Boycott Wisconsin beer and cheese

How about a link supporting your bullshit contention.
I already posted it in post #27....try to keep up.
Scott Walker’s economic mess: How worker wages were gutted in Wisconsin
Scott Walker s economic mess How worker wages were gutted in Wisconsin -
And I posted hard evidence that Wisconsin has a higher median income than the US median income. So please explain how that means Wisconsin earns "THIRD WORLD wages".
This is the third time I've posted this now,,,keep up.
Scott Walker’s economic mess: How worker wages were gutted in Wisconsin
Scott Walker s economic mess How worker wages were gutted in Wisconsin - What an idiot!
^^^^another Rush Limpballs fan that worships FUX NEWS.

Oh wait! It's not that you are an illiterate moron, that was supposed to be an insult! I see that now. You need to be careful, first impressions and all.
I buy foreign beer(much better, made from better ingredients, cheese is overrated and sheer fat). The Germans and Danes and Belgians have outclassed American beer brewers big time. American beer is cheap swill.
I believe some of the beer manufacturers are unionized... Therefore any GOP person who drinks it is a hypocrite, when those jobs could be done by non unionized folk for ALOT less in wages.
For the most part, only dumb sluts put themselves in that awful position. If they would stop being dumb sluts, they wouldn't be forced to do anything. But i am with ya somewhat. Taxpayers are already maxed out. They shouldn't be forced to support more dumb sluts' numerous kids.

So in the end, i am reluctantly Pro-Abortion. Killing babies isn't a just answer though. Instead, dumb sluts should stop being dumb sluts. How's that for some truth?
How about we neuter the men that get them pregnant? How about we make cons pay for the babies they want to force women to have? The GOP would be all for abortion if they had to pay for those kids all the way through high school. It costs a quarter million dollars to raise each kid these days. But the dumb fuck cons end up paying to keep them in prison at $40k per year.

We already pay for your illegitimate and criminal by-blows.

We pay too much. Too many American Women are dumb sluts. That's the truth. It is what it is.

They're victimized by progressivism. They're educated in a manner that encourages their dumb sluttiness, and makes them sexually accessible from about age 11 to any progressive douchebag that wants to knock them up.

And the teachers protect them by refusing to report.
Con women are so resentful about not being able to get laid.

Yeah, THAT'S the problem. How could we possibly compete with liberal women, comprised of such hot babes as Hillary Clinton, Janet Napolitano, Nancy Pelosi . . .
We already pay for your illegitimate and criminal by-blows.

We pay too much. Too many American Women are dumb sluts. That's the truth. It is what it is.

They're victimized by progressivism. They're educated in a manner that encourages their dumb sluttiness, and makes them sexually accessible from about age 11 to any progressive douchebag that wants to knock them up.

And the teachers protect them by refusing to report.
Con women are so resentful about not being able to get laid.

See there you have it.

A woman's only purpose in life is to be fucked, according to progressives.
Yeah sure...That's why we try to get them equal pay instead of barefoot and pregnant.

Yeah, lefties are champions of "equal pay" . . . so long as it's not any of the dumb bitches who actually work in THEIR office (take a bow, Obama and Clinton). Why is it that lefties are always trying to accomplish their high-flying goals in someone ELSE'S backyard, with someone else's money?
We already pay for your illegitimate and criminal by-blows.

We pay too much. Too many American Women are dumb sluts. That's the truth. It is what it is.

They're victimized by progressivism. They're educated in a manner that encourages their dumb sluttiness, and makes them sexually accessible from about age 11 to any progressive douchebag that wants to knock them up.

And the teachers protect them by refusing to report.
Con women are so resentful about not being able to get laid.

See there you have it.

A woman's only purpose in life is to be fucked, according to progressives.
Yeah sure...That's why we try to get them equal pay instead of barefoot and pregnant.

Yeah, lefties are champions of "equal pay" . . . so long as it's not any of the dumb bitches who actually work in THEIR office (take a bow, Obama and Clinton). Why is it that lefties are always trying to accomplish their high-flying goals in someone ELSE'S backyard, with someone else's money?
Have all the children you want. Just don't demand Taxpayers pay for em. There's just too many stupid sluts having numerous children in this country. That's the reality.
Think about all the future liberal voters abortions prevent.

True, but killing babies isn't a good thing. It's wrong on many levels. But there are so many American Women behaving like stupid sluts. I have to be reluctantly Pro-Abortion. The Taxpayers are already maxed out.
An egg is not a baby. Babies cry and breath and shit....a lot.

Ever see an ultrasound image of a baby in very early stages of development? You'd be very surprised to see how quickly they develop. It's not just an egg in most cases of Abortion.

Do some research on ultrasound images. It will enlighten you quite a bit. You won't be nearly as gung-ho about Abortion as you are now.
I've seen an ultrasound of a chicken egg, but it's still and egg.

You do realize that chickens and humans are very, VERY different creatures, right? Just because we call a human woman's reproductive cells "eggs" doesn't mean they're actually eggs like you would cook for breakfast.
Left loons and boycotts...neither ever works
If it involves junk food...correct.
Nonsense. Every single protest/boycott I've seen you loons promote has blow up in your face.
Look no further than Walker himself or ChicFilA

Spot On. Only Entitlement douches and Communist assholes hate Walker. He's actually doing a great job in Wisconsin. Most respect how he's turned things around there. The Entitlement douches and Communist assholes are irrelevant at this point. And obviously, that pisses them off.
Walker will be irrelevant in 2016. The majority of the country isn't as fucking stupid as the majority of Wisconsin.

Oh, yes, PLEASE lead with that condescending elitist attitude in the elections. Please please PLEASE!
I know where I live, the school district is union free. A teacher with tenure makes 90K and has the right to tutor from 3:30 PM til whenever they wish. They work 180 days a year on the books and as many days they wish for cash...they make a killing during regents weeks. union. Your pay is based on your dedication, talent and like a charm.

Looks like Teacher Unions have failed miserably. Only making 'THIRD WORLD' wages now. Poor chumps.

If they went into teaching for the money, are they really bright enough to be trusted with educating our children, anyway?
I know where I live, the school district is union free. A teacher with tenure makes 90K and has the right to tutor from 3:30 PM til whenever they wish. They work 180 days a year on the books and as many days they wish for cash...they make a killing during regents weeks. union. Your pay is based on your dedication, talent and like a charm.

Looks like Teacher Unions have failed miserably. Only making 'THIRD WORLD' wages now. Poor chumps.

If they went into teaching for the money, are they really bright enough to be trusted with educating our children, anyway?

Send a message to Wisconsin voters and Scott Walker, that we don't want American workers being paid THIRD WORLD wages.

That's too bad. Too bad you can't force people to pay union dues when they don't in fact belong to a union. If people want beer and cheese, just wait till Football season comes around, there will be plenty of it a Lambeau Field.

Just an aside, how does forcing people into paying union dues stop people from being paid "third world wages?"
Send a message to Wisconsin voters and Scott Walker, that we don't want American workers being paid THIRD WORLD wages.

They aren't being paid third world wages, dipshit. The workers have spoken and do not wish to be forced into union where they have to pay ridiculous dues. I would rather fight for my own raises than to give up money each year that will be spent to support Democrat candidates.
Nonsense. Every single protest/boycott I've seen you loons promote has blow up in your face.
Look no further than Walker himself or ChicFilA

LOL over a one month period three years ago! You must be joking! I went to Chick fil A two weeks ago and the place was packed. I live in the most liberal city outside of Atlanta. You're such a hoot.

On August 1, 2012 this was the scene:

Chick-fil-A confirms record-setting day on Appreciation Day Fox News
Send a message to Wisconsin voters and Scott Walker, that we don't want American workers being paid THIRD WORLD wages.

Their economy is growing. Let them expand first. Wisconsin has added Thousands of new jobs. Maybe you would like him to do like other Democratic governors and Tank the economy into Third World conditions like Detroit.

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