Boy the Republicans are mad the truth came out.

I'm only aware of four dimensions per the isolated system of the Universe: three spatial dimensions, one temporal dimension.
Quantum Quacks Are Brain-Addled Nerds

Time can't be a dimension; it has no extension. If linear distance were like time, then every step forward would be into a place that didn't exist before you got there, and wouldn't exist after you left. It's like most of the debates on the Netrix and the scripted performances by the high-and-mighty media retards.
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The decision would have been released in June or July anyway, not after the midterms. Funny how you commies feel a need to lie about almost everything.
I was just asking a question! Why so defensive?
Quantum Quacks Are Brain-Addled Nerds

Time can't be a dimension; it has no extension. If linear distance were like time, then every step forward would be into a place that didn't exist before you got there, and wouldn't exist after you left. It's like most of the debates on the Netrix and the scripted performances by the high-and-mighty media retards.
The spatial dimensions of extension are only conceptually different from the temporal dimension of time. I hold to the perspective of the Minkowskian proof, wherein time is the fourth dimensional coordinate of location. Accordingly, the full reality of any given entity's location entails the spacetime continuum calculus. But we're off topic. You might want to start a thread in the science forum.
They have "groomed" you guys very well with the "Well, :yapyapyapf: Reid did it" Pavlov like response to McConnell's rule change allowing the partisanship on the High Court needed to overturn RvW..
Your point is Reid didn’t? lol
Watch the movie. It proves it. I care what the people think, not a freak like you.
I'm not watching the movie. It's specifically catered to your cult magaturd viewership.

I'm not a part of your cult. So, no. Save your propaganda videos for friends and family. Magaturd gutter snipe.
It’s almost as if HandleTheTruth is trying to communicate.

English is clearly not their first language. Chinese?.. Russian?

Who knows. But, they are a bot.

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