BP CEO Yachts as Spill Continues

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
FOXNews.com - BP Chief Yachts While Gulf Oil Spill Burns

BP Chief Yachts While Gulf Oil Spill Burns

Published June 20, 2010

Saturday: The yacht Bob, owned by BP Chief Executive Tony Hayward, seen during the JP Morgan Asset Management Round the Island Race, near Cowes, Isle of Wight.

If it's any consolation to the residents of the Gulf of Mexico, BP CEO Tony Hayward didn't win the yacht race he attended this weekend. His 52-foot yacht, named "Bob," finished fourth in its class.

Nonetheless, the decision by Hayward to return to England to attend JP Morgan's annual race around the Isle of Wight is the latest "PR gaffe" by the head of the oil giant blamed for the largest environmental disaster in U.S. history.

"I think we can all conclude that Tony Hayward is not going to have a second career in PR consulting," White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel told ABC's "This Week."
Let me see if i understand this correctly.

President Obama goes golfing several times, then about a month and a half later starts "caring" about this oil spill. You don't have a problem with that.

You do, however, have a problem with BPs Outgoing CEO spending some time on a yacht this weekend.

Tell me, do our personal lives just go away during a long term crisis? Do you think he is spending every second of every hour of every day telling people how to fix the problem?

With that philosophy, you should really criticize him for sleeping every night. I mean holy crap, how dare he sleep! Or see his children! Or make love to his wife! This just can't happen!

Seriously, do you honestly think he is going down there personally to plug the leak?
Let me see if i understand this correctly.

President Obama goes golfing several times, then about a month and a half later starts "caring" about this oil spill. You don't have a problem with that.

You do, however, have a problem with BPs Outgoing CEO spending some time on a yacht this weekend.

Tell me, do our personal lives just go away during a long term crisis? Do you think he is spending every second of every hour of every day telling people how to fix the problem?

With that philosophy, you should really criticize him for sleeping every night. I mean holy crap, how dare he sleep! Or see his children! Or make love to his wife! This just can't happen!

Seriously, do you honestly think he is going down there personally to plug the leak?
Fox wrote it, not me.
While I see your point, Avatar...I do think that both individuals could have been a bit more circumspect in how their actions would be viewed by those who have lost loved ones or who are losing their livelihoods in the Gulf because of the actions/inactions of BP and (according to some) the inaction of the Obama administration.

When a friend of yours mentions that she put her dog to sleep this morning do you say, "Well thats too bad...but I gotta tell you I am having the BEST FREAKIN' DAY!!! I just feel like everything is coming up roses for me!" Of course not...you give her a hug and tell her thats terrible and maybe share a story about your favorite pet that you had to put to sleep a few years back. Then you get in the car and go on with your awesome day.

Obama and Hayward, on the other hand, just told their friend, "Yeah, yeah...real sorry about your dog...but I've got a tee time/yacht race to get to...I just LOVE golf/yachting." Or, for those who believe that BP and/or the Obama Adminstration are more culpable...of saying "Yeah, yeah...real sorry about RUNNING OVER your dog...but I've got a tee time/yacht race to get to."

While I do not feel that Obama or Hayward could plug the hole or save the day during this time...I DO see how people whose lives are being destroyed before their eyes might not be too thrilled with watching those responsible and those who promised to help them go off and enjoy expensive leisure activities. Perhaps, if either individual was worried about the impression they might be giving those who are suffering in the Gulf, they both should have stayed at home and enjoyed some leisure time with their families? Or, perhaps people need to grow a tougher skin and say, "Well...they can't f-ing fix it...so why shouldn't they go on and enjoy life?"
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That was probably the most beneficial thing the BP CEO could do.
Those executive types are poor real workers.
FOXNews.com - BP Chief Yachts While Gulf Oil Spill Burns

BP Chief Yachts While Gulf Oil Spill Burns

Published June 20, 2010

Saturday: The yacht Bob, owned by BP Chief Executive Tony Hayward, seen during the JP Morgan Asset Management Round the Island Race, near Cowes, Isle of Wight.

If it's any consolation to the residents of the Gulf of Mexico, BP CEO Tony Hayward didn't win the yacht race he attended this weekend. His 52-foot yacht, named "Bob," finished fourth in its class.

Nonetheless, the decision by Hayward to return to England to attend JP Morgan's annual race around the Isle of Wight is the latest "PR gaffe" by the head of the oil giant blamed for the largest environmental disaster in U.S. history.

"I think we can all conclude that Tony Hayward is not going to have a second career in PR consulting," White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel told ABC's "This Week."

What should he do? Hide in his house? I notice the President has no problem going golfing during this "crisis".
oh for fuck's sake!

People piss and moan that the CEO of BP goes and plays with his dingy for a bit and we have a president having his own golf crisis knocking his balls into a few holes. Jebus Rice! What are they supposed to do? They both are incapable of doing a damn thing to fix this disaster.

Hayward would be useless on a rig because he's an EXECUTIVE. He'd sit there with his thumb up his ass getting in the way of men and women who know how to fix things.

And the president.... hell, I don't trust him to sit the right way on a toilet seat, but would trust him to lie he didn't shit himself.

So they go out and about doing other things.... there is nothing that sitting in the office 24/7 by these two nincompoops is going to fix. Let them get a break for a minute come back refreshed and hopefully... HOPEFULLY smart enough to make a better decision about some earth shattering crisis when they need to!!!

Hopefully giving those who know what to do and how to do it, the go ahead to do the right damn thing and stop this disaster!
FOXNews.com - BP Chief Yachts While Gulf Oil Spill Burns

BP Chief Yachts While Gulf Oil Spill Burns

Published June 20, 2010

Saturday: The yacht Bob, owned by BP Chief Executive Tony Hayward, seen during the JP Morgan Asset Management Round the Island Race, near Cowes, Isle of Wight.

If it's any consolation to the residents of the Gulf of Mexico, BP CEO Tony Hayward didn't win the yacht race he attended this weekend. His 52-foot yacht, named "Bob," finished fourth in its class.

Nonetheless, the decision by Hayward to return to England to attend JP Morgan's annual race around the Isle of Wight is the latest "PR gaffe" by the head of the oil giant blamed for the largest environmental disaster in U.S. history.

"I think we can all conclude that Tony Hayward is not going to have a second career in PR consulting," White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel told ABC's "This Week."

What should he do? Hide in his house? I notice the President has no problem going golfing during this "crisis".


It's wrong for Obama to golf while the leak is unplugged

It's OK for Hayward to go sailing while the leak is unplugged
FOXNews.com - BP Chief Yachts While Gulf Oil Spill Burns

BP Chief Yachts While Gulf Oil Spill Burns

Published June 20, 2010

Saturday: The yacht Bob, owned by BP Chief Executive Tony Hayward, seen during the JP Morgan Asset Management Round the Island Race, near Cowes, Isle of Wight.

If it's any consolation to the residents of the Gulf of Mexico, BP CEO Tony Hayward didn't win the yacht race he attended this weekend. His 52-foot yacht, named "Bob," finished fourth in its class.

Nonetheless, the decision by Hayward to return to England to attend JP Morgan's annual race around the Isle of Wight is the latest "PR gaffe" by the head of the oil giant blamed for the largest environmental disaster in U.S. history.

"I think we can all conclude that Tony Hayward is not going to have a second career in PR consulting," White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel told ABC's "This Week."

What should he do? Hide in his house? I notice the President has no problem going golfing during this "crisis".


It's wrong for Obama to golf while the leak is unplugged

It's OK for Hayward to go sailing while the leak is unplugged

Real Translation.... Neither man is going to ever fix the problem so who the hell cares what they do?
Perhaps you haven't heard...Hayward has been taken off of the spill and ordered back to headquarters. And BP has encouraged him to take some time to relax.
Perhaps you haven't heard...Hayward has been taken off of the spill and ordered back to headquarters. And BP has encouraged him to take some time to relax.

the socialists like PJ want him executed.
Perhaps you haven't heard...Hayward has been taken off of the spill and ordered back to headquarters. And BP has encouraged him to take some time to relax.

But that doesn't mean he should be going to boat races with his son. He should be doing something out of the public eye.

Like golfing.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3p9y_OEAdc]YouTube - Now watch this drive![/ame]

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