Boycott Staples

Well I see I was right about the reputability of the source, but that aside I think you should be calling for a boycott of the post office, they are the ones that presented Staples with the business opportunity.

Issa and Donahoe. My source is fine. That poor little Staples. They had zero interest in the whole durn thing. It was just foisted on 'em.

Your argument just got crushed.

Not at all. You just haven't put your crack pipe down.
Every business enterprise must support itself. The post office is not a welfare office that makes sure some people are well paid. The expenses of the post office are so great that it must close facilities. The result is fewer people working for the post office. Allowing stores like Staples to assume some post office services doesn't result in fewer people working. Fewer people will be working for the post office if Staples doesn't include a mail facility as offices close. It only means that there will be added convenience for the customer.

Staples has been handling Fed Ex and UPS transactions for years with no loss of employees for either company.
Our country will be paying off the trillions added to the debt for Bush's Iraq lies for decades to come. So how is it a good thing when more people are making less money while a few exceedingly wealthy people make even more money?

Quote one lie that Bush told about Iraq or you have zero credibility. Obama has added more to the debt in five years than the cost of Iraq time 5.
What an excellent program! This gives me a reason to shop at Staples!

Of course you celebrate this program, as a member of the "I got mine, fuck the rest of you" callous conservative club, the exploitation of the working poor is something which makes you happy. I bet you actually believe you're a Christian (Boy, are you in for a surprise).

What would that surprise be smartass?
Blah blah blah class warfare nonsense.

If you are really concerned about the welfare of the middle class, then you should advocate to roll back taxes and keep the Fed from printing money/spurring inflation which is a tax on the middle class.

The total tax burden on the median family has more than doubled as a percent of income since the 1950s. They pay more in taxes than they do for Food, Housing, and Transportation.

You know what lowering the tax burden on billionaires leads too?

Billionaires with more money.

That's like, exactly what they need right?

It's like giving the crazy cat lady more cats.


"Giving?"...Hey genius...It is THEIR money in the first place.
This is the mentality of your left wing moonbats. Subconsciously, you believe all wealth to be the property of the federal government to do with as they please then send the earner of said money back in amounts it deems appropriate.
If applied accurately, your analogy( Cat lady) would be thrown at the federal government.
It is Washington which has a problem with the lack of fiscal responsibility.
Giving more money to the Beltway is the same thing as giving more food to a fat person who then promises to lose weight.
It's none of anyone's business how much money their neighbor or the guy in the gated community across town earns( you can reference Astor Place).
It is not our responsibility to keep feeding the government. It is government's responsibility to wisely use taxpayer resources .
Issa. It's the continued attempt to destroy the Post Office.

So the post office is destroying itself by opening more branches?

So if a UPS opens more UPS stores all over the country they are destroying themselves?
CaféAuLait;9043964 said:
Donahoe and Issa. Do you know who they are?

I do. Donahoe is the Post Master General appointed by Obama to fix the mess the post office is in. He has tried various ways such as closing the PO for one day a week to cut down on costs and was attacked by democrats in congress. Issa supported the idea.

He suggested it and it was shot down and never implemented. He felt it would cut on costs for an organization so far in debt they can't pay their pensions due to a congressional mandate which states pensions need to be prefunded. They have to borrow billions and billions from the US Treasury.

All of which was happening far before Donahoe took office in 2010. The loss of jobs and mail is a result of email and other entities which deliver mail and packages, they may be more expensive but more efficient than USPS.

Under Donahue in 2013, the post office had their first growth in revenue since the year 2006, even though still operating in the red, he must be doing something right considering the drop in mail flowing through the post office.

Under the above, the Post Office was required to pay 75 years in advance all health benefits and retirement. By 2016.

Manufactured crisis.

On top of this was the 40 year old accounting error. The federal Office of Personnel Management has overcharged the post office by as much as $80 billion for payments into the Civil Service Retirement System.

The rise of the Donahoe

Postmaster General: Postal Service 'On Brink of 5.5 Billion Payment Default' - The Five Towns - Far Rockaway - Jewish Community News Service - 5 Times More Value - TheFiveTowns.Info

Issa calls it a scandal and is totally shocked and demands cuts.
Postal Service prodded -- once again -- to do more with less - Oversight -

All of these scandals are nothing more than bread and circuses. Almost forgot, I don't think the PO has used tax dollars since the 1970s.

:blahblah: That argument ran out of steam long ago.
The fadct is the USPS employs too many people who are using archaic methods of getting the work done.
Hand sorting mail for carrier routes? Come on....All mail should be bar coded and sorted by machines.
The USPS is a bloated federal bureaucracy.
Issa. It's the continued attempt to destroy the Post Office.

So the post office is destroying itself by opening more branches?

So if a UPS opens more UPS stores all over the country they are destroying themselves?

You have been provided the legislation. It's called outsourcing.


It's an expansion of the post office not destruction.

The more shit the post office sells the more money it makes and the post office needs all the money it can get because it usually runs in the red.
Post Office Piles on Shift to Low-wage Economy With Staples Deal

Post Office Piles on Shift to Low-wage Economy With Staples Deal*|*Richard Kirsch

It's time for Donahoe to go.

More destruction of the middle class and not a peep.

I see nothing wrong with providing customers with a convenient place to do business with the USPS.
One thing is for sure. Customers at a Staples will never have to endure the indignation of waiting on line and having to watch a USPS employee vacate their window because it is time for their union mandated coffee break.
Any attempt by a customer oriented retail business to improve the customer experience while controlling the cost to the consumer is OK by me.
If regular USPS workers could do the same thing inside the USPS offices, this program would not be necessary. However, the USPS is just another inefficient government run entity that is in need of a shot of caffeine.

You're delusional.

Oh? How so?
Instead of being dismissive, bring your argument to the table.
So the post office is destroying itself by opening more branches?

So if a UPS opens more UPS stores all over the country they are destroying themselves?

You have been provided the legislation. It's called outsourcing.


It's an expansion of the post office not destruction.

The more shit the post office sells the more money it makes and the post office needs all the money it can get because it usually runs in the red.

Privatization destroys those middle class jobs. Do you not understand this? Are you being intentionally obtuse? Or do you just support privatization? Shoot straight.
I see nothing wrong with providing customers with a convenient place to do business with the USPS.
One thing is for sure. Customers at a Staples will never have to endure the indignation of waiting on line and having to watch a USPS employee vacate their window because it is time for their union mandated coffee break.
Any attempt by a customer oriented retail business to improve the customer experience while controlling the cost to the consumer is OK by me.
If regular USPS workers could do the same thing inside the USPS offices, this program would not be necessary. However, the USPS is just another inefficient government run entity that is in need of a shot of caffeine.

You're delusional.

Oh? How so?
Instead of being dismissive, bring your argument to the table.

I already did and that's the problem. Hence the reason my reply is dismissive.
Issa and Donahoe. My source is fine. That poor little Staples. They had zero interest in the whole durn thing. It was just foisted on 'em.

Your argument just got crushed.

Not at all. You just haven't put your crack pipe down.
My crack pipe?
Umm you got countered on your claim in your own thread and I'M on crack?
Snarky little responses such as the one above are a sure fire indication that the one using the snarky response has nothing left.
Because it's continued destruction of the middle class.
IN what way? The Post Office is *gasp* trying to cut costs like any good business would. However, Staples is NOT the Post Office.

If you want a boycott, boycott the USPS.
You have been provided the legislation. It's called outsourcing.


It's an expansion of the post office not destruction.

The more shit the post office sells the more money it makes and the post office needs all the money it can get because it usually runs in the red.

Privatization destroys those middle class jobs. Do you not understand this? Are you being intentionally obtuse? Or do you just support privatization? Shoot straight.

Ok...This is a good one.
Would you care to explain in detail how 'privatization destroys the middle class'..
By making the above comment, you now have the duty to defend and explain your position.
I am not letting this go.
You'll either support your claim with facts or I'll bug you so much, you'll have to abandon your own thread or take the easy way out and put me on ignore.
Either way you're trapped.
Post Office Piles on Shift to Low-wage Economy With Staples Deal

The National Employment Law Project (NELP) has just come out with its latest report on the wage levels of jobs added as the nation has emerged from the Great Recession. As with NELP's previous reports, which continue to garner national attention, the news was pretty simple: we're only adding low wage jobs. Some 1.85 million more low-wage workers -- defined by under $13.33 an hour -- are employed by low-wage industries now then in 2008. About the same number, 1.93 million workers -- fewer workers are now employed in mid-wage and higher-wage industries.

The U.S. Postal Service has historically been one of those higher-wage industries, with average pay just under $25 an hour. For generations, postal jobs have been a ticket to the middle class, including as one of the few employers who hired African-Americans at good wages earlier in the 20th century. But the post office is accelerating a new strategy to increase sales and shed labor costs by opening up mini-post offices at Staples stores.

Staples is one of those low-wage employers, with Staples workers reporting that retail clerks average around $8.50 an hour. After piloting the mini-post offices in 82 Staples stores, the post office announced it would expand the program, prompting the American Postal Workers Union to organize more than 50 protest rallies outside Staples stores around the country.

Of course, Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe said that no postal jobs would be lost because of the Staples program and that the motivation was "growing our business." But the same Wall Street Journal article with Donohoe's statement revealed the real motivation. It quoted an internal postal service memo, which said that the Staples pilot program was to determine "if lower costs can be realized with retail partner labor instead of the labor traditionally associated with retail window at Post Offices." Oops!
Post Office Piles on Shift to Low-wage Economy With Staples Deal*|*Richard Kirsch

It's time for Donahoe to go.

More destruction of the middle class and not a peep.

I thought this thread was about the Staples Center lol.

It's an expansion of the post office not destruction.

The more shit the post office sells the more money it makes and the post office needs all the money it can get because it usually runs in the red.

Privatization destroys those middle class jobs. Do you not understand this? Are you being intentionally obtuse? Or do you just support privatization? Shoot straight.

Ok...This is a good one.
Would you care to explain in detail how 'privatization destroys the middle class'..
By making the above comment, you now have the duty to defend and explain your position.
I am not letting this go.
You'll either support your claim with facts or I'll bug you so much, you'll have to abandon your own thread or take the easy way out and put me on ignore.
Either way you're trapped.

I already did. The movement of middle class jobs that the Post office provides to the 8 and change jobs at Staples does what? I've already been through this.
......because all those other liberal-led boycotts worked out so very well

CaféAuLait;9043964 said:
I do. Donahoe is the Post Master General appointed by Obama to fix the mess the post office is in. He has tried various ways such as closing the PO for one day a week to cut down on costs and was attacked by democrats in congress. Issa supported the idea.

He suggested it and it was shot down and never implemented. He felt it would cut on costs for an organization so far in debt they can't pay their pensions due to a congressional mandate which states pensions need to be prefunded. They have to borrow billions and billions from the US Treasury.

All of which was happening far before Donahoe took office in 2010. The loss of jobs and mail is a result of email and other entities which deliver mail and packages, they may be more expensive but more efficient than USPS.

Under Donahue in 2013, the post office had their first growth in revenue since the year 2006, even though still operating in the red, he must be doing something right considering the drop in mail flowing through the post office.

Under the above, the Post Office was required to pay 75 years in advance all health benefits and retirement. By 2016.

Manufactured crisis.

On top of this was the 40 year old accounting error. The federal Office of Personnel Management has overcharged the post office by as much as $80 billion for payments into the Civil Service Retirement System.

The rise of the Donahoe

Postmaster General: Postal Service 'On Brink of 5.5 Billion Payment Default' - The Five Towns - Far Rockaway - Jewish Community News Service - 5 Times More Value - TheFiveTowns.Info

Issa calls it a scandal and is totally shocked and demands cuts.
Postal Service prodded -- once again -- to do more with less - Oversight -

All of these scandals are nothing more than bread and circuses. Almost forgot, I don't think the PO has used tax dollars since the 1970s.

:blahblah: That argument ran out of steam long ago.
The fadct is the USPS employs too many people who are using archaic methods of getting the work done.
Hand sorting mail for carrier routes? Come on....All mail should be bar coded and sorted by machines.
The USPS is a bloated federal bureaucracy.

No, it didn't run out of steam. Just fess up and say your a proponent of privatization.


This has nothing to do with archaic anything. It has everything to do with the profit made via other corporations.
You're delusional.

Oh? How so?
Instead of being dismissive, bring your argument to the table.

I already did and that's the problem. Hence the reason my reply is dismissive.

You dismissed MY post.
This is YOUR thread. I made an argument. Are you now refusing to respond?
Let's get something straight. How this works is the person who starts the thread is expected to take counterarguments and discuss each point of view. Meanwhile as new people enter the discussion, the OP is required to also discuss with them.
When one starts a thread they are as the same as one who has called a news conference.
They make commentary and take questions.
So, once again, please respond to my comments.
You don't get to dismiss others because you are unwilling to respond to a counterpoint.
My day:

wake-up; go to Staples and buy some stuff.

go to Whole Foods grocery stores and buy some stuff

Watch some Fox News

go to Chick Fila and buy lunch

let's see what else did the loony Left want to boycott?

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