BP, what is the f*#&@! delay?


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
BP is supposed to try to cap the well tomorrow.

My question is...........it's been over a month, why hasn't it been done yet? Why haven't they cleaned up the spill?

I'll give you the answer. Greed. BP is making money and they don't care what happens. In the 90's, there was a large oil spill that the Saudis kept secret. Why? Because their companies took care of the problem as soon as it happened and got after it.

85 percent of the oil was recovered and processed by the way.

Here's how the Saudis did it..........

Underwater robots, containment domes, top hats, hot taps, junk shots ... the potential fixes to the Gulf Oil Spill sound like they come straight from a cringeworthy disaster flick (or a PR think tank). But what if the solution is right under our noses? What if it's already sitting in the Gulf? John Hofmeister, the former president of Shell Oil, and Nick Pozzi, a former pipeline engineering and operations project manager for Saudi Aramco, think it might be.

According to Hofmeister, oil supertankers could be used to suck up massive amounts of oil--possibly millions of barrels at a time.

In an interview with FastCompany.com, Hofmeister explained that a little-known Saudi oil spill from an offshore platform in the early 1990s dumped more crude into the sea than any spill in U.S. history (think hundreds of millions of gallons). But the government and local press kept it quiet. And that's why one of the big fixes in the Saudi oil spill--the oil-skimming supertanker--hasn't been publicized.

"[They] figured out how to deploy supertankers that had the ability to both intake and discharge liquids in vast quantities with huge pumps," Hofmeister explained. "The supertankers could simply suck in seawater and oil simultaneously--they can hold millions of barrels--and when full, they could discharge oil at a port into tanks where they could separate oil from water. The idea is novel in that you can get massive of oil amounts quickly." Once the supertankers make it to to the port, water can be treated and discharged, and oil can either be used or destroyed.

Pozzi saw the technique used in the Middle East, where it recovered 85% of the oil from the Saudi spill. And he thinks it could work in the Gulf of Mexico. "The only downside is that you tie up oil tankers. That's why we think that BP won't listen to us. They don't want to spend that extra money."

After learning about the supertanker technique a few weeks ago, Hofmeister decided to bring it to the government's attention. "I've been trying to connect engineers with decision-makers at the Coast Guard and in the interior department," he said.

Pozzi and his business partner Jon King have also tried to contact officials, with no luck. "I called the President of BP, got his secretary and then got a call from a lady inside the building we were standing outside of. We never really heard back from her. Nick also knew some people and got one of the men in charge of the spill. He threatened to sue Nick for not going through channels," King said.

But even if BP and the government both approve the technique, it will take a while before it can be implemented. "A lot of these supertankers are sitting on the ocean full of oil. How do you get them empty? It may take some time to organize," Hofmeister explained. And, of course, organizers will have to make sure that the supertankers don't crash into each other. All the more reason to get started now.

Pay attention to the last part.........BP won't send in empty ships because they'll lose money.

On the other side of this cluster fuck? Well, now it's being said that the chemicals being put into the Gulf to counteract the oil are actually more toxic than anticipated. Studies are going to be started to review this, but my question is WHY THE FUCK WASN'T IT DONE ALREADY?

Oh yeah.........BP SAYS they are committed to this, but I wonder about that, especially when I watched the History Channel this weekend and found out about PRP. It's an oil cleanup material made from beeswax.......

PRP Oil Buster is one of the premiere products that we carry. If you need to get rid of oil the natural way then this is it!

Every year millions of gallons of petroleum and petroleum products are spilled, polluting our environment Now there is a way to clean up these pollutants safely and naturally using microbiology.

'PRP' (Petroleum Remediation Product), a completely natural, non-hazardous, non-toxic, and biodegradable form of beeswax. PRP is used as a core component in all UNIREMINC remediation products. It is designated by the U.S. EPA as a Sorbent and consists solely of the materials listed in SS 300.915 (g)(1) of the NCP.

PRP is the result of innovative work by scientists at NASA and has been nominated for the NASA Product Hall of Fame.

PRP OIL Buster

What's even better is the company that makes it is based in Ohio. Keeping American jobs going while we clean up the bullshit left by foreign countries.
What pisses me off the most is the incompetent answers that their so called "experts" keep throwing out.

Shit..........they know how to drill, but they don't have a clue as to what to do when shit starts flying. I wonder if their think tank actually has any brainpower in it?

Fuck.......I'm just a country boy from Montana, and already I've got better ideas than these morons.
This spill is an engineering nightmare.

It is quite deep, and nobody has ever had to handle something like this in the past.

Considering the costs to BP in terms of money and reputation, it's highly implausible that they are dragging this out on purpose.
The USA has been working on an experimental supertanker that sucks up huge volumes of water and oil, so far the Lewinsky has performed superbly
This spill is an engineering nightmare.

It is quite deep, and nobody has ever had to handle something like this in the past.

Considering the costs to BP in terms of money and reputation, it's highly implausible that they are dragging this out on purpose.

It only took the Saudis a few weeks to do their stuff.

BP has delayed for a while. Not only that, they've lied repeatedly, and because of the fallout from seeing the spill at the bottom, they are turning off the camera tomorrow for public view.

They're still trying to cover shit up and probably are just waiting for the heat to die down before forgetting all about this crap.
I said it before and I'll say it again, If they can't fix it in the event of a disaster, The dumb shits had no business drilling at that depth to begin with. Greed will proceed. ~BH
I'm wondering why they didn't have a disaster plan in place. This has got to be a foreseeable possible event. They didn't really seem to have given much forethought to how they would handle such a possibility.

They semi-quickly threw together that first contraption, that failed. They never gave much thought to these ice crystals that apparently formed to thwart that. Don't they have some brilliant geologists and hydro-geologists who work for their company? Don't they have accomplished engineers?

Our Apollo 13 crew would have this fixed with something they found in their basement...
We have had two major dams fail in the US because engineers would not listen to geologists. Why do you think that anything has changed.
We have had two major dams fail in the US because engineers would not listen to geologists. Why do you think that anything has changed.

I don't get the correlation between geologists and the BP blowout.

Geologists are integral members of any drilling operation. Hydrogeologists as well. Hydrogeologists specialize in the study of water as relates to geology and they would definitely be important resources for an oil drilling company.
I'm wondering why they didn't have a disaster plan in place. This has got to be a foreseeable possible event. They didn't really seem to have given much forethought to how they would handle such a possibility.

They semi-quickly threw together that first contraption, that failed. They never gave much thought to these ice crystals that apparently formed to thwart that. Don't they have some brilliant geologists and hydro-geologists who work for their company? Don't they have accomplished engineers?

Our Apollo 13 crew would have this fixed with something they found in their basement...

Why no contingency plan? Simple.........corporate greed creates corporate arrogance. The banks were "too big to fail" and they did. The banks didn't have a plan for what to do when things blew up.

Same thing here. BP, Trans Ocean and Halliburton all thought their shit didn't stink and told everyone that the technology was too good to fail and nothing could go wrong. They even told the oil drillers that while they were on the rig.

Interestingly enough, the blowout preventers that Halliburton provided WERE NOT TESTED COMPLETELY. They are supposed to be pressure tested for 5 minutes before passing. They only did 30 seconds and bled off the pressure for the other 4 1/2 minutes.

Couple that with the fact that BP executives and Dick Cheney held secret meetings about drilling that are now coming to light, and well...........you can see how they would cut corners, shit........the MMS has been in the back pocket of the oil companies for around 10 years now.
La. Shrimpers Take Charge in Oil Spill Cleanup
Local Fisherman Fed Up With BP's Reponse to Massive Gulf Spill

Naquin's part of the Cajun flotilla, local fishermen, mostly shrimpers. They were fed up with BP's failed response. So they took over.

"We have to clean it up. Somebody's got to clean it up," Naquin told CBS News correspondent Mark Strassmann. "Why not the shrimpers who know the area?"

La. Shrimpers Take Charge in Oil Spill Cleanup - CBS Evening News - CBS News


The oil spill was the first question posed to Obama during a Tuesday meeting with Republican senators at the Capitol. Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) queried the president about methods for preventing oil from washing ashore, contaminating fragile wetlands and ruining Gulf Coast beaches.

"I just don't think that it's practically apparent at all that there's any single person in charge at any level," said Sen. Olympia J. Snowe (R-Maine.).

"It requires the president of the United States amassing all the federal resources, getting all the people in the room and not just leaving it to BP. I don't think that clarity of responsibility and decision-making is clear. That's a problem. The president and the administration need to take charge."
You know, BP has been running around with their thumb up their asses for the past month.

They still don't know shit.

Tell the fuckers that they answer to the Coast Guard and the Navy NOW and let the government take over and charge BP for every fucking cent.
Little consolation I know, but BP engineers have been working 12 hour shifts around the clock non-stop since day one- and have spent a half-billion dollars to date trying to remedy the situation.
The BP engineers are incompetent assholes. I've seen some of those idiots get interviewed.

Fucking 'tards............
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78wgDifORSI&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Gulf of Mexico 'Poisoned'[/ame]
You would think by now that British Petroleum would have their tail tucked between their legs, their ears pinned back, but doing whatever it takes to restore their reputation as a "green" energy company. And it is no coincidence at all that we are no longer being barraged with their clever "green" advertising commercials on television anymore, don't ya think? The only things green about this horrific disaster is the color of our faces as we are sickened by the impact this is making on our delicate wild life, and the humongous profits that the company continue to churn out every minute. Can you tell that I am beyond rage as I write this?

And as the oil spill continues to gush millions of gallons a day into the Gulf of Mexico waters, to make matters even worse, BP has even recently refused to comply with demands made by government officials and environmentalists to change the chemicals they are presently and doggedly using to a far less toxic dispersant to help break up the oil spill. They are still continuing to use an ineffective and highly toxic product. Could it possibly be that they have huge financial ties to the company producing it? Nah!

This past Thursday, the United States Environmental Protection Agency gave BP 72 hours to comply with their request to replace the dispersant, Corexit 9500 or to provide written proof why other, less toxic chemicals do not meet environmental standards. In a 12 page reply released by the agency on Saturday BP basically stated that if they released this information completely, it would violate their "legal right" to keep their company business confidential. The EPA is leaning on BP to force them to release this information by responding to them stating it is, "evaluating all legal options so Americans can get a full picture of the potential environmental impact of these alternative dispersants."

BP Fails to Stop Using Toxic Dispersant to Help Protect Environment and Wildlife | Blogs about Dogs, Cats and Pets | Petside.com
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The use of dispersants to help break up the oil spill has become a side controversy in the month since the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded and opened the floodgates to what some have described as the worst environmental disaster in American history.

Some environmentalists and members of Congress have criticized BP for relying on Corexit, a petroleum-based product, as its dispersant, and the government for not knowing the long-term consequences of the unprecedented use of dispersant in this quantity -- close to 800,000 gallons so far -- duration and ocean depth.

Rep. Edward Markey, D-Mass., asked the Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday to examine how chemicals in the dispersant might enter the food chain and how it will monitor the potential impact on Gulf seafood.

Late last week, the EPA issued a directive requiring BP to find a less toxic alternative to Corexit. BP replied that it could not find one available in sufficient supply, that fit the bill, but agreed to keep looking and to try to minimize its use of dispersant in the meantime.

Some key figures in Congress are not satisfied with that answer.

Dispersant maker keeps close eye on top kill effort | NOLA.com
IOW, Blame BP for not cleaning up this nightmare of an engineering challenge fast enough, but tie their hands by eliminating the proven tools that could make the effort more effective.

Add to that the Fed's delay in providing permits so that LA can dredge and build sand berms to protect coasts, and we can really see how the Feds are adding value to the process.

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