Bottom Line: The Left Believe the Declaration of Independence Is A Lie

The Left WROTE The Declaration of Independence
If that were true we would have the Communist Manifesto instead. The left were the ones wanting to keep King George in charge of their lives.

You do realize it was Conservative Torries who supported King George?

Liberals back then used to Tar and Feather the Torries
We call those the good ole days

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

I believe Thomas Jefferson's above words were inspired less by truth and more by the words used in the Dutch Plakkaat of almost 200 years before to justify the Netherlands’ revolt against Spanish rule, "whereas God did not create the people slaves to their prince, to obey his commands, whether right or wrong, but rather the prince for the sake of the subjects (without which he could be no prince), to govern them according to equity, to love and support them as a father his children or a shepherd his flock".
The Left WROTE The Declaration of Independence
If that were true we would have the Communist Manifesto instead. The left were the ones wanting to keep King George in charge of their lives.

You do realize it was Conservative Torries who supported King George?

Liberals back then used to Tar and Feather the Torries
We call those the good ole days

You use the words back then as if they apply today. They don’t. The American version of a liberal in 2020 would not only never consider a founding document such as the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution they would reject it in it's entirety. You reject it today. You’re entire party rejects it. There is no part of those documents you would defend. None.
The Left WROTE The Declaration of Independence
If that were true we would have the Communist Manifesto instead. The left were the ones wanting to keep King George in charge of their lives.

You do realize it was Conservative Torries who supported King George?

Liberals back then used to Tar and Feather the Torries
We call those the good ole days

You use the words back then as if they apply today. They don’t. The American version of a liberal in 2020 would not only never consider a founding document such as the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution they would reject it in it's entirety. You reject it today. You’re entire party rejects it. There is no part of those documents you would defend. None.
Wait a minute...
This is getting good

The concepts of a right to “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”

Conservatives today oppose them all
The Left WROTE The Declaration of Independence
If that were true we would have the Communist Manifesto instead. The left were the ones wanting to keep King George in charge of their lives.

You do realize it was Conservative Torries who supported King George?

Liberals back then used to Tar and Feather the Torries
We call those the good ole days

You use the words back then as if they apply today. They don’t. The American version of a liberal in 2020 would not only never consider a founding document such as the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution they would reject it in it's entirety. You reject it today. You’re entire party rejects it. There is no part of those documents you would defend. None.
Wait a minute...
This is getting good

The concepts of a right to “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”

Conservatives today oppose them all
You’re the party of late term abortion, group think and government mandates.

Who doesn’t support Life, Liberty and the Persuit of Happiness again?
Who doesn’t support Life, Liberty and the Persuit of Happiness again?

Life? Republicans oppose public healthcare and environmental protection
Liberty? Republicans oppose public protest
Pursuit of Happiness? Republicans oppose a living wage, paid time off, worker protections
Who doesn’t support Life, Liberty and the Persuit of Happiness again?

Life? Republicans oppose public healthcare and environmental protection
Liberty? Republicans oppose public protest
Pursuit of Happiness? Republicans oppose a living wage, paid time off, worker protections
Life: Lefties are for abotion and criminals, they loooooooove criminals
Liberty: The left opposes free speech, the right to assemble (they never want conservatives on a college speaking, how odd?)
Pursuit of Happiness: They want lockdowns forever, they dont want meat, they dont want cars, they really dont want electricity, they dont want air travel......

That is their bottom line. America is a lie and founded on lies. America didn't begin in 1776, it began in 1619 when the first so called kidnapped Africans arrived.

This is what they are taught and what they believe.

Here is what I wonder. If and when America falls, I wonder where all of these people trying to escape their oppressive lands of zero opportunities under their socialist regimes could possibly go.

Ben Shapiro is a partisan idiot. Next.
They would have informed on the Revolutionaries to the Crown.
The "conservatives" of the day, sided with the King- the liberals wanted a separate Country- albeit, they were classical liberals- the conservatives won, eventually, leaving us with a centralized power in DC with the Bill of Rights as the only concession they were willing to give into- they were called Federalist- the anti-federalist feared what we're now living- so, in political speak that is *status quo* (central authority from a distant location) and the Empty Suit Brigades in the Districts of Criminals around the Country are more than happy with it- including clowns on BOTH sides of the aisle, which exists purely for their entertainment and our division-
Conservatives today are classical liberals.

No, conservatives today are conservatives. Not whatever new retarded box you wish to put them in. You know shit. Stop talking.
They would have informed on the Revolutionaries to the Crown.
The "conservatives" of the day, sided with the King- the liberals wanted a separate Country- albeit, they were classical liberals- the conservatives won, eventually, leaving us with a centralized power in DC with the Bill of Rights as the only concession they were willing to give into- they were called Federalist- the anti-federalist feared what we're now living- so, in political speak that is *status quo* (central authority from a distant location) and the Empty Suit Brigades in the Districts of Criminals around the Country are more than happy with it- including clowns on BOTH sides of the aisle, which exists purely for their entertainment and our division-
Conservatives today are classical liberals.

No, conservatives today are conservatives. Not whatever new retarded box you wish to put them in. You know shit. Stop talking.
you leftist love to redefine what something is even in the middle of a discussion
The Left WROTE The Declaration of Independence
Name a leftist who signed the declaration of Independence
The signers of the declaration of Independence were fighting against what the modern-day leftist wants
Thomas Jefferson

The signers were fighting against an entrenched Government that was indifferent to the rights and needs of the common people.

Just like today’s Liberals fight
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That is their bottom line. America is a lie and founded on lies. America didn't begin in 1776, it began in 1619 when the first so called kidnapped Africans arrived.

This is what they are taught and what they believe.

Here is what I wonder. If and when America falls, I wonder where all of these people trying to escape their oppressive lands of zero opportunities under their socialist regimes could possibly go.

Well all "men" were not created equal with unalienable rights. But the declaration was not a legal doc, and the const enshrined slavery, until it was changed
They would have informed on the Revolutionaries to the Crown.
The "conservatives" of the day, sided with the King- the liberals wanted a separate Country- albeit, they were classical liberals- the conservatives won, eventually, leaving us with a centralized power in DC with the Bill of Rights as the only concession they were willing to give into- they were called Federalist- the anti-federalist feared what we're now living- so, in political speak that is *status quo* (central authority from a distant location) and the Empty Suit Brigades in the Districts of Criminals around the Country are more than happy with it- including clowns on BOTH sides of the aisle, which exists purely for their entertainment and our division-
Conservatives today are classical liberals.

No, conservatives today are conservatives. Not whatever new retarded box you wish to put them in. You know shit. Stop talking.
you leftist love to redefine what something is even in the middle of a discussion
a classic liberal would not close polling places

That is their bottom line. America is a lie and founded on lies. America didn't begin in 1776, it began in 1619 when the first so called kidnapped Africans arrived.

This is what they are taught and what they believe.

Here is what I wonder. If and when America falls, I wonder where all of these people trying to escape their oppressive lands of zero opportunities under their socialist regimes could possibly go.

Well all "men" were not created equal with unalienable rights. But the declaration was not a legal doc, and the const enshrined slavery, until it was changed

So you all agree. Ben Shapiro was spot on. Don't worry, socialism will make things better.

That is their bottom line. America is a lie and founded on lies. America didn't begin in 1776, it began in 1619 when the first so called kidnapped Africans arrived.

This is what they are taught and what they believe.

Here is what I wonder. If and when America falls, I wonder where all of these people trying to escape their oppressive lands of zero opportunities under their socialist regimes could possibly go.

Well all "men" were not created equal with unalienable rights. But the declaration was not a legal doc, and the const enshrined slavery, until it was changed

So you all agree. Ben Shapiro was spot on. Don't worry, socialism will make things better.

What was he right about?

Showed he knows little about the Declaration of Independence
The Left WROTE The Declaration of Independence
If that were true we would have the Communist Manifesto instead. The left were the ones wanting to keep King George in charge of their lives.

You do realize it was Conservative Torries who supported King George?

Liberals back then used to Tar and Feather the Torries
We call those the good ole days

You use the words back then as if they apply today. They don’t. The American version of a liberal in 2020 would not only never consider a founding document such as the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution they would reject it in it's entirety. You reject it today. You’re entire party rejects it. There is no part of those documents you would defend. None.

Are you trying to tell us that Liberals have to maintain the same views they had 250 years ago to remain Liberal?

That evolving to support the rights of blacks, women, workers or protecting the environment makes them no longer Liberal?

Do Conservatives have the same views they had 250 years ago?
That isn't an argument, but I suppose it's all you've got.

Who does this represent?

  • THE RULE OF THE MARKET. Liberating "free" enterprise or private enterprise from any bonds imposed by the government (the state) no matter how much social damage this causes. Greater openness to international trade and investment, as in NAFTA. Reduce wages by de-unionizing workers and eliminating workers' rights that had been won over many years of struggle. No more price controls. All in all, total freedom of movement for capital, goods and services. To convince us this is good for us, they say "an unregulated market is the best way to increase economic growth, which will ultimately benefit everyone." It's like Reagan's "supply-side" and "trickle-down" economics -- but somehow the wealth didn't trickle down very much.
  • CUTTING PUBLIC EXPENDITURE FOR SOCIAL SERVICES like education and health care. REDUCING THE SAFETY-NET FOR THE POOR, and even maintenance of roads, bridges, water supply -- again in the name of reducing government's role. Of course, they don't oppose government subsidies and tax benefits for business.
  • DEREGULATION. Reduce government regulation of everything that could diminsh profits, including protecting the environmentand safety on the job.

  • PRIVATIZATION. Sell state-owned enterprises, goods and services to private investors. This includes banks, key industries, railroads, toll highways, electricity, schools, hospitals and even fresh water. Although usually done in the name of greater efficiency, which is often needed, privatization has mainly had the effect of concentrating wealth even more in a few hands and making the public pay even more for its needs.
  • ELIMINATING THE CONCEPT OF "THE PUBLIC GOOD" or "COMMUNITY" and replacing it with "individual responsibility." Pressuring the poorest people in a society to find solutions to their lack of health care, education and social security all by themselves -- then blaming them, if they fail, as "lazy.
I believe Thomas Jefferson's above words were inspired less by truth and more by the words
The inspiration is immaterial to the meaning of the words- which is what they ALL signed onto.

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