
Enterprise car rentals, Omaha bank sever gun lobby ties as boycott movement gains steam.

Two major companies, Enterprise Holdings and First National Bank of Omaha ended co-branding partnerships with the National Rifle Association Thursday as a #BoycottNRA social media movement picked up steam.

Enterprise is the parent company of three car-rental brands: Enterprise, Alamo and National. The arrangement offered discounts to NRA members.

Do they think doing this will solve anything?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
usually on boycotts like this, the pro gun crowd will just stop shopping at the companies doing this. they are catering to the loud, not the most people and the people who care will just stop shopping at the places making this "social stand".
Boycotting LLBean didn't stop Trump
Enterprise car rentals, Omaha bank sever gun lobby ties as boycott movement gains steam.

Two major companies, Enterprise Holdings and First National Bank of Omaha ended co-branding partnerships with the National Rifle Association Thursday as a #BoycottNRA social media movement picked up steam.

Enterprise is the parent company of three car-rental brands: Enterprise, Alamo and National. The arrangement offered discounts to NRA members.

Do they think doing this will solve anything?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

Good for them. Something needs to change.

Which "something", and how do you figure this will help achieve that?

I don't have all the answers But clearly leaving things the same isn't stopping school shootings.
Watching LaPierre at CPAC today was disturbing and frightening. It reminded me of the quote often misattributed to Sinclair Lewis, “When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross”. There was an illiberal wind blowing today. It was ominous.
LaPierre and his henchwoman Loesch will sink the NRA with their hate. The group made a bad mistake hiring LaPierre.
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Marjory Stoneman Douglas 10th grader calls out @NRA Florida lobbyist Marion Hammer by name: "we are not afraid of you." #ParklandStudentsSpeak

The kids will lead the way because the adults have been too chickenshit to do anything constructive.

Of course they aren't afraid of him. Why would they be afraid of him?
Ask your gutless GOP congress and president who are petrified of not receiving NRA money.

Well you are the easiest gutless person to get a hold of, so I'll ask you.
Watching LaPierre at CPAC today was disturbing and frightening. It reminded me of the quote often misattributed to Sinclair Lewis, “When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross”. There was an illiberal wind blowing today. It was ominous.

This post is ominous.
Watching LaPierre at CPAC today was disturbing and frightening. It reminded me of the quote often misattributed to Sinclair Lewis, “When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross”. There was an illiberal wind blowing today. It was ominous.
LaPierre and his henchwoman Loesch will sink the NRA with their hate. The group made a bad mistake hiring LaPierre.

Me thinks you have it wrong. Did you watch the CNN "townhall"? The hate doesn't lie with the NRA.


Florida Shooting Survivor Suggests Calling AR-15 Rifles ‘Marco Rubios’

These Florida kids are special. I salute them!

That is up to the State of Florida to make it more difficult not the Senate.

On Rubio, yes, but Congress could ban assault weapons. It has before.

It didn't work so why do it again?
Watching LaPierre at CPAC today was disturbing and frightening. It reminded me of the quote often misattributed to Sinclair Lewis, “When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross”. There was an illiberal wind blowing today. It was ominous.
LaPierre and his henchwoman Loesch will sink the NRA with their hate. The group made a bad mistake hiring LaPierre.

Me thinks you have it wrong. Did you watch the CNN "townhall"? The hate doesn't lie with the NRA.
I did. They were wound up, too, and not being respectful of the other side. I thought this thread was about the NRA though?

That is up to the State of Florida to make it more difficult not the Senate.

On Rubio, yes, but Congress could ban assault weapons. It has before.
Clearly, it would not be worth the effort.

Federal Assault Weapons Ban - Wikipedia

No feasible change in gun laws will make children at school any safer. If you want to protect your children at home, you lock the doors - the school didn't do this - perhaps buy a burglar alarm, cameras or a gun. If you want to protect children at school, you lock the doors, install metal detectors, cameras, hire personnel to monitor the data from the metal detectors and cameras and have an armed guard, whether a teacher with special training or some one else with security training.

It is hideous to watch people trying to use this terrible event to try to advance gun legislation that will not protect children at school rather than advocate for the common sense measures that will protect them.
Enterprise car rentals, Omaha bank sever gun lobby ties as boycott movement gains steam.

Two major companies, Enterprise Holdings and First National Bank of Omaha ended co-branding partnerships with the National Rifle Association Thursday as a #BoycottNRA social media movement picked up steam.

Enterprise is the parent company of three car-rental brands: Enterprise, Alamo and National. The arrangement offered discounts to NRA members.

Do they think doing this will solve anything?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
usually on boycotts like this, the pro gun crowd will just stop shopping at the companies doing this. they are catering to the loud, not the most people and the people who care will just stop shopping at the places making this "social stand".
Boycotting LLBean didn't stop Trump
Enterprise is now getting counter ripped after their announcement by the right.

I just tend to go about my business n not care about these stances.
Enterprise car rentals, Omaha bank sever gun lobby ties as boycott movement gains steam.

Two major companies, Enterprise Holdings and First National Bank of Omaha ended co-branding partnerships with the National Rifle Association Thursday as a #BoycottNRA social media movement picked up steam.

Enterprise is the parent company of three car-rental brands: Enterprise, Alamo and National. The arrangement offered discounts to NRA members.

Do they think doing this will solve anything?

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
usually on boycotts like this, the pro gun crowd will just stop shopping at the companies doing this. they are catering to the loud, not the most people and the people who care will just stop shopping at the places making this "social stand".
Boycotting LLBean didn't stop Trump
Enterprise is now getting counter ripped after their announcement by the right.

I just tend to go about my business n not care about these stances.
People are going to keep doing business where it's convenient. You might as well.
The boycotts are a great start but more needs to be done. You need to target the NRAs support network. Their bank,accountants and lawyers.
In my experience of lobbying the lawyers have the least resilience and tend to fold easily.

All you need to do is jam up their switchboard and ask them why they want to see kids get shot. If you can get a lit of their e mail addys it is also possible to spam up their systems by ending them videos.
Tell them that you are coming to picket their offices and they will hire security. Even if you dont go they still have to pay and they pass that on to the crazy gun guys.
Eventually they get pissed off and invite the client to find different representation. Its a huge ballache for the bad guys and they rapidly become unpopular.

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