Bragg’s GJ cancelled for Wednesday mysteriously

Do you ALWAYS have to go there^^^^^?
It just weakens any attempt you had for credibility.
But carry on....... do your thing.

You're the last person to be bringing up "credibility."

You haven't figured this out yet but at some point, you knuckleheads are going to run out of imaginary Trump scandals to post on here. What ever will you do then? Post pictures of cute pink unicorns? Pictures of your dildo collection? Warm, fuzzy stories about your childhood, when you parents sent you off to camp, and how someone inappropriately touched you, and how you liked it?

Get a hobby, dude. There's more to it all than hating on some old Orange Man, because he tweeted something at you.

So the illegal part of this is that Trump used his own money to pay off Daniels and didnt report that as a campaign contribution because him paying off Daniels is part of his run for President. That's the legal theory anyway. Right?

Does anyone think this DA wouldn't be charging Trump with an illegal campaign expenditure had he taken money from his campaign coffers and paid Daniels with it? And which is worse? Ideally you aren't banging porn stars but since that had already occurred and it's not illegal to pay someone to not tell their story....
$130,000 is petty cash to the Trumpster.

How about it? It came out of his own pocket.

Paying hush money is legal. It wasn't a campaign expense, but if it was what difference would it make? Since Daniels didn't "hush" about her lies, it wasn't a benefit to the campaign.
It's crime to lie about campaign contributions and payments.
Nope, the case is strong.
Even the execrable NY Slimes has labeled it as a weak case. But you’re free to believe otherwise. 😂
Just put the orange bloat fuckup on the stand.
Given you severely limited intellect, I assume you’re making reference to our illustrious once and future President. You stupid twat.

Welcome to America where these dishonest prosecutors can’t require any such thing. 👍
When asked he denied knowing Stormy.

Then denied the affair.

Then denied the payment.

Then denied knowing of the payment that he authorized.

And still is in denial.

All of that is based upon the statements of the Hoe "Stormy" who own Trump a lot of money as well the Convicted Perjurer and Liar Mike Cohen.

That really isn't "evidence" at all, because neither of those people want to put their hand on the holy bible and testify.
I think Mike Cohen really didn't want to testify, President Trump's team of high powered lawyers would make him look pretty fucking stupid, and Bragg may just be showing him mercy.
Cohen was not called back in to testify after Trump's witness, to clarify anything Trump's witness might have said.... Cohen said on talk shows he would have welcomed coming back in to testify....

I think the grand jury is meeting in secret, elsewhere!!! This saying it was called off suddenly, is for grand jury safety. :D
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You're the last person to be bringing up "credibility."

You haven't figured this out yet but at some point, you knuckleheads are going to run out of imaginary Trump scandals to post on here. What ever will you do then? Post pictures of cute pink unicorns? Pictures of your dildo collection? Warm, fuzzy stories about your childhood, when you parents sent you off to camp, and how someone inappropriately touched you, and how you liked it?

Get a hobby, dude. There's more to it all than hating on some old Orange Man, because he tweeted something at you.

The $130K isn't imagery fuckup.

paul manafort conviction isn't either.

Hey where is the former 1-term fuckups thief financial officer now?
So the illegal part of this is that Trump used his own money to pay off Daniels and didnt report that as a campaign contribution because him paying off Daniels is part of his run for President. That's the legal theory anyway. Right?

Does anyone think this DA wouldn't be charging Trump with an illegal campaign expenditure had he taken money from his campaign coffers and paid Daniels with it? And which is worse? Ideally you aren't banging porn stars but since that had already occurred and it's not illegal to pay someone to not tell their story....
There is one sliver of dubious evidence that he banged the Ho: the word of that said ho. Lol. Of course, she has also denied it herself.
All of that is based upon the statements of the Hoe "Stormy" who own Trump a lot of money as well the Convicted Perjurer and Liar Mike Cohen.

That really isn't "evidence" at all, because neither of those people want to put their hand on the holy bible and testify.
Hilarious sycophant.
There is one sliver of dubious evidence that he banged the Ho: the word of that said ho. Lol. Of course, she has also denied it herself.
But he paid her 130k for something. Him fucking a porn star isnt illegal. Nor is paying her to not tell her story.
It's crime to lie about campaign contributions and payments.

Who says it was a "lie" at all? Looks like - at the very worst- a possible clerical mistake or omission. And that isn't a "crime", just an error that can easily be corrected.
Even the execrable NY Slimes has labeled it as a weak case. But you’re free to believe otherwise. 😂

Given you severely limited intellect, I assume you’re making reference to our illustrious once and future President. You stupid twat.

Welcome to America where these dishonest prosecutors can’t require any such thing. 👍
Hilarious fuckup
Who says it was a "lie" at all? Looks like - at the very worst- a possible clerical mistake or omission. And that isn't a "crime", just an error that can easily be corrected.
Lock him up!

Lock him Up!

Lock him Up!
When asked he denied knowing Stormy.
On what basis do you maintain that he knew the Ho? Link?
Then denied the affair.
So? On what basis do you claim he did have that alleged affair? Link?
Then denied the payment.
He didn’t pay her. Cohen did. Trump may have paid Cohen back. Maybe not. Anyway, link?
Then denied knowing of the payment that he authorized.
When did he first know of the payment? Link? The NDA itself won’t help you. Trump didn’t sign it.
And still is in denial.
People often deny (forever) false. Liam’s made about them. So what?
Cohen was not called back in to testify after Trump's witness, to clarify anything Trump's witness might have said.... Cohen said on talk shows he would have welcomed coming back in to testify....

I think the grand jury is meeting in secret, elsewhere!!! This saying it was called off suddenly, is for grand jury safety.
The great Karnac has spoken. LOL
On what basis do you maintain that he knew the Ho? Link?
Knowing a PS isnt illegal
So? On what basis do you claim he did have that alleged affair? Link?
Fucking a PS isnt illegal
He didn’t pay her. Cohen did. Trump may have paid Cohen back. Maybe not. Anyway, link?
Paying a PS to not tell her story about you fucking her isnt illegal
When did he first know of the payment? Link? The NDA itself won’t help you. Trump didn’t sign it.
See above.
People often deny (forever) false. Liam’s made about them. So what?

Why worry about the not illegal parts of this story?
Cohen was not called back in to testify after Trump's witness, to clarify anything Trump's witness might have said.... Cohen said on talk shows he would have welcomed coming back in to testify....

I think the grand jury is meeting in secret, elsewhere!!! This saying it was called off suddenly, is for grand jury safety.
talk about conspiracy theories..

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