Boycott the Pope's Visit to USA

Begging the question. you have no evidence. You're just assuming that since the pope is intelligent that he picked this day with some sinister intention towards the Jews. Not a compelling argument.

Tell me this, what purpose does arriving on the feast day do? Catholics won't care since its not a Catholic holiday. Jews won't care because the pope isn't Jewish and they will celebrate the day of atonement as they usually do. What is the evil plan here?

And I'm familiar with the Jesuits. I studies at Ignatius Loyola quite in depth and admir much about him and the Jesuits. They are amazing missionaries

Well what do you know about that. An actual post from one of our Perfect Christians and I agree with it.

Mormons are not Christians. Neither are Catholics. You will find the definition of a Christian to be one who follows Jesus Christ alone, confesses Jesus is God and obeys Him and His Doctrine - not the Doctrines of men. Cult religions lift up their own leaders / founders / false doctrines above the Word of God and above Jesus Christ. They also claim to be the one true "religion" and "their books" to be believed over the truth in the King James Bible. Jesus Christ never taught religion denominations. There is only one definition for a Christian. Are you born again? See John Chapter 3, Luddly.

But, you said a true Christian acknowledges the true holy days. Now you say -

What do you say?

Mostly, what you say is you're the only "true christian" and then post endless bible verses.
One of the false teachings of Catholicism is that the Pope is God on the earth and has the authority of God on the earth therein he should have more power, more authority to rule the earth than all presidents, Kings, Queens, all as in all authority. He thinks he is God. This law in Catholicism is called Temporal Powers and it has quite a history! The Political ambitions of the Vatican expose it for what it is. A false church.

This is EXACTLY how we were taught in my home. We were taught that the pope is sinless, and next to God. We were taught many lies, which we realized when we became adults. My mother still judges me and calls me a "fallen away Catholic". She thinks the Catholics go to heaven but everyone else is "iffy".

Yes, this is a typical happening in Roman Catholic families, I was disowned by mine after I became a born again Christian. (back in 89') Later some of them talked to me for a time but as they know I am adamantly opposed to Catholicism, the false teachings and the bondage it puts people under we no longer stay in touch. I cannot apologize for telling people the truth. If we don't tell them the truth we'd have their blood on our hands if they should remain in Catholicism and end up in hell. I'm sorry for what you have suffered - it isn't pleasant and it is always a deep grief to see loved ones choose to follow tradition and the demon inspired Doctrines of men rather than Jesus Christ.
quite lying. you were never catholic

I was born and raised in a very devout Roman Catholic Family. I know what I am talking about. There is no salvation in Roman Catholicism. It is a cult.
jeri you are too ignorant about basic facts to have ever been raised in a catholic family. so there's two options - you lie about your understanding of catholic teachings or you were never catholic. you spew your malformed opinions far too often for those to be lies but this claim to come from a catholic home is relatively new.

either way, you need to stop lying.

I am not lying and your insistence that I am has no bearing on the truth. The truth is the truth whether you like it or not.
Begging the question. you have no evidence. You're just assuming that since the pope is intelligent that he picked this day with some sinister intention towards the Jews. Not a compelling argument.

Tell me this, what purpose does arriving on the feast day do? Catholics won't care since its not a Catholic holiday. Jews won't care because the pope isn't Jewish and they will celebrate the day of atonement as they usually do. What is the evil plan here?

And I'm familiar with the Jesuits. I studies at Ignatius Loyola quite in depth and admir much about him and the Jesuits. They are amazing missionaries

Well what do you know about that. An actual post from one of our Perfect Christians and I agree with it.

Mormons are not Christians. Neither are Catholics. You will find the definition of a Christian to be one who follows Jesus Christ alone, confesses Jesus is God and obeys Him and His Doctrine - not the Doctrines of men. Cult religions lift up their own leaders / founders / false doctrines above the Word of God and above Jesus Christ. They also claim to be the one true "religion" and "their books" to be believed over the truth in the King James Bible. Jesus Christ never taught religion denominations. There is only one definition for a Christian. Are you born again? See John Chapter 3, Luddly.

But, you said a true Christian acknowledges the true holy days. Now you say -

What do you say?

Mostly, what you say is you're the only "true christian" and then post endless bible verses.
also she says that jesuits are the devil.

speaking of the devil, i hope jeri works free of the grip he has on her heart.
This is EXACTLY how we were taught in my home. We were taught that the pope is sinless, and next to God. We were taught many lies, which we realized when we became adults. My mother still judges me and calls me a "fallen away Catholic". She thinks the Catholics go to heaven but everyone else is "iffy".

Yes, this is a typical happening in Roman Catholic families, I was disowned by mine after I became a born again Christian. (back in 89') Later some of them talked to me for a time but as they know I am adamantly opposed to Catholicism, the false teachings and the bondage it puts people under we no longer stay in touch. I cannot apologize for telling people the truth. If we don't tell them the truth we'd have their blood on our hands if they should remain in Catholicism and end up in hell. I'm sorry for what you have suffered - it isn't pleasant and it is always a deep grief to see loved ones choose to follow tradition and the demon inspired Doctrines of men rather than Jesus Christ.
quite lying. you were never catholic

I was born and raised in a very devout Roman Catholic Family. I know what I am talking about. There is no salvation in Roman Catholicism. It is a cult.
jeri you are too ignorant about basic facts to have ever been raised in a catholic family. so there's two options - you lie about your understanding of catholic teachings or you were never catholic. you spew your malformed opinions far too often for those to be lies but this claim to come from a catholic home is relatively new.

either way, you need to stop lying.

I am not lying and your insistence that I am has no bearing on the truth. The truth is the truth whether you like it or not.
jeri it's painfully obvious you're a liar. you're either lying about what you claim to believe or your lying about growing up catholic. either way you're ignorant, but i think the more probable lie is that you were never catholic
Begging the question. you have no evidence. You're just assuming that since the pope is intelligent that he picked this day with some sinister intention towards the Jews. Not a compelling argument.

Tell me this, what purpose does arriving on the feast day do? Catholics won't care since its not a Catholic holiday. Jews won't care because the pope isn't Jewish and they will celebrate the day of atonement as they usually do. What is the evil plan here?

And I'm familiar with the Jesuits. I studies at Ignatius Loyola quite in depth and admir much about him and the Jesuits. They are amazing missionaries

Well what do you know about that. An actual post from one of our Perfect Christians and I agree with it.

Mormons are not Christians. Neither are Catholics. You will find the definition of a Christian to be one who follows Jesus Christ alone, confesses Jesus is God and obeys Him and His Doctrine - not the Doctrines of men. Cult religions lift up their own leaders / founders / false doctrines above the Word of God and above Jesus Christ. They also claim to be the one true "religion" and "their books" to be believed over the truth in the King James Bible. Jesus Christ never taught religion denominations. There is only one definition for a Christian. Are you born again? See John Chapter 3, Luddly.

But, you said a true Christian acknowledges the true holy days. Now you say -

What do you say?

Mostly, what you say is you're the only "true christian" and then post endless bible verses.

Right. The Bereans studied the scriptures to make sure Paul was preaching the exact truth. Had the Mormons done the same with Joseph Smith they would not have followed him. Ditto for those deceived by Catholicism. I'll post a video from a former Roman Catholic who can tell you how he was deceived by Catholicism (he was raised in Catholicism) because he never fact checked them according to King James bible Scripture. Today? He is freed from that cult and is a follower of Jesus Christ today! To God be the glory!

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God did not give us His word in order that the RCC can add over a thousand "canons" to it with new rules and regulations to follow!If they were a true church, they would seek to expound on Scripture. Instead they have given us "infallible" statements, encyclicals, some catechisms and a truckload of canons----leaving Scripture for the laity to figure out for themselves. And they claim God assigned them to be "custodians" of the Bible?
The RCC was the compiler of the Bible. Why wouldn't they worry about how it was interpreted? Given Matt.18:18, Luther's doctrine of sola scriptura is unscriptural.
All the holy days that are observed by the Jews are found in Scripture. The pagan days that Catholicism introduced are not found in Scripture. Same for all other cults. You won't find their days in the Bible either. Because it isn't of God.
God doesn't have a single rep. on earth.
Writing your own book now? Ignore what Jesus said at your own peril!

The Body of Christ is God's representatives on earth. The Body of Christ are those who have been born again and obey the commandments of God believing the King James Bible and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not those who are members of organized religion that has no salvation in it. Catholicism has no salvation in it. Mormonism has no salvation in it. Jehovah Witnesses have no salvation in it. All these have their own books, their own doctrines, their own beliefs that oppose the Written Word of God.

He is right. God does not have a "single person" representing Him on the earth. This man Jorge aka Francis represents a false church and is an anti-Christ false prophet. He is not representing God in any way, shape or form. Anyone following this man Jorge is lost. Seriously lost.

My prayer is that God will cancel Jorge's out door mass in Philadephia, that the rain will stop the people from attending. My God is able to send a storm and rain it out. The storm is already brewing! I'm believing Him for it!
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The Body of Christ is God's representatives on earth. The Body of Christ are those who have been born again and obey the commandments of God believing the King James Bible and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not those who are members of organized religion that has no salvation in it. Catholicism has no salvation in it. Mormonism has no salvation in it. Jehovah Witnesses have no salvation in it. All these have their own books, their own doctrines, their own beliefs that oppose the Written Word of God. He is right. God does not have a "single person" representing Him on the earth. This man Jorge aka Francis represents a false church and is an anti-Christ false prophet. He is not representing God in any way, shape or form. Anyone following this man Jorge is lost. Seriously lost.
IMO, you don't have a clue. You've made a fetish of a book compiled by the very same people you hate!
The Body of Christ is God's representatives on earth. The Body of Christ are those who have been born again and obey the commandments of God believing the King James Bible and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not those who are members of organized religion that has no salvation in it. Catholicism has no salvation in it. Mormonism has no salvation in it. Jehovah Witnesses have no salvation in it. All these have their own books, their own doctrines, their own beliefs that oppose the Written Word of God. He is right. God does not have a "single person" representing Him on the earth. This man Jorge aka Francis represents a false church and is an anti-Christ false prophet. He is not representing God in any way, shape or form. Anyone following this man Jorge is lost. Seriously lost.
IMO, you don't have a clue. You've made a fetish of a book compiled by the very same people you hate!
Jere is only consistent in her hate of Christianity and Christians.
God doesn't have a single rep. on earth.
Writing your own book now? Ignore what Jesus said at your own peril!

The Body of Christ is God's representatives on earth. The Body of Christ are those who have been born again and obey the commandments of God believing the King James Bible and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not those who are members of organized religion that has no salvation in it. Catholicism has no salvation in it. Mormonism has no salvation in it. Jehovah Witnesses have no salvation in it. All these have their own books, their own doctrines, their own beliefs that oppose the Written Word of God.

He is right. God does not have a "single person" representing Him on the earth. This man Jorge aka Francis represents a false church and is an anti-Christ false prophet. He is not representing God in any way, shape or form. Anyone following this man Jorge is lost. Seriously lost.

My prayer is that God will cancel Jorge's out door mass in Philadephia, that the rain will stop the people from attending. My God is able to send a storm and rain it out. The storm is already brewing! I'm believing Him for it!

That's not how Jesus would treat the Pope.
I'm an agnostic and I like this Pope.

Who can have anything against a Pope? They are generally nice old men.

And this pope actually PRACTICES what he preaches. He washes the feet of normal people. He stops his car to talk to and bless people in the crowd whom he thinks need assistance.

Conservatives seem to hate this guy because he actually acts like Jesus!! And that speaks volumes about THEM doesn't it.

Sir Isaac Newton was not an agnostic-------he actually had a notion that the
bible-----held CODES that described the universe

You do understand that Isaac Newton died almost 300 years ago yes? Further, you do understand the difference between an avatar and a dead person yes?

Lastly, you can't respond to the OP so you toss up a Red Herring. Keep your fish in your own pocket.
God doesn't have a single rep. on earth.
Writing your own book now? Ignore what Jesus said at your own peril!

The Body of Christ is God's representatives on earth. The Body of Christ are those who have been born again and obey the commandments of God believing the King James Bible and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not those who are members of organized religion that has no salvation in it. Catholicism has no salvation in it. Mormonism has no salvation in it. Jehovah Witnesses have no salvation in it. All these have their own books, their own doctrines, their own beliefs that oppose the Written Word of God.

He is right. God does not have a "single person" representing Him on the earth. This man Jorge aka Francis represents a false church and is an anti-Christ false prophet. He is not representing God in any way, shape or form. Anyone following this man Jorge is lost. Seriously lost.

My prayer is that God will cancel Jorge's out door mass in Philadephia, that the rain will stop the people from attending. My God is able to send a storm and rain it out. The storm is already brewing! I'm believing Him for it!
God doesn't have a single rep. on earth.
Writing your own book now? Ignore what Jesus said at your own peril!

The Body of Christ is God's representatives on earth. The Body of Christ are those who have been born again and obey the commandments of God believing the King James Bible and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not those who are members of organized religion that has no salvation in it. Catholicism has no salvation in it. Mormonism has no salvation in it. Jehovah Witnesses have no salvation in it. All these have their own books, their own doctrines, their own beliefs that oppose the Written Word of God.

He is right. God does not have a "single person" representing Him on the earth. This man Jorge aka Francis represents a false church and is an anti-Christ false prophet. He is not representing God in any way, shape or form. Anyone following this man Jorge is lost. Seriously lost.

My prayer is that God will cancel Jorge's out door mass in Philadephia, that the rain will stop the people from attending. My God is able to send a storm and rain it out. The storm is already brewing! I'm believing Him for it!

That's not how Jesus would treat the Pope.
Jeri does not know Jesus. Pray for her.
The Body of Christ is God's representatives on earth. The Body of Christ are those who have been born again and obey the commandments of God believing the King James Bible and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not those who are members of organized religion that has no salvation in it. Catholicism has no salvation in it. Mormonism has no salvation in it. Jehovah Witnesses have no salvation in it. All these have their own books, their own doctrines, their own beliefs that oppose the Written Word of God. He is right. God does not have a "single person" representing Him on the earth. This man Jorge aka Francis represents a false church and is an anti-Christ false prophet. He is not representing God in any way, shape or form. Anyone following this man Jorge is lost. Seriously lost.
IMO, you don't have a clue. You've made a fetish of a book compiled by the very same people you hate!

I think this is an important and accurate point and Jeri isn't the only one.
I'm an agnostic and I like this Pope.

Who can have anything against a Pope? They are generally nice old men.

And this pope actually PRACTICES what he preaches. He washes the feet of normal people. He stops his car to talk to and bless people in the crowd whom he thinks need assistance.

Conservatives seem to hate this guy because he actually acts like Jesus!! And that speaks volumes about THEM doesn't it.

Sir Isaac Newton was not an agnostic-------he actually had a notion that the
bible-----held CODES that described the universe

You do understand that Isaac Newton died almost 300 years ago yes? Further, you do understand the difference between an avatar and a dead person yes?

Lastly, you can't respond to the OP so you toss up a Red Herring. Keep your fish in your own pocket.

I assume that you ID with sir Isaac newton-----it is a logical assumption since you
use him as your avatar -------I will respond-----the pope does not act like Jesus-----
Jesus would not do what he is doing today on YOM KIPPUR----he was a devoted
Pharisee. The pope is emulating CONSTANTINE
To Jeremiah the only godly people in this world are Jews and her sect of snake handling Christians. All others are the product of demons or the devil himself. And the only reason she believes the Jews are godly is b/c she wants to piggy back on their "chosen people" status. She thinks that will get her into the Kingdom of Heaven.

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