Boycott the Pope's Visit to USA

If he comes? Ignore him and do not show up for this nonsense. He isn't a world leader. He isn't a spokesman for God. He is a false prophet. Have nothing to do with him.

The bible is clear that those who do not bring the Doctrine of Jesus Christ we are not to receive into our own home. We are to have nothing to do with them. So turn off your televisions, I phones, computers and ignore the news if he still insists on forcing himself on Americans.

This dog and pony show they are putting on for him is an utter disgrace considering that the Obama administration did not do any thing even close for our true friend and ally - the leader of Israel - Benjamin Netanyahu. My advice to Americans? Stay Home. Boycott this Pope's Visit to America. Pray for a torrential downpour every where he goes! Amen? Amen!

This is his official schedule! As if this son of hell is royalty? He represents himself, Satan and a NWO. He does not represent the Lord Jesus Christ, he is not an ambassador for Jesus Christ and he does not preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing and those with eyes to see and ears to hear should warn their friends, co-workers, loved ones to avoid him like the plague.

General Schedule of Pope Francis U.S.Visit 2015

Pope Francis Visits Washington D.C.
  • Tuesday, September 22, 2015
    • 4pm: Pope Francis arrives in D.C. at Joint Base Andrews at 4 p.m.
  • Wednesday, September 23, 2015
    • 9:15 a.m: White House Welcoming Ceremony and personal meeting with President Barack Obama
    • 11:00 a.m. Papal Parade along the Ellipse and the National Mall
    • 11:30 a.m: Midday Prayer with U.S. bishops at Saint Matthew’s Cathedral in D.C.
    • 4:15 p.m: Junipero Serra Canonization Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
  • Thursday, September 24, 2015
    • 9:20 a.m: Arrival at Capitol
    • 10 a.m. Speech to the Senate and House of Representatives (Joint Session of Congress)
    • 11 a.m. Brief appearance on West Front of Capitol
    • 11:15 a.m: Visit to St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in D.C. and Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington
    • 4 p.m: Departure for New York from Joint Base Andrews (D.C.)
    • 5 p.m. Arrival at John F. Kennedy International Airport (New York)
    • 6:45 p.m. Evening prayer at St. Patrick’s Cathedral (New York)
    • _____________________
    • This man is not a world leader and he does not represent Christianity. This is obscene to say the very least. I pray to God the weather is so bad he has to cancel.
What brand of Christianity should I follow. Which church should I visit if I want the best?

Buy a King James Bible and read it. Read Romans 10:9,10 and receive Jesus Christ into your heart. He is the best. It does not get any better. Jesus Christ is God and the only way to heaven is through repenting of your sins and receiving Jesus as your Messiah. You can do that in your bedroom, your yard, anywhere. You do not need a church to be saved. You can receive Jesus Christ where you are at right now. A church can't save you, a membership cannot save you, a denomination cannot save you. Only Jesus Christ can save you. Once you are saved? Ask the LORD for the baptism of the Holy Spirit and ask Him to send someone who will invite you to a Bible believing church that preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The LORD will lead you to the right church. It does not matter what the denomination is! It does not matter what the name of the church is! What matters is that they preach the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and are a bible believing church. Tell the Pastor / Minister that you are saved and would like to arrange to be water baptized. Read your bible every day and enjoy God. That's it.

See how simple that is?
I have the new international version of the bible. Lol. How many versions are there?
You need help
One of the titles the pope has is "God on earth". It does go against what MANY Christians think. Jesus was God on earth and NO man can be that.
Catholics believe Peter was the first Pope and he handed down his authority to the 2nd Pope and so on to this Pope.

Mormons believe the Catholic church was corrupted during Europe dark ages. If you study the history of the Catholic church you see that's true. I came to the same conclusion as Joseph Smith. The only difference is I didn't make up a new religion.

That's because God didn't restore the keys to you
Are you a Mormon?
the gate is narrow.....few find it.
Only Catholics have the key

What key would that be?
Why the key to heaven

We get it when we are baptized Catholic
Are you baptized as a baby or adult. Then you didn't do it by choice. You need to do it again.
You are baptized as an infant and confirm your baptism as a young adult

That is where Catholics get the keys to heaven

your troll job is wearing thin.
Only Catholics have the key

What key would that be?
Why the key to heaven

We get it when we are baptized Catholic
Are you baptized as a baby or adult. Then you didn't do it by choice. You need to do it again.
You are baptized as an infant and confirm your baptism as a young adult

That is where Catholics get the keys to heaven

your troll job is wearing thin.
I don't mind what he wrote to me so why do you?

I asked a question and he answered my question.
You need help
One of the titles the pope has is "God on earth". It does go against what MANY Christians think. Jesus was God on earth and NO man can be that.
Catholics believe Peter was the first Pope and he handed down his authority to the 2nd Pope and so on to this Pope.

Mormons believe the Catholic church was corrupted during Europe dark ages. If you study the history of the Catholic church you see that's true. I came to the same conclusion as Joseph Smith. The only difference is I didn't make up a new religion.
The Bible never mentions Peter having visited Rome even once. Peter was called to preach to the Jews. Not the Romans. Paul was sent to the Romans. I believe Constantine was a bit "confused" to say the least.

He was crucified upside down in Rome.

Can you give me the Book, Chapter and verse for that in the King James Bible, Avatar?

The Bible does not mention Peter visiting Rome even once. I know Peter was crucified upside down. Jesus was crucified right side up. Both died by a Roman Style execution. In Israel. Both tombs are located in Israel. Peter's tomb was reported to have been found in Israel which exposed the hoax and false claim that his body was at the Vatican and that he died in Rome.

As Peter's tomb was discovered in Israel that would have to be the place of his death.
Only Catholics have the key

What key would that be?
Why the key to heaven

We get it when we are baptized Catholic
Are you baptized as a baby or adult. Then you didn't do it by choice. You need to do it again.
You are baptized as an infant and confirm your baptism as a young adult

That is where Catholics get the keys to heaven

your troll job is wearing thin.

Am I on the wrong thread?

I thought this one was about talking smack about other religions?

My religion is better than your religion......nya, nya, nya
You do realize that God doesn't accuse people, right? That's Satan's job.
As a Mormon, do you believe all other Christian denominations are abominations, as Mormon dogma teaches?

That is not an accurate description of our teachings. Quite the opposite.
What's the opposite? Did or didn't the Catholic church lose its authority somewhere along the way? So if God really told Joseph Smith what Joe says he says, Catholics are following a lost religion.

Be honest what Mormons believe.
Well, the Pope certainly told off the Castro's in Cuba about their INHUMANE TREATMENT of dissidents!
What key would that be?
Why the key to heaven

We get it when we are baptized Catholic
Are you baptized as a baby or adult. Then you didn't do it by choice. You need to do it again.
You are baptized as an infant and confirm your baptism as a young adult

That is where Catholics get the keys to heaven

your troll job is wearing thin.

Am I on the wrong thread?

I thought this one was about talking smack about other religions?

My religion is better than your religion......nya, nya, nya

I think this one was you talking about how you said you and your Catholic brethren are the only ones going to heaven because you are an atheist but a Catholic at the same time? That actually works out for you because Catholicism doesn't believe in the God of the Bible either. You are still in the same predicament. You need to be saved, R.W..
the rcc is a false religion. The rcc teaches non biblical teachings.
Catholics are the original Christian Church

Those of you who have strayed will not be welcome in the Kingdom of Heaven
Then why were they never mentioned in the book of Acts? The first church was Jewish. You need to buy a KJV Bible and learn about the early church.
So you are telling us that you are an atheist that does not believe in God but you are God's favorite because you were raised a Catholic and a nun told you that you were the only ones getting into heaven. She lied to you, R.W.. There is no salvation in Catholicism. Buy a KJV Bible and read it.

20 million Catholics in this country know they are Gods favorite

Why would anyone belong to a religion that thinks it is second best?

the gate is narrow.....few find it.
Only Catholics have the key

What key would that be?
Why the key to heaven

We get it when we are baptized Catholic


There is no such thing as being baptized as a Catholic. The Bible never teaches anyone to be baptized as a "Catholic". There was no such word in the early church as Catholic. It was invented much later on by Constantine. Constantine was a Pagan sun god worshiper. A Baal worshiper.

Your avatar of Sheehan - Mr. Kangaroo - he died of AIDS. Not many people knew he was a Sodomite. Did you?
Why the key to heaven

We get it when we are baptized Catholic
Are you baptized as a baby or adult. Then you didn't do it by choice. You need to do it again.
You are baptized as an infant and confirm your baptism as a young adult

That is where Catholics get the keys to heaven

your troll job is wearing thin.

Am I on the wrong thread?

I thought this one was about talking smack about other religions?

My religion is better than your religion......nya, nya, nya

I think this one was you talking about how you said you and your Catholic brethren are the only ones going to heaven because you are an atheist but a Catholic at the same time? That actually works out for you because Catholicism doesn't believe in the God of the Bible either. You are still in the same predicament. You need to be saved, R.W..

Look, I don't know what kind of voodoo, snake handling, speaking in tongues nonsense you subscribe to....but it isn't true Christianity

You have to be Catholic to be a true Christian.....even Jesus can tell you that
20 million Catholics in this country know they are Gods favorite

Why would anyone belong to a religion that thinks it is second best?

the gate is narrow.....few find it.
Only Catholics have the key

What key would that be?
Why the key to heaven

We get it when we are baptized Catholic


There is no such thing as being baptized as a Catholic. The Bible never teaches anyone to be baptized as a "Catholic". There was no such word in the early church as Catholic. It was invented much later on by Constantine. Constantine was a Pagan sun god worshiper. A Baal worshiper.

Your avatar of Sheehan - Mr. Kangaroo - he died of AIDS. Not many people knew he was a Sodomite. Did you?

In Baptism, we are cleansed of original sin clearing our way to the kingdom of heaven

Those of you who participate in phony Christianity do not have a chance
Jimmy Carter will get there ...satan worshipers such as yourself?
Not a chance
You need help
One of the titles the pope has is "God on earth". It does go against what MANY Christians think. Jesus was God on earth and NO man can be that.
Catholics believe Peter was the first Pope and he handed down his authority to the 2nd Pope and so on to this Pope.

Mormons believe the Catholic church was corrupted during Europe dark ages. If you study the history of the Catholic church you see that's true. I came to the same conclusion as Joseph Smith. The only difference is I didn't make up a new religion.
The Bible never mentions Peter having visited Rome even once. Peter was called to preach to the Jews. Not the Romans. Paul was sent to the Romans. I believe Constantine was a bit "confused" to say the least.

He was crucified upside down in Rome.

Can you give me the Book, Chapter and verse for that in the King James Bible, Avatar?

The Bible does not mention Peter visiting Rome even once. I know Peter was crucified upside down. Jesus was crucified right side up. Both died by a Roman Style execution. In Israel. Both tombs are located in Israel. Peter's tomb was reported to have been found in Israel which exposed the hoax and false claim that his body was at the Vatican and that he died in Rome.

As Peter's tomb was discovered in Israel that would have to be the place of his death.
So you admit the Catholic church from the beginning lied?

Catholics are the first Christian Church. Maybe they made the entire thing up? So that would mean your spin off is based on a lie.
the gate is narrow.....few find it.
Only Catholics have the key

What key would that be?
Why the key to heaven

We get it when we are baptized Catholic


There is no such thing as being baptized as a Catholic. The Bible never teaches anyone to be baptized as a "Catholic". There was no such word in the early church as Catholic. It was invented much later on by Constantine. Constantine was a Pagan sun god worshiper. A Baal worshiper.

Your avatar of Sheehan - Mr. Kangaroo - he died of AIDS. Not many people knew he was a Sodomite. Did you?

In Baptism, we are cleansed of original sin clearing our way to the kingdom of heaven

Those of you who participate in phony Christianity do not have a chance
Jimmy Carter will get there before you have a chance

water and getting wet doesnt cleanse any sins for one; and two- no such thing as original sin.

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