Boy Scouts win right to remain in building they built

I think this definition is more accurate:

Main Entry: 1peer
Pronunciation: \ˈpir\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French per, from per, adjective, equal, from Latin par
Date: 13th century

1 : one that is of equal standing with another : equal; especially : one belonging to the same societal group especially based on age, grade, or status.

All other variables being equal, a young man who is gay would be a peer to the other scouts.

gays are by definition not Christians. Sure some pretend they are, but they are not. Therefor the BSA have a legitimate claim that gays are NOT in the same societal group as them.

You might have a point if the BSA excluded Jews, Hindus and Muslims.

They don' you don't.

Jews, Hindus, and Muslims ALL share the Christian value that homosexuality is wrong, so in that societal group, they fit in.
gays are by definition not Christians. Sure some pretend they are, but they are not. Therefor the BSA have a legitimate claim that gays are NOT in the same societal group as them.

You might have a point if the BSA excluded Jews, Hindus and Muslims.

They don' you don't.

Jews, Hindus, and Muslims ALL share the Christian value that homosexuality is wrong, so in that societal group, they fit in.

Liberal Jewish sects are allowing for the ordination of homosexual rabbi's. Lutherans allow homosexuals into their church, they just debate on whether they should be allowed to be ordained.

So once again, being a homosexuality does not exclude a young man from being a peer with other heterosexual scouts.
You might have a point if the BSA excluded Jews, Hindus and Muslims.

They don' you don't.

Jews, Hindus, and Muslims ALL share the Christian value that homosexuality is wrong, so in that societal group, they fit in.

Liberal Jewish sects are allowing for the ordination of homosexual rabbi's. Lutherans allow homosexuals into their church, they just debate on whether they should be allowed to be ordained.

So once again, being a homosexuality does not exclude a young man from being a peer with other heterosexual scouts.

The Scouts aint liberal

and let's stop with the bullshit here anyway and be honest. CHILDREN are not the focus of this. It's adults who want to flaunt their gayness who are even bringing this debate to the forefront. Same as in the military.

I've never even heard of a gay 5th grader. They don't have any idea of hetero or homo at that age, well not unless they are having the shit shoved down their throats be an adult.

A gay man could be a Scout leader, just don't fucking mention being gay. There is no need to do so anyway. My kid WAS in scouts for 5 years. I was a Troop Leader for 3 of those years, not once at any time did we broach the subject of sexuality, not once. So why would a gay feel the need to do so? There's only one possible explanation, they want to push their gay agenda onto others. The Boy Scouts absolutely have the right to say we don't want that agenda pushed on us.

Or are you truly silly enough to believe that there are in fact not gays in the Scouts right now who just don't mention it one way or another and both they and the Scouts are just fine with that?
Jews, Hindus, and Muslims ALL share the Christian value that homosexuality is wrong, so in that societal group, they fit in.

Liberal Jewish sects are allowing for the ordination of homosexual rabbi's. Lutherans allow homosexuals into their church, they just debate on whether they should be allowed to be ordained.

So once again, being a homosexuality does not exclude a young man from being a peer with other heterosexual scouts.

The Scouts aint liberal

Thats not any kind of rebuttal to the peer question. A young homosexual male, all other variables being equal, is a peer to heterosexual scouts.

and let's stop with the bullshit here anyway and be honest. CHILDREN are not the focus of this. It's adults who want to flaunt their gayness who are even bringing this debate to the forefront. Same as in the military.

I've never even heard of a gay 5th grader. They don't have any idea of hetero or homo at that age, well not unless they are having the shit shoved down their throats be an adult.

A gay man could be a Scout leader, just don't fucking mention being gay. There is no need to do so anyway. My kid WAS in scouts for 5 years. I was a Troop Leader for 3 of those years, not once at any time did we broach the subject of sexuality, not once. So why would a gay feel the need to do so? There's only one possible explanation, they want to push their gay agenda onto others. The Boy Scouts absolutely have the right to say we don't want that agenda pushed on us.

Or are you truly silly enough to believe that there are in fact not gays in the Scouts right now who just don't mention it one way or another and both they and the Scouts are just fine with that?

I really don't care one way or the other. I am taking issue with your contention that a homosexual young man is not a peer of a heterosexual one.
Liberal Jewish sects are allowing for the ordination of homosexual rabbi's. Lutherans allow homosexuals into their church, they just debate on whether they should be allowed to be ordained.

So once again, being a homosexuality does not exclude a young man from being a peer with other heterosexual scouts.

The Scouts aint liberal

Thats not any kind of rebuttal to the peer question. A young homosexual male, all other variables being equal, is a peer to heterosexual scouts.

and let's stop with the bullshit here anyway and be honest. CHILDREN are not the focus of this. It's adults who want to flaunt their gayness who are even bringing this debate to the forefront. Same as in the military.

I've never even heard of a gay 5th grader. They don't have any idea of hetero or homo at that age, well not unless they are having the shit shoved down their throats be an adult.

A gay man could be a Scout leader, just don't fucking mention being gay. There is no need to do so anyway. My kid WAS in scouts for 5 years. I was a Troop Leader for 3 of those years, not once at any time did we broach the subject of sexuality, not once. So why would a gay feel the need to do so? There's only one possible explanation, they want to push their gay agenda onto others. The Boy Scouts absolutely have the right to say we don't want that agenda pushed on us.

Or are you truly silly enough to believe that there are in fact not gays in the Scouts right now who just don't mention it one way or another and both they and the Scouts are just fine with that?

I really don't care one way or the other. I am taking issue with your contention that a homosexual young man is not a peer of a heterosexual one.

It completely depends on the peer group you are using, that is what I'm saying. As a peer group of kids? Of course, as a peer group of students? yes, as a peer group of sexuality? Obviously not. And plus like I said anyway , I don't even believe kids are gay or straight at 8, 9,10 , 11 years old, I believe they mimic whatever they are told in any area.
The Scouts aint liberal

Thats not any kind of rebuttal to the peer question. A young homosexual male, all other variables being equal, is a peer to heterosexual scouts.

and let's stop with the bullshit here anyway and be honest. CHILDREN are not the focus of this. It's adults who want to flaunt their gayness who are even bringing this debate to the forefront. Same as in the military.

I've never even heard of a gay 5th grader. They don't have any idea of hetero or homo at that age, well not unless they are having the shit shoved down their throats be an adult.

A gay man could be a Scout leader, just don't fucking mention being gay. There is no need to do so anyway. My kid WAS in scouts for 5 years. I was a Troop Leader for 3 of those years, not once at any time did we broach the subject of sexuality, not once. So why would a gay feel the need to do so? There's only one possible explanation, they want to push their gay agenda onto others. The Boy Scouts absolutely have the right to say we don't want that agenda pushed on us.

Or are you truly silly enough to believe that there are in fact not gays in the Scouts right now who just don't mention it one way or another and both they and the Scouts are just fine with that?

I really don't care one way or the other. I am taking issue with your contention that a homosexual young man is not a peer of a heterosexual one.

It completely depends on the peer group you are using, that is what I'm saying. As a peer group of kids? Of course, as a peer group of students? yes, as a peer group of sexuality? Obviously not. And plus like I said anyway , I don't even believe kids are gay or straight at 8, 9,10 , 11 years old, I believe they mimic whatever they are told in any area.

Circling back around to what started this discussion, a young man wants to be with and enjoy the same activities as his peers. Be he homosexual or not. Parse it any way you want, but scouts are his societal peers.

And I'm thinking more along the lines of 15 or 16. After they have been in scouts for a while and have begun to examine their sexuality.

Plus, 8 and 9 year olds are cub scouts, not boy scouts. Some 10 year olds as well.
gays are by definition not Christians. Sure some pretend they are, but they are not. Therefor the BSA have a legitimate claim that gays are NOT in the same societal group as them.

You might have a point if the BSA excluded Jews, Hindus and Muslims.

They don' you don't.

Jews, Hindus, and Muslims ALL share the Christian value that homosexuality is wrong, so in that societal group, they fit in.

Not all Christians are homophobes so your "value" argument is bullshit because some Christians actually value what Jesus....ya know.....actually discussed and taught. Fuckwads like you who have tried to make homosexuality a center issue for "Christianity" don't have the first fucking clue about who Jesus was and you piss all over the Cross every single time you try to use Jesus to underwrite your bigotry.
Thats not any kind of rebuttal to the peer question. A young homosexual male, all other variables being equal, is a peer to heterosexual scouts.

I really don't care one way or the other. I am taking issue with your contention that a homosexual young man is not a peer of a heterosexual one.

It completely depends on the peer group you are using, that is what I'm saying. As a peer group of kids? Of course, as a peer group of students? yes, as a peer group of sexuality? Obviously not. And plus like I said anyway , I don't even believe kids are gay or straight at 8, 9,10 , 11 years old, I believe they mimic whatever they are told in any area.

Circling back around to what started this discussion, a young man wants to be with and enjoy the same activities as his peers. Be he homosexual or not. Parse it any way you want, but scouts are his societal peers.

And I'm thinking more along the lines of 15 or 16. After they have been in scouts for a while and have begun to examine their sexuality.

Plus, 8 and 9 year olds are cub scouts, not boy scouts. Some 10 year olds as well.

Cub Scouts ARE boy scouts as are Eagle Scouts, which is what you become if you stay in trough high school

And again I say no kid is being kicked out unless they are talking about being gay. There is no questioning, there is no form to fill out, there is no secret Boy Scout police wandering around.

In actuality, if a boy is following the BSA's teachings, they are ASEXUAL as in abstaining from any sex. So if they are out there having gay sex they are breaking the rules of the Scouts anyway.

This is about ADULTS though. Adults who want to teach Boy Scouts that being gay is normal. THE BSA absolutely have a right to say no you aren't teaching our members that, especially when virtually the entire membership agrees with them.

I know a couple gay men. and honestly I knew them for years before I realized t hey were gay. Why because they were respectful about it and kept it private. These folks pushing this are not respectful about anything, and frankly I'm laughing my ass off that they lost. Just the same as I hope the first time some flaming fag opens his yapper in the Marines that someone kicks his ass good.

Show some fucking respect for the wishes and beliefs of other people in the world.

I said it earlier and I'll reiterate, I would have NO problem with a gay boy scouts of America. It would sicken me but I would respect their rights, and I certainly wouldn't try to join to try to change their belief season.

Nope, fuck these queers who want nothing more than to destroy a Christian organization. And yes, that's exactly what they are attempting to do.
You might have a point if the BSA excluded Jews, Hindus and Muslims.

They don' you don't.

Jews, Hindus, and Muslims ALL share the Christian value that homosexuality is wrong, so in that societal group, they fit in.

Not all Christians are homophobes so your "value" argument is bullshit because some Christians actually value what Jesus....ya know.....actually discussed and taught. Fuckwads like you who have tried to make homosexuality a center issue for "Christianity" don't have the first fucking clue about who Jesus was and you piss all over the Cross every single time you try to use Jesus to underwrite your bigotry.

What are you blabbering about? Do you honestly contend that Jesus condoned homosexuality?

Look dipshit, no one is talking about rounding up gays and executing them for being gay, well no normal person, we're talking about a group who being gay directly conflicts with THEIR core beliefs. Just the same as they will kick you out if you're a thief. That's against their core values. Now would you argue that a thief has a right to be part of a group which explicitly says " we don't believe in stealing?" Use your head.
It completely depends on the peer group you are using, that is what I'm saying. As a peer group of kids? Of course, as a peer group of students? yes, as a peer group of sexuality? Obviously not. And plus like I said anyway , I don't even believe kids are gay or straight at 8, 9,10 , 11 years old, I believe they mimic whatever they are told in any area.

Circling back around to what started this discussion, a young man wants to be with and enjoy the same activities as his peers. Be he homosexual or not. Parse it any way you want, but scouts are his societal peers.

And I'm thinking more along the lines of 15 or 16. After they have been in scouts for a while and have begun to examine their sexuality.

Plus, 8 and 9 year olds are cub scouts, not boy scouts. Some 10 year olds as well.

Cub Scouts ARE boy scouts as are Eagle Scouts, which is what you become if you stay in trough high school

And again I say no kid is being kicked out unless they are talking about being gay. There is no questioning, there is no form to fill out, there is no secret Boy Scout police wandering around.

In actuality, if a boy is following the BSA's teachings, they are ASEXUAL as in abstaining from any sex. So if they are out there having gay sex they are breaking the rules of the Scouts anyway.

This is about ADULTS though. Adults who want to teach Boy Scouts that being gay is normal. THE BSA absolutely have a right to say no you aren't teaching our members that, especially when virtually the entire membership agrees with them.

I know a couple gay men. and honestly I knew them for years before I realized t hey were gay. Why because they were respectful about it and kept it private. These folks pushing this are not respectful about anything, and frankly I'm laughing my ass off that they lost. Just the same as I hope the first time some flaming fag opens his yapper in the Marines that someone kicks his ass good.

Show some fucking respect for the wishes and beliefs of other people in the world.

I said it earlier and I'll reiterate, I would have NO problem with a gay boy scouts of America. It would sicken me but I would respect their rights, and I certainly wouldn't try to join to try to change their belief season.

Nope, fuck these queers who want nothing more than to destroy a Christian organization. And yes, that's exactly what they are attempting to do.

Once again, the only thing I am saying is that I am in disagreement with you saying that scouts are not their peers.

Don't start building strawmen here.
Circling back around to what started this discussion, a young man wants to be with and enjoy the same activities as his peers. Be he homosexual or not. Parse it any way you want, but scouts are his societal peers.

And I'm thinking more along the lines of 15 or 16. After they have been in scouts for a while and have begun to examine their sexuality.

Plus, 8 and 9 year olds are cub scouts, not boy scouts. Some 10 year olds as well.

Cub Scouts ARE boy scouts as are Eagle Scouts, which is what you become if you stay in trough high school

And again I say no kid is being kicked out unless they are talking about being gay. There is no questioning, there is no form to fill out, there is no secret Boy Scout police wandering around.

In actuality, if a boy is following the BSA's teachings, they are ASEXUAL as in abstaining from any sex. So if they are out there having gay sex they are breaking the rules of the Scouts anyway.

This is about ADULTS though. Adults who want to teach Boy Scouts that being gay is normal. THE BSA absolutely have a right to say no you aren't teaching our members that, especially when virtually the entire membership agrees with them.

I know a couple gay men. and honestly I knew them for years before I realized t hey were gay. Why because they were respectful about it and kept it private. These folks pushing this are not respectful about anything, and frankly I'm laughing my ass off that they lost. Just the same as I hope the first time some flaming fag opens his yapper in the Marines that someone kicks his ass good.

Show some fucking respect for the wishes and beliefs of other people in the world.

I said it earlier and I'll reiterate, I would have NO problem with a gay boy scouts of America. It would sicken me but I would respect their rights, and I certainly wouldn't try to join to try to change their belief season.

Nope, fuck these queers who want nothing more than to destroy a Christian organization. And yes, that's exactly what they are attempting to do.

Once again, the only thing I am saying is that I am in disagreement with you saying that scouts are not their peers.

Don't start building strawmen here.

Well, we can agree to disagree about that. But the fact is that that alone isn't enough. Like I said to Curve, who is an idiot by the way, they would kick you out for being a thief to, but I guess technically speaking that thief would be in the other kids' peer group, right? Do you suggest they have a "right" to be there?
Cub Scouts ARE boy scouts as are Eagle Scouts, which is what you become if you stay in trough high school

And again I say no kid is being kicked out unless they are talking about being gay. There is no questioning, there is no form to fill out, there is no secret Boy Scout police wandering around.

In actuality, if a boy is following the BSA's teachings, they are ASEXUAL as in abstaining from any sex. So if they are out there having gay sex they are breaking the rules of the Scouts anyway.

This is about ADULTS though. Adults who want to teach Boy Scouts that being gay is normal. THE BSA absolutely have a right to say no you aren't teaching our members that, especially when virtually the entire membership agrees with them.

I know a couple gay men. and honestly I knew them for years before I realized t hey were gay. Why because they were respectful about it and kept it private. These folks pushing this are not respectful about anything, and frankly I'm laughing my ass off that they lost. Just the same as I hope the first time some flaming fag opens his yapper in the Marines that someone kicks his ass good.

Show some fucking respect for the wishes and beliefs of other people in the world.

I said it earlier and I'll reiterate, I would have NO problem with a gay boy scouts of America. It would sicken me but I would respect their rights, and I certainly wouldn't try to join to try to change their belief season.

Nope, fuck these queers who want nothing more than to destroy a Christian organization. And yes, that's exactly what they are attempting to do.

Once again, the only thing I am saying is that I am in disagreement with you saying that scouts are not their peers.

Don't start building strawmen here.

Well, we can agree to disagree about that. But the fact is that that alone isn't enough. Like I said to Curve, who is an idiot by the way, they would kick you out for being a thief to, but I guess technically speaking that thief would be in the other kids' peer group, right? Do you suggest they have a "right" to be there?

The original question was "Why would a homosexual want to be a scout?"

"To enjoy the same activities as his peers" was the answer.

I believe I have shown that they are, in fact, peers, and the answer Ravi gave was an accurate one.
Once again, the only thing I am saying is that I am in disagreement with you saying that scouts are not their peers.

Don't start building strawmen here.

Well, we can agree to disagree about that. But the fact is that that alone isn't enough. Like I said to Curve, who is an idiot by the way, they would kick you out for being a thief to, but I guess technically speaking that thief would be in the other kids' peer group, right? Do you suggest they have a "right" to be there?

The original question was "Why would a homosexual want to be a scout?"

"To enjoy the same activities as his peers" was the answer.

I believe I have shown that they are, in fact, peers, and the answer Ravi gave was an accurate one.

and my answer is that children are neither homosexual or heterosexual. a Kid doesn't know.

You mention when they get older. Rarely , if ever, does someone join when they are older, they normally begin in kindergarten and continue up through high school, or leave at some point for whatever reason. NO kid that has been raised with the values that the BSA teach is going to turn into a flaming gay at age 15 that can't keep his mouth shut about his gayness but wants to stay in the BSA. It just isn't going to happen. So that argument is MOOT.

Now a child that can keep his yapper shut about being gay is welcome to stay in the BSA.

So I guess my question SHOULD have been "Why would anyone want to be openly gay in the BSA when they KNOW that the BSA don't want them?"

When did we drop the bar in this nation to mean that if you don't like the way a private organization operates you have the "right" to sue to get them to change?
gays are by definition not Christians. Sure some pretend they are, but they are not. Therefor the BSA have a legitimate claim that gays are NOT in the same societal group as them.

You might have a point if the BSA excluded Jews, Hindus and Muslims.

They don' you don't.

Jews, Hindus, and Muslims ALL share the Christian value that homosexuality is wrong, so in that societal group, they fit in.

Nice try Ravi, but neither question was answered. But just in case I'm wrong, go ahead and quote the answer to either right here , so everyone can see who the liar is. Hint, we already all know it's you.

The answer was mine. Gays want to be scouts because they want to do the same things their peers are doing.

How fucking retarded are you that you believe gay kids spend all their waking moments thinking about gay activities?

I thought mal was an idiot, but I do believe you've surpassed him.

You are calling me an idiot again? I offered once before Ravi to compare curriculum vitae with you.

Now on to your 'answer"

Here is the relevant definition of peer.
1    /pɪər/ Show Spelled[peer] Show IPA
a person who is equal to another in abilities, qualifications, age, background, and social status.

Clearly the claim can be made that they are not members of the Boy Scout member's peer group.

as to the question about Jindal, still no answer?

One more thing Ravi before you drink your milk and take a nap. Where did I say gays, children or otherwise, spend all their time thinking about gay activities?

Comparing CV's with a jackass like you only decreases the value of Degrees. People who can debate do it. People like you, who cannot, seek red herrings and your CV bullshit is a prime example.
You might have a point if the BSA excluded Jews, Hindus and Muslims.

They don' you don't.

Jews, Hindus, and Muslims ALL share the Christian value that homosexuality is wrong, so in that societal group, they fit in.

The answer was mine. Gays want to be scouts because they want to do the same things their peers are doing.

How fucking retarded are you that you believe gay kids spend all their waking moments thinking about gay activities?

I thought mal was an idiot, but I do believe you've surpassed him.

You are calling me an idiot again? I offered once before Ravi to compare curriculum vitae with you.

Now on to your 'answer"

Here is the relevant definition of peer.
1    /pɪər/ Show Spelled[peer] Show IPA
a person who is equal to another in abilities, qualifications, age, background, and social status.

Clearly the claim can be made that they are not members of the Boy Scout member's peer group.

as to the question about Jindal, still no answer?

One more thing Ravi before you drink your milk and take a nap. Where did I say gays, children or otherwise, spend all their time thinking about gay activities?

Comparing CV's with a jackass like you only decreases the value of Degrees. People who can debate do it. People like you, who cannot, seek red herrings and your CV bullshit is a prime example.

Uh huh. In other words you, as usual, have nothing.

Listen dipshit, when someone such as Ravi follows you from thread to thread writing barely legible posts offering nothing but vague comments about your intelligence and education, the normal response is to offer to compare credentials.

As to your stupid comments about my abilities to debate, well I will let my posts speak for themselves, and the fact that you think I don't post strong posts is certainly no accurate reading of the situation.

Now , go push some more poo, cock lover. :lol:
Well, we can agree to disagree about that. But the fact is that that alone isn't enough. Like I said to Curve, who is an idiot by the way, they would kick you out for being a thief to, but I guess technically speaking that thief would be in the other kids' peer group, right? Do you suggest they have a "right" to be there?

The original question was "Why would a homosexual want to be a scout?"

"To enjoy the same activities as his peers" was the answer.

I believe I have shown that they are, in fact, peers, and the answer Ravi gave was an accurate one.

and my answer is that children are neither homosexual or heterosexual. a Kid doesn't know.

You mention when they get older. Rarely , if ever, does someone join when they are older, they normally begin in kindergarten and continue up through high school, or leave at some point for whatever reason. NO kid that has been raised with the values that the BSA teach is going to turn into a flaming gay at age 15 that can't keep his mouth shut about his gayness but wants to stay in the BSA. It just isn't going to happen. So that argument is MOOT.

Now a child that can keep his yapper shut about being gay is welcome to stay in the BSA.

So I guess my question SHOULD have been "Why would anyone want to be openly gay in the BSA when they KNOW that the BSA don't want them?"

When did we drop the bar in this nation to mean that if you don't like the way a private organization operates you have the "right" to sue to get them to change?

You are so damn blended with idiocy and ignorance your posts look like a magic 8 Ball controls what you say.

Are you not aware of the gay Eagle Scout who testified during this trial? He knew he was gay at 14 and guess what.......somehow he made it all the way to Eagle Scout. How? Being a leader among his peers. Enjoying the challenges and activities with his peers. You crotch watching dickidiots are so damn testacle focused you can't see the value of people be they hetero or homosexual.

You're also still trying to play the same damn strawman that's been smacked down 20x already. Nobody is saying the BSA have to change their rules just to exist.

For the last fucking time you dishonest fuckhead:

If they want to be completely Private then they should stop taking FREE PUBLIC RIDES.

Why is that so fucking hard for you homophobic jackass cocksucking bitches to understand?
gays are by definition not Christians. Sure some pretend they are, but they are not. Therefor the BSA have a legitimate claim that gays are NOT in the same societal group as them.

You might have a point if the BSA excluded Jews, Hindus and Muslims.

They don' you don't.

Jews, Hindus, and Muslims ALL share the Christian value that homosexuality is wrong, so in that societal group, they fit in.
:lol: What an asshole you are.
Well, we can agree to disagree about that. But the fact is that that alone isn't enough. Like I said to Curve, who is an idiot by the way, they would kick you out for being a thief to, but I guess technically speaking that thief would be in the other kids' peer group, right? Do you suggest they have a "right" to be there?

The original question was "Why would a homosexual want to be a scout?"

"To enjoy the same activities as his peers" was the answer.

I believe I have shown that they are, in fact, peers, and the answer Ravi gave was an accurate one.

and my answer is that children are neither homosexual or heterosexual. a Kid doesn't know.

You mention when they get older. Rarely , if ever, does someone join when they are older, they normally begin in kindergarten and continue up through high school, or leave at some point for whatever reason. NO kid that has been raised with the values that the BSA teach is going to turn into a flaming gay at age 15 that can't keep his mouth shut about his gayness but wants to stay in the BSA. It just isn't going to happen. So that argument is MOOT.

Now a child that can keep his yapper shut about being gay is welcome to stay in the BSA.

So I guess my question SHOULD have been "Why would anyone want to be openly gay in the BSA when they KNOW that the BSA don't want them?"

When did we drop the bar in this nation to mean that if you don't like the way a private organization operates you have the "right" to sue to get them to change?

You might have a point if the BSA excluded Jews, Hindus and Muslims.

They don' you don't.

Jews, Hindus, and Muslims ALL share the Christian value that homosexuality is wrong, so in that societal group, they fit in.

Liberal Jewish sects are allowing for the ordination of homosexual rabbi's. Lutherans allow homosexuals into their church, they just debate on whether they should be allowed to be ordained.

So once again, being a homosexuality does not exclude a young man from being a peer with other heterosexual scouts.

Radioasswipe made a post I have to give a thanks on. What the fuck next?
The original question was "Why would a homosexual want to be a scout?"

"To enjoy the same activities as his peers" was the answer.

I believe I have shown that they are, in fact, peers, and the answer Ravi gave was an accurate one.

and my answer is that children are neither homosexual or heterosexual. a Kid doesn't know.

You mention when they get older. Rarely , if ever, does someone join when they are older, they normally begin in kindergarten and continue up through high school, or leave at some point for whatever reason. NO kid that has been raised with the values that the BSA teach is going to turn into a flaming gay at age 15 that can't keep his mouth shut about his gayness but wants to stay in the BSA. It just isn't going to happen. So that argument is MOOT.

Now a child that can keep his yapper shut about being gay is welcome to stay in the BSA.

So I guess my question SHOULD have been "Why would anyone want to be openly gay in the BSA when they KNOW that the BSA don't want them?"

When did we drop the bar in this nation to mean that if you don't like the way a private organization operates you have the "right" to sue to get them to change?

Oh, this post is much to precious to leave alone.
You are so damn blended with idiocy and ignorance your posts look like a magic 8 Ball controls what you say.
Best to check your spelling and grammar when calling someone and idiot.
Are you not aware of the gay Eagle Scout who testified during this trial? He knew he was gay at 14 and guess what.......somehow he made it all the way to Eagle Scout. How? Being a leader among his peers. Enjoying the challenges and activities with his peers. You crotch watching dickidiots are so damn testacle focused you can't see the value of people be they hetero or homosexual.
Again stupid, being sexually active, be it gay or straight, is against the moral code of the BSA, so your "good leader" was not, IF he was really gay.
You're also still trying to play the same damn strawman that's been smacked down 20x already. Nobody is saying the BSA have to change their rules just to exist.

For the last fucking time you dishonest fuckhead:

If they want to be completely Private then they should stop taking FREE PUBLIC RIDES.
What part of they have an agreement with the city do YOU not understand, you want to invalidate that agreement based on their policy or have them change their policy, that means you want to change them.
Why is that so fucking hard for you homophobic jackass cocksucking bitches to understand?

Oh, the irony of being called a cock sucker by a fucking faggot.

For real, you need to check around and see if there is a literacy council in your area. Probably anger management as well. Is being queer why you are so poorly adjusted?
Well, we can agree to disagree about that. But the fact is that that alone isn't enough. Like I said to Curve, who is an idiot by the way, they would kick you out for being a thief to, but I guess technically speaking that thief would be in the other kids' peer group, right? Do you suggest they have a "right" to be there?

The original question was "Why would a homosexual want to be a scout?"

"To enjoy the same activities as his peers" was the answer.

I believe I have shown that they are, in fact, peers, and the answer Ravi gave was an accurate one.

and my answer is that children are neither homosexual or heterosexual. a Kid doesn't know.

You mention when they get older. Rarely , if ever, does someone join when they are older, they normally begin in kindergarten and continue up through high school, or leave at some point for whatever reason.

I was referencing a young man who was already a scout.

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