Brandishing lawyer won't get his guns back

That photo looks photoshop. In all the other pics she's on the left side of her husband. She's on the right side only in that photo. If you look at the place where her hand and his arm cross over, that doesn't look natural.
See stormy daniels picture #2 of 3

Which I already posted.
Pointing a loaded gun with her finger on the trigger, toward the crowd.

Don't jerk me around. If you look at the other pictures, she is clearly pointing over their heads.

Yet the crowd still did not leave.

People who stand facing loaded guns are either stupid or have very bad intentions.

And where were the police? Had the cops come, none of this would have happened.
I don't know how the forum progs are so certain the mob was peaceful. Every is peaceful when he has an AR-15 pointed at him.

They weren't peaceful. They broke in past a gated, closed community. They were yelling and protesting threatening actions on private property and they refused to leave, stopped only by these two armed proactive citizens.
You modified your post after it posted the question, asshole.

Here's the original source

NO photoshop, no editing, just the plain truth.

So you just have a problem with people safely holding them by the barrel pointing them safely away from others or over their heads.

The proof that group was dangerous and threatening and that couple justified is that this couple had enough fire power to gun the whole lot of them down (but didn't) yet the group remained, arguing and threatening.

Me, if someone comes out with a rifle telling me to get off their property, right or wrong, I have good sense enough to listen to them and leave. These people were so hostile and angry that they faced guns and death and STILL didn't go away.

No. Just shut up. This isn't even up for debate. You don't have the first clue what you're talking about. How about you go take some firearms proficiency courses and see if the instructor doesn't tackle you to the ground if you did any of these things. Go ask a military veteran or a police officer.

As a staunch supporter of the 2nd amendment I will always back responsible gun ownership. These morons ain't it.
Don't jerk me around. If you look at the other pictures, she is clearly pointing over their heads.

And in one photo she is clearly pointing the loaded gun, ready to fire (finger on the trigger) at the crowd, and not pointing it up in the air.

Remember, you only have to F-up once to kill someone.
And in one photo she is clearly pointing the loaded gun, ready to fire (finger on the trigger) at the crowd, and not pointing it up in the air.

Remember, you only have to F-up once to kill someone.
She didn't intend to prevent the crowd from being fired on, fool.
Had they been charged with assault (see previous post) they would not be eligible to possess any firearms.
They would need a full pardon from the Governor.

Aug 3, 2021 — Mike Parson on Tuesday announced pardons for Patricia and Mark McCloskey, the St. Louis homeowners who pointed guns at protesters
No. Just shut up. This isn't even up for debate.
You're entire life is up for debate. Go suck a dead dog's ass.

You don't have the first clue what you're talking about. How about you go take some firearms proficiency courses and see if the instructor doesn't tackle you to the ground if you did any of these things. Go ask a military veteran or a police officer.
Asshole, this wasn't a police training video. The couple living there were genuinely afraid for their lives and property. Truth told, had that crowd really rushed them, their two guns weren't enough to stop them all.

Total un-American BS that the cops both took their guns (their property) and now refuse to even give them back. Obviously, these two people made the mistake of choosing to live in the wrong, deep blue, fascist city.
And in one photo she is clearly pointing the loaded gun, ready to fire (finger on the trigger) at the crowd, and not pointing it up in the air.

I'll grant you, you don't put your finger on the trigger unless you are ready to fire, so from that, I would assume she felt (rightly so) that her life was in eminent danger.

That terroristic mob caused everything and 100% forced the issue. Where were the police???
Where did you quote a case on civil asset forfeiture?

It was in the link I posted, accidentally twice. But.


I forgot you are so determined to stay ignorant that you wouldn’t click on a link.
From their white trash behavior.
But, they are clearly not white trash. They were afraid the trashy, low-life BLM goofballs were going to damage their property, which by that time they were known for. Were you not paying attention back then?!? Of course you weren’t. You were hiding in the cellar because of Covid and Trump. Loser.
Is that an admission she intended to shot people in the crowd?

That's a much more serious charge than just brandishing.
No, she was ready to shoot people. That's why she has the gun.

It amazes me how fucking stupid progs are.
You're entire life is up for debate. Go suck a dead dog's ass.

Asshole, this wasn't a police training video. The couple living there were genuinely afraid for their lives and property. Truth told, had that crowd really rushed them, their two guns weren't enough to stop them all.

Total un-American BS that the cops both took their guns (their property) and now refuse to even give them back. Obviously, these two people made the mistake of choosing to live in the wrong, deep blue, fascist city.

There is an old theory. You train the way you are going to fight. You do it that way because when the pressure is on, when it’s balloon going up time, you don’t want to think. You want everything to be automatic. Sight picture. Trigger control. Breath control. Peripheral vision for situational awareness. Avoid tunnel vision.

You also train to avoid unintentional discharges because they won’t help you when the crap hits the fan. But let’s say that she needed to shoot someone. In self defense. That picture would call her claim into doubt. The prosecutor would use it to tell the jury that the shot was accidental and negligent. Not taken as part of a need in self defense. She was lying to cover up her actions.

You do things the right way because that is a hell of a lot easier to defend later. If pictures and video exists and you are handling the weapons properly, pointing in a safe direction. Finger off the trigger. Not threatening anyone. Then if you do shoot you have an easier, easier, not easy time justifying it as self defense.

The more you fuck around, the sooner you will find out.

But let’s say this woman popped a round of by mistake. I understand that some of the crowd was also armed. If they hear a shot, don’t you think they’ll shoot too? Bullets flying in two directions tend to be somewhat hazardous to the health of participants.

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