Boy the Republicans are mad the truth came out.

I just looked up Fascism in the Merriam-Webster online dictionary. They do not mention "Right-wing".
Definition of FASCISM
Silly…”a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control”
that’s the definition of the far right. the far right is defined by fascism. Look up “far right”. You’ll see the same verbiage as that for fascism.
“Far-right politics, also referred to as the extreme right or right-wing extremism,are politics further on the right of the left–right political spectrum than the standard political right, particularly in terms of…..”
I just looked up Fascism in the Merriam-Webster online dictionary. They do not mention "Right-wing".
Definition of FASCISM
Far-right politics, also referred to as the extreme right or right-wing extremism, are politics further on the right of the left–right political spectrum than the standard political right, particularly in terms of being authoritarian, ultranationalist, and having nativist ideologies
Have you ever considered using English? Editing? Spell check. Grammar check? Logic? Honesty? Nah. Of course not.

It’s improper no matter who did it or why. Is this really such a difficult concept for you?
The country should know as soon as possible that the SC is controlled by an ignorant minority.
Downloading a copy is theft?

“Leaking a Supreme Court decision is not a crime,” former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti wrote on Twitter in response to Shapiro.

He explained further in a comment to Mediaite: “It is conceivable that the leaker could be prosecuted, depending on the circumstances of the leak, but it is unlikely that any prosecution would be successful if the leaker already had legal access to the opinion.”

Orin Kerr, a law professor at the University of California, Berkeley, said he did not think leaking a draft opinion was a crime, pointing out that draft opinions are not classified.

Well I guess if some left wing freaks say so. I guess a bank teller can take all the money they want because they already have legal access to it. ROFLMFAO

Well I guess if some left wing freaks say so. I guess a bank teller can take all the money they want because they already have legal access to it. ROFLMFAO


Money that the teller was able to download off the internet? Look before you leap.
And......hahaha...The Supreme Court was not stuffed with partisan ideologues like it is now. With the filibuster the radicals from both sides were excluded. Not any more, thanks mostly to the Neo-GOP.
Thanks, Harry Reid. We couldn't have done it without you. Democrats never consider that a door they open for gain today will be opened wider for loss tomorrow.
Thanks, Harry Reid. We couldn't have done it without you. Democrats never consider that a door they open for gain today will be opened wider for loss tomorrow.
They have "groomed" you guys very well with the "Well, :yapyapyapf: Reid did it" Pavlov like response to McConnell's rule change allowing the partisanship on the High Court needed to overturn RvW..
They have "groomed" you guys very well with the "Well, :yapyapyapf: Reid did it" Pavlov like response to McConnell's rule change allowing the partisanship on the High Court needed to overturn RvW..
Ah, the grand conspiracy advances. I said when Reid pulled his little stunt that it would backfire and be used against democrats. I was right.
Who’s on defense now?
I didn't realize we were playing a game. It's clear that the left desperately needed something to fire up their base for the mid-terms to avoid a serious slaughter, and this fits the bill. The fact that no one on the left gives a flying rat's patoot about this violation of the court's privacy is telling.
I didn't realize we were playing a game. It's clear that the left desperately needed something to fire up their base for the mid-terms to avoid a serious slaughter, and this fits the bill. The fact that no one on the left gives a flying rat's patoot about this violation of the court's privacy is telling.
Telling what? Something better hidden until after the midterms?
I am so angry. ANGRY. Now the D's leak an opinion about reversing Roe and want a LITMUS test. How DARE they ask our Judicial nominees how they'd rule on abortion. The Federalist Society never asks. Leader McConnell never asks. It's all a blind." I mean even Susan Collins says "she's so surprised." The ONLY THING MORE SHOCKING ABOUT THE REPUBLICAN FEDERALIST SOCIETY REVERSING ROE AND ENDING LIBERTY FREEDOMS IS THAT THE DEMOCRATS WOULD LEAK THIS 'NEWS'! i'M aNGRY, DAMIT. These damn D hypocrites make me sick.
Democrat men are afraid that their will be a ban on abortion. Democrat men will no longer be able to force women to kill the innocent. Democrat men will have to be fathers and that is the last thing Democrat men want, to take responsibility for the children they have through affairs, cheating, and even rape.
Dems are ecstatic because now they have something to scare their base with for the ‘22 and ‘24 Elections. Otherwise, Democrats have nothing to celebrate with the Economy.

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