Boycott Staples

Issa. It's the continued attempt to destroy the Post Office.

Why should anyone care as long as the mail gets to where it is supposed to go on time and under a budget.
I wonder why no one bitches about the rural contract carriers. Which BTW, outnumber USPS employee carriers.
I don't understand why the OP wants to boycott Staples.

Same reason, he wants to boycott Walmart. He doesn't give a damn that millions of jobs are created. He doesn't understand economics.

You sure?


So what?
The Walton family came up with a great idea and a better way to retail to the consumer.
The company invented direct from manufacturer purchasing by cutting out the middle man. Yes, Walmart decided to bypass the product distributors and go directly to the manufacturers to purchase stock for the stores.
I see nothing wrong here.
Then again, if anybody's under the impression that Staples isn't shooting Donahoe some sorta under the table kickback for using -their- stores and -their- employees and giving -them- those added profits, then you're not cynical enough to be consistent with a realistic world view.

the PO just like other businesses are getting something out of it....

I'm forced into having things sent to me by UPS and FedEx. I dislike both of them. I wouldn't send anything through them willingly. They suck that bad.

after being a carrier for 33 years and comparing notes with drivers from Fed-X and UPS and talking to the customers it seems like they are not much different as far as delivery goes.....i was surprised to see that UPS is run a lot like the PO as far as how they treat their routes and employees.....same mentality.....give ya more to do but no more time to do it.....
I don't understand why the OP wants to boycott Staples.

Same reason, he wants to boycott Walmart. He doesn't give a damn that millions of jobs are created. He doesn't understand economics.

trading a job that pays 25 an hour for a job that pays 8.50 hurts the economy dumbass

How is there a "trade"?
The Staples employees have nothing to do with the USPS.
You're just another archaic pro union individual who thinks everyone should be forced to join a labor collective.
The U.S. Dinosaur,err.........I mean Post Office, is lucky to even still be in business at this point.

If it were not for junk mail, otherwise known as third class mail, the U.S. Post Office would be long gone.

it helps but thats not true....the PO makes a lot of money....and it aint all from 3rd Class....

In the fourth quarter of 2011 alone, the USPS suffered a $3.3 billion net loss, and it is expected to lose $10 billion per year if no action is taken. The agency has asked Congress for permission to close unprofitable postal facilities, move from a six-day to five-day weekly delivery schedule, relax delivery times, and withdraw from federal retirement and health-care plans.`

ok.....but like i said....the PO makes aprox 60-70 billion a year.....thats a lot of the 90's it was generating around 80 billion a year...why do you think so many want a piece of the pie?...
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The POST OFFICE is destroying itself by adhering to an obsolete and cost prohibitive business model.

build one less plane...who gives a shit. tired of people like you shitting on people with low wages. Go make 8.50 an hour and see how long you last with your current life style.

also no assistance ( because you hate it)
No healthcare because you cant afford it.
Barely enough gas to get you to that job.
May or may not have a cell phone to call for those jobs....

If I earned $8.50/hour, I would do what ever it took to make myself worth more to an employer.

Do you understand supply and demand? As long as Walmart, Staples, McDonald's etc. can find people willing to fill their unskilled jobs at $8.50, that's what they will pay. The only reason they will pay more is if they get more in return. Get a degree. Develop a skill. Learn to do something better than your peers and you will command a higher wage.
Will you pay $7.00 for a gallon of gasoline you can buy across the street for $3.50?

Sorry, I forgot who I was talking to. You likely would.
The post office is failing. Like many other unionized services outrageous salaries and unsustainable retirement benefits have bled it dry. Either another way is found like shifting services to Staples or close post office locations until there is one every hundred miles.

yea thats what it is Katz....workers read to much anti-postal news stories....
Blah blah blah class warfare nonsense.

If you are really concerned about the welfare of the middle class, then you should advocate to roll back taxes and keep the Fed from printing money/spurring inflation which is a tax on the middle class.

The total tax burden on the median family has more than doubled as a percent of income since the 1950s. They pay more in taxes than they do for Food, Housing, and Transportation.

You want to back that up with facts or just more pixelated methane? You must be on welfare to make a ridiculous statement like that. Or else the 1% and I SERIOUSLY doubt that.

That's easy.....In 1984 when my parents sold their house in NJ, their yearly tax bill was a little over $1k per year. Today that same home is now taxed at nearly $1k PER MONTH.
In 1984 a gallon of gas was under a dollar. Adjusted for inflation...$2.16.
I'll come out and say it.

UPS, could do it better, cheaper and turn a profit.

But, they don't. So, why don't they?

They do, for the most part, which is another reason the USPS is floundering.

The USPS' main function is delivering junk mail

a lot of it yea.....but that is one huge market.....thats what a lot of companies want a piece mail advertising is supposed to be just about the most effective way to advertise.....
trading a job that pays 25 an hour for a job that pays 8.50 hurts the economy dumbass

lots of people in the PO dont think a Window Clerk should be making 25 an hour.....just sayin....

i have no problem with that opinion, but making 8.00 an hour isnt the answer.

im not saying that either.....its about a 15 an hour used to piss us off when we are out in the rain and heat and dark,getting attacked by dogs and people and these people are inside making the same thing......and we had a time constraint they dont....
The only reason you would be so emotional here is you have a vested interest. So tell the class, what is your connection to the post office?

I'm not emotional at all. You just don't like what I'm saying. Further, you don't have to work for the PO to give a damn about the further destruction of the middle class.

The free market? It ain't free.

I've lived at my current address for 17 years, haven't had one postal employee for a carrier, all have been contract carriers. For a bunch of years the postal union was much like the UAW with their never ceasing demands, I knew a carrier in Puerto Rico that was making $80K a year in the mid 90's. There's no way a route carrier is worth that kind of money. The unions are reaping what the have sewn and rightfully so. First class mail has been diminishing for years, 5 day delivery and other cuts are inevitable, the longer they are delayed the more painful it will be.

i have worked there for 33 years and i never knew any carrier even with overtime making 80 grand a the 90's especially.....our base pay back then was about 45 a year....
CaféAuLait;9044636 said:
I'm not emotional at all. You just don't like what I'm saying. Further, you don't have to work for the PO to give a damn about the further destruction of the middle class.

The free market? It ain't free.

I've lived at my current address for 17 years, haven't had one postal employee for a carrier, all have been contract carriers. For a bunch of years the postal union was much like the UAW with their never ceasing demands, I knew a carrier in Puerto Rico that was making $80K a year in the mid 90's. There's no way a route carrier is worth that kind of money. The unions are reaping what the have sewn and rightfully so. First class mail has been diminishing for years, 5 day delivery and other cuts are inevitable, the longer they are delayed the more painful it will be.

The average postal worker makes an average of 83k a year. They are the highest paid government ( higher than average federal employees ) employees. 80 percent of the Postal Service’s costs is labor.

And does anyone want to tell me why a Post Master makes more than 850,000 dollars a year in pay, bonuses and benefits? Twice that of the president of the United States?

Postmaster's $857,459.00 Salary | Video - ABC News

The average postal worker makes an average of 83k a year.

where the fuck is this Post Office? sure wasnt the one i worked average?....dam...
CaféAuLait;9044684 said:
CaféAuLait;9044636 said:
The average postal worker makes an average of 83k a year. They are the highest paid government ( higher than average federal employees ) employees. 80 percent of the Postal Service’s costs is labor.

And does anyone want to tell me why a Post Master makes more than 850,000 dollars a year in pay, bonuses and benefits? Twice that of the president of the United States?

Postmaster's $857,459.00 Salary | Video - ABC News

Post Office Pay Scales. The PS Full Time Annual Rates by Step and Grade.

Ahem that is base pay. Benefits and retirement bump them up to 83 k a year.

So why is it the Postmaster makes twice as much as Obama?

the PMG makes 276,000 a year....
What an excellent program! This gives me a reason to shop at Staples!

Of course you celebrate this program, as a member of the "I got mine, fuck the rest of you" callous conservative club, the exploitation of the working poor is something which makes you happy. I bet you actually believe you're a Christian (Boy, are you in for a surprise).

People with that grass roots tea party mentality are just as likely to be down on their luck, shooting themselves in the foot, Foxed-news true believers who don't "have theirs" but are sure some day they will if enough of "those others" are ground down to the same shitty level. Most of our parents and grand parents knew that the easiest and fastest way into the middle class was along with others, not on their backs.
The post office is failing. Like many other unionized services outrageous salaries and unsustainable retirement benefits have bled it dry. Either another way is found like shifting services to Staples or close post office locations until there is one every hundred miles.

obviously cannot include a middle class. What you call "outragrous and unsustainable" are the very definition of the middle class. So your world has two classes, the 10%ers and 90%ers. Wierd, I always a big part of the American Dream was as large a middle class as possible.
The salaries and benefits are unsustainable for the very reason that the enterprise cannot support those salaries and benefits. No enterprise is viable if it cannot support itself. That's why post offices have been closing putting pressure on those that remain open.

There will still be post offices to collect and process the mail for delivery. There will still be mail carriers. There won't be an hour wait to mail a package.

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