Boy, Those Russkies Sure Stole the Election from Hillary

I believe Mueller is a traitor to this Country and so is Rosenstein and that they should be tried for Treason and hung along with Comey, McCabe, Ohr, Strozk, Page, Obama & Clinton. All committed treason together and like Hillary Clinton said, they all should hang together!

Comey, Strozk, Page, Rosenstein & McCabe knowingly stood by & allowed people like Clinton and her friends to accept bribes from Russia for doing the Uranium One Deal and other favorable treatment in certain areas. They looked the other way on that deal just like they are looking the other way with Fusion GPS now.

There was no reason for Rosenstein to appoint the Ex Head of The FBI (A Partisan Hack and an Obama’s-Clinton Croney) who the day before was rejected by President Trump as FBI Director. The only reason to appoint him was to continue Comey’s Coverup Operation.

There was no reason to appoint a man with a grudge against the President to engage in an Investigation who’s only purpose is not to uncover Russian Collusion with President Trump but to Obstruct Justice and to prevent the Revelation that President Obama, Hillary Clinton and Key members in the FBI and DOJ and State Department and elsewhere were owned By Russia.

Mueller’s Investigation is not an Investigation. It’s a coverup & a witch hunt rolled in to one.
Last edited:
“Not My President” is Proof The Left are Cock Sucking Communists!

Remember The Left's Rallying Cry?

"Not My President"

Now if that wasn't colluding with Russia, I don't know what is.






Не мой президент

Why does Trump support a communist like Putin, dumb ass?
Why are you on Ignore you Putin Butt Puppet?

When is The USMB going to start busting people for making multiple accounts each time they get placed on the IGNORE List?

“Not My President” is Proof The Left are Cock Sucking Communists!

Remember The Left's Rallying Cry?

"Not My President"

Now if that wasn't colluding with Russia, I don't know what is.






Не мой президент

Why does Trump support a communist like Putin, dumb ass?

And most of the Russian purchases on Facebook were AFTER the election to create divisiveness.

You leftards are just Putin puppets.

I guess Trump is a leftard too, genius. Because he has also finally admitted that Russia interfered in the 2016 election.

LMAO! What do we have here? A new sockpuppet troll!

So why did Trump finally admit that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, lightweight?
Why are you on Ignore you Putin Butt Puppet?

“Not My President” is Proof The Left are Cock Sucking Communists!

Remember The Left's Rallying Cry?

"Not My President"

Now if that wasn't colluding with Russia, I don't know what is.






Не мой президент

Why does Trump support a communist like Putin, dumb ass?

The only communist is you. You support Putin's useful idiot, Donald Trump.

And most of the Russian purchases on Facebook were AFTER the election to create divisiveness.

You leftards are just Putin puppets.

I guess Trump is a leftard too, genius. Because he has also finally admitted that Russia interfered in the 2016 election.

LMAO! What do we have here? A new sockpuppet troll!

So why did Trump finally admit that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, lightweight?

^^^ Feather Weight ^^^

Trump denied that he colluded with Russian, not that they may have interfered. Obabble actually knew about the interference, but covered it up with his dismissive attitude.
“Not My President” is Proof The Left are Cock Sucking Communists!

Remember The Left's Rallying Cry?

"Not My President"

Now if that wasn't colluding with Russia, I don't know what is.






Не мой президент

Why does Trump support a communist like Putin, dumb ass?
View attachment 178006
I believe Mueller is a traitor to this Country and so is Rosenstein and that they should be tried for Treason and hung along with Comey, McCabe, Ohr, Strozk, Page, Obama & Clinton. All committed treason together and like Hillary Clinton said, they all should hang together!

Comey, Strozk, Page, Rosenstein & McCabe knowingly stood by & allowed people like Clinton and her friends to accept bribes from Russia for doing the Uranium One Deal and other favorable treatment in certain areas. They looked the other way on that deal just like they are looking the other way with Fusion GPS now.

There was no reason for Rosenstein to appoint the Ex Head of The FBI (A Partisan Hack and an Obama’s-Clinton Croney) who the day before was rejected by President Trump as FBI Director. The only reason to appoint him was to continue Comey’s Coverup Operation.

There was no reason to appoint a man with a grudge against the President to engage in an Investigation who’s only purpose is not to uncover Russian Collusion with President Trump but to Obstruct Justice and to prevent the Revelation that President Obama, Hillary Clinton and Key members in the FBI and DOJ and State Department and elsewhere were owned By Russia.

Mueller’s Investigation is not an Investigation. It’s a coverup & a witch hunt rolled in to one.

I believe Trump is a traitor to this country, lightweight. That's why he sucks Putin's cock every single day.

And most of the Russian purchases on Facebook were AFTER the election to create divisiveness.

You leftards are just Putin puppets.

I guess Trump is a leftard too, genius. Because he has also finally admitted that Russia interfered in the 2016 election.

LMAO! What do we have here? A new sockpuppet troll!

So why did Trump finally admit that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, lightweight?

^^^ Feather Weight ^^^

Trump denied that he colluded with Russian, not that they may have interfered. Obabble actually knew about the interference, but covered it up with his dismissive attitude.

Wrong. Trump denied many times that Russia meddled in the election. If you want to go that stupid route, I'll be happy to prove you wrong.
I don’t debate with Trolls.

Obama not only covered for Putin with a Dismissive attitude but he willingly and knowingly paid Putin for the pleasure of sucking Putin’s Cock in Exchange for Russian Propaganda that he tried to use to stop President Trump from taking office.


And most of the Russian purchases on Facebook were AFTER the election to create divisiveness.

You leftards are just Putin puppets.

I guess Trump is a leftard too, genius. Because he has also finally admitted that Russia interfered in the 2016 election.

LMAO! What do we have here? A new sockpuppet troll!

So why did Trump finally admit that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, lightweight?

^^^ Feather Weight ^^^

Trump denied that he colluded with Russian, not that they may have interfered. Obabble actually knew about the interference, but covered it up with his dismissive attitude.
“Not My President” is Proof The Left are Cock Sucking Communists!

Remember The Left's Rallying Cry?

"Not My President"

Now if that wasn't colluding with Russia, I don't know what is.






Не мой президент

Why does Trump support a communist like Putin, dumb ass?
View attachment 178006
I believe Mueller is a traitor to this Country and so is Rosenstein and that they should be tried for Treason and hung along with Comey, McCabe, Ohr, Strozk, Page, Obama & Clinton. All committed treason together and like Hillary Clinton said, they all should hang together!

Comey, Strozk, Page, Rosenstein & McCabe knowingly stood by & allowed people like Clinton and her friends to accept bribes from Russia for doing the Uranium One Deal and other favorable treatment in certain areas. They looked the other way on that deal just like they are looking the other way with Fusion GPS now.

There was no reason for Rosenstein to appoint the Ex Head of The FBI (A Partisan Hack and an Obama’s-Clinton Croney) who the day before was rejected by President Trump as FBI Director. The only reason to appoint him was to continue Comey’s Coverup Operation.

There was no reason to appoint a man with a grudge against the President to engage in an Investigation who’s only purpose is not to uncover Russian Collusion with President Trump but to Obstruct Justice and to prevent the Revelation that President Obama, Hillary Clinton and Key members in the FBI and DOJ and State Department and elsewhere were owned By Russia.

Mueller’s Investigation is not an Investigation. It’s a coverup & a witch hunt rolled in to one.

I believe Trump is a traitor to this country, lightweight. That's why he sucks Putin's cock every single day.
I bet Trump sells Putin our uranium.
Oh wait, that already got sold.

And most of the Russian purchases on Facebook were AFTER the election to create divisiveness.

You leftards are just Putin puppets.

I guess Trump is a leftard too, genius. Because he has also finally admitted that Russia interfered in the 2016 election.

LMAO! What do we have here? A new sockpuppet troll!

So why did Trump finally admit that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, lightweight?

^^^ Feather Weight ^^^

Trump denied that he colluded with Russian, not that they may have interfered. Obabble actually knew about the interference, but covered it up with his dismissive attitude.

Wrong. Trump denied many times that Russia meddled in the election. If you want to go that stupid route, I'll be happy to prove you wrong.

So did Obama when he was President, you soggy lil puddin.
I guess Trump is a leftard too, genius. Because he has also finally admitted that Russia interfered in the 2016 election.

LMAO! What do we have here? A new sockpuppet troll!

So why did Trump finally admit that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, lightweight?

^^^ Feather Weight ^^^

Trump denied that he colluded with Russian, not that they may have interfered. Obabble actually knew about the interference, but covered it up with his dismissive attitude.

Wrong. Trump denied many times that Russia meddled in the election. If you want to go that stupid route, I'll be happy to prove you wrong.

So did Obama when he was President, you soggy lil puddin.

Wrong again, dipshit. You live in an alternate universe. Obama was well aware that Russia interfered in the 2016 election. It didn't take him over a year to admit it, like the traitor Trump:

Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault

In fact, it was Mitch McConnell and other Republicans in Congress who wanted Obama to stay out of the 2016 election, because they were afraid Obama was trying to help Hillary.
This Is why Obama is called the Cocksucker in Chief, because there was no Foreign Power he wasn’t willing to get down on his knees for and take their Money and their warm sticky load all for the advancement of his own wealth and power.

Arguably Obama Bin Lying is the most effeminate man ever to become president, and I’d argue he was our first gay president.

There was no one’s cock he wasn’t willing to suck more than Putin’s. He is Putin’s number one bitch!


And most of the Russian purchases on Facebook were AFTER the election to create divisiveness.

You leftards are just Putin puppets.

I guess Trump is a leftard too, genius. Because he has also finally admitted that Russia interfered in the 2016 election.

LMAO! What do we have here? A new sockpuppet troll!

So why did Trump finally admit that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, lightweight?

On whose behalf? Russian bots said bad things about the Hildebeast? Show me even one thing a Russian bot posted about that slimy sack of shit that wasn't true. I have known about the criminality and corruption of the Clintons and Bush crime family for years. You want to talk about outside foreign influence? How many MILLIONS of dollars did the Hildebeast get from Saudi Arabia and other countries that paid for favorable decisions by the Hildebeast until she had a war chest that dwarfed any opponent? How about the lamestream media that tried to carry her over the finish line? The rigged polling system that showed that she was sooooo far ahead and that her win was a forgone conclusion?

BTW, how did you get back on here after you were banned under your "Dubya Da Last Repug Prez" ID?
LMAO! What do we have here? A new sockpuppet troll!

So why did Trump finally admit that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, lightweight?

^^^ Feather Weight ^^^

Trump denied that he colluded with Russian, not that they may have interfered. Obabble actually knew about the interference, but covered it up with his dismissive attitude.

Wrong. Trump denied many times that Russia meddled in the election. If you want to go that stupid route, I'll be happy to prove you wrong.

So did Obama when he was President, you soggy lil puddin.

Wrong again, dipshit. You live in an alternate universe. Obama was well aware that Russia interfered in the 2016 election. It didn't take him over a year to admit it, like the traitor Trump:

Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault

In fact, it was Mitch McConnell and other Republicans in Congress who wanted Obama to stay out of the 2016 election, because they were afraid Obama was trying to help Hillary.

Obama didn't take the Russian interference seriously until after hiLIARy lost.

And OMIGAWD! They spent THOUSANDS of Dollars!

This is as ridiculous as Dr. Evil holding the world hostage for One Million Dollars! The only things the Russian Trolls have actually accomplished is to out the Left as a bunch of gullible tools (a side benefit), and to cause doubt about our system of government and to sow internal conflict (the real goals they would have pursued if hiLIARy had won, too).

And most of the Russian purchases on Facebook were AFTER the election to create divisiveness.

You leftards are just Putin puppets.

I guess Trump is a leftard too, genius. Because he has also finally admitted that Russia interfered in the 2016 election.

LMAO! What do we have here? A new sockpuppet troll!

So why did Trump finally admit that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, lightweight?

On whose behalf? Russian bots said bad things about the Hildebeast? Show me even one thing a Russian bot posted about that slimy sack of shit that wasn't true. I have known about the criminality and corruption of the Clintons and Bush crime family for years. You want to talk about outside foreign influence? How many MILLIONS of dollars did the Hildebeast get from Saudi Arabia and other countries that paid for favorable decisions by the Hildebeast until she had a war chest that dwarfed any opponent? How about the lamestream media that tried to carry her over the finish line? The rigged polling system that showed that she was sooooo far ahead and that her win was a forgone conclusion?

BTW, how did you get back on here after you were banned under your "Dubya Da Last Repug Prez" ID?

Here's a better question....why are you a traitor to your country? Why do you support a traitor like Trump who is going to willingly allow Russia to interfere in the 2018 election?

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