Brain frozen biden

"bipartisanship can only happen when Republicans come to the Democratic view. my favorite thing about politics is imposing my opinion on the other side!" - Sleepy Creepy Joe
Surgeon who operated on Biden's brain: He's better now than before brain surgery

At the time of Biden’s brush with death in 1988, his wife, Jill Biden, feared that he would never be the same. In a forthcoming autobiography, “Where the Light Enters," Jill recounts Joe's doctor telling the family that there was a significant chance he’d have permanent neurological damage, particularly after he suffered a second aneurysm, a condition in which an artery becomes weak and bulges out.

"Our doctor told us there was a 50-50 chance Joe wouldn't survive surgery," she wrote. "He also said that it was even more likely that Joe would have permanent brain damage if he survived. And if any part of his brain would be adversely affected, it would be the area that governed speech."

Initially, Joe Biden suffered an aneurysm that burst and required him to undergo emergency surgery. He was so close to death that a priest was preparing to administer the Catholic sacrament of last rites. A few months later, surgeons clipped a second aneurysm before it burst, after discovering it during a routine screening.

Biden took a seven-month leave from the Senate following the surgery, and has described it in blunt terms, saying, “they literally had to take the top of my head off.”

Not everyone is as fortunate after an aneurysm as Biden was: 30,000 people have aneurysms that rupture every year, and about 40 percent of those cases are fatal. Of those who survive, 66 percent have a neurological deficit.

From the information revealed, it was not clear how often Biden has been screened for aneurysms, and there wasn't any other information provided when he was vice president. In contrast, records show that Barack Obama had at least four medical checkups during his presidency.

No law requires presidents, vice presidents, or candidates to have a medical checkup or to disclose what comes of it.

Dr. Babu Welch, a neurological surgeon with University of Texas-Southwestern’s O’Donnell Brain Institute, said that people who have had one aneurysm can always have another. People are supposed to undergo regular screenings shortly after they have an aneurysm, but then can space them out further as time goes on, he said.

Biden would also be the oldest man to enter the White House should he win in 2020. Speculation about presidential candidates' health is not new: Whispers emerged about Ronald Reagan potentially having Alzheimer’s disease during his reelection campaign in 1984, Sen. John McCain faced scrutiny over his healthcare records when he ran for president against Barack Obama

Surgeon who operated on Biden:
you can't have a brain freeze when you're negotiating with China. you can't be senile and be tough on russia either! he's a disaster waiting to happen, he's a mess!
It is more than obvious that biden has mental problems that are not being addressed by the media and in fact the msm is doiing its best to ignore the problem. Can any sane person want a President who is suffering from mental issues?

The Democrat presidential race is now down to two pushing-80 white guys: Jurassic Marxist and Joe Biden, the guy who just spent two weeks lying about how he was arrested in South Africa.

Nolte: Joe Biden Lives to Brain-Freeze Another Day

'Many years ago there lived a wicked and greedy Emperor who cared only about his designer-labelled clothes and about showing them off. One day he heard from two swindlers that they could make the finest suit of clothes from the most beautiful cloth. This cloth, they said, also had the special capability that it was invisible to anyone who was either stupid or not fit for his position.

Being a bit nervous about whether he himself would be able to see the cloth, the emperor first sent two of his trusted men to see it. Of course, neither would admit that they could not see the cloth and so praised it. All the townspeople had also heard of the cloth and were interested to learn how stupid their neighbors were.

The emperor then allowed himself to be dressed in the clothes for a procession through town, never admitting that he was too unfit and stupid to see what he was wearing. For he was afraid that the other people would think that he was stupid.

Of course, all the townspeople wildly praised the magnificent clothes of the emperor, afraid to admit that they could not see them, until a small child said:

"But he has nothing on"!

This was whispered from person to person until everyone in the crowd was shouting that the emperor had nothing on. The emperor heard it and felt that they were correct, but held his head high and continued with the procession...He was afraid to admit to everyone that he had been bamboozled. So he carried on pretending that everything was alright.'

Who will tell biden he has no clothes?


Yea really, this coming from the left that ran so many fake news narratives about the possibility of removing President Trump from office via the 25th amendment and if he was “mentally unfit”.

Now they are literally supporting a deranged old man who appears to have Alzheimer’s.
Surgeon who operated on Biden's brain: He's better now than before brain surgery

At the time of Biden’s brush with death in 1988, his wife, Jill Biden, feared that he would never be the same. In a forthcoming autobiography, “Where the Light Enters," Jill recounts Joe's doctor telling the family that there was a significant chance he’d have permanent neurological damage, particularly after he suffered a second aneurysm, a condition in which an artery becomes weak and bulges out.

"Our doctor told us there was a 50-50 chance Joe wouldn't survive surgery," she wrote. "He also said that it was even more likely that Joe would have permanent brain damage if he survived. And if any part of his brain would be adversely affected, it would be the area that governed speech."

Initially, Joe Biden suffered an aneurysm that burst and required him to undergo emergency surgery. He was so close to death that a priest was preparing to administer the Catholic sacrament of last rites. A few months later, surgeons clipped a second aneurysm before it burst, after discovering it during a routine screening.

Biden took a seven-month leave from the Senate following the surgery, and has described it in blunt terms, saying, “they literally had to take the top of my head off.”

Not everyone is as fortunate after an aneurysm as Biden was: 30,000 people have aneurysms that rupture every year, and about 40 percent of those cases are fatal. Of those who survive, 66 percent have a neurological deficit.

From the information revealed, it was not clear how often Biden has been screened for aneurysms, and there wasn't any other information provided when he was vice president. In contrast, records show that Barack Obama had at least four medical checkups during his presidency.

No law requires presidents, vice presidents, or candidates to have a medical checkup or to disclose what comes of it.

Dr. Babu Welch, a neurological surgeon with University of Texas-Southwestern’s O’Donnell Brain Institute, said that people who have had one aneurysm can always have another. People are supposed to undergo regular screenings shortly after they have an aneurysm, but then can space them out further as time goes on, he said.

Biden would also be the oldest man to enter the White House should he win in 2020. Speculation about presidential candidates' health is not new: Whispers emerged about Ronald Reagan potentially having Alzheimer’s disease during his reelection campaign in 1984, Sen. John McCain faced scrutiny over his healthcare records when he ran for president against Barack Obama

Surgeon who operated on Biden:

Wow. I had no idea he went through that. He’s literally had major brain damage before and now he is old...

It’s sad really that Dems are propping him up to be President. They clearly want someone they can control.
Gaffes happen to anyone who speaks in public occasionally......however what we see from biden cannot be excused as mere gaffes.....goes way beyond that.....obviously he has brain damage due to having two brain anuresyms and the brain surgery required to deal with the anuresyms.

As the doctors have pointed out....the type of brain surgery biden had often affects the ability to speak.

The democratic establishment however is now all in for biden....well who else did they have? Obviously no being so unlikeable he is deemed a loser. Whilst with biden....they feel they might have a chance.

Timothy Burke on Twitter
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Vote for this decent man who stuck out his whole 8 years as Vice President under Obama. He was well liked by a lot of people. He got votes, bills passed and crossed the aisle to work with Republicans. My chips and bets are on former Vice President Biden. He will do well tonight.
hello, this is your daily reminder why Biden will never be president.

thank you, see you tomorrow!
Vote for this decent man who stuck out his whole 8 years as Vice President under Obama. He was well liked by a lot of people. He got votes, bills passed and crossed the aisle to work with Republicans. My chips and bets are on former Vice President Biden. He will do well. tonight.

The guy down at the filling station is a decent guy but would you want him to be the leader of the free world as in being 'decent' is a qualification for the presidency? You are being ridiculous boyo--yes he sucked up to obama for 8 years.....whooopeee!!! bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Such utter nonsense....and no he will lose tonight....the American people are not so absolutely stupid that they will support biden.....he has the negro vote and that is all....not enough for him to get anywhere.

He should go home and consult with his attorneys on how best to defend his corrupt family from looming indictments.
Dangerous to libtards, marxists, socialists and communists.

Of course they want to try and demonized him. Wake up boyo!
Biden's as little as possible, smile, wave, hug any negro within distance, constantly praise obama, brag about how much he has done for the colored folk...........and try and keep up the charade as much as possible that he is just joe sixpack looking out for the working class.
Funny how the media finds amateur and professional analysts to consider President Trump's state of mind but it seems there ain't a single head doctor who is willing to tackle Biden's abnormalities.
And the character assassinations continue. Captious partisans provide nothing thoughtful or thought by belittling every Democrat seeking their parties nomination. What is amazing and perplexing is how they excuse and defend Trump whose flaws include incessant lying, and the personality disorders noted below:

  • Antisocial:
    • Irresponsible
    • Inappropriate anger
    • reckless & Impulsive
    • No remorse
  • Histrionic:
    • Overly emotional
    • Shallow and rapidly shifting
    • Easy suggestibility
    • Need to be center of attention
  • Paranoid:
    • Unfounded suspicion that others are:
      • deceiving him
      • exploiting him
      • harming him
    • Persistent bearing of grudges
    • Preoccupation with Loyalty, trustworthiness
    • Suspicious and quick to take offense
    • Sees hidden meaning in innocent remarks
  • Schizotypal:
    • Lack close friends
    • Suspiciousness and unusual perceptions or thinking
    • Eccentric speech ( and tweets)
    • Inappropriate affect
  • Obsessive-Compulsive
    • Rigidity
    • Indecisiveness
    • Insist others do things their way
    • Preoccupied with detail
Thing is, Bernie is still not likely favored to carry the nomination, so if they won't vote for anyone else, the democrats lose all those voters. Oops.

Yep, especially if they cheat him out of said nomination. That's why Hillary lost in my opinion.

A brokered convention is appearing ever more likely.

Bloomberg most likely will be selected---then the big question is what will all the democratic socialists do?

Very possible they will form their own party.

Nope. It will be Biden Bloomberg and Biden wont be around
Biden has campaigned all over Georgia and Iowa to win this Super Thursday!


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