Boy Scouts win right to remain in building they built

All that is likely true, Againshelia. But it doesn't change the fact that the values they teach include intolerance based upon ignorance. For many parents, including me, that would be a deal breaker.

What, because they have to say they believe in God? What's wrong with that?

You honestly think there's nothing wrong with religious discrimination?


Let's not confuse semantics.

I support the RIGHT of churches to practice their faiths, within the law of course. That does not necessarily mean I support those views. The idiots up in Kansas are bigoted towards military personal, that makes me sick, but I MUST defend their right because the COTUS trumps all.
Horrible lesson. :eusa_whistle:

Scout Oath (or Promise)

On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.

Scout Law

A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly,
courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty,
brave, clean, and reverent.

Awful. Just awful stuff. :cuckoo:

You think bigotry is an acceptable lesson?

Where was the bigotry in that oath?

It's not in the oath but discriminating on the basis of religion or orientation is certainly bigotry.
What, because they have to say they believe in God? What's wrong with that?

You honestly think there's nothing wrong with religious discrimination?


so, discriminating against Atheists, is religious discrimination? Then you admit atheism is a religion?

No but they are discriminating on whether or not someone is a theist so it is religious discrimination.

But even if it wasn't how could you possibly defend that as OK?
You honestly think there's nothing wrong with religious discrimination?


so, discriminating against Atheists, is religious discrimination? Then you admit atheism is a religion?

No but they are discriminating on whether or not someone is a theist so it is religious discrimination.

But even if it wasn't how could you possibly defend that as OK?

That's an oxymoron. religious discrimination against people who are not religious......

BTW, most kids don't even care. God is can be anybody and anything...even a druid is welcome in the boyscouts as they believe that mother earth is a "God". Wiccans can come, they believe in a Goddess...but that's okay, just shorten it to "God", I'm sure God doesn't care. The truth is, the only ones who care here are the adults that want to teach their kids bigotry against kids who join an organization that teaches them camping, friendship, charity, courteousness, faith, and a whole lot of other very good values. I see a lot of bigotry here, but I never saw it while I was a scout leader, not in the scouts, not in the leaders. I see it in you and wannabe blonde and others...but I never saw it in the scouts, EVER.

Have no fear, the Boy Scouts as an organization is dying, thanks to people like you. I don't see that as a good thing, but I know you do. So be of good cheer, you will get your way in the end, I just don't think you're going to like the result.
so, discriminating against Atheists, is religious discrimination? Then you admit atheism is a religion?

No but they are discriminating on whether or not someone is a theist so it is religious discrimination.

But even if it wasn't how could you possibly defend that as OK?

That's an oxymoron. religious discrimination against people who are not religious......

BTW, most kids don't even care. God is can be anybody and anything...even a druid is welcome in the boyscouts as they believe that mother earth is a "God". Wiccans can come, they believe in a Goddess...but that's okay, just shorten it to "God", I'm sure God doesn't care. The truth is, the only ones who care here are the adults that want to teach their kids bigotry against kids who join an organization that teaches them camping, friendship, charity, courteousness, faith, and a whole lot of other very good values. I see a lot of bigotry here, but I never saw it while I was a scout leader, not in the scouts, not in the leaders. I see it in you and wannabe blonde and others...but I never saw it in the scouts, EVER.

Have no fear, the Boy Scouts as an organization is dying, thanks to people like you. I don't see that as a good thing, but I know you do. So be of good cheer, you will get your way in the end, I just don't think you're going to like the result.

That's what they don't get. IF the BSA can lose it's rights then so to could they.
so, discriminating against Atheists, is religious discrimination? Then you admit atheism is a religion?

No but they are discriminating on whether or not someone is a theist so it is religious discrimination.

But even if it wasn't how could you possibly defend that as OK?

That's an oxymoron. religious discrimination against people who are not religious......

BTW, most kids don't even care. God is can be anybody and anything...even a druid is welcome in the boyscouts as they believe that mother earth is a "God". Wiccans can come, they believe in a Goddess...but that's okay, just shorten it to "God", I'm sure God doesn't care. The truth is, the only ones who care here are the adults that want to teach their kids bigotry against kids who join an organization that teaches them camping, friendship, charity, courteousness, faith, and a whole lot of other very good values. I see a lot of bigotry here, but I never saw it while I was a scout leader, not in the scouts, not in the leaders. I see it in you and wannabe blonde and others...but I never saw it in the scouts, EVER.

Have no fear, the Boy Scouts as an organization is dying, thanks to people like you. I don't see that as a good thing, but I know you do. So be of good cheer, you will get your way in the end, I just don't think you're going to like the result.

I don't welcome the demise of the Scouts, Againshelia. I would prefer the organization open its minds and hearts to people who are gay or nonreligious. Until they do, I would not allow a child in my care to join because no matter how polite and helpful, I just do not want my child to spend time learning bigotry.
No but they are discriminating on whether or not someone is a theist so it is religious discrimination.

But even if it wasn't how could you possibly defend that as OK?

That's an oxymoron. religious discrimination against people who are not religious......

BTW, most kids don't even care. God is can be anybody and anything...even a druid is welcome in the boyscouts as they believe that mother earth is a "God". Wiccans can come, they believe in a Goddess...but that's okay, just shorten it to "God", I'm sure God doesn't care. The truth is, the only ones who care here are the adults that want to teach their kids bigotry against kids who join an organization that teaches them camping, friendship, charity, courteousness, faith, and a whole lot of other very good values. I see a lot of bigotry here, but I never saw it while I was a scout leader, not in the scouts, not in the leaders. I see it in you and wannabe blonde and others...but I never saw it in the scouts, EVER.

Have no fear, the Boy Scouts as an organization is dying, thanks to people like you. I don't see that as a good thing, but I know you do. So be of good cheer, you will get your way in the end, I just don't think you're going to like the result.

I don't welcome the demise of the Scouts, Againshelia. I would prefer the organization open its minds and hearts to people who are gay or nonreligious. Until they do, I would not allow a child in my care to join because no matter how polite and helpful, I just do not want my child to spend time learning bigotry.

:lol: You think part of Scout training is sitting around teaching people to hate gays? :lol::lol:
Horrible lesson. :eusa_whistle:

Scout Oath (or Promise)

On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.

Scout Law

A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly,
courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty,
brave, clean, and reverent.

Awful. Just awful stuff. :cuckoo:

You think bigotry is an acceptable lesson?

Where was the bigotry in that oath?

The bigotry comes from not following the Oath. Next up, people are now calling hard

Then learn how to use, or not use, the quote function correctly.

And reality is now dishonest, eh?

Need to adjust your tinfoil some?

Pssst! Hey you......yeah you Radioflyer on training wheels.....the Common Sense Cantelope is about to smack you upside your head. Again. When you quote someone, or multiple people in the same post, everyone can see it and not just the ones quoted.

Tomorrow we can help you understand you don't actually add 2 quarts of water directly to that little Kool-aid pack.

Hey posted it directly to me. Even wrote directly TO me in the post.

Next time, try to not be so dishonest. Or at least make sure the evidence isn't still on the board when you are attempting to lie. Word to the wise :thup:
The truth is, the only ones who care here are the adults that want to teach their kids bigotry against kids who join an organization


Where has ANYONE even hinted at that?

You honestly think no one really cares that the boy scouts discriminate? That they all secretly have evil intentions? You can't possibly be that stupid.

that teaches them camping, friendship, charity, courteousness, faith, and a whole lot of other very good values.

And also happens to have bigoted policies.

I see a lot of bigotry here, but I never saw it while I was a scout leader, not in the scouts, not in the leaders. I see it in you and wannabe blonde and others...but I never saw it in the scouts, EVER.

So we're bigoted because we call out the Boy Scouts for their bigoted ways? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Have no fear, the Boy Scouts as an organization is dying, thanks to people like you.


Oh boo-hoo poor wittle boy scouts might be losing money for having policies laced in bigotry. What ever shall we do?

You know if they changed their ways and allowed gays and atheists they probably wouldn't be dying. They did this to themselves and I have no sympathy.

I don't see that as a good thing, but I know you do.

No you don't, you're just full of yourself. I personally wish the boy scouts would drop their policies, apologize and get back to how they used to be. They do some good.
The truth is, the only ones who care here are the adults that want to teach their kids bigotry against kids who join an organization


Where has ANYONE even hinted at that?

You honestly think no one really cares that the boy scouts discriminate? That they all secretly have evil intentions? You can't possibly be that stupid.

that teaches them camping, friendship, charity, courteousness, faith, and a whole lot of other very good values.

And also happens to have bigoted policies.

So we're bigoted because we call out the Boy Scouts for their bigoted ways? :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Have no fear, the Boy Scouts as an organization is dying, thanks to people like you.


Oh boo-hoo poor wittle boy scouts might be losing money for having policies laced in bigotry. What ever shall we do?

You know if they changed their ways and allowed gays and atheists they probably wouldn't be dying. They did this to themselves and I have no sympathy.

I don't see that as a good thing, but I know you do.

No you don't, you're just full of yourself. I personally wish the boy scouts would drop their policies, apologize and get back to how they used to be. They do some good.

Bullshit, they are a private group. Why the fuck do you care what they do or don't do? Do you have a Friday night poker game? Do you invite people over that you don't like? Why not? That's discrimination.
For the last time Con I'm not saying they don't have the right to discriminate I just think it makes them kind of evil.
Horrible lesson. :eusa_whistle:

Scout Oath (or Promise)

On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.

Scout Law

A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly,
courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty,
brave, clean, and reverent.

Awful. Just awful stuff. :cuckoo:

You think bigotry is an acceptable lesson?

Yes I sure do, and here is why. This is the USA, you have a right to be a bigot. I love how people hide behind the COTUS unless it is protecting a right you don't agree with. The MOST important rights to defend are those we don't agree with because you definitely want someone defending YOUR rights if the time comes that you need them defended.

It is a religious issue with the Scouts, you do NOT have the right to dictate their religious views to them.

And I will ask again for the 50th time in this thread. Knowing full well that the Scouts want nothing to do with gays, why would a gay want to join? Other than just to stir up the shit? think bigotry is an acceptable lesson. Will you teach your children to call people ******* and fags?

You think bigotry is an acceptable lesson?

Yes I sure do, and here is why. This is the USA, you have a right to be a bigot. I love how people hide behind the COTUS unless it is protecting a right you don't agree with. The MOST important rights to defend are those we don't agree with because you definitely want someone defending YOUR rights if the time comes that you need them defended.

It is a religious issue with the Scouts, you do NOT have the right to dictate their religious views to them.

And I will ask again for the 50th time in this thread. Knowing full well that the Scouts want nothing to do with gays, why would a gay want to join? Other than just to stir up the shit? think bigotry is an acceptable lesson. Will you teach your children to call people ******* and fags?


This is an adult conversation, so go play with your legos little one.
For the last time Con I'm not saying they don't have the right to discriminate I just think it makes them kind of evil.

How can practicing your religious beliefs be evil, unless those beliefs lead one to violence of course.
Yes I sure do, and here is why. This is the USA, you have a right to be a bigot. I love how people hide behind the COTUS unless it is protecting a right you don't agree with. The MOST important rights to defend are those we don't agree with because you definitely want someone defending YOUR rights if the time comes that you need them defended.

It is a religious issue with the Scouts, you do NOT have the right to dictate their religious views to them.

And I will ask again for the 50th time in this thread. Knowing full well that the Scouts want nothing to do with gays, why would a gay want to join? Other than just to stir up the shit? think bigotry is an acceptable lesson. Will you teach your children to call people ******* and fags?


This is an adult conversation, so go play with your legos little one.
Figures you're too much of a coward to answer. think bigotry is an acceptable lesson. Will you teach your children to call people ******* and fags?


This is an adult conversation, so go play with your legos little one.
Figures you're too much of a coward to answer.

Why would I answer a completely stupid fucking question? You think because I occasionally say ****** and or fag that I am teaching my kids to do the same? I drink beer occasionally to, doesn't mean I'm teaching my kids to drink.

Do you intend to teach yours to be stupid?
They do not use words like ******* and fags, There is an autistic boy in our troop who now has friends. What do you call them ravi? Retards?
No, cornjob calls people ******* and fags. If teaching bigotry is an acceptable thing to him, then it is a valid question.

And no, I don't consider autistic people to be retards (unless they are retarded, of course...but the vast majority of them are not).

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