Boycott Staples

Like I said, poor Staples. It was foisted on 'em. Donahoe, like Issa, is pure evil.

why would staples turn that down?...just like why did not Fed-X and UPS turn down their Postal deals....its called money.....and the PO makes out too because Staples will use them as their primary shipper....

Then again, if anybody's under the impression that Staples isn't shooting Donahoe some sorta under the table kickback for using -their- stores and -their- employees and giving -them- those added profits, then you're not cynical enough to be consistent with a realistic world view.

the PO just like other businesses are getting something out of it....
Nope. Not at all. You're not following me. What are you missing?

Maybe because you're not making any sense, first you're pissed about a business deal, then you post some biased blog of how Isaa has something to gain from all this. So tell me, what am I missing, if you can?

First of all this is not "a business deal". This is the privatization of the PO. I brought you the legislation from 2006.

Privatization of some services yes, which have been going on for years but not the whole system. I've been printing my own postage for years for my packages, set up a pick-up from the PO and the carrier comes to the door to pick them up. The good thing, I get a small discount for doing it that way.
why would staples turn that down?...just like why did not Fed-X and UPS turn down their Postal deals....its called money.....and the PO makes out too because Staples will use them as their primary shipper....

Then again, if anybody's under the impression that Staples isn't shooting Donahoe some sorta under the table kickback for using -their- stores and -their- employees and giving -them- those added profits, then you're not cynical enough to be consistent with a realistic world view.

the PO just like other businesses are getting something out of it....

I'm forced into having things sent to me by UPS and FedEx. I dislike both of them. I wouldn't send anything through them willingly. They suck that bad.
Yes, I did, read it.

Oh, you have no idea how many people intend to profit from these attempts to privatize the PO.

Another company that nobody hears about is this one:

owned by this:
Pitney Bowes Newsroom | Apollo Global Management to Acquire Management Services Business from Pitney Bowes

Guess who is the senior adviser?

All this adds up to one big AND?

Why don't you cut the shit and say outright that you are all for privatizing the PO? Because if you can't figure out that this is about the number of people that profit from that privatization then you are being willfully ignorant here.

The only reason you would be so emotional here is you have a vested interest. So tell the class, what is your connection to the post office?
The U.S. Dinosaur,err.........I mean Post Office, is lucky to even still be in business at this point.

If it were not for junk mail, otherwise known as third class mail, the U.S. Post Office would be long gone.

it helps but thats not true....the PO makes a lot of money....and it aint all from 3rd Class....

In the fourth quarter of 2011 alone, the USPS suffered a $3.3 billion net loss, and it is expected to lose $10 billion per year if no action is taken. The agency has asked Congress for permission to close unprofitable postal facilities, move from a six-day to five-day weekly delivery schedule, relax delivery times, and withdraw from federal retirement and health-care plans.`
Maybe because you're not making any sense, first you're pissed about a business deal, then you post some biased blog of how Isaa has something to gain from all this. So tell me, what am I missing, if you can?

First of all this is not "a business deal". This is the privatization of the PO. I brought you the legislation from 2006.

Privatization of some services yes, which have been going on for years but not the whole system. I've been printing my own postage for years for my packages, set up a pick-up from the PO and the carrier comes to the door to pick them up. The good thing, I get a small discount for doing it that way.

That's nice. There is no reason to privatize the post office. It was deliberately jacked and this is part and parcel.
The post office is failing. Like many other unionized services outrageous salaries and unsustainable retirement benefits have bled it dry. Either another way is found like shifting services to Staples or close post office locations until there is one every hundred miles.
All this adds up to one big AND?

Why don't you cut the shit and say outright that you are all for privatizing the PO? Because if you can't figure out that this is about the number of people that profit from that privatization then you are being willfully ignorant here.

The only reason you would be so emotional here is you have a vested interest. So tell the class, what is your connection to the post office?

I'm not emotional at all. You just don't like what I'm saying. Further, you don't have to work for the PO to give a damn about the further destruction of the middle class.

The free market? It ain't free.
Lazy, good-for-nothing postal workers have been making 25 bucks an hour for being surly and shiftless?

I'm telling my broker to buy Staples stock.
Same reason, he wants to boycott Walmart. He doesn't give a damn that millions of jobs are created. He doesn't understand economics.

trading a job that pays 25 an hour for a job that pays 8.50 hurts the economy dumbass

lots of people in the PO dont think a Window Clerk should be making 25 an hour.....just sayin....

i have no problem with that opinion, but making 8.00 an hour isnt the answer.
I'll come out and say it.

UPS, could do it better, cheaper and turn a profit.

But, they don't. So, why don't they?

They do, for the most part, which is another reason the USPS is floundering.

The USPS' main function is delivering junk mail

They deliver 40% of the mail.

USPS reports $122 million operating profit in January

So, ya, the PO actually does do it cheaper, does not use tax dollars and we do have people that prefer the post office.

So, just admit that you have found a way to profit off the destruction of the middle class and be done with it. You're being deliberately obtuse.
I don't understand why the OP wants to boycott Staples.

Same reason, he wants to boycott Walmart. He doesn't give a damn that millions of jobs are created. He doesn't understand economics.

You sure?


You are such a liberal, envious, jealous fool. There is no way you can hurt Walmart or Staples owners with your petty little BS boycott.

I shop mom and pops because I like dealing with local owners and I do pay more, however I have a better experience for my money.

The jealous, class envy is for the small minded and intolerant.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
But, they don't. So, why don't they?

They do, for the most part, which is another reason the USPS is floundering.

The USPS' main function is delivering junk mail

They deliver 40% of the mail.

USPS reports $122 million operating profit in January

So, ya, the PO actually does do it cheaper, does not use tax dollars and we do have people that prefer the post office.

So, just admit that you have found a way to profit off the destruction of the middle class and be done with it. You're being deliberately obtuse.

From the link:
As usual, however, Congressionally mandated bookkeeping entries transform the modest surplus into a billion dollar loss.

"Congressionally mandated bookkeeping entries"???
Doesn't that mean the same as "It's the law. Get used to it"?

Also, in the image of their P&L, I see "Actual" and "Plan" categories.
Yet the site states "Neither of these entries reflect actual cash disbursements."
How do they define 'actual' in their own P&L?
Why don't you cut the shit and say outright that you are all for privatizing the PO? Because if you can't figure out that this is about the number of people that profit from that privatization then you are being willfully ignorant here.

The only reason you would be so emotional here is you have a vested interest. So tell the class, what is your connection to the post office?

I'm not emotional at all. You just don't like what I'm saying. Further, you don't have to work for the PO to give a damn about the further destruction of the middle class.

The free market? It ain't free.

I've lived at my current address for 17 years, haven't had one postal employee for a carrier, all have been contract carriers. For a bunch of years the postal union was much like the UAW with their never ceasing demands, I knew a carrier in Puerto Rico that was making $80K a year in the mid 90's. There's no way a route carrier is worth that kind of money. The unions are reaping what the have sewn and rightfully so. First class mail has been diminishing for years, 5 day delivery and other cuts are inevitable, the longer they are delayed the more painful it will be.
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