Boycott the Pope's Visit to USA

What you've cited isn't the gospel. It's a letter, i.e. an opinion of someone who never even met Jesus. In the true gospel Jesus gave the leadership of his church to Peter and, since the world wasn't ending anytime soon, to his successors, too. Many of the popes in the past may not have been good men, but that has certainly changed in my lifetime and Francis is no different. He's humble and tries to emulate the saint whose name he took, as much as possible for someone with worldwide responsibilities
konradv, Look up Galatians 1:8,9 in any King James Bible and you'll find this is Bible Scripture. It is New Testament teaching and it is to be obeyed. If you were a Christian who followed Jesus Christ you'd know this. Jorge aka Francis is a false teacher. People should not be listening to him. They should nothing to do with him.

If someday, you reach the gates of heaven, you will be met by the Pope

You will have to attest for your sins
I don't think Saint Peter is going to like his attitude.

The Pope is a direct descendant from St Peter

This is a new one. Any evidence Peter ordained his son to be a pope? Or was it just pope Francis who is a descendant of Peter? Cite please.
Saint Peter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
According to Catholic belief, Simon Peter was distinguished by Jesus to hold the first place of honor and authority. Also in Catholic belief, Peter was first bishop of Rome. Furthermore, they consider every bishop of Rome to be Peter's successor and the rightful superior of all other bishops
All the holy days that are observed by the Jews are found in Scripture. The pagan days that Catholicism introduced are not found in Scripture. Same for all other cults. You won't find their days in the Bible either. Because it isn't of God.
how about the chanukah story? where you find that in your scripture?
konradv, Look up Galatians 1:8,9 in any King James Bible and you'll find this is Bible Scripture. It is New Testament teaching and it is to be obeyed. If you were a Christian who followed Jesus Christ you'd know this. Jorge aka Francis is a false teacher. People should not be listening to him. They should nothing to do with him.

If someday, you reach the gates of heaven, you will be met by the Pope

You will have to attest for your sins
I don't think Saint Peter is going to like his attitude.

The Pope is a direct descendant from St Peter

This is a new one. Any evidence Peter ordained his son to be a pope? Or was it just pope Francis who is a descendant of Peter? Cite please.
Saint Peter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
According to Catholic belief, Simon Peter was distinguished by Jesus to hold the first place of honor and authority. Also in Catholic belief, Peter was first bishop of Rome. Furthermore, they consider every bishop of Rome to be Peter's successor and the rightful superior of all other bishops

Successors and descendants are not the same thing. You claimed descendant back it up.

I've always wondered how Peter was the Bishop of Rome and yet Rome had several Bishops before Peter was crucified.

But then I don't see how bishops succeed apostles. Apostles succeed apostles.
If someday, you reach the gates of heaven, you will be met by the Pope

You will have to attest for your sins
I don't think Saint Peter is going to like his attitude.

The Pope is a direct descendant from St Peter

This is a new one. Any evidence Peter ordained his son to be a pope? Or was it just pope Francis who is a descendant of Peter? Cite please.
Saint Peter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
According to Catholic belief, Simon Peter was distinguished by Jesus to hold the first place of honor and authority. Also in Catholic belief, Peter was first bishop of Rome. Furthermore, they consider every bishop of Rome to be Peter's successor and the rightful superior of all other bishops

Successors and descendants are not the same thing. You claimed descendant back it up.

I've always wondered how Peter was the Bishop of Rome and yet Rome had several Bishops before Peter was crucified.

But then I don't see how bishops succeed apostles. Apostles succeed apostles.

To MAY to......To MATT to

Catholics are the one true Christian religion
All the holy days that are observed by the Jews are found in Scripture. The pagan days that Catholicism introduced are not found in Scripture. Same for all other cults. You won't find their days in the Bible either. Because it isn't of God.
Was Matthew 18:18 left out of your Bible? It's in my KJV! When the so-called pagan days were co-opted, they became Christian days. That's the way the faith was spread. The people were told they could keep their holidays, they just meant something different, now. Christianity incorporates traditions from all cultures and they're ALL from God.
Begging the question. you have no evidence. You're just assuming that since the pope is intelligent that he picked this day with some sinister intention towards the Jews. Not a compelling argument.

Tell me this, what purpose does arriving on the feast day do? Catholics won't care since its not a Catholic holiday. Jews won't care because the pope isn't Jewish and they will celebrate the day of atonement as they usually do. What is the evil plan here?

And I'm familiar with the Jesuits. I studies at Ignatius Loyola quite in depth and admir much about him and the Jesuits. They are amazing missionaries

Well what do you know about that. An actual post from one of our Perfect Christians and I agree with it.

Mormons are not Christians. Neither are Catholics. You will find the definition of a Christian to be one who follows Jesus Christ alone, confesses Jesus is God and obeys Him and His Doctrine - not the Doctrines of men. Cult religions lift up their own leaders / founders / false doctrines above the Word of God and above Jesus Christ. They also claim to be the one true "religion" and "their books" to be believed over the truth in the King James Bible. Jesus Christ never taught religion denominations. There is only one definition for a Christian. Are you born again? See John Chapter 3, Luddly.

Your definition of Christian would include both Mormons and Catholics.

Do you even know what the Doctrine of Christ is?
Sure, it tells you when to change your special underwear. Right?

You need someone to tell you when to change your underwear? Way too much info bro. If that's the case I recommend a bath and a change cause you probably aren't changing enough.
Ha! Another insult from a supposed man of god. You're such a fucking faker, lol. See you in hell. :lol:
I wonder what the Pope would say about the golden plates? Burst out laughing? Or ask: What's that? :D
This is a new one. Any evidence Peter ordained his son to be a pope? Or was it just pope Francis who is a descendant of Peter? Cite please.
The papacy isn't an inherited position, it's elective.

God picks his favorite as Pope
So god wanted a drunk Pope this time who can't even speak English? Um... Ya sure. :lol:

Jesus didn't speak English
He wasn't blonde haired and blue eyed either

Nice Jewish boy
Last edited:
Well what do you know about that. An actual post from one of our Perfect Christians and I agree with it.

Mormons are not Christians. Neither are Catholics. You will find the definition of a Christian to be one who follows Jesus Christ alone, confesses Jesus is God and obeys Him and His Doctrine - not the Doctrines of men. Cult religions lift up their own leaders / founders / false doctrines above the Word of God and above Jesus Christ. They also claim to be the one true "religion" and "their books" to be believed over the truth in the King James Bible. Jesus Christ never taught religion denominations. There is only one definition for a Christian. Are you born again? See John Chapter 3, Luddly.

Your definition of Christian would include both Mormons and Catholics.

Do you even know what the Doctrine of Christ is?
Sure, it tells you when to change your special underwear. Right?

You need someone to tell you when to change your underwear? Way too much info bro. If that's the case I recommend a bath and a change cause you probably aren't changing enough.
Ha! Another insult from a supposed man of god. You're such a fucking faker, lol. See you in hell. :lol:

I'll gladly go to hell to bring you out. Do you usually take encouragements for hygiene as insults? Your dentist must love encouraging you to brush your teeth.
This is a new one. Any evidence Peter ordained his son to be a pope? Or was it just pope Francis who is a descendant of Peter? Cite please.
The papacy isn't an inherited position, it's elective.

God picks his favorite as Pope
So god wanted a drunk Pope this time who can't even speak English? Um... Ya sure. :lol:
You don't seem to be very fluent either. What's your excuse?
If he comes? Ignore him and do not show up for this nonsense. He isn't a world leader. He isn't a spokesman for God. He is a false prophet. Have nothing to do with him.

The bible is clear that those who do not bring the Doctrine of Jesus Christ we are not to receive into our own home. We are to have nothing to do with them. So turn off your televisions, I phones, computers and ignore the news if he still insists on forcing himself on Americans.

This dog and pony show they are putting on for him is an utter disgrace considering that the Obama administration did not do any thing even close for our true friend and ally - the leader of Israel - Benjamin Netanyahu. My advice to Americans? Stay Home. Boycott this Pope's Visit to America. Pray for a torrential downpour every where he goes! Amen? Amen!

This is his official schedule! As if this son of hell is royalty? He represents himself, Satan and a NWO. He does not represent the Lord Jesus Christ, he is not an ambassador for Jesus Christ and he does not preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing and those with eyes to see and ears to hear should warn their friends, co-workers, loved ones to avoid him like the plague.

General Schedule of Pope Francis U.S.Visit 2015

Pope Francis Visits Washington D.C.
  • Tuesday, September 22, 2015
    • 4pm: Pope Francis arrives in D.C. at Joint Base Andrews at 4 p.m.
  • Wednesday, September 23, 2015
    • 9:15 a.m: White House Welcoming Ceremony and personal meeting with President Barack Obama
    • 11:00 a.m. Papal Parade along the Ellipse and the National Mall
    • 11:30 a.m: Midday Prayer with U.S. bishops at Saint Matthew’s Cathedral in D.C.
    • 4:15 p.m: Junipero Serra Canonization Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
  • Thursday, September 24, 2015
    • 9:20 a.m: Arrival at Capitol
    • 10 a.m. Speech to the Senate and House of Representatives (Joint Session of Congress)
    • 11 a.m. Brief appearance on West Front of Capitol
    • 11:15 a.m: Visit to St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in D.C. and Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington
    • 4 p.m: Departure for New York from Joint Base Andrews (D.C.)
    • 5 p.m. Arrival at John F. Kennedy International Airport (New York)
    • 6:45 p.m. Evening prayer at St. Patrick’s Cathedral (New York)
    • _____________________
    • This man is not a world leader and he does not represent Christianity. This is obscene to say the very least. I pray to God the weather is so bad he has to cancel.


It's the end of the world!!!

Not even close. First the prophecy about Israel is going to be fulfilled. 2/3's of all the Jews will be killed in the future with only 1 part remaining (in Israel) and I believe that prophecy is in direct relation to the anti-Christ. We'll see how well you like the Roman System after that news comes to fruition, Stat. You trust what you shouldn't because you do not trust Who you should with your entire life (God Almighty). You'll learn.
First the prophecy about Israel is going to be fulfilled. 2/3's of all the Jews will be killed in the future with only 1 part remaining (in Israel)
And that is why you bible kooks want Jews to return to Israel because in your twisted fantasy only then will your man god come back , The Jews are just cannon fodder to your fundy cross grovelers
Mormons are not Christians. Neither are Catholics. You will find the definition of a Christian to be one who follows Jesus Christ alone, confesses Jesus is God and obeys Him and His Doctrine - not the Doctrines of men. Cult religions lift up their own leaders / founders / false doctrines above the Word of God and above Jesus Christ. They also claim to be the one true "religion" and "their books" to be believed over the truth in the King James Bible. Jesus Christ never taught religion denominations. There is only one definition for a Christian. Are you born again? See John Chapter 3, Luddly.

Your definition of Christian would include both Mormons and Catholics.

Do you even know what the Doctrine of Christ is?
Sure, it tells you when to change your special underwear. Right?

You need someone to tell you when to change your underwear? Way too much info bro. If that's the case I recommend a bath and a change cause you probably aren't changing enough.
Ha! Another insult from a supposed man of god. You're such a fucking faker, lol. See you in hell. :lol:

I'll gladly go to hell to bring you out. Do you usually take encouragements for hygiene as insults? Your dentist must love encouraging you to brush your teeth.
Ya, like you're stunned that you got caught insulting someone. :lmao:
This is a new one. Any evidence Peter ordained his son to be a pope? Or was it just pope Francis who is a descendant of Peter? Cite please.
The papacy isn't an inherited position, it's elective.

God picks his favorite as Pope
So god wanted a drunk Pope this time who can't even speak English? Um... Ya sure. :lol:
You don't seem to be very fluent either. What's your excuse?
I don't drink as much as the Pope. :D

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