BOTH sides need to cool it on Russia


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Both the left and right wings are locked in a verbal spat on this Russian matter, and both sides need to cool it. The left wing is making all kinds of accusations about President Trump and his associates about his ties with Russia with little or no evidence to back it up. The right wing is defending Trump and Co. painting The President and family as innocent victims of the Liberal media....with little or no evidence to back up their position either. This silly behavior on both sides needs to stop. Bob Mueller is a very experienced guy, with broad powers to investigate this and some of the best legal minds in the country to call on. He will uncover every facet the truth! So until his, and the House and Senate investigations wrap up, both sides would do well to find something else to hiss at each other about.

This message brought to you by an Independent who is still convinced that both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are not fit to guard the fish at an aquarium. :bye1:
Both the left and right wings are locked in a verbal spat on this Russian matter, and both sides need to cool it. The left wing is making all kinds of accusations about President Trump and his associates about his ties with Russia with little or no evidence to back it up. The right wing is defending Trump and Co. painting The President and family as innocent victims of the Liberal media....with little or no evidence to back up their position either. This silly behavior on both sides needs to stop. Bob Mueller is a very experienced guy, with broad powers to investigate this and some of the best legal minds in the country to call on. He will uncover every facet the truth! So until his, and the House and Senate investigations wrap up, both sides would do well to find something else to hiss at each other about.

This message brought to you by an Independent who is still convinced that both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are not fit to guard the fish at an aquarium. :bye1:
Since the lefties NEVER have proof, I'd say our position is a lot more secure.
That is one stupid false analogy.

Trump has done nothing wrong or illegal so far, yet the accusations won't stop.
That is one stupid false analogy.

Trump has done nothing wrong or illegal so far, yet the accusations won't stop.
We know what the left is doing. They are merely making one false accusation after another, to shut down Trump.
It's a huge nothing burger...but fun to see the next narrative tbe left will come up with
Both the left and right wings are locked in a verbal spat on this Russian matter, and both sides need to cool it. The left wing is making all kinds of accusations about President Trump and his associates about his ties with Russia with little or no evidence to back it up. The right wing is defending Trump and Co. painting The President and family as innocent victims of the Liberal media....with little or no evidence to back up their position either. This silly behavior on both sides needs to stop. Bob Mueller is a very experienced guy, with broad powers to investigate this and some of the best legal minds in the country to call on. He will uncover every facet the truth! So until his, and the House and Senate investigations wrap up, both sides would do well to find something else to hiss at each other about.

This message brought to you by an Independent who is still convinced that both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are not fit to guard the fish at an aquarium. :bye1:
Oh puhleeze. The trust Mewler meme is so stupid it defies comprehension. The past record of special prosecutors gives no one any reason to trust the guy.
Both the left and right wings are locked in a verbal spat on this Russian matter, and both sides need to cool it. The left wing is making all kinds of accusations about President Trump and his associates about his ties with Russia with little or no evidence to back it up. The right wing is defending Trump and Co. painting The President and family as innocent victims of the Liberal media....with little or no evidence to back up their position either. This silly behavior on both sides needs to stop. Bob Mueller is a very experienced guy, with broad powers to investigate this and some of the best legal minds in the country to call on. He will uncover every facet the truth! So until his, and the House and Senate investigations wrap up, both sides would do well to find something else to hiss at each other about.

This message brought to you by an Independent who is still convinced that both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are not fit to guard the fish at an aquarium. :bye1:

Mueller is apparently very experienced in hiring Hillary's friends, former employees and campaign contributors. You think those people are the best legal minds in the country? Hillary's sycophants?
The left thinks they can lie the country into bombing Russia so they can say that Trump started a war with Russia.
Both the left and right wings are locked in a verbal spat on this Russian matter, and both sides need to cool it. The left wing is making all kinds of accusations about President Trump and his associates about his ties with Russia with little or no evidence to back it up. The right wing is defending Trump and Co. painting The President and family as innocent victims of the Liberal media....with little or no evidence to back up their position either. This silly behavior on both sides needs to stop. Bob Mueller is a very experienced guy, with broad powers to investigate this and some of the best legal minds in the country to call on. He will uncover every facet the truth! So until his, and the House and Senate investigations wrap up, both sides would do well to find something else to hiss at each other about.

This message brought to you by an Independent who is still convinced that both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are not fit to guard the fish at an aquarium. :bye1:
Screw you, a hole.
Democrats are liars, and only an asshole leftard would want someone to not defend themselves from lies, asshole leftard.
Both the left and right wings are locked in a verbal spat on this Russian matter, and both sides need to cool it. The left wing is making all kinds of accusations about President Trump and his associates about his ties with Russia with little or no evidence to back it up. The right wing is defending Trump and Co. painting The President and family as innocent victims of the Liberal media....with little or no evidence to back up their position either. This silly behavior on both sides needs to stop. Bob Mueller is a very experienced guy, with broad powers to investigate this and some of the best legal minds in the country to call on. He will uncover every facet the truth! So until his, and the House and Senate investigations wrap up, both sides would do well to find something else to hiss at each other about.

This message brought to you by an Independent who is still convinced that both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are not fit to guard the fish at an aquarium. :bye1:

Mueller is apparently very experienced in hiring Hillary's friends, former employees and campaign contributors. You think those people are the best legal minds in the country? Hillary's sycophants?

Mueller is also a life long Republican.
Both the left and right wings are locked in a verbal spat on this Russian matter, and both sides need to cool it. The left wing is making all kinds of accusations about President Trump and his associates about his ties with Russia with little or no evidence to back it up. The right wing is defending Trump and Co. painting The President and family as innocent victims of the Liberal media....with little or no evidence to back up their position either. This silly behavior on both sides needs to stop. Bob Mueller is a very experienced guy, with broad powers to investigate this and some of the best legal minds in the country to call on. He will uncover every facet the truth! So until his, and the House and Senate investigations wrap up, both sides would do well to find something else to hiss at each other about.

This message brought to you by an Independent who is still convinced that both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are not fit to guard the fish at an aquarium. :bye1:

Mueller is apparently very experienced in hiring Hillary's friends, former employees and campaign contributors. You think those people are the best legal minds in the country? Hillary's sycophants?

Mueller is also a life long Republican.
And so is John McRino, shitforbrains.
Both the left and right wings are locked in a verbal spat on this Russian matter, and both sides need to cool it. The left wing is making all kinds of accusations about President Trump and his associates about his ties with Russia with little or no evidence to back it up. The right wing is defending Trump and Co. painting The President and family as innocent victims of the Liberal media....with little or no evidence to back up their position either. This silly behavior on both sides needs to stop. Bob Mueller is a very experienced guy, with broad powers to investigate this and some of the best legal minds in the country to call on. He will uncover every facet the truth! So until his, and the House and Senate investigations wrap up, both sides would do well to find something else to hiss at each other about.

This message brought to you by an Independent who is still convinced that both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are not fit to guard the fish at an aquarium. :bye1:

Mueller is apparently very experienced in hiring Hillary's friends, former employees and campaign contributors. You think those people are the best legal minds in the country? Hillary's sycophants?

Mueller is also a life long Republican.

...and your point is? So was Richard Nixon! I'll give Meuller the benefit of the doubt until he screws the pooch.
Well, the side that actually did collude should probably stop colluding about right now.

And they probably should learn not to accuse others of what they know they do themselves, unless they want to continue to keep exposing their dumb fucking asses.
Both the left and right wings are locked in a verbal spat on this Russian matter, and both sides need to cool it. The left wing is making all kinds of accusations about President Trump and his associates about his ties with Russia with little or no evidence to back it up. The right wing is defending Trump and Co. painting The President and family as innocent victims of the Liberal media....with little or no evidence to back up their position either. This silly behavior on both sides needs to stop. Bob Mueller is a very experienced guy, with broad powers to investigate this and some of the best legal minds in the country to call on. He will uncover every facet the truth! So until his, and the House and Senate investigations wrap up, both sides would do well to find something else to hiss at each other about.

This message brought to you by an Independent who is still convinced that both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are not fit to guard the fish at an aquarium. :bye1:

Mueller is apparently very experienced in hiring Hillary's friends, former employees and campaign contributors. You think those people are the best legal minds in the country? Hillary's sycophants?

Mueller is also a life long Republican.
He is no longer a Republican. Furthermore, he's always been an establishment Republican, which means he's a Republican for convenience's sake only.

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