Boycott Wisconsin beer and cheese

" Their economy is growing. Let them expand first. Wisconsin has added Thousands of new jobs. Maybe you would like him to do like other Democratic governors and Tank the economy into Third World conditions like Detroit".

Actually the economy isn't growing nearly as fast as the surrounding states. Many young people are headed west to MN for higher wages and much better opportunities. Wisconsin is falling behind. Having lived in the state my whole life things are no better than they were 10 years ago.
Send a message to Wisconsin voters and Scott Walker, that we don't want American workers being paid THIRD WORLD wages.

Nah, i'll pass on this one. I love Wisconsin beer and cheese. And no Wisconsin Workers are being paid 'THIRD WORLD' wages.' That's absurd Bullshite.

So no, a few whiny Communist entitlement moochers aren't gonna keep me from that tasty Wisconsin beer & cheese. Nice try though. ;)

I don't know if my beer is made in Wisconsin or not. Love their cheese, though.

Those aren't the best things to come out of Wisconsin. That would be Red Wing BOOTS.
Low skills = Low wages. Higher Skills = Higher Wages

Get educated and skilled. Otherwise, McDonalds and Walmart Workers shouldn't expect to make Doctor, Lawyer, or CEO Wages. It just ain't gonna happen. It is what it is.

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