Boycott the Pope's Visit to USA

In the book of Revelation the Beast will make war against the Christians. Michael Boldea Jr. grandfather had a vision of a Catholic Pope whom the LORD showed him would be the Beast who would make war against the Christians. I believe it is very possible Francis could be the one. Michael's grandpa is in heaven now so there is no way to ask him if it is the man he saw in that vision or not.

Here is what Brother Dumitru Duduman saw. This was posted on January 21, 1995.

The Beast Strikes

January 21, 1995

(Brother Duduman was in Romania at this time)

I fell asleep sometime around midnight. About 2:00 a.m. I heard a loud voice saying to me "Dumitru! Wake up! I must show you something!" Even though I was ill, I jumped to my feet, without realizing that I was awake. Then I realized I wasn't even in Romania. I saw myself in America.

A powerful voice spoke sternly to me, "Why have you become discouraged? Why did you try to question God, thinking in your heart that I have left you? Why do you keep so much sadness in your heart, and such a great mourning because I took your wife? Why have you allowed yourself to become discouraged so that you will no longer be able to work for me as you have until now? This is why I have come to you, to show you a revelation, which you must tell the American people."

The voice boomed at me, telling me to look to my right. I was awake - not sleeping. I was standing, and I turned my head as ordered. When I looked, I saw that there was a great flock of black birds, with very sharp, large beaks. Out of the beaks came a blinding light, which you could barely look at. From their tails I saw flames of fire shooting out. I became very frightened. I rubbed my eyes, thinking I was asleep and dreaming. But I was neither sleeping nor dreaming.

This flock of birds suddenly turned into airplanes that did not make any noise. American airplanes would go up, trying to attack. But as they would draw close, they would fall to the earth in a blaze of fire.

Once again, I heard the voice, but I could not see who was speaking to me. The voice said, "Look higher than the black planes." When I looked, above the planes, I saw a helicopter which hovered above them. On the side of the helicopter there was a plank, like on a ship, where soldiers were lined up, dressed in black, all armed the same, and of about the same size. From the center of the helicopter, a platform began to raise up. It rose higher than the helicopter itself.

On the platform was a throne. The Pope was on the throne, yelling with a loud voice, "I have been given the power to rule the earth and to fight against the Protestants, that I may overtake them."

As I watched him with terror and fear - because he was surrounded by a powerful force which was formed by planes and personnel - suddenly a white cloud appeared and covered them, so I could no longer see anything. Out of the midst of the white cloud came a man dressed in shining clothes, wearing a shiny crown on his head. He spoke to me. His voice sounded like thunder. When I heard his voice, I fell to the ground.

He said, "Remember everything you've heard, everything you've seen, and everything you will hear. Tell my people, because once again I want to work with you more than I have until now. The armies, and the planes that you saw, and the Beast that sat upon the helicopter - these are the catholic powers which will overtake the holy, that the words prophesied in Revelation may come to pass. A majority of my people will be overtaken and trampled because their lives are not clean before their Lord. Tell this message to them! Do not be quiet! For if you are quiet, I will punish you! The churches are fraudulent (counterfeit, fake). They live a life as their hearts desire, with their hands stained in blood - in adultery, in sodomy, and worshiping strange and foreign gods. Because they have forsaken the true God, He has allowed them to go as their hearts desired. Now, tell them! Cry out loud! Tell them to stop treading the path their hearts desire - to repent with all their hearts, that in the day of the Beast's anger I may be able to save them, so they would not deny me. The time is very short, and the army of their salvation is already prepared."

Again, He spoke to me, "Look to your right." When I looked, I saw such a vast army that my eyes could not encompass it. "This is the army I have prepared to save my people from the Beast's grasp. Do not forget to tell them the words that I have told you. I will give you a spirit of remembrance." The voice continued speaking to me, "I will come and bring you more revelations about the times of the end."

Then again, I heard a thunder. Then the white cloud and the being disappeared. I was so terrified that I was unable to sleep the rest of the night.

Excepted from:
Dreams and Visions From God
Copyright © 1994, 1996, 2000

The Hebrew Prophet Joel said that God would speak to His people in dreams and visions - see Joel Chapter 2. It's Scriptural.
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It is written:But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. Galatians 1:8,9Jorge aka Francis is accursed. He is a deceitful worker of Satan preaching a false gospel. People need to stop listening to him. Have nothing to do with him. The Scriptures of the King James Bible have already warned you of this. What more do you need? A lightning bolt from heaven?
What you've cited isn't the gospel. It's a letter, i.e. an opinion of someone who never even met Jesus. In the true gospel Jesus gave the leadership of his church to Peter and, since the world wasn't ending anytime soon, to his successors, too. Many of the popes in the past may not have been good men, but that has certainly changed in my lifetime and Francis is no different. He's humble and tries to emulate the saint whose name he took, as much as possible for someone with worldwide responsibilities
konradv, Look up Galatians 1:8,9 in any King James Bible and you'll find this is Bible Scripture. It is New Testament teaching and it is to be obeyed. If you were a Christian who followed Jesus Christ you'd know this. Jorge aka Francis is a false teacher. People should not be listening to him. They should nothing to do with him.

If someday, you reach the gates of heaven, you will be met by the Pope

You will have to attest for your sins

Wrong. The Pope is not God. He is an anti-Christ false teacher and you'll be meeting him in hell if you do not repent! You need to be saved and stop believing false teachers!

You will find yourself grovelling at the feet of the Pope begging for forgiveness if you ever reach heaven

The Pope may allow you into the kingdom of heaven, but you will be relegated to the trailer park section
It is written:But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. Galatians 1:8,9Jorge aka Francis is accursed. He is a deceitful worker of Satan preaching a false gospel. People need to stop listening to him. Have nothing to do with him. The Scriptures of the King James Bible have already warned you of this. What more do you need? A lightning bolt from heaven?
What you've cited isn't the gospel. It's a letter, i.e. an opinion of someone who never even met Jesus. In the true gospel Jesus gave the leadership of his church to Peter and, since the world wasn't ending anytime soon, to his successors, too. Many of the popes in the past may not have been good men, but that has certainly changed in my lifetime and Francis is no different. He's humble and tries to emulate the saint whose name he took, as much as possible for someone with worldwide responsibilities
konradv, Look up Galatians 1:8,9 in any King James Bible and you'll find this is Bible Scripture. It is New Testament teaching and it is to be obeyed. If you were a Christian who followed Jesus Christ you'd know this. Jorge aka Francis is a false teacher. People should not be listening to him. They should nothing to do with him.

If someday, you reach the gates of heaven, you will be met by the Pope

You will have to attest for your sins

Wrong. The Pope is not God. He is an anti-Christ false teacher and you'll be meeting him in hell if you do not repent! You need to be saved and stop believing false teachers!

You will find yourself grovelling at the feet of the Pope begging for forgiveness if you ever reach heaven

I have to cook now WINGER-------tell me that you are role-playing ------so I do not vomit in the soup
I find it funny that he's making a big statement of humility with that stupid Fiat, yet hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent in keeping him secure.Not to mention the financial loss to business and working people as he goes around from one major city to another. It's also hilarious that he goes around "feeding the homeless", while the Vatican is the richest land owner and organization in the world by far. Perhaps they cough up some of the money themselves, instead of preaching other countries to do so? Or maybe selling off one or two of the hundreds of thousands of master pieces in the Vatican worth trillions (and some are priceless) to feed the poor or needy. What would Jesus do?!

The Catholic Church is the Biggest Financial Power on Earth | Humans Are Free

"The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe.

“The pope, as the visible ruler of this immense amassment of wealth, is consequently the richest individual of the twentieth century. No one can realistically assess how much he is worth in terms of billions of dollars.” (...)

Their wealth is so big that they could create sustainable social programs to end famine on Earth; they have the power and the means to oppose wars; they have the financial resources to create an Eco-friendly planet -- the biblical heaven on Earth.

roudy-----hubby and me had a small debate--------demonstrating my lousy Hebrew-----he asked me why they are making an issue of the pope's car? and why does
the pope always keep his eyes down like a young Chassidic boy? I explained
"ANAV"-----he laughed and then said-- "NAH" He asked "why does he
say "PRAY FOR ME" "ISN'T he supposed to be the person doing the praying
for the rest of the world" -----I said "TOM" (as in the personality type) He
said "You don't understand those words" -----well-----I can explain it to you---
The pope is playing even more devious than do those damned, sneaky
ZIONISTS (he is jealous of the reputation that the Vatican threw on

This Jesuit Francis is a servant of Satan. Look at his countenance! Anyone who carefully examines his countenance is going to know this is not a holy man of God. This man is wicked. His countenance is dark and his eyes which are the windows to the soul tell you what is in him.

I don't think he's evil, he's doing what he's been entrusted with by the rest of the mafia running the place. One is to expand followers, and two is to be a good ambassador for the faith, and he's doing a great job of both so far.

Do not ever trust or believe that man, Roudy. And warn your Jewish brothers and sisters not to trust him or the Catholic Vatican powers - do not trust any of them. Keep them out of your lives, out of your synagogues and have nothing to do with them. How many Inquisitions do your people have to suffer before you learn not to trust these sons of Satan??! Seriously! Enough already. Do not listen to his lies. He is a liar and a deceiver representing Satan's church. Avoid him like the plague.
What you've cited isn't the gospel. It's a letter, i.e. an opinion of someone who never even met Jesus. In the true gospel Jesus gave the leadership of his church to Peter and, since the world wasn't ending anytime soon, to his successors, too. Many of the popes in the past may not have been good men, but that has certainly changed in my lifetime and Francis is no different. He's humble and tries to emulate the saint whose name he took, as much as possible for someone with worldwide responsibilities
konradv, Look up Galatians 1:8,9 in any King James Bible and you'll find this is Bible Scripture. It is New Testament teaching and it is to be obeyed. If you were a Christian who followed Jesus Christ you'd know this. Jorge aka Francis is a false teacher. People should not be listening to him. They should nothing to do with him.

If someday, you reach the gates of heaven, you will be met by the Pope

You will have to attest for your sins

Wrong. The Pope is not God. He is an anti-Christ false teacher and you'll be meeting him in hell if you do not repent! You need to be saved and stop believing false teachers!

You will find yourself grovelling at the feet of the Pope begging for forgiveness if you ever reach heaven

I have to cook now WINGER-------tell me that you are role-playing ------so I do not vomit in the soup
Let's be perfectly clear here. Catholics are gods favorite religion next to the Jews

All other religions are made up of those who can't cut it as Catholics

Don't you understand anything about religion?
konradv, Look up Galatians 1:8,9 in any King James Bible and you'll find this is Bible Scripture. It is New Testament teaching and it is to be obeyed. If you were a Christian who followed Jesus Christ you'd know this. Jorge aka Francis is a false teacher. People should not be listening to him. They should nothing to do with him.

If someday, you reach the gates of heaven, you will be met by the Pope

You will have to attest for your sins

Wrong. The Pope is not God. He is an anti-Christ false teacher and you'll be meeting him in hell if you do not repent! You need to be saved and stop believing false teachers!

You will find yourself grovelling at the feet of the Pope begging for forgiveness if you ever reach heaven

I have to cook now WINGER-------tell me that you are role-playing ------so I do not vomit in the soup
Let's be perfectly clear here. Catholics are gods favorite religion next to the Jews

All other religions are made up of those who can't cut it as Catholics

Don't you understand anything about religion?

I know a little about law-----not usa law-----but catholic canon law and shariah----
In BOTH catholic canon law and shariah -----your comment is a capital crime
In the book of Revelation the Beast will make war against the Christians. Michael Boldea Jr. grandfather had a vision of a Catholic Pope whom the LORD showed him would be the Beast who would make war against the Christians. I believe it is very possible Francis could be the one. Michael's grandpa is in heaven now so there is no way to ask him if it is the man he saw in that vision or not.

Here is what Brother Dumitru Duduman saw. This was posted on January 21, 1995.

The Beast Strikes

January 21, 1995

(Brother Duduman was in Romania at this time)

I fell asleep sometime around midnight. About 2:00 a.m. I heard a loud voice saying to me "Dumitru! Wake up! I must show you something!" Even though I was ill, I jumped to my feet, without realizing that I was awake. Then I realized I wasn't even in Romania. I saw myself in America.

A powerful voice spoke sternly to me, "Why have you become discouraged? Why did you try to question God, thinking in your heart that I have left you? Why do you keep so much sadness in your heart, and such a great mourning because I took your wife? Why have you allowed yourself to become discouraged so that you will no longer be able to work for me as you have until now? This is why I have come to you, to show you a revelation, which you must tell the American people."

The voice boomed at me, telling me to look to my right. I was awake - not sleeping. I was standing, and I turned my head as ordered. When I looked, I saw that there was a great flock of black birds, with very sharp, large beaks. Out of the beaks came a blinding light, which you could barely look at. From their tails I saw flames of fire shooting out. I became very frightened. I rubbed my eyes, thinking I was asleep and dreaming. But I was neither sleeping nor dreaming.

This flock of birds suddenly turned into airplanes that did not make any noise. American airplanes would go up, trying to attack. But as they would draw close, they would fall to the earth in a blaze of fire.

Once again, I heard the voice, but I could not see who was speaking to me. The voice said, "Look higher than the black planes." When I looked, above the planes, I saw a helicopter which hovered above them. On the side of the helicopter there was a plank, like on a ship, where soldiers were lined up, dressed in black, all armed the same, and of about the same size. From the center of the helicopter, a platform began to raise up. It rose higher than the helicopter itself.

On the platform was a throne. The Pope was on the throne, yelling with a loud voice, "I have been given the power to rule the earth and to fight against the Protestants, that I may overtake them."

As I watched him with terror and fear - because he was surrounded by a powerful force which was formed by planes and personnel - suddenly a white cloud appeared and covered them, so I could no longer see anything. Out of the midst of the white cloud came a man dressed in shining clothes, wearing a shiny crown on his head. He spoke to me. His voice sounded like thunder. When I heard his voice, I fell to the ground.

He said, "Remember everything you've heard, everything you've seen, and everything you will hear. Tell my people, because once again I want to work with you more than I have until now. The armies, and the planes that you saw, and the Beast that sat upon the helicopter - these are the catholic powers which will overtake the holy, that the words prophesied in Revelation may come to pass. A majority of my people will be overtaken and trampled because their lives are not clean before their Lord. Tell this message to them! Do not be quiet! For if you are quiet, I will punish you! The churches are fraudulent (counterfeit, fake). They live a life as their hearts desire, with their hands stained in blood - in adultery, in sodomy, and worshiping strange and foreign gods. Because they have forsaken the true God, He has allowed them to go as their hearts desired. Now, tell them! Cry out loud! Tell them to stop treading the path their hearts desire - to repent with all their hearts, that in the day of the Beast's anger I may be able to save them, so they would not deny me. The time is very short, and the army of their salvation is already prepared."

Again, He spoke to me, "Look to your right." When I looked, I saw such a vast army that my eyes could not encompass it. "This is the army I have prepared to save my people from the Beast's grasp. Do not forget to tell them the words that I have told you. I will give you a spirit of remembrance." The voice continued speaking to me, "I will come and bring you more revelations about the times of the end."

Then again, I heard a thunder. Then the white cloud and the being disappeared. I was so terrified that I was unable to sleep the rest of the night.

Excepted from:
Dreams and Visions From God
Copyright © 1994, 1996, 2000

The Hebrew Prophet Joel said that God would speak to His people in dreams and visions - see Joel Chapter 2. It's Scriptural.
Michael Boldea Jr. grandfather had a vision of a Catholic Pope

A lot of old people have dementia and claim to see and hear things, maybe it was the christian devil giving him visions!!

Do you always believe what people claim to be visions?

Mental hospitals are full of those people
I find it funny that he's making a big statement of humility with that stupid Fiat, yet hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent in keeping him secure.Not to mention the financial loss to business and working people as he goes around from one major city to another. It's also hilarious that he goes around "feeding the homeless", while the Vatican is the richest land owner and organization in the world by far. Perhaps they cough up some of the money themselves, instead of preaching other countries to do so? Or maybe selling off one or two of the hundreds of thousands of master pieces in the Vatican worth trillions (and some are priceless) to feed the poor or needy. What would Jesus do?!

The Catholic Church is the Biggest Financial Power on Earth | Humans Are Free

"The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe.

“The pope, as the visible ruler of this immense amassment of wealth, is consequently the richest individual of the twentieth century. No one can realistically assess how much he is worth in terms of billions of dollars.” (...)

Their wealth is so big that they could create sustainable social programs to end famine on Earth; they have the power and the means to oppose wars; they have the financial resources to create an Eco-friendly planet -- the biblical heaven on Earth.

roudy-----hubby and me had a small debate--------demonstrating my lousy Hebrew-----he asked me why they are making an issue of the pope's car? and why does
the pope always keep his eyes down like a young Chassidic boy? I explained
"ANAV"-----he laughed and then said-- "NAH" He asked "why does he
say "PRAY FOR ME" "ISN'T he supposed to be the person doing the praying
for the rest of the world" -----I said "TOM" (as in the personality type) He
said "You don't understand those words" -----well-----I can explain it to you---
The pope is playing even more devious than do those damned, sneaky
ZIONISTS (he is jealous of the reputation that the Vatican threw on

This Jesuit Francis is a servant of Satan. Look at his countenance! Anyone who carefully examines his countenance is going to know this is not a holy man of God. This man is wicked. His countenance is dark and his eyes which are the windows to the soul tell you what is in him.

I don't think he's evil, he's doing what he's been entrusted with by the rest of the mafia running the place. One is to expand followers, and two is to be a good ambassador for the faith, and he's doing a great job of both so far.

Do not ever trust or believe that man, Roudy. And warn your Jewish brothers and sisters not to trust him or the Catholic Vatican powers - do not trust any of them. Keep them out of your lives, out of your synagogues and have nothing to do with them. How many Inquisitions do your people have to suffer before you learn not to trust these sons of Satan??! Seriously! Enough already. Do not listen to his lies. He is a liar and a deceiver representing Satan's church. Avoid him like the plague.

Maybe you should see a Catholic priest to get an exorcism
I find it funny that he's making a big statement of humility with that stupid Fiat, yet hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent in keeping him secure.Not to mention the financial loss to business and working people as he goes around from one major city to another. It's also hilarious that he goes around "feeding the homeless", while the Vatican is the richest land owner and organization in the world by far. Perhaps they cough up some of the money themselves, instead of preaching other countries to do so? Or maybe selling off one or two of the hundreds of thousands of master pieces in the Vatican worth trillions (and some are priceless) to feed the poor or needy. What would Jesus do?!

The Catholic Church is the Biggest Financial Power on Earth | Humans Are Free

"The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe.

“The pope, as the visible ruler of this immense amassment of wealth, is consequently the richest individual of the twentieth century. No one can realistically assess how much he is worth in terms of billions of dollars.” (...)

Their wealth is so big that they could create sustainable social programs to end famine on Earth; they have the power and the means to oppose wars; they have the financial resources to create an Eco-friendly planet -- the biblical heaven on Earth.

roudy-----hubby and me had a small debate--------demonstrating my lousy Hebrew-----he asked me why they are making an issue of the pope's car? and why does
the pope always keep his eyes down like a young Chassidic boy? I explained
"ANAV"-----he laughed and then said-- "NAH" He asked "why does he
say "PRAY FOR ME" "ISN'T he supposed to be the person doing the praying
for the rest of the world" -----I said "TOM" (as in the personality type) He
said "You don't understand those words" -----well-----I can explain it to you---
The pope is playing even more devious than do those damned, sneaky
ZIONISTS (he is jealous of the reputation that the Vatican threw on

The whole "car" scam is orchestrated by the leftist run media, as justification for their environmental fascism policies. Have you ever been inside the Vatican? It's the most beautiful and valuable building in the world, in my opinion. But two things do not come to my mind when I think of the Vatican, "God" and "humble" wouldn't be it. More like overwhelming "materialism" and...lots of "idols".

It's the most expensive private residence on earth, Roudy. It is the devil's house. It is where the devil lives - his palace on earth - it is full of wickedness and satanic things - it is downright evil. It is Satan's church on earth. The Roman Catholic Church is the Church of Satan. This Pope could very well be the Beast warned about in the Bible. It would not be possible for him to be the anti-Christ but it is most definitely possible that he is the Beast that the Bible warned would come. We'll know soon enough.
If someday, you reach the gates of heaven, you will be met by the Pope

You will have to attest for your sins

Wrong. The Pope is not God. He is an anti-Christ false teacher and you'll be meeting him in hell if you do not repent! You need to be saved and stop believing false teachers!

You will find yourself grovelling at the feet of the Pope begging for forgiveness if you ever reach heaven

I have to cook now WINGER-------tell me that you are role-playing ------so I do not vomit in the soup
Let's be perfectly clear here. Catholics are gods favorite religion next to the Jews

All other religions are made up of those who can't cut it as Catholics

Don't you understand anything about religion?

I know a little about law-----not usa law-----but catholic canon law and shariah----
In BOTH catholic canon law and shariah -----your comment is a capital crime
I had a nun tell me Catholicism was the only true religion and we were the only ones getting into heaven because we were baptized Catholic

The rest of you will be on the outside looking in. Catholics are Gods Favorite
I find it funny that he's making a big statement of humility with that stupid Fiat, yet hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent in keeping him secure.Not to mention the financial loss to business and working people as he goes around from one major city to another. It's also hilarious that he goes around "feeding the homeless", while the Vatican is the richest land owner and organization in the world by far. Perhaps they cough up some of the money themselves, instead of preaching other countries to do so? Or maybe selling off one or two of the hundreds of thousands of master pieces in the Vatican worth trillions (and some are priceless) to feed the poor or needy. What would Jesus do?!

The Catholic Church is the Biggest Financial Power on Earth | Humans Are Free

"The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe.

“The pope, as the visible ruler of this immense amassment of wealth, is consequently the richest individual of the twentieth century. No one can realistically assess how much he is worth in terms of billions of dollars.” (...)

Their wealth is so big that they could create sustainable social programs to end famine on Earth; they have the power and the means to oppose wars; they have the financial resources to create an Eco-friendly planet -- the biblical heaven on Earth.

roudy-----hubby and me had a small debate--------demonstrating my lousy Hebrew-----he asked me why they are making an issue of the pope's car? and why does
the pope always keep his eyes down like a young Chassidic boy? I explained
"ANAV"-----he laughed and then said-- "NAH" He asked "why does he
say "PRAY FOR ME" "ISN'T he supposed to be the person doing the praying
for the rest of the world" -----I said "TOM" (as in the personality type) He
said "You don't understand those words" -----well-----I can explain it to you---
The pope is playing even more devious than do those damned, sneaky
ZIONISTS (he is jealous of the reputation that the Vatican threw on

This Jesuit Francis is a servant of Satan. Look at his countenance! Anyone who carefully examines his countenance is going to know this is not a holy man of God. This man is wicked. His countenance is dark and his eyes which are the windows to the soul tell you what is in him.

I don't think he's evil, he's doing what he's been entrusted with by the rest of the mafia running the place. One is to expand followers, and two is to be a good ambassador for the faith, and he's doing a great job of both so far.

Do not ever trust or believe that man, Roudy. And warn your Jewish brothers and sisters not to trust him or the Catholic Vatican powers - do not trust any of them. Keep them out of your lives, out of your synagogues and have nothing to do with them. How many Inquisitions do your people have to suffer before you learn not to trust these sons of Satan??! Seriously! Enough already. Do not listen to his lies. He is a liar and a deceiver representing Satan's church. Avoid him like the plague.

Why does the Pope wear a Jewish skull cap? Wasn't it patented over like 3000 years ago?
I find it funny that he's making a big statement of humility with that stupid Fiat, yet hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent in keeping him secure.Not to mention the financial loss to business and working people as he goes around from one major city to another. It's also hilarious that he goes around "feeding the homeless", while the Vatican is the richest land owner and organization in the world by far. Perhaps they cough up some of the money themselves, instead of preaching other countries to do so? Or maybe selling off one or two of the hundreds of thousands of master pieces in the Vatican worth trillions (and some are priceless) to feed the poor or needy. What would Jesus do?!

The Catholic Church is the Biggest Financial Power on Earth | Humans Are Free

"The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe.

“The pope, as the visible ruler of this immense amassment of wealth, is consequently the richest individual of the twentieth century. No one can realistically assess how much he is worth in terms of billions of dollars.” (...)

Their wealth is so big that they could create sustainable social programs to end famine on Earth; they have the power and the means to oppose wars; they have the financial resources to create an Eco-friendly planet -- the biblical heaven on Earth.

roudy-----hubby and me had a small debate--------demonstrating my lousy Hebrew-----he asked me why they are making an issue of the pope's car? and why does
the pope always keep his eyes down like a young Chassidic boy? I explained
"ANAV"-----he laughed and then said-- "NAH" He asked "why does he
say "PRAY FOR ME" "ISN'T he supposed to be the person doing the praying
for the rest of the world" -----I said "TOM" (as in the personality type) He
said "You don't understand those words" -----well-----I can explain it to you---
The pope is playing even more devious than do those damned, sneaky
ZIONISTS (he is jealous of the reputation that the Vatican threw on

This Jesuit Francis is a servant of Satan. Look at his countenance! Anyone who carefully examines his countenance is going to know this is not a holy man of God. This man is wicked. His countenance is dark and his eyes which are the windows to the soul tell you what is in him.

I don't think he's evil, he's doing what he's been entrusted with by the rest of the mafia running the place. One is to expand followers, and two is to be a good ambassador for the faith, and he's doing a great job of both so far.

Do not ever trust or believe that man, Roudy. And warn your Jewish brothers and sisters not to trust him or the Catholic Vatican powers - do not trust any of them. Keep them out of your lives, out of your synagogues and have nothing to do with them. How many Inquisitions do your people have to suffer before you learn not to trust these sons of Satan??! Seriously! Enough already. Do not listen to his lies. He is a liar and a deceiver representing Satan's church. Avoid him like the plague.

Why does the Pope wear a Jewish skull cap? Wasn't it patented over like 3000 years ago?

Jealousy------yesterday------hubby wore a white yarmulke-----I told him that he looked like the pope-----he was not at all pleased. SHEEEESH usually he laughs
at every idiotic remark I EMIT
Wrong. The Pope is not God. He is an anti-Christ false teacher and you'll be meeting him in hell if you do not repent! You need to be saved and stop believing false teachers!

You will find yourself grovelling at the feet of the Pope begging for forgiveness if you ever reach heaven

I have to cook now WINGER-------tell me that you are role-playing ------so I do not vomit in the soup
Let's be perfectly clear here. Catholics are gods favorite religion next to the Jews

All other religions are made up of those who can't cut it as Catholics

Don't you understand anything about religion?

I know a little about law-----not usa law-----but catholic canon law and shariah----
In BOTH catholic canon law and shariah -----your comment is a capital crime
I had a nun tell me Catholicism was the only true religion and we were the only ones getting into heaven because we were baptized Catholic

The rest of you will be on the outside looking in. Catholics are Gods Favorite

So you are telling us that you are an atheist that does not believe in God but you are God's favorite because you were raised a Catholic and a nun told you that you were the only ones getting into heaven. She lied to you, R.W.. There is no salvation in Catholicism. Buy a KJV Bible and read it.

You will find yourself grovelling at the feet of the Pope begging for forgiveness if you ever reach heaven

I have to cook now WINGER-------tell me that you are role-playing ------so I do not vomit in the soup
Let's be perfectly clear here. Catholics are gods favorite religion next to the Jews

All other religions are made up of those who can't cut it as Catholics

Don't you understand anything about religion?

I know a little about law-----not usa law-----but catholic canon law and shariah----
In BOTH catholic canon law and shariah -----your comment is a capital crime
I had a nun tell me Catholicism was the only true religion and we were the only ones getting into heaven because we were baptized Catholic

The rest of you will be on the outside looking in. Catholics are Gods Favorite

So you are telling us that you are an atheist that does not believe in God but you are God's favorite because you were raised a Catholic and a nun told you that you were the only ones getting into heaven. She lied to you, R.W.. There is no salvation in Catholicism. Buy a KJV Bible and read it.

20 million Catholics in this country know they are Gods favorite

Why would anyone belong to a religion that thinks it is second best?
I have to cook now WINGER-------tell me that you are role-playing ------so I do not vomit in the soup
Let's be perfectly clear here. Catholics are gods favorite religion next to the Jews

All other religions are made up of those who can't cut it as Catholics

Don't you understand anything about religion?

I know a little about law-----not usa law-----but catholic canon law and shariah----
In BOTH catholic canon law and shariah -----your comment is a capital crime
I had a nun tell me Catholicism was the only true religion and we were the only ones getting into heaven because we were baptized Catholic

The rest of you will be on the outside looking in. Catholics are Gods Favorite

So you are telling us that you are an atheist that does not believe in God but you are God's favorite because you were raised a Catholic and a nun told you that you were the only ones getting into heaven. She lied to you, R.W.. There is no salvation in Catholicism. Buy a KJV Bible and read it.

20 million Catholics in this country know they are Gods favorite

Why would anyone belong to a religion that thinks it is second best?

you make an excellent point

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