Both Michigan Tea Party Reps who were kicked out for an affair are running again, because Jesus....

I find it fascinating whenever people actually rush to defend a clearcut piece of shit by attempting to throw up red herrings.

Instead of condemning the piece of shit.

Interesting indeed. Partisan hacks who have no moral compass whatsoever. Party over principles.

what have i said to defend that piece ofshit leftard?
You went right to work tossing out as many red herrings as you could find.

That's coming to the piece of shit's defense.

now dummy;' because i'm not defending them

the OP posts ths stuf for a reason, and it isnt his concern for the actual people;
it is to paint a wholeParty with the broad brush of hypocrisy

you already knowthis g5000 but you're just too much of an arrogan douchebag yourself to admit it
in fact you are one of the biggest hypocrites around when it comes to this

so in that light it isnt a red herring to point o ut the hypocrisy on display

ok go cry now huh??
Isn't it interesting that the guy tried to create a fake smear against himself as being a child molester, and then another one against himself as dating male prostitutes?

There is some really ugly pathology at work in this scumbag. God only know what sick kind of fantasies he is harboring.

"I hear it around town I also sucked off a donkey!"
remember when the Left lectured on staying out of people's bedrooms??

idiots and hypocrites

One was expelled and the other resigned (when it was clear she would be expelled by as well) by the Michigan House of Representatives which is controlled by...wait for it...The GOP. They deserve what they got but don't let that stop you from circling the wagons and running interference.

that pretty much makes the point for the other side doesnt it idiot/

when has the Left ever policed its own this way when guilty of this kind of conduct?

Awe, look at the bitchy cry baby trying to change the subject again. :crybaby:
If it had been two men or two women those dirty filthy nasty homo's would be parading for them. You know the kind disgusting perverts in clown avies.

And now a straw man fallacy.

You defenders of these two scum are the ones throwing a parade right now.

once again idiot
pointing out the hypocrisy of the OP isnt using red herrings
remember when the Left lectured on staying out of people's bedrooms??

idiots and hypocrites

One was expelled and the other resigned (when it was clear she would be expelled by as well) by the Michigan House of Representatives which is controlled by...wait for it...The GOP. They deserve what they got but don't let that stop you from circling the wagons and running interference.

that pretty much makes the point for the other side doesnt it idiot/

when has the Left ever policed its own this way when guilty of this kind of conduct?

Awe, look at the bitchy cry baby trying to change the subject again. :crybaby:
I think he's having a bad day. Do you think he might melt down if pushed? Would hate to see that happen.
remember when the Left lectured on staying out of people's bedrooms??

idiots and hypocrites

One was expelled and the other resigned (when it was clear she would be expelled by as well) by the Michigan House of Representatives which is controlled by...wait for it...The GOP. They deserve what they got but don't let that stop you from circling the wagons and running interference.

that pretty much makes the point for the other side doesnt it idiot/

when has the Left ever policed its own this way when guilty of this kind of conduct?

Awe, look at the bitchy cry baby trying to change the subject again. :crybaby:

i'm righ on the same subject pussy

what did i change/

Todd Courser (unfaithful husband) /Cindi Gamrat (unfaithful wife), both Republicans, both disgraced.

Expelled Rep. Gamrat files to run for her former seat

"Gamrat confirmed Thursday she filed to run in the special 80th House District Nov. 3 primary in Allegan County after praying and consulting her family. The Plainwell Republican said she doesn’t think the powers-that-be in Lansing who orchestrated her ouster last week should have the final word on her political fate. “I’ve always maintained that I thought the decision should be up to the voters,” Gamrat told The Detroit News. “I think that they ought to have a voice in this matter.” Gamrat said she received an outpouring of support in the district — including a hug from a jogger recently — which influenced her decision to try to win back her House seat. “She felt bad for what I had been put through and thought God still had a plan for me,” Gamrat said."


MICHIGAN: Second Ousted Anti-Gay Former State Rep Will Also Run To Get His Old Seat Back


Just to recap, for those who may have hidden under their rocks last month, Cindi Gamrat and Todd Courser, who were both in the Michigan House of Representatives up until last week, are both married, but not to each other. They were just fucking each other like wild bunnies. This is called infidelity, a major sin in the bible, btw.

The weird twist is that, in order to try to cover this up, Todd Courser Courser leaked a bizarre cover story about his having been caught having sex with male prostitute in the alley behind a nightclub. Shortly before their national humiliation, the pair introduced a trio of anti-gay bills that would have outlawed all civil marriages in Michigan. Very, very, VERY weird.

Both of these wildly -ucking bunnies are born-again Christians and self-identified Tea Party members. Both were kicked out of the Michigan House of Representatives last week, in an amazing act of decency and morality on the party of the Michigan Republican Party. It's a moment that almost caused me to think that there is hope for the Republican Party, after all.

But both Cindy and Todd want back in (to each other as well, I suppose, those little fuck bunnies), so they are both running for the special elections that have now been called AT TAXPAYER expense for the seats they just vacated. But are using G-d as their justification for running again, in spite of having just been kicked out of the Michigan HOR.

Ahhhh, family values.

I don't remember Anthony Weiner being removed for a sex scandal and then running again. I don't remember Elliot Spitzer being removed for a sex scandal and then running again. Both of those Democratic horndogs voluntarily resigned and have not run again.

So, tell me, which party is more ethical, again?

Discuss: should born again tea partying affair-loving infidelitous fuck-bunnies get to run again, at taxpayer expense, in a special election that their very behavior caused?

Have fun.

It's amazing how some of thee psuedo Christians use "prayer" and "come to Jesus" to get forgiveness from the dummies that swallow their bullshit to get re-elected, but somehow Democratic candidates can never ever be forgiven and must forever pay for their indiscretions. Hypocrisy with a Capital "H"!
lol you losers are laughable

just cant handle the fact that the thread isnt going your way!!

Truly sick and stands for everything that is opposite of what jesus wanted.

like a married reverend having a love child?
Dude, are you that desperate? Really?

Stick to the topic.


They are always this desperate. Poor creatures.

i am sticking to the topic

you are just too much of a pussy to admit you made a huge mistake even bringing this up

you're a loser hypocrite and now you wanna cry cuz the topic you brought up isnt turning out the way you wanted it to

Courser said during an interview, “This is my first worldwide sex scandal and cover-up, so there are probably some things I should have done differently — if we’re looking back on that.”

His FIRST worldwide sex scandal.

Stay tuned...
So now these clowns are saying Jesus wants them to run for the government office they just got kicked out of.


Reminds me of Governor Sanford. After being caught in an affair, he refused to resign, saying King David in the bible fucked around, and what is good enough for King David ought to be good enough for Mark Sanford.

There is probably a special place in hell for these kind of people.
Well, on the Far Right wing of the GOP there seems to be.
If it had been two men or two women those dirty filthy nasty homo's would be parading for them. You know the kind disgusting perverts in clown avies.
Did your 214 IQ reason that out?
people having an affair/

i'm shocked!!

this is way more interesting than hillary's criminal email server!1

"red herring" charge in 3,2,1________________
remember when the Left lectured on staying out of people's bedrooms??

idiots and hypocrites

One was expelled and the other resigned (when it was clear she would be expelled by as well) by the Michigan House of Representatives which is controlled by...wait for it...The GOP. They deserve what they got but don't let that stop you from circling the wagons and running interference.

that pretty much makes the point for the other side doesnt it idiot/

when has the Left ever policed its own this way when guilty of this kind of conduct?

Awe, look at the bitchy cry baby trying to change the subject again. :crybaby:

i'm righ on the same subject pussy

what did i change/

The subject is about Todd Courser not whatever whiny deflections you have to offer. What needs changed is your diaper and your typing skills b/c both are very shitty.

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