Boycott Wisconsin beer and cheese

I'm going to stock up on Wisconsin products before this boycott takes effect. I still remember when you couldn't by Coors beer east of the Mississippi. :banana:
Oh well, i waited patiently. The OP never produced all those links proving Wisconsin Workers are being paid 'THIRD WORLD' wages. So, i definitely call BULLSHITE on another dumb Communist/Progressive moocher loon. Now, bring on that beer & cheese goodness!
Send a message to Wisconsin voters and Scott Walker, that we don't want American workers being paid THIRD WORLD wages.

If I drank domestic beer or ate cheese, I wouldn't boycott it. The people of Wisconsin elected him and they are entitled to the government they choose so long as they stay within the Constitution.
...And Americans that resent workers in this country being paid lower wages (like the teachers the Walker screwed) have a right to boycott Wisconsin products. When Wisconsin loses enough revenue, they may figure out that Walker isn't helping them.

It is the unions that screwed the tax payers by not funding the teachers retirement pensions and making it too high.
Send a message to Wisconsin voters and Scott Walker, that we don't want American workers being paid THIRD WORLD wages.

Yeah! Let's put them out of business so they make NO MONEY instead of what they make now. BRILLIANT

Stupid fucking liberals

Yeah, Obamabots aren't exactly known for their brilliance. That bot actually believes Wisconsin Workers are being paid 'THIRD WORLD' wages. It just has to be so because Salon and MSNBC told em so. Loony Entitlement douches, waddayagunnado?
Send a message to Wisconsin voters and Scott Walker, that we don't want American workers being paid THIRD WORLD wages.

How about a link supporting your bullshit contention.

Don't bother. Pretty sure the OP is just another dimwitted Entitlement douche. The odds of it even having a job are slim & none. Most likely just milking that Taxpayer cash.

Obamabots aren't very bright. All they know is, Salon and MSNBC told em it was so. The truth is, no Wisconsin Worker is being paid 'THIRD WORLD' wages. Gotta call Bullshit on the thread. It is what it is.
The left are having a fit that public sector employees have to now pay for their pensions and health care just like private sector employees do.
Yet the left never think that it is unfair that private sector employees have to pay for their pensions and health care as well as for the public sector employees.
Why should private sector employees (tax payers) have to pay double like that?
Lefties explain how this is fair and balanced and equal?
So your brilliant plan is to screw over WI poor and middle class workers by boycotting the goods they produce? Pull your head out of your stupid liberal ass already.
Hey there's a bigot right wing band looking for a guitarist. I put the URL on the thread PERFECT EXAMPLE OF PROUD RIGHT WING BIGOTRY for you.

Sorry sometimes liberal stupidity needs to be pointed out, your thread for example.
Send a message to Wisconsin voters and Scott Walker, that we don't want American workers being paid THIRD WORLD wages.

If I drank domestic beer or ate cheese, I wouldn't boycott it. The people of Wisconsin elected him and they are entitled to the government they choose so long as they stay within the Constitution.
...And Americans that resent workers in this country being paid lower wages (like the teachers the Walker screwed) have a right to boycott Wisconsin products. When Wisconsin loses enough revenue, they may figure out that Walker isn't helping them.

The teachers were NOT paid lower wages and a lot of them will quit the teachers union.
Send a message to Wisconsin voters and Scott Walker, that we don't want American workers being paid THIRD WORLD wages.
What are their wages?
Walker destroyed the teachers union to lower their wages and health care benefits.

Scott Walker’s economic mess: How worker wages were gutted in Wisconsin
Scott Walker s economic mess How worker wages were gutted in Wisconsin -

How dare the people have freedom to be able to choose or not choose to be in a union.
Dem's are always for force and not freedom.
Force people in Unions and Force people for Health Care.
Bullshit, and you know it. It's cons that try to force women to have babies they can't afford. It's cons that try to force women to have babies when they get raped. It's cons that try to force women to have babies that will be born deformed. Your shit don't flush.
Bullshit, and you know it. It's cons that try to force women to have babies they can't afford.
Really. How are "cons" impregnating poor women, exactly?

Are these poor women impregnated by magic? We figured out a long time ago how that happens, you know.

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