Boycott the Pope's Visit to USA

Are you baptized as a baby or adult. Then you didn't do it by choice. You need to do it again.
You are baptized as an infant and confirm your baptism as a young adult

That is where Catholics get the keys to heaven

your troll job is wearing thin.

Am I on the wrong thread?

I thought this one was about talking smack about other religions?

My religion is better than your religion......nya, nya, nya

I think this one was you talking about how you said you and your Catholic brethren are the only ones going to heaven because you are an atheist but a Catholic at the same time? That actually works out for you because Catholicism doesn't believe in the God of the Bible either. You are still in the same predicament. You need to be saved, R.W..

Look, I don't know what kind of voodoo, snake handling, speaking in tongues nonsense you subscribe to....but it isn't true Christianity

You have to be Catholic to be a true Christian.....even Jesus can tell you that

Do you really get paid, RightWinger? For what?!
Why the key to heaven

We get it when we are baptized Catholic
Are you baptized as a baby or adult. Then you didn't do it by choice. You need to do it again.
You are baptized as an infant and confirm your baptism as a young adult

That is where Catholics get the keys to heaven

your troll job is wearing thin.

Am I on the wrong thread?

I thought this one was about talking smack about other religions?

My religion is better than your religion......nya, nya, nya

I think this one was you talking about how you said you and your Catholic brethren are the only ones going to heaven because you are an atheist but a Catholic at the same time? That actually works out for you because Catholicism doesn't believe in the God of the Bible either. You are still in the same predicament. You need to be saved, R.W..
I love Christians fighting among themselves. Just like Sunnis and Shiites.
One of the titles the pope has is "God on earth". It does go against what MANY Christians think. Jesus was God on earth and NO man can be that.
Catholics believe Peter was the first Pope and he handed down his authority to the 2nd Pope and so on to this Pope.

Mormons believe the Catholic church was corrupted during Europe dark ages. If you study the history of the Catholic church you see that's true. I came to the same conclusion as Joseph Smith. The only difference is I didn't make up a new religion.
The Bible never mentions Peter having visited Rome even once. Peter was called to preach to the Jews. Not the Romans. Paul was sent to the Romans. I believe Constantine was a bit "confused" to say the least.

He was crucified upside down in Rome.

Can you give me the Book, Chapter and verse for that in the King James Bible, Avatar?

The Bible does not mention Peter visiting Rome even once. I know Peter was crucified upside down. Jesus was crucified right side up. Both died by a Roman Style execution. In Israel. Both tombs are located in Israel. Peter's tomb was reported to have been found in Israel which exposed the hoax and false claim that his body was at the Vatican and that he died in Rome.

As Peter's tomb was discovered in Israel that would have to be the place of his death.
So you admit the Catholic church from the beginning lied?

Catholics are the first Christian Church. Maybe they made the entire thing up? So that would mean your spin off is based on a lie.

I've told you from the beginning it is a false church and if you will look up past threads you also note I told you it wasn't the first church. Not even close!
Are you baptized as a baby or adult. Then you didn't do it by choice. You need to do it again.
You are baptized as an infant and confirm your baptism as a young adult

That is where Catholics get the keys to heaven

your troll job is wearing thin.

Am I on the wrong thread?

I thought this one was about talking smack about other religions?

My religion is better than your religion......nya, nya, nya

I think this one was you talking about how you said you and your Catholic brethren are the only ones going to heaven because you are an atheist but a Catholic at the same time? That actually works out for you because Catholicism doesn't believe in the God of the Bible either. You are still in the same predicament. You need to be saved, R.W..
I love Christians fighting among themselves. Just like Sunnis and Shiites.

Whose fighting? I get along with Ninja very well. As for you? You know I think you are precious and I pray for you, Sealy. I'd never fight with you. As for Rightwinger? He's "working".. this is his job. You don't want him to get fired, do you?
Catholics believe Peter was the first Pope and he handed down his authority to the 2nd Pope and so on to this Pope.

Mormons believe the Catholic church was corrupted during Europe dark ages. If you study the history of the Catholic church you see that's true. I came to the same conclusion as Joseph Smith. The only difference is I didn't make up a new religion.
The Bible never mentions Peter having visited Rome even once. Peter was called to preach to the Jews. Not the Romans. Paul was sent to the Romans. I believe Constantine was a bit "confused" to say the least.

He was crucified upside down in Rome.

Can you give me the Book, Chapter and verse for that in the King James Bible, Avatar?

The Bible does not mention Peter visiting Rome even once. I know Peter was crucified upside down. Jesus was crucified right side up. Both died by a Roman Style execution. In Israel. Both tombs are located in Israel. Peter's tomb was reported to have been found in Israel which exposed the hoax and false claim that his body was at the Vatican and that he died in Rome.

As Peter's tomb was discovered in Israel that would have to be the place of his death.
So you admit the Catholic church from the beginning lied?

Catholics are the first Christian Church. Maybe they made the entire thing up? So that would mean your spin off is based on a lie.

I've told you from the beginning it is a false church and if you will look up past threads you also note I told you it wasn't the first church. Not even close!
I want to hear a Catholics reply to this.
Only Catholics have the key

What key would that be?
Why the key to heaven

We get it when we are baptized Catholic


There is no such thing as being baptized as a Catholic. The Bible never teaches anyone to be baptized as a "Catholic". There was no such word in the early church as Catholic. It was invented much later on by Constantine. Constantine was a Pagan sun god worshiper. A Baal worshiper.

Your avatar of Sheehan - Mr. Kangaroo - he died of AIDS. Not many people knew he was a Sodomite. Did you?

In Baptism, we are cleansed of original sin clearing our way to the kingdom of heaven

Those of you who participate in phony Christianity do not have a chance
Jimmy Carter will get there before you have a chance

water and getting wet doesnt cleanse any sins for one; and two- no such thing as original sin.
All you sinners claim that
I want to see a smilie face for my last reply to you. I think my comment about R.W.'s paid poster job was funny enough to get one. Don't you?
Are you baptized as a baby or adult. Then you didn't do it by choice. You need to do it again.
You are baptized as an infant and confirm your baptism as a young adult

That is where Catholics get the keys to heaven

your troll job is wearing thin.

Am I on the wrong thread?

I thought this one was about talking smack about other religions?

My religion is better than your religion......nya, nya, nya

I think this one was you talking about how you said you and your Catholic brethren are the only ones going to heaven because you are an atheist but a Catholic at the same time? That actually works out for you because Catholicism doesn't believe in the God of the Bible either. You are still in the same predicament. You need to be saved, R.W..
I love Christians fighting among themselves. Just like Sunnis and Shiites.
They fight over who Jesus likes best

No brainier ....Jesus like Catholics best
They were the 1500 years
You are baptized as an infant and confirm your baptism as a young adult

That is where Catholics get the keys to heaven

your troll job is wearing thin.

Am I on the wrong thread?

I thought this one was about talking smack about other religions?

My religion is better than your religion......nya, nya, nya

I think this one was you talking about how you said you and your Catholic brethren are the only ones going to heaven because you are an atheist but a Catholic at the same time? That actually works out for you because Catholicism doesn't believe in the God of the Bible either. You are still in the same predicament. You need to be saved, R.W..
I love Christians fighting among themselves. Just like Sunnis and Shiites.

Whose fighting? I get along with Ninja very well. As for you? You know I think you are precious and I pray for you, Sealy. I'd never fight with you. As for Rightwinger? He's "working".. this is his job. You don't want him to get fired, do you?
Maybe if you sacrifice a chicken or whatever you guys do
What key would that be?
Why the key to heaven

We get it when we are baptized Catholic


There is no such thing as being baptized as a Catholic. The Bible never teaches anyone to be baptized as a "Catholic". There was no such word in the early church as Catholic. It was invented much later on by Constantine. Constantine was a Pagan sun god worshiper. A Baal worshiper.

Your avatar of Sheehan - Mr. Kangaroo - he died of AIDS. Not many people knew he was a Sodomite. Did you?

In Baptism, we are cleansed of original sin clearing our way to the kingdom of heaven

Those of you who participate in phony Christianity do not have a chance
Jimmy Carter will get there before you have a chance

water and getting wet doesnt cleanse any sins for one; and two- no such thing as original sin.
All you sinners claim that

If your boss is reading tonight? You're probably going to need to start looking for a new job. This material is not up to par. Not even close. Work on a new script. I am going to turn my attention to something else now. Goodnight, R.W..
Why does the Pope wear a Jewish skull cap?
To hide his bald spot.

Scott "Quitter" Walker didn't get the memo.


Although, sometimes he tries to hide it:

You are baptized as an infant and confirm your baptism as a young adult

That is where Catholics get the keys to heaven

your troll job is wearing thin.

Am I on the wrong thread?

I thought this one was about talking smack about other religions?

My religion is better than your religion......nya, nya, nya

I think this one was you talking about how you said you and your Catholic brethren are the only ones going to heaven because you are an atheist but a Catholic at the same time? That actually works out for you because Catholicism doesn't believe in the God of the Bible either. You are still in the same predicament. You need to be saved, R.W..
I love Christians fighting among themselves. Just like Sunnis and Shiites.
They fight over who Jesus likes best

No brainier ....Jesus like Catholics best
They were the 1500 years
Of course they were. Greeks were some of the first to swallow the Jesus stories and we were once members of the Catholic church. There was no competition back then. Protestants Baptists Presbyterians Lutherans and the rest all came later.
Why the key to heaven

We get it when we are baptized Catholic


There is no such thing as being baptized as a Catholic. The Bible never teaches anyone to be baptized as a "Catholic". There was no such word in the early church as Catholic. It was invented much later on by Constantine. Constantine was a Pagan sun god worshiper. A Baal worshiper.

Your avatar of Sheehan - Mr. Kangaroo - he died of AIDS. Not many people knew he was a Sodomite. Did you?

In Baptism, we are cleansed of original sin clearing our way to the kingdom of heaven

Those of you who participate in phony Christianity do not have a chance
Jimmy Carter will get there before you have a chance

water and getting wet doesnt cleanse any sins for one; and two- no such thing as original sin.
All you sinners claim that

If your boss is reading tonight? You're probably going to need to start looking for a new job. This material is not up to par. Not even close. Work on a new script. I am going to turn my attention to something else now. Goodnight, R.W..
He would be a terrible cult recruiter huh?

It wouldn't take a salesmen or good bullshitter if the product sold itself.
your troll job is wearing thin.

Am I on the wrong thread?

I thought this one was about talking smack about other religions?

My religion is better than your religion......nya, nya, nya

I think this one was you talking about how you said you and your Catholic brethren are the only ones going to heaven because you are an atheist but a Catholic at the same time? That actually works out for you because Catholicism doesn't believe in the God of the Bible either. You are still in the same predicament. You need to be saved, R.W..
I love Christians fighting among themselves. Just like Sunnis and Shiites.
They fight over who Jesus likes best

No brainier ....Jesus like Catholics best
They were the 1500 years
Of course they were. Greeks were some of the first to swallow the Jesus stories and we were once members of the Catholic church. There was no competition back then. Protestants Baptists Presbyterians Lutherans and the rest all came later.

The early Greeks became Scripture believing Christians before some (later on) went off the path and got into Catholicism, Sealy.
There is no such thing as being baptized as a Catholic. The Bible never teaches anyone to be baptized as a "Catholic". There was no such word in the early church as Catholic. It was invented much later on by Constantine. Constantine was a Pagan sun god worshiper. A Baal worshiper.

Your avatar of Sheehan - Mr. Kangaroo - he died of AIDS. Not many people knew he was a Sodomite. Did you?

In Baptism, we are cleansed of original sin clearing our way to the kingdom of heaven

Those of you who participate in phony Christianity do not have a chance
Jimmy Carter will get there before you have a chance

water and getting wet doesnt cleanse any sins for one; and two- no such thing as original sin.
All you sinners claim that

If your boss is reading tonight? You're probably going to need to start looking for a new job. This material is not up to par. Not even close. Work on a new script. I am going to turn my attention to something else now. Goodnight, R.W..
He would be a terrible cult recruiter huh?

It wouldn't take a salesmen or good bullshitter if the product sold itself.

No one needed to convince me to become a Born again Christian. I gave my life to Jesus Christ while I was alone. The Holy Spirit drew me to Jesus and I gave my life to him right there and then. Best decision I ever made in my entire life! I would not change my mind about it for the world. Good night, Sealy.
your troll job is wearing thin.

Am I on the wrong thread?

I thought this one was about talking smack about other religions?

My religion is better than your religion......nya, nya, nya

I think this one was you talking about how you said you and your Catholic brethren are the only ones going to heaven because you are an atheist but a Catholic at the same time? That actually works out for you because Catholicism doesn't believe in the God of the Bible either. You are still in the same predicament. You need to be saved, R.W..
I love Christians fighting among themselves. Just like Sunnis and Shiites.
They fight over who Jesus likes best

No brainier ....Jesus like Catholics best
They were the 1500 years
Of course they were. Greeks were some of the first to swallow the Jesus stories and we were once members of the Catholic church. There was no competition back then. Protestants Baptists Presbyterians Lutherans and the rest all came later.
None of them could cut it as Catholics. So they made up their own bogus Christian churches....

Jesus is not fooled
In Baptism, we are cleansed of original sin clearing our way to the kingdom of heaven

Those of you who participate in phony Christianity do not have a chance
Jimmy Carter will get there before you have a chance

water and getting wet doesnt cleanse any sins for one; and two- no such thing as original sin.
All you sinners claim that

If your boss is reading tonight? You're probably going to need to start looking for a new job. This material is not up to par. Not even close. Work on a new script. I am going to turn my attention to something else now. Goodnight, R.W..
He would be a terrible cult recruiter huh?

It wouldn't take a salesmen or good bullshitter if the product sold itself.

No one needed to convince me to become a Born again Christian. I gave my life to Jesus Christ while I was alone. The Holy Spirit drew me to Jesus and I gave my life to him right there and then. Best decision I ever made in my entire life! I would not change my mind about it for the world. Good night, Sealy.

Time for Jeri to dance with snakes and sacrifice a chicken while she speaks in tongues
You do realize that God doesn't accuse people, right? That's Satan's job.
As a Mormon, do you believe all other Christian denominations are abominations, as Mormon dogma teaches?

That is not an accurate description of our teachings. Quite the opposite.
Is lying another tenet of the Mormon "church"?

LDS Church Leaders Declare Christianity to be in a State of Total Apostasy


Do Mormons view Catholics and people of other faiths as "abominable?"

Do Mormons See Other Christians as Non-Believers? - Mormon DNA

Joseph Smith said . . .

(Regarding Joseph Smith's alleged first vision where celestial personages appeared to him) . . . "My object in going to inquire of the Lord was to know which of all the sects was right, that I might know which to join. No sooner, therefore, did I get possession of myself, so as to be able to speak, than I asked the personages who stood above me in the light, which of all the sects was right--and which I should join. I was answered that I must join none of them, for they were all wrong, and the personage who addressed me said that all their creeds were an abomination in His sight: that those professors were all corrupt . . . ," (Joseph Smith, History of the Church, vol. 1, p. 5-6).

"What is it that inspires professors of Christianity generally with a hope of salvation? It is that smooth, sophisticated influence of the devil, by which he deceives the whole world," (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, compiled by Joseph Fielding Smith, p. 270).

(In questions directed to Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism . . . )
First--"Do you believe the Bible?"
If we do, we are the only people under heaven that do, for there are none of the religious sects of the day that do."
Third--"Will everybody be damned, but Mormons?"
Yes, and a great portion of them
, unless they repent, and work righteousness," (Teachings, page 119).

Does Mormonism Attack Other Religions?
Am I on the wrong thread?

I thought this one was about talking smack about other religions?

My religion is better than your religion......nya, nya, nya

I think this one was you talking about how you said you and your Catholic brethren are the only ones going to heaven because you are an atheist but a Catholic at the same time? That actually works out for you because Catholicism doesn't believe in the God of the Bible either. You are still in the same predicament. You need to be saved, R.W..
I love Christians fighting among themselves. Just like Sunnis and Shiites.
They fight over who Jesus likes best

No brainier ....Jesus like Catholics best
They were the 1500 years
Of course they were. Greeks were some of the first to swallow the Jesus stories and we were once members of the Catholic church. There was no competition back then. Protestants Baptists Presbyterians Lutherans and the rest all came later.

The early Greeks became Scripture believing Christians before some (later on) went off the path and got into Catholicism, Sealy.
Which greeks didn't go along and join the Catholic church? What years did this happen? What denomination did they belong to and what Greeks practice this today?

We are all Greek Orthodox and before that we all belonged to the Catholic church.

What church has been around as long as Catholicism? Got a link backing up your history?

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