Boycott the Pope's Visit to USA

God doesn't have a single rep. on earth.
Writing your own book now? Ignore what Jesus said at your own peril!

The Body of Christ is God's representatives on earth. The Body of Christ are those who have been born again and obey the commandments of God believing the King James Bible and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not those who are members of organized religion that has no salvation in it. Catholicism has no salvation in it. Mormonism has no salvation in it. Jehovah Witnesses have no salvation in it. All these have their own books, their own doctrines, their own beliefs that oppose the Written Word of God.

He is right. God does not have a "single person" representing Him on the earth. This man Jorge aka Francis represents a false church and is an anti-Christ false prophet. He is not representing God in any way, shape or form. Anyone following this man Jorge is lost. Seriously lost.

My prayer is that God will cancel Jorge's out door mass in Philadephia, that the rain will stop the people from attending. My God is able to send a storm and rain it out. The storm is already brewing! I'm believing Him for it!

That's not how Jesus would treat the Pope.

Jesus would openly rebuke him and call him a viper, a white washed sepulchre and a child of the devil. Jesus would not coddle a false teacher! He would EXPOSE HIM.
It is written:But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. Galatians 1:8,9Jorge aka Francis is accursed. He is a deceitful worker of Satan preaching a false gospel. People need to stop listening to him. Have nothing to do with him. The Scriptures of the King James Bible have already warned you of this. What more do you need? A lightning bolt from heaven?
What you've cited isn't the gospel. It's a letter, i.e. an opinion of someone who never even met Jesus. In the true gospel Jesus gave the leadership of his church to Peter and, since the world wasn't ending anytime soon, to his successors, too. Many of the popes in the past may not have been good men, but that has certainly changed in my lifetime and Francis is no different. He's humble and tries to emulate the saint whose name he took, as much as possible for someone with worldwide responsibilities
konradv, Look up Galatians 1:8,9 in any King James Bible and you'll find this is Bible Scripture. It is New Testament teaching and it is to be obeyed. If you were a Christian who followed Jesus Christ you'd know this. Jorge aka Francis is a false teacher. People should not be listening to him. They should nothing to do with him.

If someday, you reach the gates of heaven, you will be met by the Pope

You will have to attest for your sins

Wrong. The Pope is not God. He is an anti-Christ false teacher and you'll be meeting him in hell if you do not repent! You need to be saved and stop believing false teachers!
It is written:But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. Galatians 1:8,9Jorge aka Francis is accursed. He is a deceitful worker of Satan preaching a false gospel. People need to stop listening to him. Have nothing to do with him. The Scriptures of the King James Bible have already warned you of this. What more do you need? A lightning bolt from heaven?
What you've cited isn't the gospel. It's a letter, i.e. an opinion of someone who never even met Jesus. In the true gospel Jesus gave the leadership of his church to Peter and, since the world wasn't ending anytime soon, to his successors, too. Many of the popes in the past may not have been good men, but that has certainly changed in my lifetime and Francis is no different. He's humble and tries to emulate the saint whose name he took, as much as possible for someone with worldwide responsibilities
konradv, Look up Galatians 1:8,9 in any King James Bible and you'll find this is Bible Scripture. It is New Testament teaching and it is to be obeyed. If you were a Christian who followed Jesus Christ you'd know this. Jorge aka Francis is a false teacher. People should not be listening to him. They should nothing to do with him.

If someday, you reach the gates of heaven, you will be met by the Pope

You will have to attest for your sins
I don't think Saint Peter is going to like his attitude.

The Pope is a direct descendant from St Peter
The Pope is a liar.
If he comes? Ignore him and do not show up for this nonsense. He isn't a world leader. He isn't a spokesman for God. He is a false prophet. Have nothing to do with him.

The bible is clear that those who do not bring the Doctrine of Jesus Christ we are not to receive into our own home. We are to have nothing to do with them. So turn off your televisions, I phones, computers and ignore the news if he still insists on forcing himself on Americans.

This dog and pony show they are putting on for him is an utter disgrace considering that the Obama administration did not do any thing even close for our true friend and ally - the leader of Israel - Benjamin Netanyahu. My advice to Americans? Stay Home. Boycott this Pope's Visit to America. Pray for a torrential downpour every where he goes! Amen? Amen!

This is his official schedule! As if this son of hell is royalty? He represents himself, Satan and a NWO. He does not represent the Lord Jesus Christ, he is not an ambassador for Jesus Christ and he does not preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing and those with eyes to see and ears to hear should warn their friends, co-workers, loved ones to avoid him like the plague.

General Schedule of Pope Francis U.S.Visit 2015

Pope Francis Visits Washington D.C.
  • Tuesday, September 22, 2015
    • 4pm: Pope Francis arrives in D.C. at Joint Base Andrews at 4 p.m.
  • Wednesday, September 23, 2015
    • 9:15 a.m: White House Welcoming Ceremony and personal meeting with President Barack Obama
    • 11:00 a.m. Papal Parade along the Ellipse and the National Mall
    • 11:30 a.m: Midday Prayer with U.S. bishops at Saint Matthew’s Cathedral in D.C.
    • 4:15 p.m: Junipero Serra Canonization Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
  • Thursday, September 24, 2015
    • 9:20 a.m: Arrival at Capitol
    • 10 a.m. Speech to the Senate and House of Representatives (Joint Session of Congress)
    • 11 a.m. Brief appearance on West Front of Capitol
    • 11:15 a.m: Visit to St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in D.C. and Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington
    • 4 p.m: Departure for New York from Joint Base Andrews (D.C.)
    • 5 p.m. Arrival at John F. Kennedy International Airport (New York)
    • 6:45 p.m. Evening prayer at St. Patrick’s Cathedral (New York)
    • _____________________
    • This man is not a world leader and he does not represent Christianity. This is obscene to say the very least. I pray to God the weather is so bad he has to cancel.


It's the end of the world!!!

Not even close. First the prophecy about Israel is going to be fulfilled. 2/3's of all the Jews will be killed in the future with only 1 part remaining (in Israel) and I believe that prophecy is in direct relation to the anti-Christ. We'll see how well you like the Roman System after that news comes to fruition, Stat. You trust what you shouldn't because you do not trust Who you should with your entire life (God Almighty). You'll learn.
First the prophecy about Israel is going to be fulfilled. 2/3's of all the Jews will be killed in the future with only 1 part remaining (in Israel)
And that is why you bible kooks want Jews to return to Israel because in your twisted fantasy only then will your man god come back , The Jews are just cannon fodder to your fundy cross grovelers

Wrong. I do not believe in a pre-tribulation rapture. I want the Jews to go to Israel to escape all harm and the judgment that is coming on America but for the Jews - who are my family - I'll take care of them myself if they don't go to Israel and protect them with my life. After all, that is my family. As you are a Jew, Guno, I'd take care of you too but if you give my Jewish family any grief you'll be down on the lake camping out by yourself. We will still feed you very well though. As you know, no matter what you say to me I always love you because you are my Jewish brother and just do not realize it yet. One day you will recognize Jesus is Yeshua HaMashiah. I believe you will.
I find it funny that he's making a big statement of humility with that stupid Fiat, yet hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent in keeping him secure.Not to mention the financial loss to business and working people as he goes around from one major city to another. It's also hilarious that he goes around "feeding the homeless", while the Vatican is the richest land owner and organization in the world by far. Perhaps they cough up some of the money themselves, instead of preaching other countries to do so? Or maybe selling off one or two of the hundreds of thousands of master pieces in the Vatican worth trillions (and some are priceless) to feed the poor or needy. What would Jesus do?!

The Catholic Church is the Biggest Financial Power on Earth | Humans Are Free

"The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe.

“The pope, as the visible ruler of this immense amassment of wealth, is consequently the richest individual of the twentieth century. No one can realistically assess how much he is worth in terms of billions of dollars.” (...)

Their wealth is so big that they could create sustainable social programs to end famine on Earth; they have the power and the means to oppose wars; they have the financial resources to create an Eco-friendly planet -- the biblical heaven on Earth.
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I find it funny that he's making a big statement of humility with that stupid Fiat, yet hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent in keeping him secure.Not to mention the financial loss to business and working people as he goes around from one major city to another. It's also hilarious that he goes around "feeding the homeless", while the Vatican is the richest land owner and organization in the world by far. Perhaps they cough up some money themselves, instead of preaching other countries to do so?

The Catholic Church is the Biggest Financial Power on Earth | Humans Are Free

"The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe.

“The pope, as the visible ruler of this immense amassment of wealth, is consequently the richest individual of the twentieth century. No one can realistically assess how much he is worth in terms of billions of dollars.” (...)

Their wealth is so big that they could create sustainable social programs to end famine on Earth; they have the power and the means to oppose wars; they have the financial resources to create an Eco-friendly planet -- the biblical heaven on Earth.

NOT Billions, Roudy. TRILLIONS. HE IS WORTH TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS AND With His Temperal Powers? If he were not such a liar, hypocrite and son of hell he would give back the money and treasures stolen from the Jewish Temple in 70 A.D. and the Billions stolen from the Jews the Roman Catholic Church murdered via Hitler's Catholic Inquisition also known as the Holocaust. He has the temporal powers to give all that money and wealth back and give the rest of those Trillions to the poor, sell off all the palaces, villas, many Vatican owned lands & businesses and Banks, get out of politics and go follow Jesus.

But he won't. Because he is a liar and an anti-Christ deceiver power hungry to rule the world and to make war against the Christians and the Jews who resist him.

He is a Jesuit and a son of Satan and I would tell him to his face if I were given the opportunity.
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All the holy days that are observed by the Jews are found in Scripture. The pagan days that Catholicism introduced are not found in Scripture. Same for all other cults. You won't find their days in the Bible either. Because it isn't of God.

depends on what you call "the bible" Jeremiah------they are "kinda" in the catholic bible because the catholic bible includes the books of Maccabee and Esther----but they are not all included in the thing jews call "tanach" which is kinda the jewish bible------because esther and Maccabee are not part of that book. I am not sure
how the various sects of Christianity play the BOOK game. BUT Jesuits know
all that stuff---------getting back to the idea "if you were catholic you would know-----"
I don't believe that one. I do not have any idea what you are being accused of
NOT KNOWING ------perhaps you can tell me-----what are your fellows saying
that YOU don't know? Let's ask penelope
This is a new one. Any evidence Peter ordained his son to be a pope? Or was it just pope Francis who is a descendant of Peter? Cite please.
The papacy isn't an inherited position, it's elective.

God picks his favorite as Pope
So god wanted a drunk Pope this time who can't even speak English? Um... Ya sure. :lol:

Jesus didn't speak English
He wasn't blonde haired and blue eyed either

Nice Jewish boy

Could you tell your Pope? Their art work depicts Jesus as blonde with blue eyes. If you ever wondered where the faithful Roman Catholic Hitler got his ideas from - wonder no more. He spoke of his great gratitude to the Jesuits......... the Catholic Nazi's were a big fan of blonde hair, blue eyes, their Roman Catholic religion created their own Jesus. His real name is Lucifer. Not to be confused with the Jesus Christ of the KJV Bible!
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All the holy days that are observed by the Jews are found in Scripture. The pagan days that Catholicism introduced are not found in Scripture. Same for all other cults. You won't find their days in the Bible either. Because it isn't of God.

depends on what you call "the bible" Jeremiah------they are "kinda" in the catholic bible because the catholic bible includes the books of Maccabee and Esther----but they are not all included in the thing jews call "tanach" which is kinda the jewish bible------because esther and Maccabee are not part of that book. I am not sure
how the various sects of Christianity play the BOOK game. BUT Jesuits know
all that stuff---------getting back to the idea "if you were catholic you would know-----"
I don't believe that one. I do not have any idea what you are being accused of
NOT KNOWING ------perhaps you can tell me-----what are your fellows saying
that YOU don't know? Let's ask penelope

They are accusing me of "not knowing", Rosie, because they do not want others figuring out the truth! As for Jewish Holy Days - Those are the TRUE HOLY DAYS - this other stuff the Roman Pagan Catholic System came up with is all Pagan based - Easter Bunny, the Nicolaitan Santa "nick - named" ----> Nick. The early Christians knew better and would have no part of it. Today? Not too many know the history behind the Babylonian occult religion of Catholicism. But HaShev does know a great deal about it and as he is Jewish that is a good thing. Jesus Christ celebrated the Passover. It is in the New Testament. Jesus didn't celebrate his "birthday" nor did he celebrate an easter bunny or intend for anyone else to celebrate it.
I find it funny that he's making a big statement of humility with that stupid Fiat, yet hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent in keeping him secure.Not to mention the financial loss to business and working people as he goes around from one major city to another. It's also hilarious that he goes around "feeding the homeless", while the Vatican is the richest land owner and organization in the world by far. Perhaps they cough up some of the money themselves, instead of preaching other countries to do so? Or maybe selling off one or two of the hundreds of thousands of master pieces in the Vatican worth trillions (and some are priceless) to feed the poor or needy. What would Jesus do?!

The Catholic Church is the Biggest Financial Power on Earth | Humans Are Free

"The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe.

“The pope, as the visible ruler of this immense amassment of wealth, is consequently the richest individual of the twentieth century. No one can realistically assess how much he is worth in terms of billions of dollars.” (...)

Their wealth is so big that they could create sustainable social programs to end famine on Earth; they have the power and the means to oppose wars; they have the financial resources to create an Eco-friendly planet -- the biblical heaven on Earth.

roudy-----hubby and me had a small debate--------demonstrating my lousy Hebrew-----he asked me why they are making an issue of the pope's car? and why does
the pope always keep his eyes down like a young Chassidic boy? I explained
"ANAV"-----he laughed and then said-- "NAH" He asked "why does he
say "PRAY FOR ME" "ISN'T he supposed to be the person doing the praying
for the rest of the world" -----I said "TOM" (as in the personality type) He
said "You don't understand those words" -----well-----I can explain it to you---
The pope is playing even more devious than do those damned, sneaky
ZIONISTS (he is jealous of the reputation that the Vatican threw on
All the holy days that are observed by the Jews are found in Scripture. The pagan days that Catholicism introduced are not found in Scripture. Same for all other cults. You won't find their days in the Bible either. Because it isn't of God.

depends on what you call "the bible" Jeremiah------they are "kinda" in the catholic bible because the catholic bible includes the books of Maccabee and Esther----but they are not all included in the thing jews call "tanach" which is kinda the jewish bible------because esther and Maccabee are not part of that book. I am not sure
how the various sects of Christianity play the BOOK game. BUT Jesuits know
all that stuff---------getting back to the idea "if you were catholic you would know-----"
I don't believe that one. I do not have any idea what you are being accused of
NOT KNOWING ------perhaps you can tell me-----what are your fellows saying
that YOU don't know? Let's ask penelope

They are accusing me of "not knowing", Rosie, because they do not want others figuring out the truth! As for Jewish Holy Days - Those are the TRUE HOLY DAYS - this other stuff the Roman Pagan Catholic System came up with is all Pagan based - Easter Bunny, the Nicolaitan Santa "nick - named" ----> Nick. The early Christians knew better and would have no part of it. Today? Not too many know the history behind the Babylonian occult religion of Catholicism. But HaShev does know a great deal about it and as he is Jewish that is a good thing. Jesus Christ celebrated the Passover. It is in the New Testament. Jesus didn't celebrate his "birthday" nor did he celebrate an easter bunny or intend for anyone else to celebrate it.

you make an interesting point about 'birthday' celebration------even today
jews do not celebrate the birthdays of famous people -------and doing so
for regular people like us-------and children is a fairly new custom-----picked
up -------from------Europe and---later the USA Muslims celebrate muhummad's
supposed birthday---------It is very unlikely that they know what day that "event"
took place
I find it funny that he's making a big statement of humility with that stupid Fiat, yet hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent in keeping him secure.Not to mention the financial loss to business and working people as he goes around from one major city to another. It's also hilarious that he goes around "feeding the homeless", while the Vatican is the richest land owner and organization in the world by far. Perhaps they cough up some of the money themselves, instead of preaching other countries to do so? Or maybe selling off one or two of the hundreds of thousands of master pieces in the Vatican worth trillions (and some are priceless) to feed the poor or needy. What would Jesus do?!

The Catholic Church is the Biggest Financial Power on Earth | Humans Are Free

"The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe.

“The pope, as the visible ruler of this immense amassment of wealth, is consequently the richest individual of the twentieth century. No one can realistically assess how much he is worth in terms of billions of dollars.” (...)

Their wealth is so big that they could create sustainable social programs to end famine on Earth; they have the power and the means to oppose wars; they have the financial resources to create an Eco-friendly planet -- the biblical heaven on Earth.

roudy-----hubby and me had a small debate--------demonstrating my lousy Hebrew-----he asked me why they are making an issue of the pope's car? and why does
the pope always keep his eyes down like a young Chassidic boy? I explained
"ANAV"-----he laughed and then said-- "NAH" He asked "why does he
say "PRAY FOR ME" "ISN'T he supposed to be the person doing the praying
for the rest of the world" -----I said "TOM" (as in the personality type) He
said "You don't understand those words" -----well-----I can explain it to you---
The pope is playing even more devious than do those damned, sneaky
ZIONISTS (he is jealous of the reputation that the Vatican threw on

This Jesuit Francis is a servant of Satan. Look at his countenance! Anyone who carefully examines his countenance is going to know this is not a holy man of God. This man is wicked. His countenance is dark and his eyes which are the windows to the soul tell you what is in him.
I find it funny that he's making a big statement of humility with that stupid Fiat, yet hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent in keeping him secure.Not to mention the financial loss to business and working people as he goes around from one major city to another. It's also hilarious that he goes around "feeding the homeless", while the Vatican is the richest land owner and organization in the world by far. Perhaps they cough up some of the money themselves, instead of preaching other countries to do so? Or maybe selling off one or two of the hundreds of thousands of master pieces in the Vatican worth trillions (and some are priceless) to feed the poor or needy. What would Jesus do?!

The Catholic Church is the Biggest Financial Power on Earth | Humans Are Free

"The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe.

“The pope, as the visible ruler of this immense amassment of wealth, is consequently the richest individual of the twentieth century. No one can realistically assess how much he is worth in terms of billions of dollars.” (...)

Their wealth is so big that they could create sustainable social programs to end famine on Earth; they have the power and the means to oppose wars; they have the financial resources to create an Eco-friendly planet -- the biblical heaven on Earth.

roudy-----hubby and me had a small debate--------demonstrating my lousy Hebrew-----he asked me why they are making an issue of the pope's car? and why does
the pope always keep his eyes down like a young Chassidic boy? I explained
"ANAV"-----he laughed and then said-- "NAH" He asked "why does he
say "PRAY FOR ME" "ISN'T he supposed to be the person doing the praying
for the rest of the world" -----I said "TOM" (as in the personality type) He
said "You don't understand those words" -----well-----I can explain it to you---
The pope is playing even more devious than do those damned, sneaky
ZIONISTS (he is jealous of the reputation that the Vatican threw on

The whole "car" scam is orchestrated by the leftist run media, as justification for their environmental fascism policies. Have you ever been inside the Vatican? It's the most beautiful and valuable building in the world, in my opinion. It is so vast and abundant in priceless art and treasures you can add all the museums in the world like the Louvre and the Met in NY, and the Vatican still puts them to shame. But two words do not come to my mind when I think of the Vatican, "God" and "humble" wouldn't be it. More like overwhelming "materialism" and...lots of "idols".
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I find it funny that he's making a big statement of humility with that stupid Fiat, yet hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent in keeping him secure.Not to mention the financial loss to business and working people as he goes around from one major city to another. It's also hilarious that he goes around "feeding the homeless", while the Vatican is the richest land owner and organization in the world by far. Perhaps they cough up some of the money themselves, instead of preaching other countries to do so? Or maybe selling off one or two of the hundreds of thousands of master pieces in the Vatican worth trillions (and some are priceless) to feed the poor or needy. What would Jesus do?!

The Catholic Church is the Biggest Financial Power on Earth | Humans Are Free

"The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe.

“The pope, as the visible ruler of this immense amassment of wealth, is consequently the richest individual of the twentieth century. No one can realistically assess how much he is worth in terms of billions of dollars.” (...)

Their wealth is so big that they could create sustainable social programs to end famine on Earth; they have the power and the means to oppose wars; they have the financial resources to create an Eco-friendly planet -- the biblical heaven on Earth.

roudy-----hubby and me had a small debate--------demonstrating my lousy Hebrew-----he asked me why they are making an issue of the pope's car? and why does
the pope always keep his eyes down like a young Chassidic boy? I explained
"ANAV"-----he laughed and then said-- "NAH" He asked "why does he
say "PRAY FOR ME" "ISN'T he supposed to be the person doing the praying
for the rest of the world" -----I said "TOM" (as in the personality type) He
said "You don't understand those words" -----well-----I can explain it to you---
The pope is playing even more devious than do those damned, sneaky
ZIONISTS (he is jealous of the reputation that the Vatican threw on

This Jesuit Francis is a servant of Satan. Look at his countenance! Anyone who carefully examines his countenance is going to know this is not a holy man of God. This man is wicked. His countenance is dark and his eyes which are the windows to the soul tell you what is in him.

I don't think he's evil, he's doing what he's been entrusted with by the rest of the mafia running the place. One is to expand followers, and two is to be a good ambassador for the faith, and he's doing a great job of both so far.
I find it funny that he's making a big statement of humility with that stupid Fiat, yet hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent in keeping him secure.Not to mention the financial loss to business and working people as he goes around from one major city to another. It's also hilarious that he goes around "feeding the homeless", while the Vatican is the richest land owner and organization in the world by far. Perhaps they cough up some of the money themselves, instead of preaching other countries to do so? Or maybe selling off one or two of the hundreds of thousands of master pieces in the Vatican worth trillions (and some are priceless) to feed the poor or needy. What would Jesus do?!

The Catholic Church is the Biggest Financial Power on Earth | Humans Are Free

"The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe.

“The pope, as the visible ruler of this immense amassment of wealth, is consequently the richest individual of the twentieth century. No one can realistically assess how much he is worth in terms of billions of dollars.” (...)

Their wealth is so big that they could create sustainable social programs to end famine on Earth; they have the power and the means to oppose wars; they have the financial resources to create an Eco-friendly planet -- the biblical heaven on Earth.

roudy-----hubby and me had a small debate--------demonstrating my lousy Hebrew-----he asked me why they are making an issue of the pope's car? and why does
the pope always keep his eyes down like a young Chassidic boy? I explained
"ANAV"-----he laughed and then said-- "NAH" He asked "why does he
say "PRAY FOR ME" "ISN'T he supposed to be the person doing the praying
for the rest of the world" -----I said "TOM" (as in the personality type) He
said "You don't understand those words" -----well-----I can explain it to you---
The pope is playing even more devious than do those damned, sneaky
ZIONISTS (he is jealous of the reputation that the Vatican threw on

The whole "car" scam is orchestrated by the leftist run media, as justification for their environmental fascism policies. Have you ever been inside the Vatican? It's the most beautiful and valuable building in the world, in my opinion. But two things do not come to my mind when I think of the Vatican, "God" and "humble" wouldn't be it. More like overwhelming "materialism" and...lots of "idols".

same answers the "isn't he wonderful for going to lunch with the homeless ---rather to some SUMPTUOUS feast with the congressmen" supidity
I find it funny that he's making a big statement of humility with that stupid Fiat, yet hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent in keeping him secure.Not to mention the financial loss to business and working people as he goes around from one major city to another. It's also hilarious that he goes around "feeding the homeless", while the Vatican is the richest land owner and organization in the world by far. Perhaps they cough up some of the money themselves, instead of preaching other countries to do so? Or maybe selling off one or two of the hundreds of thousands of master pieces in the Vatican worth trillions (and some are priceless) to feed the poor or needy. What would Jesus do?!

The Catholic Church is the Biggest Financial Power on Earth | Humans Are Free

"The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe.

“The pope, as the visible ruler of this immense amassment of wealth, is consequently the richest individual of the twentieth century. No one can realistically assess how much he is worth in terms of billions of dollars.” (...)

Their wealth is so big that they could create sustainable social programs to end famine on Earth; they have the power and the means to oppose wars; they have the financial resources to create an Eco-friendly planet -- the biblical heaven on Earth.

roudy-----hubby and me had a small debate--------demonstrating my lousy Hebrew-----he asked me why they are making an issue of the pope's car? and why does
the pope always keep his eyes down like a young Chassidic boy? I explained
"ANAV"-----he laughed and then said-- "NAH" He asked "why does he
say "PRAY FOR ME" "ISN'T he supposed to be the person doing the praying
for the rest of the world" -----I said "TOM" (as in the personality type) He
said "You don't understand those words" -----well-----I can explain it to you---
The pope is playing even more devious than do those damned, sneaky
ZIONISTS (he is jealous of the reputation that the Vatican threw on

This Jesuit Francis is a servant of Satan. Look at his countenance! Anyone who carefully examines his countenance is going to know this is not a holy man of God. This man is wicked. His countenance is dark and his eyes which are the windows to the soul tell you what is in him.

I don't think he's evil, he's doing what he's been entrusted with by the rest of the mafia running the place. One is to expand followers, and two is to be a good ambassador for the faith, and he's doing a great job of both so far.

Exactly right-----he is doing his JOB -------as expected.
I find it funny that he's making a big statement of humility with that stupid Fiat, yet hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent in keeping him secure.Not to mention the financial loss to business and working people as he goes around from one major city to another. It's also hilarious that he goes around "feeding the homeless", while the Vatican is the richest land owner and organization in the world by far. Perhaps they cough up some of the money themselves, instead of preaching other countries to do so? Or maybe selling off one or two of the hundreds of thousands of master pieces in the Vatican worth trillions (and some are priceless) to feed the poor or needy. What would Jesus do?!

The Catholic Church is the Biggest Financial Power on Earth | Humans Are Free

"The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe.

“The pope, as the visible ruler of this immense amassment of wealth, is consequently the richest individual of the twentieth century. No one can realistically assess how much he is worth in terms of billions of dollars.” (...)

Their wealth is so big that they could create sustainable social programs to end famine on Earth; they have the power and the means to oppose wars; they have the financial resources to create an Eco-friendly planet -- the biblical heaven on Earth.

roudy-----hubby and me had a small debate--------demonstrating my lousy Hebrew-----he asked me why they are making an issue of the pope's car? and why does
the pope always keep his eyes down like a young Chassidic boy? I explained
"ANAV"-----he laughed and then said-- "NAH" He asked "why does he
say "PRAY FOR ME" "ISN'T he supposed to be the person doing the praying
for the rest of the world" -----I said "TOM" (as in the personality type) He
said "You don't understand those words" -----well-----I can explain it to you---
The pope is playing even more devious than do those damned, sneaky
ZIONISTS (he is jealous of the reputation that the Vatican threw on

The whole "car" scam is orchestrated by the leftist run media, as justification for their environmental fascism policies. Have you ever been inside the Vatican? It's the most beautiful and valuable building in the world, in my opinion. But two things do not come to my mind when I think of the Vatican, "God" and "humble" wouldn't be it. More like overwhelming "materialism" and...lots of "idols".

It's the most expensive private residence on earth, Roudy. It is the devil's house. It is where the devil lives - his palace on earth - it is full of wickedness and satanic things - it is downright evil. It is Satan's church on earth. The Roman Catholic Church is the Church of Satan. This Pope could very well be the Beast warned about in the Bible. It would not be possible for him to be the anti-Christ but it is most definitely possible that he is the Beast that the Bible warned would come. We'll know soon enough.
I find it funny that he's making a big statement of humility with that stupid Fiat, yet hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent in keeping him secure.Not to mention the financial loss to business and working people as he goes around from one major city to another. It's also hilarious that he goes around "feeding the homeless", while the Vatican is the richest land owner and organization in the world by far. Perhaps they cough up some of the money themselves, instead of preaching other countries to do so? Or maybe selling off one or two of the hundreds of thousands of master pieces in the Vatican worth trillions (and some are priceless) to feed the poor or needy. What would Jesus do?!

The Catholic Church is the Biggest Financial Power on Earth | Humans Are Free

"The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe.

“The pope, as the visible ruler of this immense amassment of wealth, is consequently the richest individual of the twentieth century. No one can realistically assess how much he is worth in terms of billions of dollars.” (...)

Their wealth is so big that they could create sustainable social programs to end famine on Earth; they have the power and the means to oppose wars; they have the financial resources to create an Eco-friendly planet -- the biblical heaven on Earth.

roudy-----hubby and me had a small debate--------demonstrating my lousy Hebrew-----he asked me why they are making an issue of the pope's car? and why does
the pope always keep his eyes down like a young Chassidic boy? I explained
"ANAV"-----he laughed and then said-- "NAH" He asked "why does he
say "PRAY FOR ME" "ISN'T he supposed to be the person doing the praying
for the rest of the world" -----I said "TOM" (as in the personality type) He
said "You don't understand those words" -----well-----I can explain it to you---
The pope is playing even more devious than do those damned, sneaky
ZIONISTS (he is jealous of the reputation that the Vatican threw on

The whole "car" scam is orchestrated by the leftist run media, as justification for their environmental fascism policies. Have you ever been inside the Vatican? It's the most beautiful and valuable building in the world, in my opinion. But two things do not come to my mind when I think of the Vatican, "God" and "humble" wouldn't be it. More like overwhelming "materialism" and...lots of "idols".

It's the most expensive private residence on earth, Roudy. It is the devil's house. It is where the devil lives - his palace on earth - it is full of wickedness and satanic things - it is downright evil. It is Satan's church on earth. The Roman Catholic Church is the Church of Satan. This Pope could very well be the Beast warned about in the Bible. It would not be possible for him to be the anti-Christ but it is most definitely possible that he is the Beast that the Bible warned would come. We'll know soon enough.

You mean John Bayner was crying for the devil. Ha ha ha. Well, the phrase "it's the 1930's all over again" is very applicable here. Back then we also had a Pope that was out to appease the Nazis and was actually responsible for the rise of Nazism.
I find it funny that he's making a big statement of humility with that stupid Fiat, yet hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent in keeping him secure.Not to mention the financial loss to business and working people as he goes around from one major city to another. It's also hilarious that he goes around "feeding the homeless", while the Vatican is the richest land owner and organization in the world by far. Perhaps they cough up some of the money themselves, instead of preaching other countries to do so? Or maybe selling off one or two of the hundreds of thousands of master pieces in the Vatican worth trillions (and some are priceless) to feed the poor or needy. What would Jesus do?!

The Catholic Church is the Biggest Financial Power on Earth | Humans Are Free

"The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe.

“The pope, as the visible ruler of this immense amassment of wealth, is consequently the richest individual of the twentieth century. No one can realistically assess how much he is worth in terms of billions of dollars.” (...)

Their wealth is so big that they could create sustainable social programs to end famine on Earth; they have the power and the means to oppose wars; they have the financial resources to create an Eco-friendly planet -- the biblical heaven on Earth.

roudy-----hubby and me had a small debate--------demonstrating my lousy Hebrew-----he asked me why they are making an issue of the pope's car? and why does
the pope always keep his eyes down like a young Chassidic boy? I explained
"ANAV"-----he laughed and then said-- "NAH" He asked "why does he
say "PRAY FOR ME" "ISN'T he supposed to be the person doing the praying
for the rest of the world" -----I said "TOM" (as in the personality type) He
said "You don't understand those words" -----well-----I can explain it to you---
The pope is playing even more devious than do those damned, sneaky
ZIONISTS (he is jealous of the reputation that the Vatican threw on

The whole "car" scam is orchestrated by the leftist run media, as justification for their environmental fascism policies. Have you ever been inside the Vatican? It's the most beautiful and valuable building in the world, in my opinion. But two things do not come to my mind when I think of the Vatican, "God" and "humble" wouldn't be it. More like overwhelming "materialism" and...lots of "idols".

same answers the "isn't he wonderful for going to lunch with the homeless ---rather to some SUMPTUOUS feast with the congressmen" supidity

Please! He could care less about the homeless! It is all a lie! It's all a lie! His Nuncio was preying on homeless boys to molest them for money and arranged for his assistant to procure children for him to molest. He preyed on one child by offering medicine for his illness which was serious and he had no money to buy it - Francis's Nuncio gave the boy the medicine and then molested him in exchange for the medicine! Then when the boys learned the man molesting them for money was the Nuncio to Pope Francis they reported it and guess what? Before the authorities could arrest him? Francis had him whisked away to Rome to stay at the Vatican so he wouldn't face charges. Then he lied to the press and said the Paedophile Nuncio would stay under house arrest. But the people saw the Nuncio walking freely on the streets of Rome without any supervision and found out he wasn't under house arrest! The people were lied to! If that were not enough - the Pope refused to permit his paedophile Nuncio to be tried in the country where he committed the crimes -even after it came out that Francis's Nuncio had been reported by his own assistant who wrote a confession to the Police admitting that he had procured impoverished children for the Nuncio to molest!!! He was identified by two women in Argentina as the one who raped them when they were small girls. There was a petition for arrest of Francis but the Vatican prevented the arrest from being made. He is accused of being a child rapist and he defends his paedophile Nuncio and prevents him from being put on trial where he committed his crimes against many, many children! For years!

THE MAN IS WICKED! He belongs behind bars! Not in a parade with American's cheering him on! Wake up, America!!!!
I find it funny that he's making a big statement of humility with that stupid Fiat, yet hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent in keeping him secure.Not to mention the financial loss to business and working people as he goes around from one major city to another. It's also hilarious that he goes around "feeding the homeless", while the Vatican is the richest land owner and organization in the world by far. Perhaps they cough up some of the money themselves, instead of preaching other countries to do so? Or maybe selling off one or two of the hundreds of thousands of master pieces in the Vatican worth trillions (and some are priceless) to feed the poor or needy. What would Jesus do?!

The Catholic Church is the Biggest Financial Power on Earth | Humans Are Free

"The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe.

“The pope, as the visible ruler of this immense amassment of wealth, is consequently the richest individual of the twentieth century. No one can realistically assess how much he is worth in terms of billions of dollars.” (...)

Their wealth is so big that they could create sustainable social programs to end famine on Earth; they have the power and the means to oppose wars; they have the financial resources to create an Eco-friendly planet -- the biblical heaven on Earth.

roudy-----hubby and me had a small debate--------demonstrating my lousy Hebrew-----he asked me why they are making an issue of the pope's car? and why does
the pope always keep his eyes down like a young Chassidic boy? I explained
"ANAV"-----he laughed and then said-- "NAH" He asked "why does he
say "PRAY FOR ME" "ISN'T he supposed to be the person doing the praying
for the rest of the world" -----I said "TOM" (as in the personality type) He
said "You don't understand those words" -----well-----I can explain it to you---
The pope is playing even more devious than do those damned, sneaky
ZIONISTS (he is jealous of the reputation that the Vatican threw on

The whole "car" scam is orchestrated by the leftist run media, as justification for their environmental fascism policies. Have you ever been inside the Vatican? It's the most beautiful and valuable building in the world, in my opinion. But two things do not come to my mind when I think of the Vatican, "God" and "humble" wouldn't be it. More like overwhelming "materialism" and...lots of "idols".

It's the most expensive private residence on earth, Roudy. It is the devil's house. It is where the devil lives - his palace on earth - it is full of wickedness and satanic things - it is downright evil. It is Satan's church on earth. The Roman Catholic Church is the Church of Satan. This Pope could very well be the Beast warned about in the Bible. It would not be possible for him to be the anti-Christ but it is most definitely possible that he is the Beast that the Bible warned would come. We'll know soon enough.

oh well---------beast or no beast--------I find him slightly disingenuous-------and these
allegations of his remarkable "humility" and "suffering in a tiny car"------
really idiotic

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