Boy, Those Russkies Sure Stole the Election from Hillary

So why did Trump finally admit that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, lightweight?

^^^ Feather Weight ^^^

Trump denied that he colluded with Russian, not that they may have interfered. Obabble actually knew about the interference, but covered it up with his dismissive attitude.

Wrong. Trump denied many times that Russia meddled in the election. If you want to go that stupid route, I'll be happy to prove you wrong.

So did Obama when he was President, you soggy lil puddin.

Wrong again, dipshit. You live in an alternate universe. Obama was well aware that Russia interfered in the 2016 election. It didn't take him over a year to admit it, like the traitor Trump:

Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault

In fact, it was Mitch McConnell and other Republicans in Congress who wanted Obama to stay out of the 2016 election, because they were afraid Obama was trying to help Hillary.

Obama didn't take the Russian interference seriously until after hiLIARy lost.

And OMIGAWD! They spent THOUSANDS of Dollars!

This is as ridiculous as Dr. Evil holding the world hostage for One Million Dollars! The only things the Russian Trolls have actually accomplished is to out the Left as a bunch of gullible tools (a side benefit), and to cause doubt about our system of government and to sow internal conflict (the real goals they would have pursued if hiLIARy had won, too).

Wrong, dumb fuck. It was the Repugs in Congress who didn't take it seriously. Read the article.
^^^ Feather Weight ^^^

Trump denied that he colluded with Russian, not that they may have interfered. Obabble actually knew about the interference, but covered it up with his dismissive attitude.

Wrong. Trump denied many times that Russia meddled in the election. If you want to go that stupid route, I'll be happy to prove you wrong.

So did Obama when he was President, you soggy lil puddin.

Wrong again, dipshit. You live in an alternate universe. Obama was well aware that Russia interfered in the 2016 election. It didn't take him over a year to admit it, like the traitor Trump:

Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault

In fact, it was Mitch McConnell and other Republicans in Congress who wanted Obama to stay out of the 2016 election, because they were afraid Obama was trying to help Hillary.

Obama didn't take the Russian interference seriously until after hiLIARy lost.

And OMIGAWD! They spent THOUSANDS of Dollars!

This is as ridiculous as Dr. Evil holding the world hostage for One Million Dollars! The only things the Russian Trolls have actually accomplished is to out the Left as a bunch of gullible tools (a side benefit), and to cause doubt about our system of government and to sow internal conflict (the real goals they would have pursued if hiLIARy had won, too).

Wrong, dumb fuck. It was the Repugs in Congress who didn't take it seriously. Read the article.

^^^ This post makes Baby Dale Carnegie cry. ^^^
This Is why Obama is called the Cocksucker in Chief, because there was no Foreign Power he wasn’t willing to get down on his knees for and take their Money and their warm sticky load all for the advancement of his own wealth and power.

Arguably Obama Bin Lying is the most effeminate man ever to become president, and I’d argue he was our first gay president.

There was no one’s cock he wasn’t willing to suck more than Putin’s. He is Putin’s number one bitch!

You are describing Trump's relationship with Putin perfectly. Traitor.
I don’t debate with Trolls.

Obama not only covered for Putin with a Dismissive attitude but he willingly and knowingly paid Putin for the pleasure of sucking Putin’s Cock in Exchange for Russian Propaganda that he tried to use to stop President Trump from taking office.


And most of the Russian purchases on Facebook were AFTER the election to create divisiveness.

You leftards are just Putin puppets.

I guess Trump is a leftard too, genius. Because he has also finally admitted that Russia interfered in the 2016 election.

LMAO! What do we have here? A new sockpuppet troll!

So why did Trump finally admit that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, lightweight?

^^^ Feather Weight ^^^

Trump denied that he colluded with Russian, not that they may have interfered. Obabble actually knew about the interference, but covered it up with his dismissive attitude.

A traitor who doesn't debate with trolls? But who enthusiastically supports Putin's useful idiot Trump? What a fucktard.

Well, at least you are a traitor with "standards".
I don’t debate with Trolls.

Obama not only covered for Putin with a Dismissive attitude but he willingly and knowingly paid Putin for the pleasure of sucking Putin’s Cock in Exchange for Russian Propaganda that he tried to use to stop President Trump from taking office.

I guess Trump is a leftard too, genius. Because he has also finally admitted that Russia interfered in the 2016 election.

LMAO! What do we have here? A new sockpuppet troll!

So why did Trump finally admit that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, lightweight?

^^^ Feather Weight ^^^

Trump denied that he colluded with Russian, not that they may have interfered. Obabble actually knew about the interference, but covered it up with his dismissive attitude.

A traitor who doesn't debate with trolls? But who enthusiastically supports Putin's useful idiot Trump? What a fucktard.

Well, at least you are a traitor with "standards".

You don't know the definition of Traitor, cupcake.
I don’t debate with Trolls.

Obama not only covered for Putin with a Dismissive attitude but he willingly and knowingly paid Putin for the pleasure of sucking Putin’s Cock in Exchange for Russian Propaganda that he tried to use to stop President Trump from taking office.

I guess Trump is a leftard too, genius. Because he has also finally admitted that Russia interfered in the 2016 election.

LMAO! What do we have here? A new sockpuppet troll!

So why did Trump finally admit that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, lightweight?

^^^ Feather Weight ^^^

Trump denied that he colluded with Russian, not that they may have interfered. Obabble actually knew about the interference, but covered it up with his dismissive attitude.

A traitor who doesn't debate with trolls? But who enthusiastically supports Putin's useful idiot Trump? What a fucktard.

Well, at least you are a traitor with "standards".

Okay then, you're one of those.
This Is why Obama is called the Cocksucker in Chief, because there was no Foreign Power he wasn’t willing to get down on his knees for and take their Money and their warm sticky load all for the advancement of his own wealth and power.

Arguably Obama Bin Lying is the most effeminate man ever to become president, and I’d argue he was our first gay president.

There was no one’s cock he wasn’t willing to suck more than Putin’s. He is Putin’s number one bitch!

A homophobe who is also a Repug?? Who would have ever thunk it??

You're like a caricature of a Repug traitor, dude. That's how fucking comical you are.

And most of the Russian purchases on Facebook were AFTER the election to create divisiveness.

You leftards are just Putin puppets.

I guess Trump is a leftard too, genius. Because he has also finally admitted that Russia interfered in the 2016 election.

LMAO! What do we have here? A new sockpuppet troll!

So why did Trump finally admit that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, lightweight?

On whose behalf? Russian bots said bad things about the Hildebeast? Show me even one thing a Russian bot posted about that slimy sack of shit that wasn't true. I have known about the criminality and corruption of the Clintons and Bush crime family for years. You want to talk about outside foreign influence? How many MILLIONS of dollars did the Hildebeast get from Saudi Arabia and other countries that paid for favorable decisions by the Hildebeast until she had a war chest that dwarfed any opponent? How about the lamestream media that tried to carry her over the finish line? The rigged polling system that showed that she was sooooo far ahead and that her win was a forgone conclusion?

BTW, how did you get back on here after you were banned under your "Dubya Da Last Repug Prez" ID?

Here's a better question....why are you a traitor to your country? Why do you support a traitor like Trump who is going to willingly allow Russia to interfere in the 2018 election?

You want to talk about traitors? Look no further than the Hildebeast, Barrypuppet, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, James Clapper, John Brennan.....start there.

The reason as to why Trump has been attacked before he even took office is because all of them have broken out in assholes and are shitting themselves. The reason Trump was recruited by the white hats and loyal military men was to take out these about that ID that you were banned under? How were you able to bypass the filters and come back on the site?
I guess Trump is a leftard too, genius. Because he has also finally admitted that Russia interfered in the 2016 election.

LMAO! What do we have here? A new sockpuppet troll!

So why did Trump finally admit that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, lightweight?

On whose behalf? Russian bots said bad things about the Hildebeast? Show me even one thing a Russian bot posted about that slimy sack of shit that wasn't true. I have known about the criminality and corruption of the Clintons and Bush crime family for years. You want to talk about outside foreign influence? How many MILLIONS of dollars did the Hildebeast get from Saudi Arabia and other countries that paid for favorable decisions by the Hildebeast until she had a war chest that dwarfed any opponent? How about the lamestream media that tried to carry her over the finish line? The rigged polling system that showed that she was sooooo far ahead and that her win was a forgone conclusion?

BTW, how did you get back on here after you were banned under your "Dubya Da Last Repug Prez" ID?

Here's a better question....why are you a traitor to your country? Why do you support a traitor like Trump who is going to willingly allow Russia to interfere in the 2018 election?

You want to talk about traitors? Look no further than the Hildebeast, Barrypuppet, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, James Clapper, John Brennan.....start there.

The reason as to why Trump has been attacked before he even took office is because all of them have broken out in assholes and are shitting themselves. The reason Trump was recruited by the white hats and loyal military men was to take out these about that ID that you were banned under? How were you able to bypass the filters and come back on the site?

Trump is going to let Russia interfere in the 2018 election. You want to know why, fucktard? You guessed it...because Trump is a traitor and a steaming pile of shit. Just like you.
I don’t debate with Trolls.

Obama not only covered for Putin with a Dismissive attitude but he willingly and knowingly paid Putin for the pleasure of sucking Putin’s Cock in Exchange for Russian Propaganda that he tried to use to stop President Trump from taking office.

LMAO! What do we have here? A new sockpuppet troll!

So why did Trump finally admit that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, lightweight?

^^^ Feather Weight ^^^

Trump denied that he colluded with Russian, not that they may have interfered. Obabble actually knew about the interference, but covered it up with his dismissive attitude.

A traitor who doesn't debate with trolls? But who enthusiastically supports Putin's useful idiot Trump? What a fucktard.

Well, at least you are a traitor with "standards".

You don't know the definition of Traitor, cupcake.

Sure I do. It's you...supporting a president (Trump) who abandons his Constitutional duties and who will allow Russia to interfere in the 2018 election.
I don’t debate with Trolls.

Obama not only covered for Putin with a Dismissive attitude but he willingly and knowingly paid Putin for the pleasure of sucking Putin’s Cock in Exchange for Russian Propaganda that he tried to use to stop President Trump from taking office.

So why did Trump finally admit that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, lightweight?

^^^ Feather Weight ^^^

Trump denied that he colluded with Russian, not that they may have interfered. Obabble actually knew about the interference, but covered it up with his dismissive attitude.

A traitor who doesn't debate with trolls? But who enthusiastically supports Putin's useful idiot Trump? What a fucktard.

Well, at least you are a traitor with "standards".

You don't know the definition of Traitor, cupcake.

Sure I do. It's you...supporting a president (Trump) who abandons his Constitutional duties and who will allow Russia to interfere in the 2018 election.

The only Russian collusion in the 2016 election was performed by the Dems who hired Steele who paid Russian "sources" to fabricate the anecdotes for the dossier.

So, if the Dems just stop doing things like that, we don't need to worry about RUSSIANS RUSSIANS RUSSIANS.

And just to remind you who was President when the Russians spent THOUSANDS of dollars on Fakebook:

I don’t debate with Trolls.

Obama not only covered for Putin with a Dismissive attitude but he willingly and knowingly paid Putin for the pleasure of sucking Putin’s Cock in Exchange for Russian Propaganda that he tried to use to stop President Trump from taking office.

^^^ Feather Weight ^^^

Trump denied that he colluded with Russian, not that they may have interfered. Obabble actually knew about the interference, but covered it up with his dismissive attitude.

A traitor who doesn't debate with trolls? But who enthusiastically supports Putin's useful idiot Trump? What a fucktard.

Well, at least you are a traitor with "standards".

You don't know the definition of Traitor, cupcake.

Sure I do. It's you...supporting a president (Trump) who abandons his Constitutional duties and who will allow Russia to interfere in the 2018 election.

The only Russian collusion in the 2016 election was performed by the Dems who hired Steele who paid Russian "sources" to fabricate the anecdotes for the dossier.

So, if the Dems just stop doing things like that, we don't need to worry about RUSSIANS RUSSIANS RUSSIANS.

And just to remind you who was President when the Russians spent THOUSANDS of dollars on Fakebook:

Yep, and the Repugs in Congress didn't want Obama to do anything about it. As I already explained to your slow, unremarkable ass. I even gave you a news article to help your stupid traitor ass out.

You still going to blame Obama when Trump willingly allows Russia to interfere in the 2018 election? Will you, traitor?
LMAO! What do we have here? A new sockpuppet troll!

So why did Trump finally admit that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, lightweight?

On whose behalf? Russian bots said bad things about the Hildebeast? Show me even one thing a Russian bot posted about that slimy sack of shit that wasn't true. I have known about the criminality and corruption of the Clintons and Bush crime family for years. You want to talk about outside foreign influence? How many MILLIONS of dollars did the Hildebeast get from Saudi Arabia and other countries that paid for favorable decisions by the Hildebeast until she had a war chest that dwarfed any opponent? How about the lamestream media that tried to carry her over the finish line? The rigged polling system that showed that she was sooooo far ahead and that her win was a forgone conclusion?

BTW, how did you get back on here after you were banned under your "Dubya Da Last Repug Prez" ID?

Here's a better question....why are you a traitor to your country? Why do you support a traitor like Trump who is going to willingly allow Russia to interfere in the 2018 election?

You want to talk about traitors? Look no further than the Hildebeast, Barrypuppet, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, James Clapper, John Brennan.....start there.

The reason as to why Trump has been attacked before he even took office is because all of them have broken out in assholes and are shitting themselves. The reason Trump was recruited by the white hats and loyal military men was to take out these about that ID that you were banned under? How were you able to bypass the filters and come back on the site?

Trump is going to let Russia interfere in the 2018 election. You want to know why, fucktard? You guessed it...because Trump is a traitor and a steaming pile of shit. Just like you.

LOL! The ROOSKIES are going to hack voting machines of which there are tens of thousands and change the votes just so they can be mean to leftards?

Listen up, you little bolshevik puke, I know all I need to know about the fabian socialist DNC and the Trotsky-ite RNC establishments that work "hand in hand" with each other. You BETTER hope that Trump is the real deal and not a deep state puppet like every president has been since JFK. You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to what the owners of USA.INC have in store for those like you.

So, you were banned and you were able to did that happen?
So why did Trump finally admit that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, lightweight?

On whose behalf? Russian bots said bad things about the Hildebeast? Show me even one thing a Russian bot posted about that slimy sack of shit that wasn't true. I have known about the criminality and corruption of the Clintons and Bush crime family for years. You want to talk about outside foreign influence? How many MILLIONS of dollars did the Hildebeast get from Saudi Arabia and other countries that paid for favorable decisions by the Hildebeast until she had a war chest that dwarfed any opponent? How about the lamestream media that tried to carry her over the finish line? The rigged polling system that showed that she was sooooo far ahead and that her win was a forgone conclusion?

BTW, how did you get back on here after you were banned under your "Dubya Da Last Repug Prez" ID?

Here's a better question....why are you a traitor to your country? Why do you support a traitor like Trump who is going to willingly allow Russia to interfere in the 2018 election?

You want to talk about traitors? Look no further than the Hildebeast, Barrypuppet, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, James Clapper, John Brennan.....start there.

The reason as to why Trump has been attacked before he even took office is because all of them have broken out in assholes and are shitting themselves. The reason Trump was recruited by the white hats and loyal military men was to take out these about that ID that you were banned under? How were you able to bypass the filters and come back on the site?

Trump is going to let Russia interfere in the 2018 election. You want to know why, fucktard? You guessed it...because Trump is a traitor and a steaming pile of shit. Just like you.

LOL! The ROOSKIES are going to hack voting machines of which there are tens of thousands and change the votes just so they can be mean to leftards?

Listen up, you little bolshevik puke, I know all I need to know about the fabian socialist DNC and the Trotsky-ite RNC establishments that work "hand in hand" with each other. You BETTER hope that Trump is the real deal and not a deep state puppet like every president has been since JFK. You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to what the owners of USA.INC have in store for those like you.

So, you were banned and you were able to did that happen?

Calling me a communist when you support a traitor helping you realize how fucking stupid you are?

How did it happen that you support a traitor like Trump, who is going to allow Russia to interfere in the 2018 election?

Care to explain that, Repug traitor fucktard?
Dale Smith and boedicca and the Admiral and others are supporting Russia yet calling their opponents communists.

How stupid.
On whose behalf? Russian bots said bad things about the Hildebeast? Show me even one thing a Russian bot posted about that slimy sack of shit that wasn't true. I have known about the criminality and corruption of the Clintons and Bush crime family for years. You want to talk about outside foreign influence? How many MILLIONS of dollars did the Hildebeast get from Saudi Arabia and other countries that paid for favorable decisions by the Hildebeast until she had a war chest that dwarfed any opponent? How about the lamestream media that tried to carry her over the finish line? The rigged polling system that showed that she was sooooo far ahead and that her win was a forgone conclusion?

BTW, how did you get back on here after you were banned under your "Dubya Da Last Repug Prez" ID?

Here's a better question....why are you a traitor to your country? Why do you support a traitor like Trump who is going to willingly allow Russia to interfere in the 2018 election?

You want to talk about traitors? Look no further than the Hildebeast, Barrypuppet, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, James Clapper, John Brennan.....start there.

The reason as to why Trump has been attacked before he even took office is because all of them have broken out in assholes and are shitting themselves. The reason Trump was recruited by the white hats and loyal military men was to take out these about that ID that you were banned under? How were you able to bypass the filters and come back on the site?

Trump is going to let Russia interfere in the 2018 election. You want to know why, fucktard? You guessed it...because Trump is a traitor and a steaming pile of shit. Just like you.

LOL! The ROOSKIES are going to hack voting machines of which there are tens of thousands and change the votes just so they can be mean to leftards?

Listen up, you little bolshevik puke, I know all I need to know about the fabian socialist DNC and the Trotsky-ite RNC establishments that work "hand in hand" with each other. You BETTER hope that Trump is the real deal and not a deep state puppet like every president has been since JFK. You don't have the slightest fucking clue as to what the owners of USA.INC have in store for those like you.

So, you were banned and you were able to did that happen?

Calling me a communist when you support a traitor helping you realize how fucking stupid you are?

How did it happen that you support a traitor like Trump, who is going to allow Russia to interfere in the 2018 election?

Care to explain that, Repug traitor fucktard?

It wasn't Trump that turned over 20 percent of uranium production to Russia in exchange for millions upon millions of dollars in bribes. If Russia was such a fuckin' threat? How did this happen?????
Looked it up, Dale. Easy to find. Russia, Canada, and the USA approved the sale of Canadian uranium to Russia.

How about that? But you knew that, because you are russbot troll.
Dale Smith and boedicca and the Admiral and others are supporting Russia yet calling their opponents communists.

How stupid.

In 1980, the DNC adopted the old socialist model of the 1930's using the ideas of Karl Marx at a secret caucus in Washington D.C after the loss of Jimmy Carter. It certainly has been a reflection of every candidate since
Looked it up, Dale. Easy to find. Russia, Canada, and the USA approved the sale of Canadian uranium to Russia.

How about that? But you knew that, because you are russbot troll.

Joke Starkey, certain people had to "sign off" on the deal and they did by getting their palms greased with some serious federal reserve notes. I know more than all you have is deflection. Sucks to be you.........

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