Bottom Line: The Left Believe the Declaration of Independence Is A Lie

This thread proves Ben Shapiro 100% accurate. The left are the enemy. Not sure what else we need to know.
So you all agree. Ben Shapiro was spot on. Don't worry, socialism will make things better.
Oh stop it- intentional obtuseness is not flattering- Ben Shapiro is a war mongering Neocon just like the Empty Suits in the District of Criminals that populate the halls of congress- he's a fucking jew- he don't give a rats ass about the US-
So you all agree. Ben Shapiro was spot on. Don't worry, socialism will make things better.
Oh stop it- intentional obtuseness is not flattering- Ben Shapiro is a war mongering Neocon just like the Empty Suits in the District of Criminals that populate the halls of congress- he's a fucking jew- he don't give a rats ass about the US-
Well well well......

More proof he is 100% accurate.

Any more questions folks?
Not sure what else we need to know.
A lot- you might consider reading something other than propaganda.
Do you have any control over your hypocrisy loser? Tell all of us how bad the blacks have it in this country. Tell all of us about the global warming/climate change/ hole in the ozone you do nothing about other than hating capitalism well enough as you type away on your IPhone.
No, conservatives today are conservatives. Not whatever new retarded box you wish to put them in. You know shit. Stop talking.
The root of conservative is "conserve"- to conserve is to keep- in political speak that is "status quo"- stop being so ignorant.
Do you have any control over your hypocrisy loser? Tell all of us how bad the blacks have it in this country. Tell all of us about the global warming/climate change/ hole in the ozone you do nothing about other than hating capitalism well enough as you type away on your IPhone.

I don't subscribe to any of your deflective, straw man, arguments - try again

Who does the following represent?

  • THE RULE OF THE MARKET. Liberating "free" enterprise or private enterprise from any bonds imposed by the government (the state) no matter how much social damage this causes. Greater openness to international trade and investment, as in NAFTA. Reduce wages by de-unionizing workers and eliminating workers' rights that had been won over many years of struggle. No more price controls. All in all, total freedom of movement for capital, goods and services. To convince us this is good for us, they say "an unregulated market is the best way to increase economic growth, which will ultimately benefit everyone." It's like Reagan's "supply-side" and "trickle-down" economics -- but somehow the wealth didn't trickle down very much.
  • CUTTING PUBLIC EXPENDITURE FOR SOCIAL SERVICES like education and health care. REDUCING THE SAFETY-NET FOR THE POOR, and even maintenance of roads, bridges, water supply -- again in the name of reducing government's role. Of course, they don't oppose government subsidies and tax benefits for business.
  • DEREGULATION. Reduce government regulation of everything that could diminsh profits, including protecting the environmentand safety on the job.

  • PRIVATIZATION. Sell state-owned enterprises, goods and services to private investors. This includes banks, key industries, railroads, toll highways, electricity, schools, hospitals and even fresh water. Although usually done in the name of greater efficiency, which is often needed, privatization has mainly had the effect of concentrating wealth even more in a few hands and making the public pay even more for its needs.
  • ELIMINATING THE CONCEPT OF "THE PUBLIC GOOD" or "COMMUNITY" and replacing it with "individual responsibility." Pressuring the poorest people in a society to find solutions to their lack of health care, education and social security all by themselves -- then blaming them, if they fail, as "lazy."
This thread proves Ben Shapiro 100% accurate. The left are the enemy. Not sure what else we need to know.
Shapiro was shoveling bullshit in claiming that the founders did not have divisive government. Their government was more divisive than today
TJ is probably America's greatest contribution to political liberalism, but he didn't see a problem with owning human beings and having sex with at least one woman whom he denied the power to day "no." And then keeping his own children in slavery. Humans generally fail to live up to ideals.

btw, Reagan's views were pretty classically liberal. As were JFK and RFK's.

But don't think for a second that the people who are closing polling places, keeping former felons from voting, calling to "lock up" opponents, cheering when a reporter is shot with a rubber bullet, and supporting taking rifles to protests to shoot other protestors "to protect public property" are political liberals.

As for the 1619 thing or whatever, the establishment of the colonies was not because people just wanted to use slaves. But slavery was explicitly approved of by the const. And blacks are still not as assimilated as say the Irish and Germans who were discriminated against. And even today latinos/hisbanics aren't exactly joining hands with blacks politically and singing kumbayah
This thread proves Ben Shapiro 100% accurate. The left are the enemy. Not sure what else we need to know.
You need to know how to fix the oppressive lands of zero opportunities under their socialist regimes.

When offered an answer to the question in your opening post (the only answer you received in this thread of 200 replies), you lost your mind, because . . . you are a genius???
Here is what I wonder. If and when America falls, I wonder where all of these people trying to escape their oppressive lands of zero opportunities under their socialist regimes could possibly go.
You're not even smart enough to use a question mark.
Like the stupid ass dimwitted half breed useful fucking idiot you are.
You get this through your fucking head, you piece of shit theist.
It is recorded that George Washington seldom participated in the debates. But one day, after several suggestions had been watered down by compromisers, he rose to his feet and, according to observers, changed the course of history. ''If, to please the people, we offer what we ourselves disapprove, how can we afterward defend our work? ''Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair; the event is in the hand of God.''
According to some historians, this ringing statement caused the framers of our Constitution to be more radical and to avoid compromising statements.
'Let us raise a standard'
This thread proves Ben Shapiro 100% accurate. The left are the enemy. Not sure what else we need to know.
You need to know how to fix the oppressive lands of zero opportunities under their socialist regimes.

When offered an answer to the question in your opening post (the only answer you received in this thread of 200 replies), you lost your mind, because . . . you are a genius???
Here is what I wonder. If and when America falls, I wonder where all of these people trying to escape their oppressive lands of zero opportunities under their socialist regimes could possibly go.
You're not even smart enough to use a question mark.
Like the stupid ass dimwitted half breed useful fucking idiot you are.
You get this through your fucking head, you piece of shit theist.
It is recorded that George Washington seldom participated in the debates. But one day, after several suggestions had been watered down by compromisers, he rose to his feet and, according to observers, changed the course of history. ''If, to please the people, we offer what we ourselves disapprove, how can we afterward defend our work? ''Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair; the event is in the hand of God.''
According to some historians, this ringing statement caused the framers of our Constitution to be more radical and to avoid compromising statements.
'Let us raise a standard'
That was statement not a question you stupid illiterate fuck.

If stupid were stink, you would be a wet fart passing through an onion.

Stupid ass.

Love how you got around to explaining to us the Trans-Sahara slave trade or the Barbary Coast slave trade or pretending you knew at least 10 Native American tribes owned slaves and fought for the confederacy.

None of those things fit in your pathetic long winded half baked bullshit narrative.

Do you actually believe your wife doesn't cheat on a schmuck like you?

Time for you to correct grammar again.

Loser. My butt cheeks are smarter than you.
The Left WROTE The Declaration of Independence

Not today’s Left.

Are you sure?
Boy are you dumb

Today’s Left HATES America’s right to sovereignty....the very essence of the Declaration Of Independence....Where have you been LefTardo?
Actually, we recognize we are part of a global economy. We used to be leader of the free world but Trump surrendered that as he cowered before dictators and broke our alliances
That was statement not a question you stupid illiterate fuck. . . Loser. My butt cheeks are smarter than you.
This thread proves Ben Shapiro 100% accurate. The left are the enemy. Not sure what else we need to know.
You need to prove that you are a man, and stop trying to entice everyone else to do the hard work, and commence the physical combat against the enemy yourself. This pussy ass shit of calling them names is not going to work; and of course, you have no intention of renegotiating the decision making system of a republic commerce union.
Get it on bitch!
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The Left WROTE The Declaration of Independence

Not today’s Left.

Are you sure?
Boy are you dumb

Today’s Left HATES America’s right to sovereignty....the very essence of the Declaration Of Independence....Where have you been LefTardo?
Actually, we recognize we are part of a global economy. We used to be leader of the free world but Trump surrendered that as he cowered before dictators and broke our alliances

Are you drunk?
What does Trump have to do with you believing that Mexico has the right to invade our nation?
The Left WROTE The Declaration of Independence

Not today’s Left.

Are you sure?
Boy are you dumb

Today’s Left HATES America’s right to sovereignty....the very essence of the Declaration Of Independence....Where have you been LefTardo?
Actually, we recognize we are part of a global economy. We used to be leader of the free world but Trump surrendered that as he cowered before dictators and broke our alliances

Are you drunk?
What does Trump have to do with you believing that Mexico has the right to invade our nation?

Mexico is invading us!

Maybe a wall will stop them
The left doesn't think.

They have individual liberties and rights because of the constitution and they bich about the constitution.

They live better than kings did 100 years ago because of fossil fuels and they want to ban fossil fuels.

What ever propaganda they hear from the news media they choose to believe no matter how ridiculous (a male is a female if he BELIEVES he's a female).

I don't know how they survive...If I was that stupid I'd be dead by now!

It's sort of ironic. Leftists slavishly tout Darwinian evolution (because they mistakenly think it disproves God's existence), but they themselves depend on the fact that modern society circumvents Darwinism and allows them to exist at all.

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