Bravo Angola - Angola Bans Islam and Closes All Mosques!!!

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They worship Mohammad, he was:
(1) A Child Molester: Aisha was 6 when he married her and 9 when he raped her. Even during those times it was pedophilia.
(2) He was a Warlord: He commanded the sac'ing of cities massacring all of their inhabitants man, woman and child.
(3) He was a Mass-Murder: Again he is responsible for directing armies to kill hundreds of thousands.
(4) He forced coverts, he forced women into marriage and he was a rapist!
(5) He preached and practiced political assassination.
(6) He was a jingoist. He started the caliphate/Muslim Crusades. The goal was the kill the enemy or force conversion.
(7) He practiced genocide.

They worship him and he was a monster. As close to the Devil as one can be!
That is some plank you carry in thine eye...

There was no one thing I stated that was untrue about Mohammad. That is his history he was an evil man. If he started Islam today he would be considered an evil and dangerous cult leader.

Jesus on the other hand (and I am not Christian - I wasn't born Christian and I am not Christian now) was a good, gentle man that died for his followers sins. He made the ultimate sacrifice for his people! He force women to marry, he didn't rape anyone, he wasn't a child molester and he wasn't a warlord (even though he could have been because he had a legion of devoted followers)! He was the ideal role model for the as the messiah of a religion!

Jesus was nuts, really really nuts, but he was a true believer and had some interesting things to say. You believe the skirts of your faith are clean, but they aren't. Islam is a faith of warriors, it kills its enemies much like the Jews in the OT, in both cases with the help of God. You'll have to deal with that before you can go on to understanding anything more subtle.
Have any of you ever considered the possibility that Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are each just as full of shit as Mormontology and Scientology?
Henry V111 started this trend by fucking off the Catholics back to France. Look what happened , the kiddy shagging bastards have gone from strength to strength.I say castrate the religious and feed the starving with their balls. Amen
In Islamic countries, it sure is.

Don't forget leftist regimes....

This image above, that is the mentality you all are praising in Angola. You don't ban religions, you expose them to the light of day, fairly, which isn't done here but it can be done. What you fear you do not know, hence your fear...

I didn't praise anything dipshit, I stopped short of condemning it perhaps but I'll get around to that when you start condemning the left's assault on Christian Morality. Furthermore that picture illustrates what was and continues to be a bed wetting liberal tactic of destroying the exchange of ideas.

Reading comprehension skills go a long way. Some independent thinking skills might even make you employable.

"Christian morality". Good one.

Like priests raping altar boys, right? Good, Christian "morality".
In Islamic countries, it sure is.

Don't forget leftist regimes....

This image above, that is the mentality you all are praising in Angola. You don't ban religions, you expose them to the light of day, fairly, which isn't done here but it can be done. What you fear you do not know, hence your fear...

Islam is more than just a "religion". That's the part you're Ignorant of. Germany banned Nazism. It was just a political party. DUH.
Don't forget leftist regimes....

This image above, that is the mentality you all are praising in Angola. You don't ban religions, you expose them to the light of day, fairly, which isn't done here but it can be done. What you fear you do not know, hence your fear...

I didn't praise anything dipshit, I stopped short of condemning it perhaps ...
You should have condemned it but I wouldn't expect that from you, and when I post I post to everyone here. I just happened to use your post in this case so relax little man...
That is some plank you carry in thine eye...

There was no one thing I stated that was untrue about Mohammad. That is his history he was an evil man. If he started Islam today he would be considered an evil and dangerous cult leader.

Jesus on the other hand (and I am not Christian - I wasn't born Christian and I am not Christian now) was a good, gentle man that died for his followers sins. He made the ultimate sacrifice for his people! He force women to marry, he didn't rape anyone, he wasn't a child molester and he wasn't a warlord (even though he could have been because he had a legion of devoted followers)! He was the ideal role model for the as the messiah of a religion!

Jesus was nuts, really really nuts, but he was a true believer and had some interesting things to say. You believe the skirts of your faith are clean, but they aren't. Islam is a faith of warriors, it kills its enemies much like the Jews in the OT, in both cases with the help of God. You'll have to deal with that before you can go on to understanding anything more subtle.

Allah is not Jehovah. You're confused. Try the Abraham being their common father story. I love to destroy that one.
Don't forget leftist regimes....

This image above, that is the mentality you all are praising in Angola. You don't ban religions, you expose them to the light of day, fairly, which isn't done here but it can be done. What you fear you do not know, hence your fear...

Islam is more than just a "religion". That's the part you're Ignorant of. Germany banned Nazism. It was just a political party. DUH.
Islam is more than a religion, because it has no Church and State separation, only the Submission to God, and while the Nazis may have been a political party I'm not concerned with them, I am concerned with the mentality behind said party, which is far too close to those here you should be condemning this action, not praising it.
There was no one thing I stated that was untrue about Mohammad. That is his history he was an evil man. If he started Islam today he would be considered an evil and dangerous cult leader.

Jesus on the other hand (and I am not Christian - I wasn't born Christian and I am not Christian now) was a good, gentle man that died for his followers sins. He made the ultimate sacrifice for his people! He force women to marry, he didn't rape anyone, he wasn't a child molester and he wasn't a warlord (even though he could have been because he had a legion of devoted followers)! He was the ideal role model for the as the messiah of a religion!

Jesus was nuts, really really nuts, but he was a true believer and had some interesting things to say. You believe the skirts of your faith are clean, but they aren't. Islam is a faith of warriors, it kills its enemies much like the Jews in the OT, in both cases with the help of God. You'll have to deal with that before you can go on to understanding anything more subtle.

Allah is not Jehovah. You're confused. Try the Abraham being their common father story. I love to destroy that one.
You are welcome to post whatever Moon God nonsense you like, but Jews and Muslims pray to the same god while the Christians pray to son of one...
Don't forget leftist regimes....

This image above, that is the mentality you all are praising in Angola. You don't ban religions, you expose them to the light of day, fairly, which isn't done here but it can be done. What you fear you do not know, hence your fear...

I didn't praise anything dipshit, I stopped short of condemning it perhaps but I'll get around to that when you start condemning the left's assault on Christian Morality. Furthermore that picture illustrates what was and continues to be a bed wetting liberal tactic of destroying the exchange of ideas.
destroying the exchange of Idears:badgrin: you right wing fundy tap dancers has been try to destroy our rights to exchange bodily fluids since Adam bit the apple and ejaculated over Eves heaving yet pendulous breasts tipped with pink orbs..........I will get my coat.
This image above, that is the mentality you all are praising in Angola. You don't ban religions, you expose them to the light of day, fairly, which isn't done here but it can be done. What you fear you do not know, hence your fear...

Islam is more than just a "religion". That's the part you're Ignorant of. Germany banned Nazism. It was just a political party. DUH.
Islam is more than a religion, because it has no Church and State separation, only the Submission to God, and while the Nazis may have been a political party I'm not concerned with them, I am concerned with the mentality behind said party, which is far too close to those here you should be condemning this action, not praising it.

Recognizing Islam is evil isn't a problem in the world. The hateful mentality of Islam is the problem in the world.
Jesus was nuts, really really nuts, but he was a true believer and had some interesting things to say. You believe the skirts of your faith are clean, but they aren't. Islam is a faith of warriors, it kills its enemies much like the Jews in the OT, in both cases with the help of God. You'll have to deal with that before you can go on to understanding anything more subtle.

Allah is not Jehovah. You're confused. Try the Abraham being their common father story. I love to destroy that one.
You are welcome to post whatever Moon God nonsense you like, but Jews and Muslims pray to the same god while the Christians pray to son of one...

How do you know Jehovah and Allah are the same God?
Islam is more than just a "religion". That's the part you're Ignorant of. Germany banned Nazism. It was just a political party. DUH.
Islam is more than a religion, because it has no Church and State separation, only the Submission to God, and while the Nazis may have been a political party I'm not concerned with them, I am concerned with the mentality behind said party, which is far too close to those here you should be condemning this action, not praising it.

Recognizing Islam is evil isn't a problem in the world. The hateful mentality of Islam is the problem in the world.
I disagree of course, but then again I know something of Islam and its 1.6 billion believers.
Islam is more than a religion, because it has no Church and State separation, only the Submission to God, and while the Nazis may have been a political party I'm not concerned with them, I am concerned with the mentality behind said party, which is far too close to those here you should be condemning this action, not praising it.

Recognizing Islam is evil isn't a problem in the world. The hateful mentality of Islam is the problem in the world.
I disagree of course, but then again I know something of Islam and its 1.6 billion believers.

Good. Tell us why you believe Jehovah and Allah are the same God.
Allah is not Jehovah. You're confused. Try the Abraham being their common father story. I love to destroy that one.
You are welcome to post whatever Moon God nonsense you like, but Jews and Muslims pray to the same god while the Christians pray to son of one...

How do you know Jehovah and Allah are the same God?
Jehovah was a Jewish tribal god, who became the One True God, hence the Fist Commandment, and the Muslims, coming along much later, have always prayed only to the One True God. Both faiths reference the same being, God Almighty. In Islam Jesus is a Prophet, not a god or the son of one, and so is Moses, and Mohammed.
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Finally a country sees the death cult of Islam for what it is! It's a threat that needs to be fought against. Angola is the first official country to ban it and close all their mosques. I believe Myanmar is next!


"The Angolan president, José Eduardo dos Santos, Africa's second-longest serving head of state at 34 years, has long been accused of corruption and human rights abuses."

So , when good ol' Jose gets blown to smithereens you won't be demanding that Angola be invaded, right?

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