Both Dems AND Repubs baffled by Trumps firing of Top Cop

I challenge the OP to bump this thread when he's proven wrong after the dust settles.

ILMAO at simpletons who think Comey is an investigator. So hilarious.
Its almost as if they were waiting for a reason, ANY reason, no matter how small to let him go.

I think. Comey was too good at his job and THAT'S why he was fired. He was getting too close to Russiagate

There's nothing baffeling about it. Comey was due to testify during the Senate hearings in two days. Sally Yates testified yesterday and was repeatedly asked about the Russian investigation, which she refused to answer citing classified information that could best be answered by James Comey and other intelligence sources and Comey was suddenly, without warning fired today.

About 1-1/2 months ago Comey testified and this was his statement without mentioning any names: He stated: "It's like they didn't even care if they got caught." That can only mean one thing--They've been caught--and now they know it and are trying to bury it.

But it didn't work for Richard Nixon--and it's certainly not going to work now. This administration is clearly in full blown panic mode.

So in.your world you think Comey can't testify ? How does that work if Yates can?

Why he wasn't fired weeks ago is the real mystery. Only idiots didn't notice he was dirty even before the election and trying to save his own ass. The same goes for the entire Obama administration and so far every one of its appointees, including judges and AGs.
Breaking- Grand Jury subpoenas issued in FBI investigation....ooops.

Grand jury subpoenas issued in FBI's Russia investigation -
4 hours ago - Washington (CNN) Federal prosecutors have issued grand jury subpoenas to associates of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn ...
Grand jury subpoenas issued in FBI Russia probe: report | TheHill
5 hours ago - Grand jury subpoenas issued in FBI Russia probe: report ... Flynn is also facing a Pentagoninvestigation into foreign payments he received in ...
Speaking of subpoenas, when does Susan Rice get hers?
Never-that was bs GOP propaganda, dupe.
Its almost as if they were waiting for a reason, ANY reason, no matter how small to let him go.

I think. Comey was too good at his job and THAT'S why he was fired. He was getting too close to Russiagate

There's nothing baffeling about it. Comey was due to testify during the Senate hearings in two days. Sally Yates testified yesterday and was repeatedly asked about the Russian investigation, which she refused to answer citing classified information that could best be answered by James Comey and other intelligence sources and Comey was suddenly, without warning fired today.

About 1-1/2 months ago Comey testified and this was his statement without mentioning any names: He stated: "It's like they didn't even care if they got caught." That can only mean one thing--They've been caught--and now they know it and are trying to bury it.

But it didn't work for Richard Nixon--and it's certainly not going to work now. This administration is clearly in full blown panic mode.

So in.your world you think Comey can't testify ? How does that work if Yates can?


Why he wasn't fired weeks ago is the real mystery. Only idiots didn't notice he was dirty even before the election and trying to save his own ass. The same goes for the entire Obama administration and so far every one of its appointees, including judges and AGs.
He made a mistake or 2 with Hillary. Now we're getting Nixonian- lots of evidence against Trumpers.
Among people of a certain age, the sudden and strangely explained firing of FBI director James Comey by President Donald Trump brings back memories of another sudden action that portended more trouble for the president than the objects of his wrath. That would have been the Saturday Night Massacre of October 1973, when Richard Nixon ordered his Attorney General — and when he refused, his Deputy Attorney General, who also refused — to fire Watergate special prosecutor Archibald Cox. Finally Solicitor General Robert Bork — of later Supreme Court fame — did the deed in firing Cox. But Nixon never quite recovered his equilibrium in coping with the Watergate scandal that ended his presidency nine months later.
Its almost as if they were waiting for a reason, ANY reason, no matter how small to let him go.

I think. Comey was too good at his job and THAT'S why he was fired. He was getting too close to Russiagate

There's nothing baffeling about it. Comey was due to testify during the Senate hearings in two days. Sally Yates testified yesterday and was repeatedly asked about the Russian investigation, which she refused to answer citing classified information that could best be answered by James Comey and other intelligence sources and Comey was suddenly, without warning fired today.

About 1-1/2 months ago Comey testified and this was his statement without mentioning any names: He stated: "It's like they didn't even care if they got caught." That can only mean one thing--They've been caught--and now they know it and are trying to bury it.

But it didn't work for Richard Nixon--and it's certainly not going to work now. This administration is clearly in full blown panic mode.

So in.your world you think Comey can't testify ? How does that work if Yates can?


Why he wasn't fired weeks ago is the real mystery. Only idiots didn't notice he was dirty even before the election and trying to save his own ass. The same goes for the entire Obama administration and so far every one of its appointees, including judges and AGs.
He made a mistake or 2 with Hillary. Now we're getting Nixonian- lots of evidence against Trumpers.
Among people of a certain age, the sudden and strangely explained firing of FBI director James Comey by President Donald Trump brings back memories of another sudden action that portended more trouble for the president than the objects of his wrath. That would have been the Saturday Night Massacre of October 1973, when Richard Nixon ordered his Attorney General — and when he refused, his Deputy Attorney General, who also refused — to fire Watergate special prosecutor Archibald Cox. Finally Solicitor General Robert Bork — of later Supreme Court fame — did the deed in firing Cox. But Nixon never quite recovered his equilibrium in coping with the Watergate scandal that ended his presidency nine months later.

Fake news. Trump isn't in trouble, and no it doesn't bring back memories' from the Nixon era. That's just stupid, some hack needing to fill a column with gibberish, is all.
Its almost as if they were waiting for a reason, ANY reason, no matter how small to let him go.

I think. Comey was too good at his job and THAT'S why he was fired. He was getting too close to Russiagate

Trump could have, and most definitely should have, fired him at the very beginning of his admin.
This is so confusing to libs that's why not a damn thing is going to happen.

Trump is an idiot right?

So he is now smart enough to fire Comey in full view of the world thinking people wouldn't suspect something?

He has nothing to hide.

He made a mistake or 2 with Hillary. Now we're getting Nixonian- lots of evidence against Trumpers. Please share this evidence so we're all up to par.

Among people of a certain age, the sudden and strangely explained firing of FBI director James Comey by President Donald Trump. The only thing strange was Comey himself. The firing was long overdue and Obama didn't have the balls for it. That and liberal narrative that changes on a dime.

brings back memories of another sudden action that portended more trouble for the president than the objects of his wrath. That would have been the Saturday Night Massacre of October 1973, when Richard Nixon ordered his Attorney General — and when he refused, his Deputy Attorney General, who also refused — to fire Watergate special prosecutor Archibald Cox. Finally Solicitor General Robert Bork — of later Supreme Court fame — did the deed in firing Cox. But Nixon never quite recovered his equilibrium in coping with the Watergate scandal that ended his presidency nine months later. What will your tune be when your illusions triggered by emotions prove to be exactly that? I promise you, so you may want to consider another angle.
This is so confusing to libs that's why not a damn thing is going to happen.

Trump is an idiot right?

So he is now smart enough to fire Comey in full view of the world thinking people wouldn't suspect something?

He has nothing to hide.


Shhhhh, that makes too much sense.
I bet those letters recommending Comey be fired from the AG and DAG had something to do with it... naw, that's too easy.

Its almost as if they were waiting for a reason, ANY reason, no matter how small to let him go.

I think. Comey was too good at his job and THAT'S why he was fired. He was getting too close to Russiagate

There's nothing baffeling about it. Comey was due to testify during the Senate hearings in two days. Sally Yates testified yesterday and was repeatedly asked about the Russian investigation, which she refused to answer citing classified information that could best be answered by James Comey and other intelligence sources and Comey was suddenly, without warning fired today.

About 1-1/2 months ago Comey testified and this was his statement without mentioning any names: He stated: "It's like they didn't even care if they got caught." That can only mean one thing--They've been caught--and now they know it and are trying to bury it.

But it didn't work for Richard Nixon--and it's certainly not going to work now. This administration is clearly in full blown panic mode.

Its almost as if they were waiting for a reason, ANY reason, no matter how small to let him go.

I think. Comey was too good at his job and THAT'S why he was fired. He was getting too close to Russiagate

About every rabid regressive in congress and on this board was screaming for his head last July and again in Oct for mishandling the bitches investigation and not following DOJ protocol. Now the new Asst. AG investigates those allegations and finds them to be true, suddenly he's Saint Comey. I just can't believe the flagrant hypocrisy. :dunno::dunno::dunno: :fu::fu::fu:

I am a Progressive and supported him you rw hacktard
The problem with your statement is you don't fire the Lead Investigator when you're the SUBJECT of that investigation--LOL
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Its almost as if they were waiting for a reason, ANY reason, no matter how small to let him go.

I think. Comey was too good at his job and THAT'S why he was fired. He was getting too close to Russiagate

There's nothing baffeling about it. Comey was due to testify during the Senate hearings in two days. Sally Yates testified yesterday and was repeatedly asked about the Russian investigation, which she refused to answer citing classified information that could best be answered by James Comey and other intelligence sources and Comey was suddenly, without warning fired today.

About 1-1/2 months ago Comey testified and this was his statement without mentioning any names: He stated: "It's like they didn't even care if they got caught." That can only mean one thing--They've been caught--and now they know it and are trying to bury it.

But it didn't work for Richard Nixon--and it's certainly not going to work now. This administration is clearly in full blown panic mode.

Whether Comey is the FBI director or not, how would that change his testimony? Wouldn't bitterness cause Comey to be more apt to give out all information rather than less? How does that help Trump? It doesn't, your theory has lots of holes.
Its almost as if they were waiting for a reason, ANY reason, no matter how small to let him go.

I think. Comey was too good at his job and THAT'S why he was fired. He was getting too close to Russiagate

Trump could have, and most definitely should have, fired him at the very beginning of his admin.
Coming from you, a self- described Dem GUFFAW!!!, it isn't surprising
Its almost as if they were waiting for a reason, ANY reason, no matter how small to let him go.

I think. Comey was too good at his job and THAT'S why he was fired. He was getting too close to Russiagate

Trump could have, and most definitely should have, fired him at the very beginning of his admin.
Coming from you, a self- described Dem GUFFAW!!!, it isn't surprising

My how the progressives change their stripes.....

"Schumer Says He Lost Confidence in FBI’s Comey Over E-Mail Probe
Senate Democratic leader-in-waiting Chuck Schumer said Wednesday he’s lost confidence in FBI Director James Comey over his handling of the most recent disclosure in the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation — a tough rebuke to a man Schumer has long admired.

Read the article on >"

The posse may be gettin’ close…

I'll bet the posse already had the Comrade in their grasp. Comey under testimony 1-1/2 months ago stated something very interesting: "It's like they didn't even care if they got caught." Comey was headed into a closed door hearing with Senate intelligence tomorrow, on Thursday and they fired him yesterday.

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