Both Dems AND Repubs baffled by Trumps firing of Top Cop

Resigning and being fired are 2 different things. To anyone who is not a partisan this looks bad. This will undermine people's confidence in the federal government.

I bet those letters recommending Comey be fired from the AG and DAG had something to do with it... naw, that's too easy.


Those letters are a excuse for a action. Thiey are weak at best. The fact that Spicer had to hide in the hedges to figure this out shows how bad this is.
True. I've been pro- Comey from the start. I'm a Progressive (AKA- anti status quo)
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Its almost as if they were waiting for a reason, ANY reason, no matter how small to let him go.

I think. Comey was too good at his job and THAT'S why he was fired. He was getting too close to Russiagate

Why don't you try getting some facts or at least reading some of the other threads here before GUESSING? Comey was way out of control and had seriously marred the integrity of the institution. The only hold up in letting his sorry ass go was because Sessions had recused himself and they had to wait for the assistant AG to be sworn in to give his recommendations! Comey's being gone affects no investigations.
ummm..... yeah, I'm going to ask you for a CREDIBLE link to that Sport :thup: Otherwise its just your opinion.
Its almost as if they were waiting for a reason, ANY reason, no matter how small to let him go.

I think. Comey was too good at his job and THAT'S why he was fired. He was getting too close to Russiagate
I've not seen anyone but a few nuts on here who are baffled
they coulda' let him go from Day 1 of his Admin you dunce.
Its almost as if they were waiting for a reason, ANY reason, no matter how small to let him go.

I think. Comey was too good at his job and THAT'S why he was fired. He was getting too close to Russiagate

About every rabid regressive in congress and on this board was screaming for his head last July and again in Oct for mishandling the bitches investigation and not following DOJ protocol. Now the new Asst. AG investigates those allegations and finds them to be true, suddenly he's Saint Comey. I just can't believe the flagrant hypocrisy. :dunno::dunno::dunno: :fu::fu::fu:

I am a Progressive and supported him you rw hacktard

I guess you're not smart enough to know that you wouldn't be included in the "many" in my reply, if that's the case, RIGHT?
Its almost as if they were waiting for a reason, ANY reason, no matter how small to let him go.

I think. Comey was too good at his job and THAT'S why he was fired. He was getting too close to Russiagate

About every rabid regressive in congress and on this board was screaming for his head last July and again in Oct for mishandling the bitches investigation and not following DOJ protocol. Now the new Asst. AG investigates those allegations and finds them to be true, suddenly he's Saint Comey. I just can't believe the flagrant hypocrisy. :dunno::dunno::dunno: :fu::fu::fu:

I wouldn't go that far LOL, but something's awful fishy, except in news free DupeWorld...

Are you really so demented that you don't remember all the congressional statements calling for Comeys resignation and the multitude of threads posted on this board calling for the same? Here's one from Jan. 17:

Democrats call for FBI director to step down - Portland Press Herald


Resigning and being fired are 2 different things. To anyone who is not a partisan this looks bad. This will undermine people's confidence in the federal government.

I bet those letters recommending Comey be fired from the AG and DAG had something to do with it... naw, that's too easy.


Those letters are a excuse for a action. They are weak at best. The fact that Spicer had to hide in the hedges to figure this out shows how bad this is.

Two methods to the same end, Comey gone. I guess this is a case of "be careful what you wish for".


What a farcical claim. If there were evidence of that the whole of Congress would be after his ass. There is NOTHING that the trumpster could do that would prevent his ouster and criminal prosecution had he resorted to such a course of action. Claiming that the investigation dies because comey was fired is simply ridiculous and relies on the incredible stupidity of the morons, like you, who have no capability to think critically.
The posse may be gettin’ close…

I'll bet the posse already had the Comrade in their grasp. Comey under testimony 1-1/2 months ago stated something very interesting: "It's like they didn't even care if they got caught." Comey was headed into a closed door hearing with Senate intelligence tomorrow, on Thursday and they fired him yesterday.

Why would you fire and piss off the guy that is going to testify in two days? Does that make sense to you? What would Trump gain by firing him? What would Trump lose by firing him?

What a farcical claim. If there were evidence of that the whole of Congress would be after his ass. There is NOTHING that the trumpster could do that would prevent his ouster and criminal prosecution had he resorted to such a course of action. Claiming that the investigation dies because comey was fired is simply ridiculous and relies on the incredible stupidity of the morons, like you, who have no capability to think critically.

The "farcical claim" is being made by the NYT Editorial Board ...VS you a mental midget ...its no contest If I think critically ...a group of Journalist with a reputation and a known identity VS some mental midget ranting that this was done because Comey was mean to Clinton ...which is something that insults the intelligence of everyone except you...there is no way to insult your intelligence matter how stupid ....
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What a farcical claim. If there were evidence of that the whole of Congress would be after his ass. There is NOTHING that the trumpster could do that would prevent his ouster and criminal prosecution had he resorted to such a course of action. Claiming that the investigation dies because comey was fired is simply ridiculous and relies on the incredible stupidity of the morons, like you, who have no capability to think critically.

The "farcical claim" is being made by the NYT Editorial Board ...VS you a mental midget ...its not contest If I think critically ...a group of Journalist with a reputation and a known identity VS some mental midget ranting that this was done because Comey was mean to Clinton ...which is something that insults the intelligence of everyone except you...there is no way to insult your intelligence matter how stupid ....

lollerz, like the NYT has even a shred of credibility in their reporting. Go shred an old tire and smoke it in a bong.
Rumor (consume at your own risk) -- They canned Comey by surprise while he was out so they could get "evidence" out of his office for the unmasking disaster. (IDK about this one, sounds a bit far fetched, but it's out there.)

What a farcical claim. If there were evidence of that the whole of Congress would be after his ass. There is NOTHING that the trumpster could do that would prevent his ouster and criminal prosecution had he resorted to such a course of action. Claiming that the investigation dies because comey was fired is simply ridiculous and relies on the incredible stupidity of the morons, like you, who have no capability to think critically.

The "farcical claim" is being made by the NYT Editorial Board ...VS you a mental midget ...its not contest If I think critically ...a group of Journalist with a reputation and a known identity VS some mental midget ranting that this was done because Comey was mean to Clinton ...which is something that insults the intelligence of everyone except you...there is no way to insult your intelligence matter how stupid ....
Nicely put ;)

What a farcical claim. If there were evidence of that the whole of Congress would be after his ass. There is NOTHING that the trumpster could do that would prevent his ouster and criminal prosecution had he resorted to such a course of action. Claiming that the investigation dies because comey was fired is simply ridiculous and relies on the incredible stupidity of the morons, like you, who have no capability to think critically.

The "farcical claim" is being made by the NYT Editorial Board ...VS you a mental midget ...its not contest If I think critically ...a group of Journalist with a reputation and a known identity VS some mental midget ranting that this was done because Comey was mean to Clinton ...which is something that insults the intelligence of everyone except you...there is no way to insult your intelligence matter how stupid ....

Who cares. They have demonstrated a complete lack of credibility on any subject. Were they to claim that the Moon was full, I would check other sources.
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Who cares. They have demonstrated a complete lack of credibility on any subject. Were they to claim that the Moon was full, I would check other sources.
and Trump's credibility ? how is that in your Critical Thinking domain Einstein...what are you kidding me .... Trump lies like a Zen Master breathes

No Journalist Should Believe Anything The White House Says

So far, every promise that the trumpster made on the campaign he has attempted to follow through upon. His other "lies" are nothing more than him poking the MSM and getting them to follow the other hand while his right hand is doing work. And fools such as yourself fall for it every time. Compared to every other politician in DC the trumpster is a freaking boyscout. And, his lies don't hurt any of us. obummers certainly did. pelosi's too, and chucky's etc. etc. etc.
back to topic: Westwall's running interference for der Trumpenfuhrer but Westwall is a self- desribed Dem donchaknow? :eusa_liar: :rofl:

Seriously back to topic: Trump Admin's need for a Minder/Adult in the room when decisions like this are made. It couldn't have come off at a more awkward time.

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