Boy the Republicans are mad the truth came out.

You still have not told me what the leftist have gained with the leak?
I’ve posted it a couple times already:
It gives them more time to rile up the base. Leaking now gives them more time to possibly change the eventual outcome. Leaking now takes attention off the skyrocketing inflation, the border crisis, biden/harris gaffes. It also buries the results of trump-backed politicians who are consistently winning
I’ve posted it a couple times already:
It gives them more time to rile up the base. Leaking now gives them more time to possibly change the eventual outcome. Leaking now takes attention off the skyrocketing inflation, the border crisis, biden/harris gaffes. It also buries the results of trump-backed politicians who are consistently winning

How can they change the outcome? It is not like it is based on an election or anything.
How can they change the outcome? It is not like it is based on an election or anything.
It’s not an official decision yet, it’s just a leaked opinion. If there’s enough public outrage, perhaps some justices will change their opinions before it becomes an official judgment.
It's fitting for the Hack Court shoved down America's throat by a simple majority vote. They have lost their mythical non partisan stature.
Translation: WAH WAH! The SCOTUS didn't rule how I wanted so now I’m going to cry and call them illegitimate and riot.
Translation: WAH WAH! The SCOTUS didn't rule how I wanted so now I’m going to cry and call them illegitimate and riot.
I said they were hacks. Political Hacks. Not illegitimate. Long standing rules that kept this type of partisan hackery from happening were legitimately changed, and the Dems will have to learn to live with the new reality if it comes to pass. If Americans have the will, we have the constitutional means of rectifying this situation.
I said they were hacks. Political Hacks. Not illegitimate. Long standing rules that kept this type of partisan hackery from happening were legitimately changed, and the Dems will have to learn to live with the new reality if it comes to pass. If Americans have the will, we have the constitutional means of rectifying this situation.
Poor baby. Cry harder. You have no recourse. You can’t pack the Court because Manchin and Sinema say fuck you to ending the filibuster. No rules were changed. Fully legal appointments dumbfuck. If “settled law” can’t be changed, you better tell the Court to reverse the Dred Scott and Brown vs Board of Education decisions too.
Oh, you believe that? I guess we should have been stuck with Plessy v. Ferguson because it was precedent and white people came to rely upon that to keep blacks in check via Jim Crow laws.

You do not know why Marbury v. Madison was important, do you? It also had nothing to do with President Jackson, dumbass!

I taught classes in the US Constitution and the court system. What are your bona fides?

You could at least spell "Marbury" correctly and proofread your post!
“settled law” is only settled until the next case comes up. It was decided long ago that current legislatures and courts aren’t bound by the decisions of prior bodies. All the people whining about this don’t want to hear that by their standards Brown vs Board of Education, Dred Scott and other decisions must be returned since they were also “settled law” at the time.
No rules were changed.
So are really that ignorant or is just a faint?

"McConnell made a point of order that ending debate on the nomination only requires a simple majority. The motion was not sustained by the chair because Senate rules required 60 votes, so McConnell then made a motion to overturn that ruling. And once that motion passed on a party-line vote, the Gorsuch nomination only needed 51 votes to clear the hurdle.

That mild-sounding parliamentary maneuver has the most destructive nickname, "the nuclear option," because it contains sweeping impact on the Senate, President Trump and all of his successors — and the nation as a whole."
The opinions of the supreme court on abortion.

They really didn't want this to come out right now.
I'm not mad. Apparently you are unaware that throughout the history of the SCOTUS, individual justices have had differing opinions on topics that are brought before the court. On occasion they unanimously agree on some cases and in most, have opposing opinions. In the case of the leaked document, some justices will side with overturning Roe vs Wade and some justices will be in favor of maintaining Roe vs Wade.
What is frustrating is the tendency for the SCOTUS to accept cases that they rendered their verdict on and this is no exception.
The problem is that after the SCOTUS had rendered its verdict on a case and part of the public/politicians aren't satisfied with the determination by the supreme court of the land's decision, they try to find other angles with which to try and bring the case before the court again, or wait until new justices seem like they might be more favorable to their desires.
Perhaps a Constitutional Amendment should be made that once the SCOTUS renders a decision on a case, that's no, it may not be brought before the court again, whether we like their decision or not.
So are really that ignorant or is just a faint?

"McConnell made a point of order that ending debate on the nomination only requires a simple majority. The motion was not sustained by the chair because Senate rules required 60 votes, so McConnell then made a motion to overturn that ruling. And once that motion passed on a party-line vote, the Gorsuch nomination only needed 51 votes to clear the hurdle.

That mild-sounding parliamentary maneuver has the most destructive nickname, "the nuclear option," because it contains sweeping impact on the Senate, President Trump and all of his successors — and the nation as a whole."
Like Impeaching someone reason?
It’s not an official decision yet, it’s just a leaked opinion. If there’s enough public outrage, perhaps some justices will change their opinions before it becomes an official judgment.

If the judges are ruling based on public opinion we are just totally fucked any way you cut it
If the judges are ruling based on public opinion we are just totally fucked any way you cut it
Not solely based on public opinion, but perhaps influenced by it. Humans can be influenced by mass protests and other more subtle ways of coercion. Perhaps even subliminally.
When they ruled obamacare was actually legal because it was a tax, even though it doesn’t claim to be so in the actual bill (and was vehemently denied by obama), I believe they were swayed by public opinion.

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