Boycott the Pope's Visit to USA

To Jeremiah the only godly people in this world are Jews and her sect of snake handling Christians. All others are the product of demons or the devil himself. And the only reason she believes the Jews are godly is b/c she wants to piggy back on their "chosen people" status. She thinks that will get her into the Kingdom of Heaven.

She wrote that catholic beliefs are not in the bible but what religions beliefs are?

Its all made up, fiction based on a fictional book.
it fascinates me that this historic event is happening on yom kippur eve.
An interesting factoid

I am not sure HOW one boycotts it-------I had the TV on----so-----I did not boycott it------I guess I will probably not buy a POPE commemorative coffee mug

You think he did that on purpose as a snub?

Absolutely he did it on purpose! Don't get me started. That son of the devil has a lot of nerve. End of discussion. Goodnight.

There is zero reason to believe that.

there is absolutely zero reason to believe that he did not do it "on purpose".
Everything the pope does is carefully 'crafted' by a legion of assistants.
If President Obama served roast whole pig at a white house dinner including
representatives from Iran----that would be a "coincidence"??

People do not understand how Jesuits are chosen, Rosie. To be a Jesuit that reaches the level Jorge (aka Francis) has reached they must be Masters of Deceit, utterly brilliant and clever in their strategies with the subtlety and craftiness of Satan. If any man depicts this ability to a "T", it is him. It did not escape my attention that he had chosen the holiest day of the year for Jews to make his arrival in America. Nothing the Vatican does is without the most cunning and deceitful strategies. This entire thing was a plot inspired of the Jesuits - who are notorious in their hatred of the Jews and Christians who boldly PROTEST their false church (how we got our name - Protest - ANTS.)
Satan's influence has obviously turned you away from God.
To Jeremiah the only godly people in this world are Jews and her sect of snake handling Christians. All others are the product of demons or the devil himself. And the only reason she believes the Jews are godly is b/c she wants to piggy back on their "chosen people" status. She thinks that will get her into the Kingdom of Heaven.

She wrote that catholic beliefs are not in the bible but what religions beliefs are?

Its all made up, fiction based on a fictional book.
Such a bold new vision you have, groundbreaking and innovative.
God doesn't have a single rep. on earth.
Writing your own book now? Ignore what Jesus said at your own peril!

The Body of Christ is God's representatives on earth. The Body of Christ are those who have been born again and obey the commandments of God believing the King James Bible and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not those who are members of organized religion that has no salvation in it. Catholicism has no salvation in it. Mormonism has no salvation in it. Jehovah Witnesses have no salvation in it. All these have their own books, their own doctrines, their own beliefs that oppose the Written Word of God.

He is right. God does not have a "single person" representing Him on the earth. This man Jorge aka Francis represents a false church and is an anti-Christ false prophet. He is not representing God in any way, shape or form. Anyone following this man Jorge is lost. Seriously lost.

My prayer is that God will cancel Jorge's out door mass in Philadephia, that the rain will stop the people from attending. My God is able to send a storm and rain it out. The storm is already brewing! I'm believing Him for it!

That's not how Jesus would treat the Pope.
No doubt atheists enjoy watching Christians squabble over petty differences of doctrine and practice.
All the holy days that are observed by the Jews are found in Scripture. The pagan days that Catholicism introduced are not found in Scripture. Same for all other cults. You won't find their days in the Bible either. Because it isn't of God.
I guess that almost makes sense if you just completely ignore the New Testament.
Begging the question. you have no evidence. You're just assuming that since the pope is intelligent that he picked this day with some sinister intention towards the Jews. Not a compelling argument.

Tell me this, what purpose does arriving on the feast day do? Catholics won't care since its not a Catholic holiday. Jews won't care because the pope isn't Jewish and they will celebrate the day of atonement as they usually do. What is the evil plan here?

And I'm familiar with the Jesuits. I studies at Ignatius Loyola quite in depth and admir much about him and the Jesuits. They are amazing missionaries

Well what do you know about that. An actual post from one of our Perfect Christians and I agree with it.

Mormons are not Christians. Neither are Catholics. You will find the definition of a Christian to be one who follows Jesus Christ alone, confesses Jesus is God and obeys Him and His Doctrine - not the Doctrines of men. Cult religions lift up their own leaders / founders / false doctrines above the Word of God and above Jesus Christ. They also claim to be the one true "religion" and "their books" to be believed over the truth in the King James Bible. Jesus Christ never taught religion denominations. There is only one definition for a Christian. Are you born again? See John Chapter 3, Luddly.

Your definition of Christian would include both Mormons and Catholics.

Do you even know what the Doctrine of Christ is?
God doesn't have a single rep. on earth.
Writing your own book now? Ignore what Jesus said at your own peril!

The Body of Christ is God's representatives on earth. The Body of Christ are those who have been born again and obey the commandments of God believing the King James Bible and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not those who are members of organized religion that has no salvation in it. Catholicism has no salvation in it. Mormonism has no salvation in it. Jehovah Witnesses have no salvation in it. All these have their own books, their own doctrines, their own beliefs that oppose the Written Word of God.

He is right. God does not have a "single person" representing Him on the earth. This man Jorge aka Francis represents a false church and is an anti-Christ false prophet. He is not representing God in any way, shape or form. Anyone following this man Jorge is lost. Seriously lost.

My prayer is that God will cancel Jorge's out door mass in Philadephia, that the rain will stop the people from attending. My God is able to send a storm and rain it out. The storm is already brewing! I'm believing Him for it!

That's not how Jesus would treat the Pope.
No doubt atheists enjoy watching Christians squabble over petty differences of doctrine and practice.

Funny watching them fight over who Jesus likes best
Begging the question. you have no evidence. You're just assuming that since the pope is intelligent that he picked this day with some sinister intention towards the Jews. Not a compelling argument.

Tell me this, what purpose does arriving on the feast day do? Catholics won't care since its not a Catholic holiday. Jews won't care because the pope isn't Jewish and they will celebrate the day of atonement as they usually do. What is the evil plan here?

And I'm familiar with the Jesuits. I studies at Ignatius Loyola quite in depth and admir much about him and the Jesuits. They are amazing missionaries

Well what do you know about that. An actual post from one of our Perfect Christians and I agree with it.

Mormons are not Christians. Neither are Catholics. You will find the definition of a Christian to be one who follows Jesus Christ alone, confesses Jesus is God and obeys Him and His Doctrine - not the Doctrines of men. Cult religions lift up their own leaders / founders / false doctrines above the Word of God and above Jesus Christ. They also claim to be the one true "religion" and "their books" to be believed over the truth in the King James Bible. Jesus Christ never taught religion denominations. There is only one definition for a Christian. Are you born again? See John Chapter 3, Luddly.

Catholics are the only true Christians

The other faiths are made up of those who could not cut it as Catholics

God knows the difference
God doesn't have a single rep. on earth.
Writing your own book now? Ignore what Jesus said at your own peril!

The Body of Christ is God's representatives on earth. The Body of Christ are those who have been born again and obey the commandments of God believing the King James Bible and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not those who are members of organized religion that has no salvation in it. Catholicism has no salvation in it. Mormonism has no salvation in it. Jehovah Witnesses have no salvation in it. All these have their own books, their own doctrines, their own beliefs that oppose the Written Word of God.

He is right. God does not have a "single person" representing Him on the earth. This man Jorge aka Francis represents a false church and is an anti-Christ false prophet. He is not representing God in any way, shape or form. Anyone following this man Jorge is lost. Seriously lost.

My prayer is that God will cancel Jorge's out door mass in Philadephia, that the rain will stop the people from attending. My God is able to send a storm and rain it out. The storm is already brewing! I'm believing Him for it!

That's not how Jesus would treat the Pope.
No doubt atheists enjoy watching Christians squabble over petty differences of doctrine and practice.
No doubt atheists enjoy watching Christians squabble over petty differences of doctrine and practice.

It is written:

But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed
Galatians 1:8,9

Jorge aka Francis is accursed. He is a deceitful worker of Satan preaching a false gospel. People need to stop listening to him. Have nothing to do with him. The Scriptures of the King James Bible have already warned you of this. What more do you need? A lightning bolt from heaven?
It is written:

But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed
Galatians 1:8,9

Jorge aka Francis is accursed. He is a deceitful worker of Satan preaching a false gospel. People need to stop listening to him. Have nothing to do with him. The Scriptures of the King James Bible have already warned you of this. What more do you need? A lightning bolt from heaven?

Only through the Popes love and guidance can we achieve the Kingdom of Heaven

Prophets of Satan like Jeremiah are trying to lead you astray

So it is it is done
It is written:

But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed
Galatians 1:8,9

Jorge aka Francis is accursed. He is a deceitful worker of Satan preaching a false gospel. People need to stop listening to him. Have nothing to do with him. The Scriptures of the King James Bible have already warned you of this. What more do you need? A lightning bolt from heaven?
A lightning bolt. Is that what happened to you? That would explain a few things.
God doesn't have a single rep. on earth.
Writing your own book now? Ignore what Jesus said at your own peril!

The Body of Christ is God's representatives on earth. The Body of Christ are those who have been born again and obey the commandments of God believing the King James Bible and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not those who are members of organized religion that has no salvation in it. Catholicism has no salvation in it. Mormonism has no salvation in it. Jehovah Witnesses have no salvation in it. All these have their own books, their own doctrines, their own beliefs that oppose the Written Word of God.

He is right. God does not have a "single person" representing Him on the earth. This man Jorge aka Francis represents a false church and is an anti-Christ false prophet. He is not representing God in any way, shape or form. Anyone following this man Jorge is lost. Seriously lost.

My prayer is that God will cancel Jorge's out door mass in Philadephia, that the rain will stop the people from attending. My God is able to send a storm and rain it out. The storm is already brewing! I'm believing Him for it!

That's not how Jesus would treat the Pope.
No doubt atheists enjoy watching Christians squabble over petty differences of doctrine and practice.

Funny watching them fight over who Jesus likes best
My team has a better cheer.
It is written:But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. Galatians 1:8,9Jorge aka Francis is accursed. He is a deceitful worker of Satan preaching a false gospel. People need to stop listening to him. Have nothing to do with him. The Scriptures of the King James Bible have already warned you of this. What more do you need? A lightning bolt from heaven?
What you've cited isn't the gospel. It's a letter, i.e. an opinion of someone who never even met Jesus. In the true gospel Jesus gave the leadership of his church to Peter and, since the world wasn't ending anytime soon, to his successors, too. Many of the popes in the past may not have been good men, but that has certainly changed in my lifetime and Francis is no different. He's humble and tries to emulate the saint whose name he took, as much as possible for someone with worldwide responsibilities
Begging the question. you have no evidence. You're just assuming that since the pope is intelligent that he picked this day with some sinister intention towards the Jews. Not a compelling argument.

Tell me this, what purpose does arriving on the feast day do? Catholics won't care since its not a Catholic holiday. Jews won't care because the pope isn't Jewish and they will celebrate the day of atonement as they usually do. What is the evil plan here?

And I'm familiar with the Jesuits. I studies at Ignatius Loyola quite in depth and admir much about him and the Jesuits. They are amazing missionaries

Well what do you know about that. An actual post from one of our Perfect Christians and I agree with it.

Mormons are not Christians. Neither are Catholics. You will find the definition of a Christian to be one who follows Jesus Christ alone, confesses Jesus is God and obeys Him and His Doctrine - not the Doctrines of men. Cult religions lift up their own leaders / founders / false doctrines above the Word of God and above Jesus Christ. They also claim to be the one true "religion" and "their books" to be believed over the truth in the King James Bible. Jesus Christ never taught religion denominations. There is only one definition for a Christian. Are you born again? See John Chapter 3, Luddly.

Your definition of Christian would include both Mormons and Catholics.

Do you even know what the Doctrine of Christ is?
Sure, it tells you when to change your special underwear. Right?
It is written:But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. Galatians 1:8,9Jorge aka Francis is accursed. He is a deceitful worker of Satan preaching a false gospel. People need to stop listening to him. Have nothing to do with him. The Scriptures of the King James Bible have already warned you of this. What more do you need? A lightning bolt from heaven?
What you've cited isn't the gospel. It's a letter, i.e. an opinion of someone who never even met Jesus. In the true gospel Jesus gave the leadership of his church to Peter and, since the world wasn't ending anytime soon, to his successors, too. Many of the popes in the past may not have been good men, but that has certainly changed in my lifetime and Francis is no different. He's humble and tries to emulate the saint whose name he took, as much as possible for someone with worldwide responsibilities
konradv, Look up Galatians 1:8,9 in any King James Bible and you'll find this is Bible Scripture. It is New Testament teaching and it is to be obeyed. If you were a Christian who followed Jesus Christ you'd know this. Jorge aka Francis is a false teacher. People should not be listening to him. They should nothing to do with him.
It is written:But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. Galatians 1:8,9Jorge aka Francis is accursed. He is a deceitful worker of Satan preaching a false gospel. People need to stop listening to him. Have nothing to do with him. The Scriptures of the King James Bible have already warned you of this. What more do you need? A lightning bolt from heaven?
What you've cited isn't the gospel. It's a letter, i.e. an opinion of someone who never even met Jesus. In the true gospel Jesus gave the leadership of his church to Peter and, since the world wasn't ending anytime soon, to his successors, too. Many of the popes in the past may not have been good men, but that has certainly changed in my lifetime and Francis is no different. He's humble and tries to emulate the saint whose name he took, as much as possible for someone with worldwide responsibilities
konradv, Look up Galatians 1:8,9 in any King James Bible and you'll find this is Bible Scripture. It is New Testament teaching and it is to be obeyed. If you were a Christian who followed Jesus Christ you'd know this. Jorge aka Francis is a false teacher. People should not be listening to him. They should nothing to do with him.

If someday, you reach the gates of heaven, you will be met by the Pope

You will have to attest for your sins
It is written:But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. Galatians 1:8,9Jorge aka Francis is accursed. He is a deceitful worker of Satan preaching a false gospel. People need to stop listening to him. Have nothing to do with him. The Scriptures of the King James Bible have already warned you of this. What more do you need? A lightning bolt from heaven?
What you've cited isn't the gospel. It's a letter, i.e. an opinion of someone who never even met Jesus. In the true gospel Jesus gave the leadership of his church to Peter and, since the world wasn't ending anytime soon, to his successors, too. Many of the popes in the past may not have been good men, but that has certainly changed in my lifetime and Francis is no different. He's humble and tries to emulate the saint whose name he took, as much as possible for someone with worldwide responsibilities
konradv, Look up Galatians 1:8,9 in any King James Bible and you'll find this is Bible Scripture. It is New Testament teaching and it is to be obeyed. If you were a Christian who followed Jesus Christ you'd know this. Jorge aka Francis is a false teacher. People should not be listening to him. They should nothing to do with him.
The KJV was written in the 1600's a lot of satanic influence i am sure

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