Boycott Wisconsin beer and cheese

Send a message to Wisconsin voters and Scott Walker, that we don't want American workers being paid THIRD WORLD wages.

Nah, i'll pass on this one. I love Wisconsin beer and cheese. And no Wisconsin Workers are being paid 'THIRD WORLD' wages.' That's absurd Bullshite.

So no, a few whiny Communist entitlement moochers aren't gonna keep me from that tasty Wisconsin beer & cheese. Nice try though. ;)
You have no taste if you drink recycled that looks like piss.
Send a message to Wisconsin voters and Scott Walker, that we don't want American workers being paid THIRD WORLD wages.

Nah, i'll pass on this one. I love Wisconsin beer and cheese. And no Wisconsin Workers are being paid 'THIRD WORLD' wages.' That's absurd Bullshite.

So no, a few whiny Communist entitlement moochers aren't gonna keep me from that tasty Wisconsin beer & cheese. Nice try though. ;)
You have no taste if you drink recycled that looks like piss.

I hear ya. I'm a Guinness man myself.
Bullshit, and you know it. It's cons that try to force women to have babies they can't afford.
Really. How are "cons" impregnating poor women, exactly?

Are these poor women impregnated by magic? We figured out a long time ago how that happens, you know.
I said nothing about cons impregnating women. I said they are trying to force women to have children they can't afford. But you know what I said, you just try to twist the truth.
Bullshit, and you know it. It's cons that try to force women to have babies they can't afford.
Really. How are "cons" impregnating poor women, exactly?

Are these poor women impregnated by magic? We figured out a long time ago how that happens, you know.
I said nothing about cons impregnating women. I said they are trying to force women to have children they can't afford. But you know what I said, you just try to twist the truth.

For the most part, only dumb sluts put themselves in that awful position. If they would stop being dumb sluts, they wouldn't be forced to do anything. But i am with ya somewhat. Taxpayers are already maxed out. They shouldn't be forced to support more dumb sluts' numerous kids.

So in the end, i am reluctantly Pro-Abortion. Killing babies isn't a just answer though. Instead, dumb sluts should stop being dumb sluts. How's that for some truth?
Send a message to Wisconsin voters and Scott Walker, that we don't want American workers being paid THIRD WORLD wages.

Nah, i'll pass on this one. I love Wisconsin beer and cheese. And no Wisconsin Workers are being paid 'THIRD WORLD' wages.' That's absurd Bullshite.

So no, a few whiny Communist entitlement moochers aren't gonna keep me from that tasty Wisconsin beer & cheese. Nice try though. ;)
You have no taste if you drink recycled that looks like piss.

I hear ya. I'm a Guinness man myself.
Try some Celebrator dopple bock...about 9% best I've ever drank.
Send a message to Wisconsin voters and Scott Walker, that we don't want American workers being paid THIRD WORLD wages.

How about a link supporting your bullshit contention.
I already posted it in post #27....try to keep up.
Scott Walker’s economic mess: How worker wages were gutted in Wisconsin
Scott Walker s economic mess How worker wages were gutted in Wisconsin -

No Wisconsin Worker is being paid 'THIRD WORLD' wages. So you are lying on that claim. And Salon is not a credible source. It's a well known Communist/Progressive Democrat mouthpiece.

There is no credible indepenent evidence supporting its claim that Wisconsin Workers' wages have been 'gutted.' In fact, Walker has done a fantastic job in Wisconsin. He's turned things around there. So no one's worried about the few whiny Entitlement moochers and Communists who hate him. They're irrelevant. He's doing well, and most in Wisconsin feel that way about him.
Bullshit, and you know it. It's cons that try to force women to have babies they can't afford.
Really. How are "cons" impregnating poor women, exactly?

Are these poor women impregnated by magic? We figured out a long time ago how that happens, you know.
I said nothing about cons impregnating women. I said they are trying to force women to have children they can't afford. But you know what I said, you just try to twist the truth.

For the most part, only dumb sluts put themselves in that awful position. If they would stop being dumb sluts, they wouldn't be forced to do anything. But i am with ya somewhat. Taxpayers are already maxed out. They shouldn't be forced to support more dumb sluts' numerous kids.

So in the end, i am reluctantly Pro-Abortion. Killing babies isn't a just answer though. Instead, dumb sluts should stop being dumb sluts. How's that for some truth?
How about we neuter the men that get them pregnant? How about we make cons pay for the babies they want to force women to have? The GOP would be all for abortion if they had to pay for those kids all the way through high school. It costs a quarter million dollars to raise each kid these days. But the dumb fuck cons end up paying to keep them in prison at $40k per year.
Send a message to Wisconsin voters and Scott Walker, that we don't want American workers being paid THIRD WORLD wages.
What are their wages?
Walker destroyed the teachers union to lower their wages and health care benefits.

Scott Walker’s economic mess: How worker wages were gutted in Wisconsin
Scott Walker s economic mess How worker wages were gutted in Wisconsin -

How dare the people have freedom to be able to choose or not choose to be in a union.
Dem's are always for force and not freedom.
Force people in Unions and Force people for Health Care.
Bullshit, and you know it. It's cons that try to force women to have babies they can't afford. It's cons that try to force women to have babies when they get raped. It's cons that try to force women to have babies that will be born deformed. Your shit don't flush.

It's Dems who force women to be single in order to receive welfare checks and then gives them more money when they have more children.
But it was not about the abortion issue.
This was about the force of people paying union dues instead of a choice.
It's about taxpayers having to pay for their pensions and health care and having to pay for government workers as well.
Doesn't the Health Care Act force you to get Health Insurance and forces you to pay a tax if you don't?
Bullshit, and you know it. It's cons that try to force women to have babies they can't afford.
Really. How are "cons" impregnating poor women, exactly?

Are these poor women impregnated by magic? We figured out a long time ago how that happens, you know.
I said nothing about cons impregnating women. I said they are trying to force women to have children they can't afford. But you know what I said, you just try to twist the truth.

For the most part, only dumb sluts put themselves in that awful position. If they would stop being dumb sluts, they wouldn't be forced to do anything. But i am with ya somewhat. Taxpayers are already maxed out. They shouldn't be forced to support more dumb sluts' numerous kids.

So in the end, i am reluctantly Pro-Abortion. Killing babies isn't a just answer though. Instead, dumb sluts should stop being dumb sluts. How's that for some truth?
How about we neuter the men that get them pregnant? How about we make cons pay for the babies they want to force women to have? The GOP would be all for abortion if they had to pay for those kids all the way through high school. It costs a quarter million dollars to raise each kid these days. But the dumb fuck cons end up paying to keep them in prison at $40k per year.

We already pay for your illegitimate and criminal by-blows.
Bullshit, and you know it. It's cons that try to force women to have babies they can't afford.
Really. How are "cons" impregnating poor women, exactly?

Are these poor women impregnated by magic? We figured out a long time ago how that happens, you know.
I said nothing about cons impregnating women. I said they are trying to force women to have children they can't afford. But you know what I said, you just try to twist the truth.
And how are cons forcing these poor women to get pregnant?

We found out a long time ago babies are the natural result of pregnancy, and pregnancy is the natural result of having sex without birth control. So if you can't afford a baby, how is it the cons forced you to get pregnant, exactly?
Bullshit, and you know it. It's cons that try to force women to have babies they can't afford.
Really. How are "cons" impregnating poor women, exactly?

Are these poor women impregnated by magic? We figured out a long time ago how that happens, you know.
I said nothing about cons impregnating women. I said they are trying to force women to have children they can't afford. But you know what I said, you just try to twist the truth.

For the most part, only dumb sluts put themselves in that awful position. If they would stop being dumb sluts, they wouldn't be forced to do anything. But i am with ya somewhat. Taxpayers are already maxed out. They shouldn't be forced to support more dumb sluts' numerous kids.

So in the end, i am reluctantly Pro-Abortion. Killing babies isn't a just answer though. Instead, dumb sluts should stop being dumb sluts. How's that for some truth?
How about we neuter the men that get them pregnant? How about we make cons pay for the babies they want to force women to have? The GOP would be all for abortion if they had to pay for those kids all the way through high school. It costs a quarter million dollars to raise each kid these days. But the dumb fuck cons end up paying to keep them in prison at $40k per year.

If they stop being dumb sluts, they won't be put in that awful position. But like i said, i am reluctantly Pro-Abortion. Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay for dumb sluts' numerous children.
Bullshit, and you know it. It's cons that try to force women to have babies they can't afford.
Really. How are "cons" impregnating poor women, exactly?

Are these poor women impregnated by magic? We figured out a long time ago how that happens, you know.
I said nothing about cons impregnating women. I said they are trying to force women to have children they can't afford. But you know what I said, you just try to twist the truth.

For the most part, only dumb sluts put themselves in that awful position. If they would stop being dumb sluts, they wouldn't be forced to do anything. But i am with ya somewhat. Taxpayers are already maxed out. They shouldn't be forced to support more dumb sluts' numerous kids.

So in the end, i am reluctantly Pro-Abortion. Killing babies isn't a just answer though. Instead, dumb sluts should stop being dumb sluts. How's that for some truth?
How about we neuter the men that get them pregnant? How about we make cons pay for the babies they want to force women to have? The GOP would be all for abortion if they had to pay for those kids all the way through high school. It costs a quarter million dollars to raise each kid these days. But the dumb fuck cons end up paying to keep them in prison at $40k per year.

We already pay for your illegitimate and criminal by-blows.

We pay too much. Too many American Women are dumb sluts. That's the truth. It is what it is.
Send a message to Wisconsin voters and Scott Walker, that we don't want American workers being paid THIRD WORLD wages.

How about a link supporting your bullshit contention.
I already posted it in post #27....try to keep up.
Scott Walker’s economic mess: How worker wages were gutted in Wisconsin
Scott Walker s economic mess How worker wages were gutted in Wisconsin -
And I posted hard evidence that Wisconsin has a higher median income than the US median income. So please explain how that means Wisconsin earns "THIRD WORLD wages".
Send a message to Wisconsin voters and Scott Walker, that we don't want American workers being paid THIRD WORLD wages.
What are their wages?
Walker destroyed the teachers union to lower their wages and health care benefits.

Scott Walker’s economic mess: How worker wages were gutted in Wisconsin
Scott Walker s economic mess How worker wages were gutted in Wisconsin -

How dare the people have freedom to be able to choose or not choose to be in a union.
Dem's are always for force and not freedom.
Force people in Unions and Force people for Health Care.
Bullshit, and you know it. It's cons that try to force women to have babies they can't afford. It's cons that try to force women to have babies when they get raped. It's cons that try to force women to have babies that will be born deformed. Your shit don't flush.

It's Dems who force women to be single in order to receive welfare checks and then gives them more money when they have more children.
But it was not about the abortion issue.
This was about the force of people paying union dues instead of a choice.
It's about taxpayers having to pay for their pensions and health care and having to pay for government workers as well.
Doesn't the Health Care Act force you to get Health Insurance and forces you to pay a tax if you don't?
"Pay no attention to the anti-abortionist behind the curtain." He just wants to scare poor people out of health care, because for some stupid reason, he would rather pay for their heath care with his own insurance when they go to the emergency room instead of having their own insurance.
How about we make cons pay for the babies they want to force women to have? The GOP would be all for abortion if they had to pay for those kids all the way through high school. It costs a quarter million dollars to raise each kid these days. But the dumb fuck cons end up paying to keep them in prison at $40k per year.

Now the ugly truth about the Left shows its face.

"Pay for my baby or I will kill it."

Using the innocent as human shields to get government cash.

Really. How are "cons" impregnating poor women, exactly?

Are these poor women impregnated by magic? We figured out a long time ago how that happens, you know.
I said nothing about cons impregnating women. I said they are trying to force women to have children they can't afford. But you know what I said, you just try to twist the truth.

For the most part, only dumb sluts put themselves in that awful position. If they would stop being dumb sluts, they wouldn't be forced to do anything. But i am with ya somewhat. Taxpayers are already maxed out. They shouldn't be forced to support more dumb sluts' numerous kids.

So in the end, i am reluctantly Pro-Abortion. Killing babies isn't a just answer though. Instead, dumb sluts should stop being dumb sluts. How's that for some truth?
How about we neuter the men that get them pregnant? How about we make cons pay for the babies they want to force women to have? The GOP would be all for abortion if they had to pay for those kids all the way through high school. It costs a quarter million dollars to raise each kid these days. But the dumb fuck cons end up paying to keep them in prison at $40k per year.

We already pay for your illegitimate and criminal by-blows.

We pay too much. Too many American Women are dumb sluts. That's the truth. It is what it is.

They're victimized by progressivism. They're educated in a manner that encourages their dumb sluttiness, and makes them sexually accessible from about age 11 to any progressive douchebag that wants to knock them up.

And the teachers and abortion clinics protect the douchebags by refusing to report.

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