Boycott Staples

Every business enterprise must support itself. The post office is not a welfare office that makes sure some people are well paid. The expenses of the post office are so great that it must close facilities. The result is fewer people working for the post office. Allowing stores like Staples to assume some post office services doesn't result in fewer people working. Fewer people will be working for the post office if Staples doesn't include a mail facility as offices close. It only means that there will be added convenience for the customer.

Staples has been handling Fed Ex and UPS transactions for years with no loss of employees for either company.
Every business enterprise must support itself. The post office is not a welfare office that makes sure some people are well paid. The expenses of the post office are so great that it must close facilities. The result is fewer people working for the post office. Allowing stores like Staples to assume some post office services doesn't result in fewer people working. Fewer people will be working for the post office if Staples doesn't include a mail facility as offices close. It only means that there will be added convenience for the customer.

Staples has been handling Fed Ex and UPS transactions for years with no loss of employees for either company.
Our country will be paying off the trillions added to the debt for Bush's Iraq lies for decades to come. So how is it a good thing when more people are making less money while a few exceedingly wealthy people make even more money?
Every business enterprise must support itself. The post office is not a welfare office that makes sure some people are well paid. The expenses of the post office are so great that it must close facilities. The result is fewer people working for the post office. Allowing stores like Staples to assume some post office services doesn't result in fewer people working. Fewer people will be working for the post office if Staples doesn't include a mail facility as offices close. It only means that there will be added convenience for the customer.

Staples has been handling Fed Ex and UPS transactions for years with no loss of employees for either company.
Our country will be paying off the trillions added to the debt for Bush's Iraq lies for decades to come. So how is it a good thing when more people are making less money while a few exceedingly wealthy people make even more money?

We are still paying for Vietnam...

US is still paying Civil War benefits- MSN Money

Oh and if Bush lied, so did these people. Weapons of Mass Destruction Quotes
CaféAuLait;9045453 said:
We are still paying for Vietnam...

US is still paying Civil War benefits- MSN Money

Oh and if Bush lied, so did these people. Weapons of Mass Destruction Quotes
So if we're still paying for Vietnam then why did the Bush administration lie to start a war in the Middle East where the Mujaheddin were trained by the CIA in Viet Cong-style guerrilla warfare?

And Bush lied and tortured people. Read the declassified government documents.

Don't bother responding with any of that "well, the dimocraps lied, too." Just read everything in those links. Bush lied and tortured people.
CaféAuLait;9045453 said:
We are still paying for Vietnam...

US is still paying Civil War benefits- MSN Money

Oh and if Bush lied, so did these people. Weapons of Mass Destruction Quotes
So if we're still paying for Vietnam then why did the Bush administration lie to start a war in the Middle East where the Mujaheddin were trained by the CIA in Viet Cong-style guerrilla warfare?

And Bush lied and tortured people. Read the declassified government documents.

Don't bother responding with any of that "well, the dimocraps lied, too." Just read everything in those links. Bush lied and tortured people.

Who is responsible for Vietnam, which presidents escalated that war?

If Bush lied they all lied, really simple.

Obama tortures... And torture has been going on with the US far before Obama and Bush

President Obama has closed the CIA’s “black sites,” its secret prisons where American agents once dirtied their hands with waterboarding and wall slamming. But via rendition -- the sending of terrorist suspects to the prisons of countries that torture -- and related policies, his administration has outsourced human rights abuse to Afghanistan, Somalia, and elsewhere. In this way, he has avoided the political stigma of torture, while tacitly tolerating such abuses and harvesting whatever intelligence can be gained from them.

The modern American urge to use torture did not, of course, begin on September 12, 2001. It has roots that reach back to the beginning of the Cold War and a human rights policy riven with contradictions. Publicly, Washington opposed torture and led the world in drafting the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 and the Geneva Conventions in 1949. Simultaneously and secretly, however, the Central Intelligence Agency began developing ingenious new torture techniques in contravention of these same international conventions.

Alfred W. McCoy: Impunity at Home, Rendition Abroad

Torture Continues under Obama

Torture Continues under Obama | Global Research

A Gitmo Prisoner Alleges He Has Been Tortured Under Obama

A Gitmo Prisoner Alleges He Has Been Tortured Under Obama - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic

US steps up efforts to break Guantánamo hunger strike | World news | The Observer

Contrary to Obama's promises, the US military still permits torture

Contrary to Obama's promises, the US military still permits torture | Jeffrey Kaye | Comment is free |

Absolutely no difference, exept where the torture is taking place now and a different president, Obama.

Strange thing, this has been going on since Obama took office , I see no protests or outrage.
the PO just like other businesses are getting something out of it....

I'm forced into having things sent to me by UPS and FedEx. I dislike both of them. I wouldn't send anything through them willingly. They suck that bad.

after being a carrier for 33 years and comparing notes with drivers from Fed-X and UPS and talking to the customers it seems like they are not much different as far as delivery goes.....i was surprised to see that UPS is run a lot like the PO as far as how they treat their routes and employees.....same mentality.....give ya more to do but no more time to do it.....

Again. I'm forced into having items shipped to me by those companies. Further, if you are unaware of the complaints then you haven't been paying attention. Insurance claims, customer service, tracking.
Post Office Piles on Shift to Low-wage Economy With Staples Deal

The National Employment Law Project (NELP) has just come out with its latest report on the wage levels of jobs added as the nation has emerged from the Great Recession. As with NELP's previous reports, which continue to garner national attention, the news was pretty simple: we're only adding low wage jobs. Some 1.85 million more low-wage workers -- defined by under $13.33 an hour -- are employed by low-wage industries now then in 2008. About the same number, 1.93 million workers -- fewer workers are now employed in mid-wage and higher-wage industries.

The U.S. Postal Service has historically been one of those higher-wage industries, with average pay just under $25 an hour. For generations, postal jobs have been a ticket to the middle class, including as one of the few employers who hired African-Americans at good wages earlier in the 20th century. But the post office is accelerating a new strategy to increase sales and shed labor costs by opening up mini-post offices at Staples stores.

Staples is one of those low-wage employers, with Staples workers reporting that retail clerks average around $8.50 an hour. After piloting the mini-post offices in 82 Staples stores, the post office announced it would expand the program, prompting the American Postal Workers Union to organize more than 50 protest rallies outside Staples stores around the country.

Of course, Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe said that no postal jobs would be lost because of the Staples program and that the motivation was "growing our business." But the same Wall Street Journal article with Donohoe's statement revealed the real motivation. It quoted an internal postal service memo, which said that the Staples pilot program was to determine "if lower costs can be realized with retail partner labor instead of the labor traditionally associated with retail window at Post Offices." Oops!
Post Office Piles on Shift to Low-wage Economy With Staples Deal*|*Richard Kirsch

It's time for Donahoe to go.

More destruction of the middle class and not a peep.

I see nothing wrong with providing customers with a convenient place to do business with the USPS.
One thing is for sure. Customers at a Staples will never have to endure the indignation of waiting on line and having to watch a USPS employee vacate their window because it is time for their union mandated coffee break.
Any attempt by a customer oriented retail business to improve the customer experience while controlling the cost to the consumer is OK by me.
If regular USPS workers could do the same thing inside the USPS offices, this program would not be necessary. However, the USPS is just another inefficient government run entity that is in need of a shot of caffeine.

You're delusional.
Because it's continued destruction of the middle class.

How is it that Staples is destroying the middle class..
Ya know, "middle class" was used as a class envy buzz term during the 2008 campaign.
Once Obama got elected, the term was put away like Christmas Decorations after New Year's Day.
And now the USPS union thugs have dredged up "middle class"....
Tell me, how come after 5 1/2 years of Obama allegedly telling the 'middle class' he was 'their guy', why are you lefties bitching about the middle class.
I thought Obama was going to fix all that stuff.

Through privatization. Taking good jobs and outsourcing them. Let's be clear. Middle class is a term that was used before Obama. You are either very young or very uneducated. I have time for neither.
The salaries and benefits are unsustainable for the very reason that the enterprise cannot support those salaries and benefits. No enterprise is viable if it cannot support itself. That's why post offices have been closing putting pressure on those that remain open.

There will still be post offices to collect and process the mail for delivery. There will still be mail carriers. There won't be an hour wait to mail a package.

They are unsustainable due to legislation that was created in 2006. Period. It was intentional. Further, tax money is only used to mail voter materials overseas and to the disabled.

You fail to account for the 40 year accounting error that diverted money.

If you have an hour wait, it's because you're in a do more for less situation.
But, they don't. So, why don't they?

They do, for the most part, which is another reason the USPS is floundering.

The USPS' main function is delivering junk mail

a lot of it yea.....but that is one huge market.....thats what a lot of companies want a piece mail advertising is supposed to be just about the most effective way to advertise.....

I think bulk mail rates should be eliminated. Let them pay the full rate per ounce just like everyone else.
BTW, so called junk mail which is comprised of ads for stuff most people have no intention of buying is the origin of the phrase "circular file"...
So unless junk mail advertisers are selling their wares to trash cans, they are wasting their money.
CaféAuLait;9043858 said:
Because it's continued destruction of the middle class.

From your article:

the post office announced it would expand the program,
Not staples, the Post office is behind this. It was the post office who authorized the program. The Unions are upset at the wrong people.

This has been happening since stores are allowed to sell stamps anything from a convenient stores to groceries. Many business are allowed to send and accept mail for the post office. You do know UPS accepts USPS mail and charges an arm and a leg, far over the USPS prices, don't you?

Fuck the union...Ya know what?. The fact that the postal workers union is behind the protests is a sure sign that the general public will be offering little in the way of empathy.
Nothing raises the ire of the general public more than when a union's management or workers start bitching about some perceived challenge to their position.
Tax Foundation Board of Directors

David P. Lewis (Chairman)
Vice President - Global Taxes;
Chief Tax Executive & Assistant Treasurer
Eli Lilly and Company

James W. Lintott (Treasurer)
Sterling Foundation Management LLC

The Honorable Bill Archer
Senior Policy Analyst
PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP

Douglas Holtz-Eakin
DHE Consulting, LLC

Sarah McGill
Senior Vice President, Tax Planning
PepsiCo, Inc.

Pamela F. Olson
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP

Ties to the American Legislative Exchange Council

The Tax Foundation's President, Scott A. Hodge, participated in the 2011 American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) Annual Meeting, speaking on the "Corporate Taxes and International Competitiveness Panel" in front of the Tax and Fiscal Policy Task Force, and the Foundation's Vice President of Legal and State Projects, Joe Henchman, introduced the "Resolution Urging Congress to Cut the Federal Corporate Tax Rate" model policy at the same meeting.[2]
About ALEC
ALEC is a corporate bill mill. It is not just a lobby or a front group; it is much more powerful than that. Through ALEC, corporations hand state legislators their wishlists to benefit their bottom line. Corporations fund almost all of ALEC's operations. They pay for a seat on ALEC task forces where corporate lobbyists and special interest reps vote with elected officials to approve “model” bills. Learn more at the Center for Media and Democracy's, and check out breaking news on our site.


The Tax Foundation is funded by private donations from members, corporate donations, and donations from charitable foundation such as the Koch Foundation, Earhart Foundation, etc.
Tax Foundation - SourceWatch

Deflect much?
I thought this thread was about Staples' relationship with the USPS.

Well I see I was right about the reputability of the source, but that aside I think you should be calling for a boycott of the post office, they are the ones that presented Staples with the business opportunity.

Issa and Donahoe. My source is fine. That poor little Staples. They had zero interest in the whole durn thing. It was just foisted on 'em.

Your argument just got crushed.
Blah blah blah class warfare nonsense.

If you are really concerned about the welfare of the middle class, then you should advocate to roll back taxes and keep the Fed from printing money/spurring inflation which is a tax on the middle class.

The total tax burden on the median family has more than doubled as a percent of income since the 1950s. They pay more in taxes than they do for Food, Housing, and Transportation.

The would also be all for repealing Obamacare.
Tax Foundation Board of Directors

David P. Lewis (Chairman)
Vice President - Global Taxes;
Chief Tax Executive & Assistant Treasurer
Eli Lilly and Company

James W. Lintott (Treasurer)
Sterling Foundation Management LLC

The Honorable Bill Archer
Senior Policy Analyst
PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP

Douglas Holtz-Eakin
DHE Consulting, LLC

Sarah McGill
Senior Vice President, Tax Planning
PepsiCo, Inc.

Pamela F. Olson
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP

Ties to the American Legislative Exchange Council

The Tax Foundation's President, Scott A. Hodge, participated in the 2011 American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) Annual Meeting, speaking on the "Corporate Taxes and International Competitiveness Panel" in front of the Tax and Fiscal Policy Task Force, and the Foundation's Vice President of Legal and State Projects, Joe Henchman, introduced the "Resolution Urging Congress to Cut the Federal Corporate Tax Rate" model policy at the same meeting.[2]
About ALEC
ALEC is a corporate bill mill. It is not just a lobby or a front group; it is much more powerful than that. Through ALEC, corporations hand state legislators their wishlists to benefit their bottom line. Corporations fund almost all of ALEC's operations. They pay for a seat on ALEC task forces where corporate lobbyists and special interest reps vote with elected officials to approve “model” bills. Learn more at the Center for Media and Democracy's, and check out breaking news on our site.


The Tax Foundation is funded by private donations from members, corporate donations, and donations from charitable foundation such as the Koch Foundation, Earhart Foundation, etc.
Tax Foundation - SourceWatch

Deflect much?
I thought this thread was about Staples' relationship with the USPS.

Not at all. It was a response to someone attempting to use them as a source. Comprehension problems or just being a prick?

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