Boycott Wisconsin beer and cheese

Send a message to Wisconsin voters and Scott Walker, that we don't want American workers being paid THIRD WORLD wages.

If I drank domestic beer or ate cheese, I wouldn't boycott it. The people of Wisconsin elected him and they are entitled to the government they choose so long as they stay within the Constitution.
So your brilliant plan is to screw over WI poor and middle class workers by boycotting the goods they produce? Pull your head out of your stupid liberal ass already.
Hey there's a bigot right wing band looking for a guitarist. I put the URL on the thread PERFECT EXAMPLE OF PROUD RIGHT WING BIGOTRY for you.
Send a message to Wisconsin voters and Scott Walker, that we don't want American workers being paid THIRD WORLD wages.

If I drank domestic beer or ate cheese, I wouldn't boycott it. The people of Wisconsin elected him and they are entitled to the government they choose so long as they stay within the Constitution.
...And Americans that resent workers in this country being paid lower wages (like the teachers the Walker screwed) have a right to boycott Wisconsin products. When Wisconsin loses enough revenue, they may figure out that Walker isn't helping them.
Send a message to Wisconsin voters and Scott Walker, that we don't want American workers being paid THIRD WORLD wages.
Household income in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The U.S. Census Bureau reported in September 2014 that: U.S. real (inflation adjusted) median household income was $51,939 in 2013 versus $51,759 in 2012, statistically unchanged.

So let's see what Wisconsin's median income is, shall we?

State Median Income - Income Data - U.S Census Bureau


US: $51,939

Wisconsin: $53,114

So a median income that is higher than the national median income is your idea of "THIRD WORLD wages"? Really?
Oops. That graphic I made of Wisconsin's median income was for 2010-2011.

According to the Census, the 2013 median income for Wisconsin was $54,554. Their income went...UP. So, even more higher than the national median income.

Damn you, Scott Walker!!!
Send a message to Wisconsin voters and Scott Walker, that we don't want American workers being paid THIRD WORLD wages.
What are their wages?
Walker destroyed the teachers union to lower their wages and health care benefits.

Scott Walker’s economic mess: How worker wages were gutted in Wisconsin
Scott Walker s economic mess How worker wages were gutted in Wisconsin -

How dare the people have freedom to be able to choose or not choose to be in a union.
Dem's are always for force and not freedom.
Force people in Unions and Force people for Health Care.
Send a message to Wisconsin voters and Scott Walker, that we don't want American workers being paid THIRD WORLD wages.

What is 'Wisconsin beer"?

Boycotts are usually pretty stupid- this one especially.
Send a message to Wisconsin voters and Scott Walker, that we don't want American workers being paid THIRD WORLD wages.

Nah, i'll pass on this one. I love Wisconsin beer and cheese. And no Wisconsin Workers are being paid 'THIRD WORLD' wages.' That's absurd Bullshite.

So no, a few whiny Communist entitlement moochers aren't gonna keep me from that tasty Wisconsin beer & cheese. Nice try though. ;)
Send a message to Wisconsin voters and Scott Walker, that we don't want American workers being paid THIRD WORLD wages.
What are their wages?
Walker destroyed the teachers union to lower their wages and health care benefits.

Scott Walker’s economic mess: How worker wages were gutted in Wisconsin
Scott Walker s economic mess How worker wages were gutted in Wisconsin -

Oh, WELL, if says so, it HAS to be true. I'll get right on caring about that . . . someday.
Send a message to Wisconsin voters and Scott Walker, that we don't want American workers being paid THIRD WORLD wages.

Nah, i'll pass on this one. I love Wisconsin beer and cheese. And no Wisconsin Workers are being paid 'THIRD WORLD' wages.' That's absurd Bullshite.

So no, a few whiny Communist entitlement moochers aren't gonna keep me from that tasty Wisconsin beer & cheese. Nice try though. ;)

I don't know if my beer is made in Wisconsin or not. Love their cheese, though.
And we'll all wait for the OP's links proving Wisconsin Workers are being paid 'THIRD WORLD' wages. Prove that, and maybe i'll consider giving up that delicious Wisconsin beer & cheese. Otherwise, i'll call Bullshit on another dumb Communist/Progressive moocher loon.
Send a message to Wisconsin voters and Scott Walker, that we don't want American workers being paid THIRD WORLD wages.

If I drank domestic beer or ate cheese, I wouldn't boycott it. The people of Wisconsin elected him and they are entitled to the government they choose so long as they stay within the Constitution.
...And Americans that resent workers in this country being paid lower wages (like the teachers the Walker screwed) have a right to boycott Wisconsin products. When Wisconsin loses enough revenue, they may figure out that Walker isn't helping them.

I didn't say they didn't. I said I wouldn't.

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