Boy, Those Russkies Sure Stole the Election from Hillary

In 1980, the DNC adopted the old socialist model of the 1930's using the ideas of Karl Marx at a secret caucus in Washington D.C after the loss of Jimmy Carter. It certainly has been a reflection of every candidate since

And this explains why Trump is a traitor who is going to allow Russia to interfere in the 2018 election? What a dumb ass pile of shit you are.

Banned have yet to answer any of the salient points that I have made. You toss out lame flames while never defending your position. Is that what got you banned on December 31st of last year?

You haven't made any salient points, traitor. You don't read anything, hence you don't know anything. You're just an unsophisticated little rube. A goober like you and "salient points" simply don't go together.

What the fuck does Jimmy Carter have to do with Trump turning a blind eye to Russia's interference in our elections? You get more stupid with each post.

Banned troll, it wasn't Russian operatives that hacked the DNC that exposed the criminality and corruption of the DNC. You are not pissed about the contents that came to light due to the revelations of the Wikileaks data are pissed that the curtain was drawn back...and that tells me all I need to know about the likes of you.
Read how russia hacked the DNC.
Whether DNC is corrupt is beside the point, we are under attack by a foreign power, and continue to be attacked every day.
Also that Mitch McConnell cast doubts on intelligence reports that russia was doing that.
Blaming Obama for not stopping the meddling, while simultaneously claiming the meddling never happened.
it is NOT beside the point, it is at a minimum ANOTHER BiG POINT in all this.

IF russia did it - bad russia and go get 'em. but let's not gloss over what they found either.
OMFG they "found" that a political party preferred one politician over another...

the spastic trumptard troll farm told you it was a real gotcha moment and you actually believed them :laugh2:
We are under cyber attack by the Ruskies, and the Icebergs et al defend the attackers instead of the country.
we're under attack from ourselves and the jake's of the world don't give a shit as long as they like who is doing it.

we can do this all day. your move.
OMFG "crooked hillary" !!! :laugh2:


The most revelatory detail in that regard dates back to 21 October 2016 when the WikiLeaks account – presumably controlled by Assange himself, though the identity of the correspondent is unknown – contacted Trump Jr urging him to allow WikiLeaks to publish his father’s tax returns. WikiLeaks suggested the move would be positive as it would undermine suggestions that the organisation was in the pocket of the Kremlin.

“If we publish [the tax returns] it will dramatically improve the perception of our impartiality,” WikiLeaks says. “That means the vast amount of stuff that we are publishing on Clinton will have much higher impact, because it won’t be perceived as coming from a ‘pro-Trump’ ‘pro-Russia’ source.”

WikiLeaks contacted Trump Jr to make the extraordinary suggestion that should his father lose the contest, as was then widely expected, he should refuse to concede the race and instead turn the spotlight on the media for “rigging” the result.

Donald Trump Jr communicated with WikiLeaks during final stages of election

Mueller Shows How Russians Sowed Discord With Dirty Tricks

Says the U.S. election system is "rigged."
Donald Trump on Monday, August 1st, 2016 in multiple speeches and interviews


Donald Trump's baseless claims about 'rigged' elections

Notice how Lefties quit talking about Flynn, and now they don’t want to talk about Carter Page Either?

Read the writing on the wall Left Tards!

I can’t wait to see The IG report and The FISA Warrant.

The Alt Right, the Trumptards, and the Russkies don't like be called out. Tough. We can do this all day.
Notice how Lefties quit talking about Flynn, and now they don’t want to talk about Carter Page Either?

Read the writing on the wall Left Tards!

I can’t wait to see The IG report and The FISA Warrant.

:laugh: sure let's talk about carter page and how the FBI had already been monitoring him years prior.

let's talk about how russia recruited carter page to be a spy...

let's talk about the troll farm talking points designed to demonize the "deep state" FBI

let's talk about spastic hashtag release the bullshit memo ^

let's talk about how FACTS are not on the side of the troll farm lies regarding how and why FISC warrants were obtained

and, let's not "GLOSS OVER" what those warranted surveillance efforts FOUND.

namely, that FLYNN for some reason LIED to them about his russian contacts. :eusa_clap:
let's not "gloss over" what fully warranted FBI surveillance FOUND. :eusa_clap:

Flynn was fired as national security adviser after 24 days on the job, the acting attorney general was fired 10 days after the president took office, the FBI director was allegedly pressured by the president to let go of an investigation into Flynn, and then eventually fired himself.

The attorney general recused himself from a federal investigation into Russia's meddling in the 2016 U.S. election and possible collusion with the sitting president's campaign, and a special counsel was appointed.

The developments ensnared the president in an obstruction of justice inquiry, which resulted in his top intelligence and law enforcement chiefs cooperating...

Flynn kept FBI interview concealed from White House and Trump
oooh let's not "gloss over" what wikifreaks "found" about the DNC supporting hillary!!!

DUH :uhoh3:

The U.S. military has declared Julian Assange and WikiLeaks as enemies of the United States, the National Times reports.

Legally, that's the same category the al-Qaeda terrorist network and the Taliban insurgency are listed in.

What does this mean? According to the Times, military personnel who contact WikiLeaks or its supporters could be at risk of being charged with "communicating with the enemy" — a harsh military crime that carries a maximum sentence of death.

U.S.: Assange and WikiLeaks Enemies of the State [REPORT]
after getting his daily talking points from the tee vee

dumbo donny finds out about those deep state "leaks"
Notice how Lefties quit talking about Flynn, and now they don’t want to talk about Carter Page Either?

Read the writing on the wall Left Tards!

I can’t wait to see The IG report and The FISA Warrant.
Flynns case is about to be homeless.

so much for the WE GOT 'EM!!! when their tactics to get people are not ethical, legal or whatever word they choose to call it today.
riiiiight julian assange and the KGB are the paragon of ethics. i read it on the interweb! :uhoh3:

lol at the Rooskie rube who pretends to be from Texas with a generic name like DALE SMITH

he'd like you to believe he has made some SALIENT points here!! :laugh2:

Really, Val? I am a "Rooskie"??? Ask G.T and Lone Laugher if I am real or not being that I have been on their blog-talk radio show several times. I laid out the timeline of the events and you can"t do anything but duck and dodge....typical.
it's hard to discern the troll farm posters from the average American dolts.

Let me bring you up to date:

"Trump is bad" = Russian Troll or Useful Idiot
/——/ @RealDonaldTrump Question: If all of the Russian meddling took place during the Obama Administration, right up to January 20th, why aren’t they the subject of the investigation? Why didn’t Obama do something about the meddling? Why aren’t Dem crimes under investigation? Ask Jeff Sessions!
We are under cyber attack by the Ruskies, and the Icebergs et al defend the attackers instead of the country.

13 Russian trolls versus the millions of leftard trolls and the 13 ROOSKIE trolls were the victors? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!

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