being the catalyst of Comey's firing stated this:
“I cannot defend the director's handling of the conclusion of the investigation of Secretary Clinton's emails,” Rosenstein wrote, “and I do not understand his refusal to accept the nearly universal judgment that he was mistaken. Almost everyone agrees that the director made serious mistakes; it is one of the few issues that unites people of diverse perspectives.”
Rod Rosenstein, man behind Comey’s firing, is highly respected on Capitol Hill

Now no one believes that Trump fired Comey because he was "mean" to Hillary Clinton--LOL What Trump was worried about is Comey will treat him the same way as he did Hillary Clinton over this Russian investigation.

In fact Trump admitted it today.

President Donald Trump changed the White House narrative surrounding the firing of FBI Director James Comey on Thursday, saying he would have fired Comey regardless of whether the Justice Department recommended it. He s a showboat, he's a grand-stander, the FBI has been in turmoil, Trump told NBC News Lester Holt in an interview in the White House. You know that, I know that. Everybody knows that.
TRUMP: I wanted to fire 'showboat' James Comey anyway

While Trump is correct in his statement that Comey is a showboat and a grand-stander he sure didn't mind it when Comey was show boating and grand standing Hillary Clinton.


If Trump would have fired Comey the 1st day he walked into office--he probably would have been praised by many in this country. But when you are the SUBJECT of an investigation and you fire the lead investigator--there is a whole bunch of shit that is going to hit the fan. That's exactly what Nixon did. He started firing people who knew too much.

According to White House sources Trump was really pissed at Comey for making that comment under testimony in the senate last week that he was "mildly nauseated" that he is responsible for the outcome of this election. Trump took that comment personally and went into a white hot rage about it over last weekend.
FBI Director Comey Says He Is 'Mildly Nauseous' About Potential Impact On Election
Last edited:
There is no investigation, maybe Hillary. But not Trump.

I don't know what media hole you've crawled out of, (probably Trump's tweeter feed,) but you are wholly uniformed as to what is going on.

"FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Monday that his agency has been investigating possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian officials since last July.

The newly revealed timeline — which Comey detailed in a much-anticipated House Intelligence Committee hearing — means the FBI probe was occurring during the peak of an alleged Russian campaign to destabilize the presidential race and eventually help elect President Donald Trump."
Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July


Cleveland July 2016--RNC convention:

"Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today.
Gordon told CNN that along with national security advisers Carter Page and Walid Phares, Gordon stressed to the Russian envoy that he would like to improve relations with Russia.

Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful.
But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine."
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -

This action set off a tornado warning siren to every single intelligence agency in this country including abroad.

In my old age I cannot think of any surrogates of any Presidential nominee in the history of this nation, that would have sat across the table from a foreign adversary to write foreign policy--3 months prior to an election--that they weren't even close to winning.

Since then we've had nothing but lie after lie.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is

So Republicans have two choices:
1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018-2020 and beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction and Lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education on what that Emoluments clause in the Constitution means.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

Fake alt left news.

Well the on-going hearings in the Senate are not FAKE. Trump is done--he knows it and he can call it fake news all he wants to and you can believe him all you want too--but we're going to see an impeachment of Donald Trump with possible criminal charges against General Flynn--and several of his other campaign surrogates, and possibly Trump himself.

General Flynn is now subpeoned and he will be headed to a grand jury.

May 10, 2017 3:03 PM EDT

"Federal prosecutors probing Russian interference in last year's presidential election have issued grand jury subpoenas for business records of associates of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, CBS News has confirmed.

Sources tell CBS News investigators have been using all tools at their disposal. The probe has been going forward aggressively and showing no signs of slowing down, and subpoenas are part of an investigation, the CBS News sources point out.

Flynn's attorney has not responded to CBS News requests for comment.

The FBI began its investigation in July into possible ties between Trump campaign associates and Moscow.

CNN cites people familiar with the investigation as saying the subpoenas "issued in recent weeks by the U.S. Attorney's Office in Alexandria, Virginia, were received by associates who worked with Flynn on contracts after he was forced out as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014."

Sources say investigators have been looking into Flynn's past dealings with clients tied to foreign governments, including Russia's and Turkey's.
Michael Flynn targeted by grand jury subpoenas, sources confirm
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy
Flynn was paid to lobby for Turkey while attending Trump intel briefings: report
Senate Republicans demand answers on Flynn
Flynn seeks immunity for testimony -

Flynn is the first one up to bat--he has asked for immunity against prosecution and they didn't give it to him. His lawyers stated he's got a real story to tell--and I imagine he will be the first little birdy that starts chirping to save his own ass, and then the rest will start singing like canaries.

Treason is a very serious charge. Today it is a mandatory life sentence in a Federal Prison.


The same as Hillary?

Hillary's investigations are over-- all eyeballs are focused on Trump and these on-going investigations and Senate hearings--that seem to be progressing quite well--even with Comey gone.

You really couldn't have given Democrats a more powerful weapon than electing Donald Trump. They are going to ride this one to hell and back.

They are going to ride this one to hell and back.


What a farcical claim. If there were evidence of that the whole of Congress would be after his ass. There is NOTHING that the trumpster could do that would prevent his ouster and criminal prosecution had he resorted to such a course of action. Claiming that the investigation dies because comey was fired is simply ridiculous and relies on the incredible stupidity of the morons, like you, who have no capability to think critically.

The "farcical claim" is being made by the NYT Editorial Board ...VS you a mental midget ...its not contest If I think critically ...a group of Journalist with a reputation and a known identity VS some mental midget ranting that this was done because Comey was mean to Clinton ...which is something that insults the intelligence of everyone except you...there is no way to insult your intelligence matter how stupid ....

Who cares. They have demonstrated a complete lack of credibility on any subject. Were they to claim that the Moon was full, I would check other sources.
From the fellow who claims a Phd in Geology, then turns right around and claims that the rest of the geologists in the world are committing intellectual fraud for money.

Problem here is not what the press is saying, it is what the senile old orange clown and his minions say from day to day. It is a fact that if you listen to them now you can be sure withing 48 hours they will contradict themselves.
There is no investigation, maybe Hillary. But not Trump.

I don't know what media hole you've crawled out of, (probably Trump's tweeter feed,) but you are wholly uniformed as to what is going on.

"FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Monday that his agency has been investigating possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian officials since last July.

The newly revealed timeline — which Comey detailed in a much-anticipated House Intelligence Committee hearing — means the FBI probe was occurring during the peak of an alleged Russian campaign to destabilize the presidential race and eventually help elect President Donald Trump."
Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July


Cleveland July 2016--RNC convention:

"Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today.
Gordon told CNN that along with national security advisers Carter Page and Walid Phares, Gordon stressed to the Russian envoy that he would like to improve relations with Russia.

Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful.
But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine."
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -

This action set off a tornado warning siren to every single intelligence agency in this country including abroad.

In my old age I cannot think of any surrogates of any Presidential nominee in the history of this nation, that would have sat across the table from a foreign adversary to write foreign policy--3 months prior to an election--that they weren't even close to winning.

Since then we've had nothing but lie after lie.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is

So Republicans have two choices:
1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018-2020 and beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction and Lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education on what that Emoluments clause in the Constitution means.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

Fake alt left news.

Well the on-going hearings in the Senate are not FAKE. Trump is done--he knows it and he can call it fake news all he wants to and you can believe him all you want too--but we're going to see an impeachment of Donald Trump with possible criminal charges against General Flynn--and several of his other campaign surrogates, and possibly Trump himself.

General Flynn is now subpeoned and he will be headed to a grand jury.

May 10, 2017 3:03 PM EDT

"Federal prosecutors probing Russian interference in last year's presidential election have issued grand jury subpoenas for business records of associates of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, CBS News has confirmed.

Sources tell CBS News investigators have been using all tools at their disposal. The probe has been going forward aggressively and showing no signs of slowing down, and subpoenas are part of an investigation, the CBS News sources point out.

Flynn's attorney has not responded to CBS News requests for comment.

The FBI began its investigation in July into possible ties between Trump campaign associates and Moscow.

CNN cites people familiar with the investigation as saying the subpoenas "issued in recent weeks by the U.S. Attorney's Office in Alexandria, Virginia, were received by associates who worked with Flynn on contracts after he was forced out as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014."

Sources say investigators have been looking into Flynn's past dealings with clients tied to foreign governments, including Russia's and Turkey's.
Michael Flynn targeted by grand jury subpoenas, sources confirm
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy
Flynn was paid to lobby for Turkey while attending Trump intel briefings: report
Senate Republicans demand answers on Flynn
Flynn seeks immunity for testimony -

Flynn is the first one up to bat--he has asked for immunity against prosecution and they didn't give it to him. His lawyers stated he's got a real story to tell--and I imagine he will be the first little birdy that starts chirping to save his own ass, and then the rest will start singing like canaries.

Treason is a very serious charge. Today it is a mandatory life sentence in a Federal Prison.


The same as Hillary?

Hillary's investigations are over-- all eyeballs are focused on Trump and these on-going investigations and Senate hearings--that seem to be progressing quite well--even with Comey gone.

You really couldn't have given Democrats a more powerful weapon than electing Donald Trump. They are going to ride this one to hell and back.

No, all liberals are going to do is whin and moan for the next eight years. While Trump makes America great again!
I don't know what media hole you've crawled out of, (probably Trump's tweeter feed,) but you are wholly uniformed as to what is going on.

"FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Monday that his agency has been investigating possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian officials since last July.

The newly revealed timeline — which Comey detailed in a much-anticipated House Intelligence Committee hearing — means the FBI probe was occurring during the peak of an alleged Russian campaign to destabilize the presidential race and eventually help elect President Donald Trump."
Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July


Cleveland July 2016--RNC convention:

"Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today.
Gordon told CNN that along with national security advisers Carter Page and Walid Phares, Gordon stressed to the Russian envoy that he would like to improve relations with Russia.

Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful.
But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine."
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -

This action set off a tornado warning siren to every single intelligence agency in this country including abroad.

In my old age I cannot think of any surrogates of any Presidential nominee in the history of this nation, that would have sat across the table from a foreign adversary to write foreign policy--3 months prior to an election--that they weren't even close to winning.

Since then we've had nothing but lie after lie.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is

So Republicans have two choices:
1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018-2020 and beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction and Lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education on what that Emoluments clause in the Constitution means.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

Fake alt left news.

Well the on-going hearings in the Senate are not FAKE. Trump is done--he knows it and he can call it fake news all he wants to and you can believe him all you want too--but we're going to see an impeachment of Donald Trump with possible criminal charges against General Flynn--and several of his other campaign surrogates, and possibly Trump himself.

General Flynn is now subpeoned and he will be headed to a grand jury.

May 10, 2017 3:03 PM EDT

"Federal prosecutors probing Russian interference in last year's presidential election have issued grand jury subpoenas for business records of associates of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, CBS News has confirmed.

Sources tell CBS News investigators have been using all tools at their disposal. The probe has been going forward aggressively and showing no signs of slowing down, and subpoenas are part of an investigation, the CBS News sources point out.

Flynn's attorney has not responded to CBS News requests for comment.

The FBI began its investigation in July into possible ties between Trump campaign associates and Moscow.

CNN cites people familiar with the investigation as saying the subpoenas "issued in recent weeks by the U.S. Attorney's Office in Alexandria, Virginia, were received by associates who worked with Flynn on contracts after he was forced out as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014."

Sources say investigators have been looking into Flynn's past dealings with clients tied to foreign governments, including Russia's and Turkey's.
Michael Flynn targeted by grand jury subpoenas, sources confirm
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy
Flynn was paid to lobby for Turkey while attending Trump intel briefings: report
Senate Republicans demand answers on Flynn
Flynn seeks immunity for testimony -

Flynn is the first one up to bat--he has asked for immunity against prosecution and they didn't give it to him. His lawyers stated he's got a real story to tell--and I imagine he will be the first little birdy that starts chirping to save his own ass, and then the rest will start singing like canaries.

Treason is a very serious charge. Today it is a mandatory life sentence in a Federal Prison.


The same as Hillary?

Hillary's investigations are over-- all eyeballs are focused on Trump and these on-going investigations and Senate hearings--that seem to be progressing quite well--even with Comey gone.

You really couldn't have given Democrats a more powerful weapon than electing Donald Trump. They are going to ride this one to hell and back.

No, all liberals are going to do is whin and moan for the next eight years. While Trump makes America great again!

Enjoy the fantasy world you're living in--it's not going to last long.

Its almost as if they were waiting for a reason, ANY reason, no matter how small to let him go.

I think. Comey was too good at his job and THAT'S why he was fired. He was getting too close to Russiagate

He was fired because he was incompetent, he refused to recommend pressing charges against Clinton due to being threatened by the Dem hacks, he refused to investigate the unmasking crimes, yet wasted resources chasing baseless "collusion" charges of which there was never any evidence of.
link mkaythanks
Its almost as if they were waiting for a reason, ANY reason, no matter how small to let him go.

I think. Comey was too good at his job and THAT'S why he was fired. He was getting too close to Russiagate
Run a comparison between the size of Comey's hands and trump's hands.....there's your answer.....hand-size-envy.
Its almost as if they were waiting for a reason, ANY reason, no matter how small to let him go.

I think. Comey was too good at his job and THAT'S why he was fired. He was getting too close to Russiagate
Run a comparison between the size of Comey's hands and trump's hands.....there's your answer.....hand-size-envy.

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