Boy Scouts win right to remain in building they built

Still a poor analogy. A thief is thrown in jail, no matter whether they are a scout or not.

A homosexual is not.

The two are in no manner equal, thats where the analogy fails.

Alright then. Let's change the analogy to someone who's been caught cheating on his school work. That can certainly get you kicked out of the Scouts. Should the Scouts be forced to allow cheaters to join?

Or here let me dump the Scouts altoghetr and jump to a different group. My son is in Karate. He's been in for several years now, t here is a policy if you start a fight, mostly this pertains to at school of course since the Sensei is also a teacher, you will be kicked out of the group. Is that fair? Just b/c you break the rules they have a right to boot you? WHat???

You're mistaking me for someone who thinks that the scouts should be forced to allow people to join against the scouts' wishes.

No , I knew you didn't think that, it just seemed like you were playing devil's advocate. Lord knows Curve isn't putting up any real argument.
Alright then. Let's change the analogy to someone who's been caught cheating on his school work. That can certainly get you kicked out of the Scouts. Should the Scouts be forced to allow cheaters to join?

Or here let me dump the Scouts altoghetr and jump to a different group. My son is in Karate. He's been in for several years now, t here is a policy if you start a fight, mostly this pertains to at school of course since the Sensei is also a teacher, you will be kicked out of the group. Is that fair? Just b/c you break the rules they have a right to boot you? WHat???

You're mistaking me for someone who thinks that the scouts should be forced to allow people to join against the scouts' wishes.

No , I knew you didn't think that, it just seemed like you were playing devil's advocate. Lord knows Curve isn't putting up any real argument.

Not playing devils advocate. I really do think that way on the peer thing. But I also think that as a private org the BSA doesn't have to let people join if they violate their core beliefs.
You're mistaking me for someone who thinks that the scouts should be forced to allow people to join against the scouts' wishes.

No , I knew you didn't think that, it just seemed like you were playing devil's advocate. Lord knows Curve isn't putting up any real argument.

Not playing devils advocate. I really do think that way on the peer thing. But I also think that as a private org the BSA doesn't have to let people join if they violate their core beliefs.

Fair enough
Alright then. Let's change the analogy to someone who's been caught cheating on his school work. That can certainly get you kicked out of the Scouts. Should the Scouts be forced to allow cheaters to join?

Or here let me dump the Scouts altoghetr and jump to a different group. My son is in Karate. He's been in for several years now, t here is a policy if you start a fight, mostly this pertains to at school of course since the Sensei is also a teacher, you will be kicked out of the group. Is that fair? Just b/c you break the rules they have a right to boot you? WHat???

You're mistaking me for someone who thinks that the scouts should be forced to allow people to join against the scouts' wishes.

No , I knew you didn't think that, it just seemed like you were playing devil's advocate. Lord knows Curve isn't putting up any real argument.

I've had the same argument all along but dishonest bitches like you keep ignoring it then throwing up your strawmen. I haven't seen anyone here say the BSA should be forced to accept people into their membership. Philly isn't even saying that. Are you really so fucking stoopid you don't know that?
Hoped to end this thread on a positive note.

Scouting's alumni record is equally impressive. A recent nation-wide survey of high schools revealed the following information:

85% of student council presidents were Scouts

89% of senior class presidents were Scouts

80% of junior class presidents were Scouts

75% of school publication editors were Scouts

71% of football captains were Scouts

Scouts also account for:

64% of Air Force Academy graduates

68% of West Point graduates

70% of Annapolis graduates

72% of Rhodes Scholars

85% of FBI agents

26 of the first 29 astronauts

Other interesting Statistics

104 million The number of members since 1910.

1,209,077 The number of adults providing the Scouting program to America's youth.

124,660 The number of Cub Scout packs, Boy Scout troops, and Venturing crews.

40,029 The number of Eagle Scout badges earned.

240 The number of individuals who earned a heroism award.

1,363,795 The number of subscribers who learned to read or improved their reading skills with Boys' Life magazine.

One Hundred Scouts
Jews, Hindus, and Muslims ALL share the Christian value that homosexuality is wrong, so in that societal group, they fit in.

Not all Christians are homophobes so your "value" argument is bullshit because some Christians actually value what Jesus....ya know.....actually discussed and taught. Fuckwads like you who have tried to make homosexuality a center issue for "Christianity" don't have the first fucking clue about who Jesus was and you piss all over the Cross every single time you try to use Jesus to underwrite your bigotry.

What are you blabbering about? Do you honestly contend that Jesus condoned homosexuality?

Look dipshit, no one is talking about rounding up gays and executing them for being gay, well no normal person, we're talking about a group who being gay directly conflicts with THEIR core beliefs. Just the same as they will kick you out if you're a thief. That's against their core values. Now would you argue that a thief has a right to be part of a group which explicitly says " we don't believe in stealing?" Use your head.

Jesus never once spoke on the issue of homosexuality so how do whiners like you spend so much time focusing on an issue Jesus never once spoke about?

I've also never said gays (or anyone else) have a "Right" to join the BSA. This must be an example of your stellar debating skils where you freely offer examples of strawmen in action. God knows you don't have the balls to be honest and admit your fuck ups so you'll dance and just say you were trying to help the Board see what a strawman looks like.

It really fucking sucks an ignorant fuckwad like you is a parent but at the same time it helps explain fucked up people in the world. The only hope is your hateful teachings will not attach themselves to your kids lest they become parasites like you living in misery blaming the world for your problems.
How can practicing your religious beliefs be evil, unless those beliefs lead one to violence of course.

Why is it only atheists they exclude then? Why not also Hindus or Muslims or Buddhists? I always thought "it's our religious beliefs" was just an excuse.

What? How have we made the jump from excluding gays to excluding atheists? They do not exclude atheists.

Yes they do exclude atheists you dumb fuck. How in the hell can you be so fucking ignorant of basic facts? You should take this thread as a lesson about learning the facts of an issue prior to trying to discuss it you whiny bitch.
Yes they do. For the leaders; not the boys. Its a Christian organization but they accept all faiths ex atheism. But its another case of "don't ask; don't tell" which worked for how long in the military?

These lawsuits aren't about gays. They're not even about Christians. Its about moral relativists wanting to destroy any organization that promotes leadership. They want sheep. And they are using the CHILDREN as sacrificial lambs to advance their agenda.

Fortunately they are losing. For now. Many of those Scouts will be leading the country some day.

And I must say the ignorance of some people is quite shocking to me. These discussions are for the adults. I guarantee 90 percent of the scouts have no clue about these issues. No child is being "taught" about homosexuals. Only pervy adults think sex is relevant to children.

My irony meter just popped and knocked one of Saturn's 63 moons out of orbit. You're defending the bigotry of a Sheep Making Machine but you claim others what sheep? Rotfl!

Also, your persecution complex is pure comedy. There is no agenda to destroy the BSA. You know, if you dumbfucks actually held the BSA to its own Oath you probably would very rarely ever have any problems. Stop taking free rides from the public you fucking Liberal parasite.
You are calling me an idiot again? I offered once before Ravi to compare curriculum vitae with you.

Now on to your 'answer"

Here is the relevant definition of peer.
1    /pɪər/ Show Spelled[peer] Show IPA
a person who is equal to another in abilities, qualifications, age, background, and social status.

Clearly the claim can be made that they are not members of the Boy Scout member's peer group.

as to the question about Jindal, still no answer?

One more thing Ravi before you drink your milk and take a nap. Where did I say gays, children or otherwise, spend all their time thinking about gay activities?

I think this definition is more accurate:

Main Entry: 1peer
Pronunciation: \ˈpir\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French per, from per, adjective, equal, from Latin par
Date: 13th century

1 : one that is of equal standing with another : equal; especially : one belonging to the same societal group especially based on age, grade, or status.

All other variables being equal, a young man who is gay would be a peer to the other scouts.

gays are by definition not Christians. Sure some pretend they are, but they are not. Therefor the BSA have a legitimate claim that gays are NOT in the same societal group as them.

Gays can't be Christians? I think you're a Christian hater so you pretend to be Christian to make Christianity look as horrible as you can manage.
Hey posted it directly to me. Even wrote directly TO me in the post.

Next time, try to not be so dishonest. Or at least make sure the evidence isn't still on the board when you are attempting to lie. Word to the wise :thup:

Goodness you are stoooooopid. The info I posted would be available for anyone to read.......that is why I posted it. I knew you wouldn't address the facts and you've proven me correct so there's nothing left for you to do but keep whining........

Keep on lying about not directing it towards me...

The evidence is still on the board :thup:

Lying? Lol.......oh boy your hypocrisy on honesty is priceless. I did direct it at you but it wasn't for your benefit. Do you need a breakdown on what that means?
Hoped to end this thread on a positive note.

Scouting's alumni record is equally impressive. A recent nation-wide survey of high schools revealed the following information:

85% of student council presidents were Scouts

89% of senior class presidents were Scouts

80% of junior class presidents were Scouts

75% of school publication editors were Scouts

71% of football captains were Scouts

Scouts also account for:

64% of Air Force Academy graduates

68% of West Point graduates

70% of Annapolis graduates

72% of Rhodes Scholars

85% of FBI agents

26 of the first 29 astronauts

Other interesting Statistics

104 million The number of members since 1910.

1,209,077 The number of adults providing the Scouting program to America's youth.

124,660 The number of Cub Scout packs, Boy Scout troops, and Venturing crews.

40,029 The number of Eagle Scout badges earned.

240 The number of individuals who earned a heroism award.

1,363,795 The number of subscribers who learned to read or improved their reading skills with Boys' Life magazine.

One Hundred Scouts

There's no source for those numbers. Do you have a source or is this more bullshit?

Eta: I looked around and looks like the BSA is the source for those numbers. I'm guessing they did the survey by asking if someone had ever been in the Scouts so if someone was in a Troop for 3 weeks when they were 7 years old, and that was the extent of their membership, the BSA considers them "Alumni" so they can take credit where it is really not due.

The BSA is going to be a hell of an awesome organization when they start living by their Oath.
Last edited:
Of course it's from the BSA. Do you honestly think anyone else would put together a survey like that? You're an ass.

Maybe someday, some fictional gay father of a ten year old in Philadelphia will want to be a Boy Scout leader. And some day, this imaginary person from the future will have legal standing. Until then - stop the hating.
Of course it's from the BSA. Do you honestly think anyone else would put together a survey like that? You're an ass.

Maybe someday, some fictional gay father of a ten year old in Philadelphia will want to be a Boy Scout leader. And some day, this imaginary person from the future will have legal standing. Until then - stop the hating.

So you're guilty of spreading gossip as fact and your response is to call someone else an ass for pointing that out? Does your toxic **** drip quarts or gallons of self righteous sour yeast?

Do you not realize you are the hater? Of course not!
Of course it's from the BSA. Do you honestly think anyone else would put together a survey like that? You're an ass.

Maybe someday, some fictional gay father of a ten year old in Philadelphia will want to be a Boy Scout leader. And some day, this imaginary person from the future will have legal standing. Until then - stop the hating.

Please stay away from the children.

You sucking Conhog's dick as you're posting? You're two birds of feather with how you ignore facts and focus strictly on ad homs.
You're mistaking me for someone who thinks that the scouts should be forced to allow people to join against the scouts' wishes.

No , I knew you didn't think that, it just seemed like you were playing devil's advocate. Lord knows Curve isn't putting up any real argument.

I've had the same argument all along but dishonest bitches like you keep ignoring it then throwing up your strawmen. I haven't seen anyone here say the BSA should be forced to accept people into their membership. Philly isn't even saying that. Are you really so fucking stoopid you don't know that?

Bullshit you lying sack of shit. The entire queer movement is about FORCING others to accept YOUR lifestyle.
Not all Christians are homophobes so your "value" argument is bullshit because some Christians actually value what Jesus....ya know.....actually discussed and taught. Fuckwads like you who have tried to make homosexuality a center issue for "Christianity" don't have the first fucking clue about who Jesus was and you piss all over the Cross every single time you try to use Jesus to underwrite your bigotry.

What are you blabbering about? Do you honestly contend that Jesus condoned homosexuality?

Look dipshit, no one is talking about rounding up gays and executing them for being gay, well no normal person, we're talking about a group who being gay directly conflicts with THEIR core beliefs. Just the same as they will kick you out if you're a thief. That's against their core values. Now would you argue that a thief has a right to be part of a group which explicitly says " we don't believe in stealing?" Use your head.

Jesus never once spoke on the issue of homosexuality so how do whiners like you spend so much time focusing on an issue Jesus never once spoke about?

I've also never said gays (or anyone else) have a "Right" to join the BSA. This must be an example of your stellar debating skils where you freely offer examples of strawmen in action. God knows you don't have the balls to be honest and admit your fuck ups so you'll dance and just say you were trying to help the Board see what a strawman looks like.

It really fucking sucks an ignorant fuckwad like you is a parent but at the same time it helps explain fucked up people in the world. The only hope is your hateful teachings will not attach themselves to your kids lest they become parasites like you living in misery blaming the world for your problems.

You're an ignorant sumbitch. I don't hate gays, I don't care if they're gay, enjoy your gayitude. Whatever dude, that has NOTHING to do with THIS thread. THIS thread is about does a group have the right to exclude those who they don't want. The answer is yes. I would feel the same if it was a group of gays who wanted to exclude heterosexuals, does that mean I know hate heterosexuals? I would feel the same if it was a group of women who wanted to exclude men. Does that mean I now hate men?

You really can't think beyond your own simplistic anger, can you?
You're an ignorant sumbitch. I don't hate gays, I don't care if they're gay, enjoy your gayitude. Whatever dude, that has NOTHING to do with THIS thread. THIS thread is about does a group have the right to exclude those who they don't want. The answer is yes. I would feel the same if it was a group of gays who wanted to exclude heterosexuals, does that mean I know hate heterosexuals? I would feel the same if it was a group of women who wanted to exclude men. Does that mean I now hate men?

You really can't think beyond your own simplistic anger, can you?

Twenty fucking four pages into the thread and you still do not understand what the fucking subject is. Do you buy your stoopidity off ebay or something? There is no way a human is naturally as fucking dumb as you are.

I've repeatedly pointed out the OP is not about the BSA simply excluding gays. It is about the BSA wanting the privileges of a private organization but not wanting to accept responsibility by avoiding paying their own way. That's been pointed out by several people at least 20 times you fucking waste.
No , I knew you didn't think that, it just seemed like you were playing devil's advocate. Lord knows Curve isn't putting up any real argument.

I've had the same argument all along but dishonest bitches like you keep ignoring it then throwing up your strawmen. I haven't seen anyone here say the BSA should be forced to accept people into their membership. Philly isn't even saying that. Are you really so fucking stoopid you don't know that?

Bullshit you lying sack of shit. The entire queer movement is about FORCING others to accept YOUR lifestyle.

You say you don't hate gays yet you keep trying to insult me by accusing me of being gay long after I've stated being hetero. You're such a pathetic coward you can't even be honest about your own positions. You hate gays so much you cannot comprehend why heteros would defend their equal rights. We're called Americans. Maybe one day you can become an American too.

Then you play the "forcing lifestyle" card? You stoopid ****. Nobody is trying to force anyone to be gay. I weep for your son that he has such a coward cocksucking bitch of a dad.

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