Boycott Wisconsin beer and cheese

How about a link supporting your bullshit contention.
I already posted it in post #27....try to keep up.
Scott Walker’s economic mess: How worker wages were gutted in Wisconsin
Scott Walker s economic mess How worker wages were gutted in Wisconsin -

Do you have a real source? I refuse to click through on a left wingnut site.

You'll catch something.

Just refuse to provide them revenue, if more did, they would disappear. It's called voting with your dollars.
Go ahead and try to refuse to pay your taxes....see what happens.

OK wingnut how exactly do you get refusing to provide revenue to a left wingnut web site, equaling not paying taxes? Come on genius, this should really be good.
Left loons and boycotts...neither ever works
If it involves junk food...correct.
Nonsense. Every single protest/boycott I've seen you loons promote has blow up in your face.
Look no further than Walker himself or ChicFilA

Spot On. Only Entitlement douches and Communist assholes hate Walker. He's actually doing a great job in Wisconsin. Most respect how he's turned things around there. The Entitlement douches and Communist assholes are irrelevant at this point. And obviously, that pisses them off.
Bullshit, and you know it. It's cons that try to force women to have babies they can't afford. It's cons that try to force women to have babies when they get raped. It's cons that try to force women to have babies that will be born deformed. Your shit don't flush.

It's Dems who force women to be single in order to receive welfare checks and then gives them more money when they have more children.
But it was not about the abortion issue.
This was about the force of people paying union dues instead of a choice.
It's about taxpayers having to pay for their pensions and health care and having to pay for government workers as well.
Doesn't the Health Care Act force you to get Health Insurance and forces you to pay a tax if you don't?
"Pay no attention to the anti-abortionist behind the curtain." He just wants to scare poor people out of health care, because for some stupid reason, he would rather pay for their heath care with his own insurance when they go to the emergency room instead of having their own insurance.

You are assuming much there and I am a she.
Your avatar looked like dude. Nice deflection when you can't address the point of the post.
You mean the point of the THREAD?

If so we can discuss your ignorance at length but I doubt it will help
You need a reading comprehension says "point of the post", not point of the thread.
Have all the children you want. Just don't demand Taxpayers pay for em. There's just too many stupid sluts having numerous children in this country. That's the reality.
Think about all the future liberal voters abortions prevent.

True, but killing babies isn't a good thing. It's wrong on many levels. But there are so many American Women behaving like stupid sluts. I have to be reluctantly Pro-Abortion. The Taxpayers are already maxed out.
An egg is not a baby. Babies cry and breath and shit....a lot.

Ever see an ultrasound image of a baby in very early stages of development? You'd be very surprised to see how quickly they develop. It's not just an egg in most cases of Abortion.

Do some research on ultrasound images. It will enlighten you quite a bit. You won't be nearly as gung-ho about Abortion as you are now.
I've seen an ultrasound of a chicken egg, but it's still and egg.

You really should look into ultrasound imaging a bit more. Babies actually develop very quickly. Like i said, once you look into more, you'll likely become far less gung-ho about Abortion than you are now.
Send a message to Wisconsin voters and Scott Walker, that we don't want American workers being paid THIRD WORLD wages.
How about we send those workers a message to start interviewing for higher paying jobs if they want higher wages. And if they don't have the skills for higher wage jobs, get training for better skills. And if they don't want to do that, stop making it other peoples problems.

How about that?
Send a message to Wisconsin voters and Scott Walker, that we don't want American workers being paid THIRD WORLD wages.
How about we send those workers a message to start interviewing for higher paying jobs if they want higher wages. And if they don't have the skills for higher wage jobs, get training for better skills. And if they don't want to do that, stop making it other peoples problems.

How about that?

They just don't seem to be able to see that public workers should pay for their own benefits instead of private workers having to pay for both.
Why aren't they sticking up for the private sector who has to pay double for pensions and health care?
Do they only care about government workers?
Left loons and boycotts...neither ever works
If it involves junk food...correct.
Nonsense. Every single protest/boycott I've seen you loons promote has blow up in your face.
Look no further than Walker himself or ChicFilA

Spot On. Only Entitlement douches and Communist assholes hate Walker. He's actually doing a great job in Wisconsin. Most respect how he's turned things around there. The Entitlement douches and Communist assholes are irrelevant at this point. And obviously, that pisses them off.
Walker will be irrelevant in 2016. The majority of the country isn't as fucking stupid as the majority of Wisconsin.
Send a message to Wisconsin voters and Scott Walker, that we don't want American workers being paid THIRD WORLD wages.
What are their wages?
Walker destroyed the teachers union to lower their wages and health care benefits.

Scott Walker’s economic mess: How worker wages were gutted in Wisconsin
Scott Walker s economic mess How worker wages were gutted in Wisconsin -
No he didn't. He abolished the unions so the state can afford to educate its children.

If the teachers want higher wages, they should tutor for $60 an hour after school. Oh yeah, that's right. They do that already. Of course, you don't know about that. That's right. While the rest of the work force is working til 5:30, they get off at 3:30 and tutor for 2 hours a day...$120 a day......$600 a week......30K a year...
Poor Wisconsin Teachers. Only making 'THIRD WORLD' wages. Ha, who believes such Bullshite? Oh man, i guess if Salon and MSNBC say it's so, it has to be so for the Obamabot dimwits. Funny stuff.
Left loons and boycotts...neither ever works
If it involves junk food...correct.
Nonsense. Every single protest/boycott I've seen you loons promote has blow up in your face.
Look no further than Walker himself or ChicFilA

Spot On. Only Entitlement douches and Communist assholes hate Walker. He's actually doing a great job in Wisconsin. Most respect how he's turned things around there. The Entitlement douches and Communist assholes are irrelevant at this point. And obviously, that pisses them off.
Walker will be irrelevant in 2016. The majority of the country isn't as fucking stupid as the majority of Wisconsin.
So Wisonsins are stupid? But I don't get it. Those stupid people were educated under a unionized school system for all those years.

Make yup your mind. Were unions good for education or bad for education?
Left loons and boycotts...neither ever works
If it involves junk food...correct.
Nonsense. Every single protest/boycott I've seen you loons promote has blow up in your face.
Look no further than Walker himself or ChicFilA

Spot On. Only Entitlement douches and Communist assholes hate Walker. He's actually doing a great job in Wisconsin. Most respect how he's turned things around there. The Entitlement douches and Communist assholes are irrelevant at this point. And obviously, that pisses them off.
Walker will be irrelevant in 2016. The majority of the country isn't as fucking stupid as the majority of Wisconsin.

You Entitlement douches lost. Walker won. You are irrelevant. Deal with it.
Nonsense. Every single protest/boycott I've seen you loons promote has blow up in your face.
Look no further than Walker himself or ChicFilA
I know where I live, the school district is union free. A teacher with tenure makes 90K and has the right to tutor from 3:30 PM til whenever they wish. They work 180 days a year on the books and as many days they wish for cash...they make a killing during regents weeks. union. Your pay is based on your dedication, talent and like a charm.
Nonsense. Every single protest/boycott I've seen you loons promote has blow up in your face.
Look no further than Walker himself or ChicFilA
Good little liberal faggot to the rescue. The stores around here are packed as usual. So some liberal investors freaked, pulled stock & the price has declined. Tell the franchise store owners around here that all those cars in the parking lot are make believe. After all they are serving the Wallstreet bigwigs & not ever day hungry consumers right?

You're so predictable.
I know where I live, the school district is union free. A teacher with tenure makes 90K and has the right to tutor from 3:30 PM til whenever they wish. They work 180 days a year on the books and as many days they wish for cash...they make a killing during regents weeks. union. Your pay is based on your dedication, talent and like a charm.

Looks like Teacher Unions have failed miserably. Only making 'THIRD WORLD' wages now. Poor chumps.
How dare the people have freedom to be able to choose or not choose to be in a union.
Dem's are always for force and not freedom.
Force people in Unions and Force people for Health Care.
Bullshit, and you know it. It's cons that try to force women to have babies they can't afford. It's cons that try to force women to have babies when they get raped. It's cons that try to force women to have babies that will be born deformed. Your shit don't flush.

It's Dems who force women to be single in order to receive welfare checks and then gives them more money when they have more children.
But it was not about the abortion issue.
This was about the force of people paying union dues instead of a choice.
It's about taxpayers having to pay for their pensions and health care and having to pay for government workers as well.
Doesn't the Health Care Act force you to get Health Insurance and forces you to pay a tax if you don't?
"Pay no attention to the anti-abortionist behind the curtain." He just wants to scare poor people out of health care, because for some stupid reason, he would rather pay for their heath care with his own insurance when they go to the emergency room instead of having their own insurance.

You are assuming much there and I am a she.
Your avatar looked like dude. Nice deflection when you can't address the point of the post.

Kilala is a female demon cat. Talk about being biased. :)
Why should I address what you said based on your false assumptions?
Why don't you find out about things and ask, rather than assuming?
Sorry, I'm a miller's Milwaukee's best Ice guy. It's union made though. Which may account for the slight metallic first impression, but the alc. content cannot be denied.

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