Boy Scouts now welcome gay youth

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
Seems like a good step to me. <My comment.

Boy Scouts now welcome gay youth - Houston Chronicle

The Boy Scouts of America welcomed openly gay boys to membership on Thursday, winning praise from supporters of the policy revision, consent from the Houston-area council that voted last month to oppose the change as well as disdain from conservative and religious groups whose leaders warned that the decision could cause the century-old organization's downfall.

A ban on gay adult leaders, delayed in February and removed from consideration last month, remains in place.
NEVER BEEN A SCOUT. NOT RELIGIOUS. BUT IM A TAX PAYER i think* private clubs /organizations* should be allowed to except or reject whom they wish for whatever reason .

the problem the boy scout has encountered is the fact they are not a TRUE private entity and as such they receive govt funding in one way or another , so there fore they must comply with the ruling . if our tax money helps fund it it must *not* discriminate against gays atheists .
gays and atheists pay taxes to
Why the ban on gay leaders? Afraid a gay adult troop leader may "turn" a kid into a gay kid or something? Or molest a kid?
Chances are higher a straight perv will molest a scout more than a gay guy would.

I just looked at their "creed". They forgot to add "we will not tolerate intolerance".
This is insane to me. How can a person be gay unless they've hit sexual maturity?
This is how I feel about the whole thing. So be it. The Boy Scouts have existed for 103 years and suddenly it's unacceptable in a land which champions freedom of religion to stand up for what you believe? So be it. Gay people want tolerance, fine we all get that. But then again they won't tolerate intolerance of who and what they are. So how exactly is that supposed to work? Must people set aside their own morality to endure something they see as immoral? And people tell me that religion is not in danger here. That my friends, is a lie.

The Boy Scouts of America is just the latest example of how we no longer give individually run organizations and charities autonomy in their own affairs. How fair do you think it would be if I forced God down your throat and you were not allowed to reject it for fear of reprisal from outside sources? Yeah, that's what Chick-fil-A went through, and now what the BOA has succumbed to. Sure some people will say this was a "step in the right direction", but then again, a slave will always go where he's told.
I see your point, Templar. And I don't consider it a step in the right direction in the context of that phrase. I consider it tolerance in letting kids be kids regardless of sexual interest in whichever sex. The Scouts are supposed to teach and be productive members of society. Gays can be productive members as well. So can gay teachers. Leave the sex crap out and just turn those kids into all they can be while they have fun being part of something bigger.
This is insane to me. How can a person be gay unless they've hit sexual maturity?

Dumb question. Were you straight before you hit sexual maturity?

A few dumb questions. How did you know what gender you liked until you hit sexual maturity? How does one know they are gay? Does it suddenly pop into their head at puberty? Or is it because of coercion from the outside world? It's illogical to think homosexuality is a hereditary thing.
This is insane to me. How can a person be gay unless they've hit sexual maturity?

Dumb question. Were you straight before you hit sexual maturity?

A few dumb questions. How did you know what gender you liked until you hit sexual maturity? How does one know they are gay? Does it suddenly pop into their head at puberty? Or is it because of coercion from the outside world? It's illogical to think homosexuality is a hereditary thing.
Are you heterosexual because of outside coercion?
Seems like a good step to me. <My comment.

Boy Scouts now welcome gay youth - Houston Chronicle

The Boy Scouts of America welcomed openly gay boys to membership on Thursday, winning praise from supporters of the policy revision, consent from the Houston-area council that voted last month to oppose the change as well as disdain from conservative and religious groups whose leaders warned that the decision could cause the century-old organization's downfall.

A ban on gay adult leaders, delayed in February and removed from consideration last month, remains in place.

Clearly predicated on ignorance and unsubstantiated fear.
I see your point, Templar. And I don't consider it a step in the right direction in the context of that phrase. I consider it tolerance in letting kids be kids regardless of sexual interest in whichever sex. The Scouts are supposed to teach and be productive members of society. Gays can be productive members as well. So can gay teachers. Leave the sex crap out and just turn those kids into all they can be while they have fun being part of something bigger.

Nobody says gays can't be productive members of society, in fact they already are! They are free to get a job, get a degree, do whatever it is that they can to better our society. But is it right for our society to force the values of a quaint few on the the values of the vast majority? My point is this: What good is a society of freedom and liberty where tolerance only works one way? As I recall, even Jesus was tolerant, even to those that persecuted him.
Sexual orientation should have nothing to do with what the Scouts are about. Do straight scouts talk about what they do in the bedroom? No. So why would gay scouts talk about it?
I see your point, Templar. And I don't consider it a step in the right direction in the context of that phrase. I consider it tolerance in letting kids be kids regardless of sexual interest in whichever sex. The Scouts are supposed to teach and be productive members of society. Gays can be productive members as well. So can gay teachers. Leave the sex crap out and just turn those kids into all they can be while they have fun being part of something bigger.

Nobody says gays can't be productive members of society, in fact they already are! They are free to get a job, get a degree, do whatever it is that they can to better our society. But is it right for our society to force the values of a quaint few on the the values of the vast majority? My point is this: What good is a society of freedom and liberty where tolerance only works one way? As I recall, even Jesus was tolerant, even to those that persecuted him.

But those values are about sexual preference in a private setting. It shouldn't be about sexual preferences at all. Sex needs to stay out of the Scouts, period.
Those of you who are heterosexual and find homosexuals "deviant" or "warped" or "not right in the head".....when did YOU decide to be a heterosexual, if I may ask?
Dumb question. Were you straight before you hit sexual maturity?

A few dumb questions. How did you know what gender you liked until you hit sexual maturity? How does one know they are gay? Does it suddenly pop into their head at puberty? Or is it because of coercion from the outside world? It's illogical to think homosexuality is a hereditary thing.
Are you heterosexual because of outside coercion?

Uh, no. I am heterosexual because that is what I as a human am programmed to be. There is no gene that causes homosexuality. That is what nature... what God has created me to be.

I had a female friend who was married to a man, living a straight and for a while happy relationship. The man cheats on her and she is treated awfully. She suddenly says out of the blue "I'm a lesbian" after the whole ordeal. So, is that a gene? Or was that the trauma of a failed marriage speaking? Is that a choice, or a matter of heredity?

I am a follower of science, and I can find little to explain how people are "born gay." If anything, homosexuality is related to hormones, not genes. Hormones can be changed.
This proves it, beyond a doubt:

[ame=]TNG episode 15 - "That Jean-Luc Picard" - YouTube[/ame]
Why the ban on gay leaders? Afraid a gay adult troop leader may "turn" a kid into a gay kid or something? Or molest a kid?
Chances are higher a straight perv will molest a scout more than a gay guy would.

I just looked at their "creed". They forgot to add "we will not tolerate intolerance".

Something idiotic like that.

But this is at least some progress, however slow and inane.

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